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Chapter 488 Blood Maid

"Puff puff--"

The bodies of Dong Lingxue and Irene were firmly protected by soft white light. The guards noticed that they were running away and started shooting at them. The bullets hit the energy shield and caused ripples in circles.

Dong Lingxue's hand was tightly held by Irene, and she couldn't help but run towards the dark road ahead.

Her mind was in chaos, and the impact of the mysterious and bloody scenes she had encountered almost caused her to lose all her ability to make decisions.

She stared at Irene's dancing blond hair, tried to calm down her racing heart, and asked with a slight trembling.

"where are we going?"

"have no idea."

Irene shook her head, her voice was bright and melodious, and after speaking, it seemed that even the darkness and gloom around her was dispelled.

"But at least it's better than just staying there and waiting to die. Can't you see? We people have been used as sacrifices in some evil ritual."

Frightened and shrill screams came from far behind, and Dong Lingxue shrank subconsciously.

At this time, they had already run some distance away from the altar platform.

For some unknown reason, the guards responsible for chasing them away and monitoring them did not catch up.

"There is no road ahead."

Eileen pulled Dong Lingxue and carefully went down to a stone step.

The two of them hid under the protruding part of the stone steps. Less than half a meter in front of them was a dark and bottomless cliff.

This is already the very edge of the platform.


After temporarily settling down, Irene breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at Dong Lingxue, and continued: "We must escape and expose Milorad's conspiracy and crimes to the public."

"How to escape?"

Dong Lingxue looked at the cliff in front of her, and whispered helplessly and fearfully: "Moreover, Lord Gemstone is the master of Lilva Star. Even if we can get out alive, we can't defeat him."

"I have a solution."

Erin slowly tied the loose blond hair on her shoulders into a ponytail, "Lilva Star is Milorad's private property, but the people on Lilva Planet are not Milorad's slaves.

We are nobles of the empire, protected by the laws of the empire, and murdered dozens of noble children. Once such a crime is exposed, even the Will family behind him will not be able to protect him.

Believe me, we can do it."

Aileen held Dong Lingxue's hand and said firmly.

Dong Lingxue stared blankly at the girl in front of her, seeing the firmness and courage in Eileen's blue eyes. The light blooming from her body at this moment made her feel ashamed again.

This girl is so outstanding.

No matter what aspect, he is really much better than himself.

"Oh, right."

Eileen suddenly smiled and stretched out a hand to Dong Lingxue, "Your name is Dong Lingxue.

My name is Eileen Swift, please meet me formally."

"How do you know my name?"

Dong Lingxue opened her eyes wide in surprise, not expecting that the other party could call her name accurately.

Erin winked at her playfully and smiled like an elf.

"I noticed you on the first day.

The surname Dong is rare, and I happen to be very interested in the inheritance and origins of the old Duoling nobles like you."


Dong Lingxue replied hesitantly, a bit shy but also a bit like she was excited and happy to be noticed by an "idol".

"Actually, I have been paying attention to you during this period. You have a very special temperament, which is completely different from other people."

Irene held Dong Lingxue's hand affectionately, with a pure and honest smile, "I think about it every day, how great it would be if I could talk to you and make a friend.

You must not know that I have secretly read all the books you have flipped through on the bookshelf."

Irene's enthusiasm made Dong Lingxue feel "flattered" and at the same time, it dispelled the humidity and darkness around her like sunlight.

The two girls held hands, huddled under the rock and whispered. At this moment, the danger of death and fear seemed to be far away from them.

"Do you remember one time, you"

Irene was talking to Dong Lingxue with bright eyes, when suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps above the two of them.

In an instant, the two of them shut their mouths.

Dong Lingxue's eyes showed fear as she held Irene's hand tightly, while the other person kept patting her gently on the back. Dong Lingxue's mood gradually stabilized.

When the footsteps gradually faded away, Dong Lingxue heard Irene's relaxing voice.

"Okay, now we should find a way to go back."

Braving her waist, she cautiously took two steps forward, looked up for a while, then turned back and waved to Dong Lingxue, motioning for her to come over.

Dong Lingxue hesitated for a moment, but still followed.

There was no one on the platform, and the surroundings were extremely quiet. Neither gunshots nor screams could be heard anymore.

Irene went up the stone steps first, then turned back to pull Dong Lingxue.

"Come on, give me your hand."

