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Chapter 76 Sacrifice

  Lu Yuan kept pushing the door open, his whole body frozen in place.

Looking blankly at the scene in the room, motionless...

Until a few seconds later, he walked in and gently opened the door.

Lu Yuan stood quietly at the door of the room, a one-hundred-watt incandescent lamp illuminating the entire room clearly.


 There were traces of blood everywhere on the walls, on the floor, on the ceiling.

 Dark red, already dry and hard.

 The smell of blood was so strong that it choked your nose.

 A woman was kneeling in the center of the room with her back to Luyuan.

 She is dead.

 The skin on the entire back was peeled off, and the chest was opened from behind, but there was nothing inside.

 Beside the woman, there are strange patterns, lines, and symbols painted with blood...some of them even look like children's graffiti.

 The whole scene looked like a bloody and extremely cruel sacrificial ceremony.

 And women are the sacrifices that are slaughtered like cattle and sheep in this ceremony!


The calmness on Lu Yuan's face could no longer be maintained, and his stomach lurched slightly.

  Thanks to the fact that he had tried many ways of killing ratmen in his conscious space, and had seen pictures of blood and organs dumped on the ground like garbage.

 The nerves have been exercised and become a little bit bigger.

 Now I didn’t vomit on the spot.


Lu Yuan wanted to take a deep breath to calm down, but immediately stopped after inhaling a large amount of fishy smell.

 He ​​held his nose and walked around the room for a while, and then found a pile of burnt things in the corner of the room.

 Estimated to be the woman's clothes before her death, and a leather bag that had been burned for nearly two-thirds.

Lu Yuan fiddled with his feet and could barely make out a few letters on the strap of the bag.


 It seems to be a certain luxury brand.

 Obviously the woman whose entrails were eviscerated and used as paint was not a native of this area.

 Perhaps he is a young white-collar worker working in a high-end office building in the city?

Lu Yuan took out his mobile phone from his pocket, clicked on the screen and found that there was still no signal.

 He took a few photos of the woman's body and the room, and then backed out of the room.


 The corridor on the second floor is lit, and there is no one except Lu Yuan.

 He heard a noise coming from below and looked down.

I found that the man in the vest and another person who were in the living room just now were holding dustpan-like objects and feeding the crows in the front yard like chickens.

From a distance, it was difficult to see what was in the dustpan, and neither of them noticed him.

 He looked at it for a while, and then walked grandly into the second room on the second floor.

 The second room is similar.

It is also a bloody and cruel sacrificial scene, with all kinds of weird symbols painted on the walls and floor.

But this time the person who was sacrificed was a man.

 Looking very strong.

But he was kneeling on the ground with his hands tied behind his back, and his head was cut off.

 Lu Yuan continued to take photos and then exited the room.

 He walked from room to room.

 After finishing walking on the second floor, we went up to the third floor.

 Every room is the same bloody scene.

 The higher you go, the fresher the corpses and blood stains become, and the colder and harder Lu Yuan’s face becomes.

 Even he can feel it clearly.

 A depressing and cold air seemed to be surging in his chest and around his body.

 Continuously accumulating...

 It may break out at any time.


In a cramped and dark room, there is probably something wrong with the fluorescent tube in this room. The light is flickering, but it is not at all as dazzling as the previous rooms.

Lu Yuan squatted down and gently fiddled with the pile of blackened ashes on the ground with half of the mosquito coil he picked up on the stairs.

He pulled out a half-burnt ID card from the charred mess.

  【Remember the domain name of this website s520.


  The portrait photo on the ID card can no longer be seen clearly, the name column...


Lu Yuan pronounced the first character, but the second character was burnt, and he could only barely make out the radical "阝".

"Chen Chen..."

A light suddenly flashed in Lu Yuan's mind, and he subconsciously looked up at the corpse in the center of the room.

"Chen Yang?!"

 He remembered the crying woman he had seen at the gate of Yuanwu Hall, pestering Lin Zhiqin, and kept saying "Chen Yang, my Chen Yang...".

 The sacrifice in this room is indeed a male.

very young.

 All limbs were broken.

All the facial features were cut off, leaving a pair of empty eye sockets staring up at the ceiling silently.

 “Is it the same person?”

 The road is far away and I don’t know.

 But it doesn’t seem to be important at this time.

 He looked at it silently for a while, threw away the mosquito coil in his hand, turned around and walked out of the room.

 This is the last room on the third floor.

 The only thing left is the fourth floor.

Along the way, I entered no less than ten rooms and saw no less than ten corpses in different forms of death.

 He thought he was almost numb.

 But when I walked into the first room on the fourth floor, my heart still felt as if someone had pinched me hard.

 The first room on the fourth floor is very large.

It is the same bloody slaughterhouse-like scene, with weird and strange line symbols painted everywhere.

 The only difference is.

 In the ritual center of this room, four corpses kneel.

 Three adults and one child.

  They were all beheaded and held in their hands in front of their chests.

  A wooden stake came out from the bottom of the chest to support them and prevent them from falling.

On the ground in front of the corpse, there was a sharp knife with a handle more than a foot long, nailing something to the ground.

As I walked further and further, I saw clearly that it was a photo.

The blood-stained photo showed a family of five - a young couple holding a little girl.

 There was an older couple standing behind them.

The man with dark skin and a simple smile, like an old farmer, was clearly the man in the vest that Lu Yuan had seen down there before, who ordered people to beat up Wang Zhichao!

Next to the photo, there is a line of words written in blood - dedicated to... the great Zonggao... Crow Shen!

Lu Yuan looked at these crooked words intently, and even made two wrong handwritings.

 In his mind, he pictured a man in a vest cutting off the heads of his close relatives one by one, arranging them neatly, and then using his rough hands that had been working for most of his life, dipped in blood and wrote these words seriously on the ground.

Perhaps in the end, I was afraid that I was not sincere enough, so I nailed the treasured family photos in front of the corpse...

Lu Yuan looked at the photo in front of him, his eyes flickering, as if something was eager to burst out from his heart.


 Suddenly a strong stench blew in my face.

Lu Yuan raised his head and saw that the window facing the sun in this room was not closed, and the black curtains were blown by the wind.

 He strode up and opened the curtains.

The stench that had been lingering in the mouth and nose since stepping into the courtyard suddenly became many times stronger.

 He looked down from the window.

 All I saw was a huge septic tank filled with crows.

 In the pool, there were faintly visible rotten and whitened stumps and severed limbs...

Lu Yuan stood in front of the window sill for a long time.

The hot wind carrying the stench of corpses and bird droppings kept blowing on his face.


Lu Yuan closed his eyes and said something as if to himself.

 Open it again.

 There was nothing but complete coldness left in his eyes.


 He turned around calmly and walked towards the door step by step.

This chapter has been completed!
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