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Chapter 71 Special force

  Under the night sky.

The cool breeze blew across the rooftop, the clothes on the clothesline swayed gently, and the crickets chirped one after another.

Lu Yuan stood in front of the cement pier, put up an airs, and slowly punched the cement pier in front of him.

 The speed of this punch is very slow.

 During the punching process, large drops of sweat were visible to the naked eye on Lu Yuan’s forehead and cheeks.

 He gritted his teeth tightly and looked like he was struggling.

His eyes were always staring at the right hand he used to punch.

 I saw that his right hand was a whole circle thicker than usual!

The muscles on the arms were surging like waves, and the veins usually hidden under the skin broke out and swelled like earthworms.

Lu Yuan felt as if the muscles in his right arm were quickly tangled together like hemp ropes.

 Contraction, expansion, explosion......


The right hand that punched suddenly made a crisp sound.

The sound was like a taut bowstring suddenly breaking.

Lu Yuan's whole body suddenly became deflated, and he withdrew the punch that he had not completely punched.


Lu Yuan was breathing heavily.

Looking helplessly at his "shocking" right arm, it slowly returned to normal from its ferocious state.

 There was a faint tearing pain.

He knew that some muscles and tendons in his arm had been broken and strained when he just punched.

“No, I simply can’t do it at this stage.”

Lu Yuan’s face turned a little ugly.

  You have successfully unlocked the second professional core skill of [Fighter], but it turns out that you can’t use it. Anyone else would be in a bad mood.

Look at the panel and the skills just unlocked are displayed——

 【Special force】(active).

 Effect: When activated, it has more than twice the instant burst power.

 Very concise and clear introduction to skills.

 The actual effect is astonishingly overbearing!

 An instant burst of twice the usual strength.

Lu Yuan’s current basic punching power is more than 400 kilograms. After activating this skill, the punching power that can be exploded in an instant soars to more than 800 kilograms!

It’s no wonder that before he even punched out, his arm seemed to be on the verge of bursting and collapsing.

“Converted into attribute points, after activating [Special Power], the equivalent of my strength instantly increased from 13 points to 15 points!

I really can’t bear it, and I can’t keep up physically..."

 Lu Yuan recalled the feeling when he punched before.

 It is a magical control technique for the muscles of the body.

The muscles in his arms, thighs, waist and abdomen were forcibly twisted together like hemp ropes, which is how the twice the instant burst of strength came from.

Hemp ropes twisted together are naturally stronger and tougher than a single rope.

 At that moment, Lu Yuan had the urge to add the remaining attribute points to his physique immediately.

 But he was restrained by him.

“Crane-shaped piles can also improve physical fitness, don’t worry, don’t rush.”

“There is nothing that can use this trick at this stage, so why waste it.”

Lu Yuan kept persuading himself.

 His always stable temperament has made him accustomed to always reserving a few attribute points for emergencies.

 Many times, 1 attribute point can have a resurrecting effect in a crisis.

  For example, the first time in Yuxiang against the gang leader Lao Hei.

 The second battle against the Skaven.

 It was all due to the sudden increase in strength due to the extra points on the spot, catching the opponent off guard, and then making a desperate comeback and establishing the victory in one fell swoop.

  In a sense.

This is not a core professional skill uniquely created by Lu Yuan——


 Core skill——[Sneak Attack]!

  【Remember the domain name of this website s520.


This trick is simply tried and tested.

 But Lu Yuan would feel uncomfortable if he didn’t try out the [Special Power] skill with twice the power increase today.

 It feels like there are millions of ants crawling on my body, and I really can’t hold it in.

“Enter the consciousness space. It doesn’t matter even if you are injured in the consciousness space. You can try whatever you want.”

Lu Yuan thought of a compromise and hurriedly cleaned up the mess on the rooftop, picked up his things and went downstairs.


“First in grade! Xiaoyuan is on his way to success! He won’t be allowed to take the Xiamen University exam from now on!”

“That’s awesome, Xiao Yuan. This kid has been smart since he was a child, and he used to be playful!

Now that I’m sensible, my intelligence is immediately apparent!”

“Your Xiaoyuan and Xiaojing, one is better at studying than the other, one is less troublesome than the other, and they are both beautiful...

 Qiuling, you are so lucky! We are so envious of you."

“Haha, where can I find it..."

 Early in the morning, in front of my small shop.

Mom Zheng Qiuling was surrounded by several old neighbors who often came to visit her, and her face almost turned into a flower with a smile.

Grandpa Lu Yueping was wearing reading glasses and looking at Lu Yuan’s report card, he was even happier than seeing his discharge approval slip.

“Full score in foreign language, and close to perfect score in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

 My grandson is really amazing..."

Early this morning, the school’s final report card was mailed.

 The family is very happy.

Lu Yuan didn't feel any fluctuation in his heart, after all, he already knew the results.

 He was sitting in front of the old-fashioned TV in the shop, watching the morning news on the screen.

"...Yesterday evening, a fire broke out in a paper mill in the east of our city. Firefighters arrived in time and extinguished it. Fortunately, no casualties were caused... The weather is hot and the air is dry. We would like to remind the general public to pay attention to fire and electricity protection.


"Including the explosion in the south of the city, this is the third fire incident reported on the news in the past few days..."

Lu Yuan stared at the TV screen with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Although the places where they occur are different.

But he always felt that there was some special connection between these disasters.

Just as he was thinking about it, the next news report caught his attention again.

“…Recently, there has been a major breakthrough in the detection of missing persons cases that have plagued our city for more than two months. This station will continue to follow up and report…”

"Jingle Bell--"

 The mobile phone in my pocket rang.

Lu Yuan took it out and took a look.

Unexpectedly, I discovered that the caller's contact name was Ge Wenjun.

 “Ge team.”

Lu Yuan answered the phone.

 Ge Wenjun's voice came from the other end of the phone.

“It’s been a long journey, how have you been lately?”

Lu Yuan naturally knew what Ge Wenjun was asking. He glanced in the direction of his mother and grandfather and replied.

 “Well, I haven’t encountered...it again.”

"That's good.

 Don't worry too much, this matter should be completely resolved in two days.

Remember to go out less these days and don’t go into alleys and alleys..."

 “It will be completely resolved in two days...”

Lu Yuan was startled for a moment. He subconsciously looked at the TV news. His eyes fluctuated for a moment before he nodded and said, "I understand, Captain Ge."

"Oh, right."

Ge Wenjun on the other end of the phone suddenly changed the topic and asked: "Did you say last time that you were practicing martial arts at a place called Yuanwu Hall?"

 “Yes, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, just ask.

 I’ll hang up now, there’s still a meeting to be held here.”

 “Goodbye Captain Ge.”


This chapter has been completed!
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