Dong Lingxue was about to grab Eileen's extended hand, just at this moment

An extremely strong feeling of fear and uneasiness enveloped her.

Dong Lingxue's outstretched hand froze in mid-air, and she watched helplessly as a thick crimson cloud dropped from the darkness above her head like a cloud, directly enveloping Irene entirely.

Erin's expression, shrouded in blood mist, was distorted for a moment, and countless scarlets penetrated into her body like small snakes.

Red lines appeared on the surface of her snow-white and delicate skin, as if there were countless insects crawling underneath.

Irene looked at Dong Lingxue with a painful expression and reached out to her with difficulty, as if asking her for help.

But Dong Lingxue couldn't do anything at all. Now all she had was fear in her heart. She retreated crazily until she reached the edge of the cliff. The sense of danger that she was about to fall stopped her.

In just a few breaths, Irene swelled like a rotting corpse filled with water. Her whole body was covered with black and red veins, and her skin was cracked. She no longer looked as beautiful as before, but became ugly, ferocious, and disgusting.

However, she was still looking at Dong Lingxue, opening and closing her mouth silently, urging him over and over again.

"Go quickly"

Dong Lingxue's whole body was shaking like chaff, fear, pain, and sadness were washing over her like a tide, and she was going crazy.

She watched helplessly as Irene's body continued to swell and swell under the constant infusion of blood mist, until


It exploded alive in front of her eyes.

"don't want!"

Dong Lingxue screamed and rushed forward crazily.

A light came on not far away, and a heavily armed guard came over expressionlessly.

Dong Lingxue seemed unaware.

With tears streaming down her face, she stared blankly at the surging blood mist in front of her eyes, trying to find traces of Irene.

"Is this the last one?"

Not far away, a middle-aged man wearing a black combat uniform with a cold face looked back indifferently and spoke to his companions.

"Thirty-two, I've been counting."

The companion nodded and replied with a relaxed look: "After finishing the work this time, it's our turn to take a vacation, right?"

How about going on vacation together? I heard that there are several newly developed tourist stars in District 76. There are many things to do and the prices are affordable. If you buy more people in a group, you can get a discount."

The middle-aged man moved his lips and was about to speak.

At this moment, a hysterical scream from a woman suddenly came from the distance, and an unexplained heart palpitation arose spontaneously.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads and saw Dong Lingxue slumped on the ground, looking dull.

In front of her, a huge mass of blood mist shrank and surged, as if something was about to brew out of the blood mist.

"not good!"

The middle-aged man's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately became as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

"Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

He yelled and took the lead in retreating in the direction behind him.

The other guards all retreated wildly, and at the same time their bodies lit up with white lights one after another, obviously turning on their protective measures to the extreme.

"Damn it, didn't you say it wouldn't appear until the thirty-second time?"

The companion complained in silence, but no one responded at all.

Everyone looked serious and just ran forward.

With excellent physical fitness and the blessing of equipment, they are very fast.

Seeing that they were about to break out of the altar platform, all the guards felt a little relieved.

Although they didn't know what would be born in the churning blood mist, they could guess that it was definitely not a good thing without having to think about the order to retreat in time and away that was repeatedly emphasized before the mission began.

Stepping out of the altar platform covered with blood-colored lines, the leading middle-aged man stopped and turned his head to look back, wanting to see what was going on behind him.

But the next second he turned his head, his pupils shrank sharply.


He saw a naked woman floating quietly right next to him.

A woman's body size is about four to five times the size of a normal person.

It has a snake tail, bat wings, scarlet skin color, and long and sharp nails.

There are blood-colored scimitar-like horns on the forehead, like some kind of crown, giving people a sense of evil but also a bit of nobility.

The face is extremely beautiful.

A pair of scarlet eyes, as if carved from the finest red agate, were quietly staring at the middle-aged man.

The extremely strong evil aura exuding from the woman enveloped the entire space like a sea wave, and the air seemed to have solidified, silent and oppressive.

The middle-aged man stared at the bright red woman, lowered his head with difficulty, and looked at his feet.

Only when he saw that his feet were clearly on the ground outside the altar platform did he show a slightly relaxed expression.

However, the next moment


The blood-red wind blew in his face, causing the middle-aged man's hair to rise back.

He narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his companions in front and behind him. Their bodies were torn apart by invisible forces, and their flesh and blood rose up.

This also includes himself.

"Why? I understand clearly"

The middle-aged man opened his eyes wide, and at the last moment before his death, he did not understand why he had successfully evacuated to the "safe area" as instructed.

That thing born from the blood mist still refused to let him go?!


Like the sound of dozens of bubbles bursting at the same time, dozens of well-armed guards silently turned to flesh and blood, and then were rolled up by invisible forces, and fell into the mouth of the bright red woman one after another.

The woman smacked her lips gently as if tasting delicious food, her posture was elegant and graceful, just like a truly upper-class lady.

She quietly turned around, and with just one step, she came to Dong Lingxue, who was sitting slumped on the ground, dumbfounded.


The woman looked at Dong Lingxue in front of her with interest, as if looking at a toy.

The long snake tail stretched out from behind, reached in front of Dong Lingxue, and gently lifted her chin.

Just when I was about to say something, I suddenly felt something.

The woman quietly raised her head, her eyes bursting with red light.

"Wait until I come back baby"

The woman uttered a delicate voice, smiled sweetly, flapped her wings with an evil expression, and disappeared into the air in an instant.

Dong Lingxue, on the other hand, sat paralyzed on the ground.

Half a minute later, her desperate and collapsed scream suddenly sounded on the dark and silent platform.

"Boiling blood roar!"

Accompanied by a dull and cold voice, the black mecha belonging to the Sea Wolf stood upright, a strong red light bursting out from its entire body, and an indescribable and powerful spiritual power came out of its body.

The super strong energy field fluctuations caused the surrounding air to be extremely distorted.

Under the agitation of this energy, the black mecha on Sea Wolf's body shattered inch by inch.

The bloated and broken shell quickly faded away, revealing a new body that was thin and slender and as sharp as a blade.

"You are the first opponent to push me to this point."

Sea Wolf stood up slowly, and handleless blades made of blood-patterned steel popped out of his alloy arms.

He looked at Helier in front of him, and his pupils seemed to be dancing with red flames. Under the calmness, there was a faint sense of madness gushing out.

If the sea wolf had given people the impression of a tyrant and a murderer before, now it is a completely crazy beast.

The surging roar of the engine was like the roar of a wild beast, and the sea wolf burst into the air, turning into a streak of blood and rushing toward Helier.

The latter looked indifferent, arrogant and indifferent like a knight who had never dismounted.

He casually raised the gorgeous sword in his hand, blocked the sea wolf's attack, and then slashed the sea wolf away with his backhand.

Even if the second form of the mecha is activated, the resonance skill [Blood Cry] explodes for the seventh time, and the strength is infinitely close to level nine.

There is still a huge gap between the two that is almost unbridgeable.

The only difference from before is probably that

Now that the sea wolf has reached its limit, it is no longer a piece of brittle paper that can be broken in front of Helier.


The repelled sea wolf didn't wait for the remaining force to be offset before rushing forward again.

Helier still raised his sword and slashed flatly.

After doing this several times, Helier was probably tired of this easy and boring game.

Rolling energy surged out of the amber mecha like a tsunami, and his mental power was like the blazing sun at noon, with endless light and heat.

"Resonance - Amber Forbidden!"

Helier's indifferent and cold voice came from inside the mecha. His other hand without the sword was raised flatly, with his fingers spread wide, pointing in the direction of the sea wolf.

In an instant, endless amber light spurted out from his palm.

The beams of light intertwine and intertwine to form a huge golden ball of light, directly sealing the sea wolf inside.


The sea wolf trapped in the translucent golden light ball roared crazily and attacked the inner wall of the light ball like a trapped animal.

But except for the light spots that hit the stars, it cannot shake it even a little bit.

"The end I declare is the real end."

Helier remained proud and spoke indifferently.

He maintained the action of maintaining the existence of the golden ball of light, lowered his head, and looked at Lord Gem below.

The mecha wreckage scattered on the ground, the strange expression of Lord Gem, and the constantly twisting and writhing evil shadow reflected on the cave wall behind it made Helier couldn't help but frown slightly.

"It seems you have hidden a lot from me.

Milorad Will."

Helier spoke and looked at Lord Gem expressionlessly.

This is the first time he calls someone by his full name.

Facing Helier's sharp sword-like gaze, Lord Gem smiled brightly.

"Everyone has a secret. I am willing to expose my secret to you without any concealment. This just shows how much I trust you."

Lord Gem held out his hands with a smile, "Helier, my dearest friend."


This chapter has been completed!
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