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Chapter 92 The Eye of Death

  Every crow is an eye on the road.

Every more crow brother means one more eye along the way.

Now he suddenly understood why the Crow God Cult kidnapped people and sacrificed them alive in Jiaoyan City, but the Jiaoyan City police had been unable to solve the case.

 Their "eyes" are too many.

Every move of the Jiaoyan police is completely under their surveillance.

 Only Huangxiong people have the ability and means to restrain this.

“I don’t need an intelligence network to fight against Huang Xiong, as long as I can ensure the safety of myself and those around me.

 This requirement is not too high..."

Lu Yuan turned around and looked at the surveillance screen on his desk.

 Because of the Rat Man incident, his computer has not been shut down for almost a week.

 Moreover, I still live with a touch of anxiety every day.

 Fortunately, now, he seems to have found a solution to this problem.

“I can even understand the location and trends of the Crow God Cult through this...”

Lu Yuan thought of the crow mask that he brought home and now placed in the desk drawer, and many thoughts suddenly came to his mind.

 But he was quickly snuffed out.

"over thinking."

Lu Yuan shook his head, and then he started to try to make the two crows on the window sill land on him.

 Grab his clothes with your claws and lift him up.


The two crows almost broke their wings, but they remained motionless for a long time.

It is naturally impossible to do it with just two crows.

Lu Yuan wanted to use the power of a single crow to calculate the possibility of using a group of crows to fly him.

“No, it’s not possible, the power difference is too big.”

Lu Yuan quickly calculated the result in his mind.

He reached out and grabbed a crow, opened its beak and took a look.

 “Without teeth.”

The crow he summoned at random was obviously different from the crow he saw at the Crow God Cult's den before.

 The latter is larger in size and more ferocious in temperament.

 Even some changes have occurred in some aspects.

“Is it because we ate too much human flesh, or was it modified by the Crow God Cult’s special methods?”

 The path is far from certain.

 But so far, his fantasy of flying like the powerful god servant of the Crow God Cult, guarded by countless crows, has been shattered.

“It is possible to collect a group of special crows raised by the Crow God Cult.”

 In the following time, Lu Yuan devoted all his energy to training crows.

 Try to let them communicate with themselves in a more concise and smooth way. The main purpose is to train them to understand what they express.

 From the rough to the complex, from the simple to the difficult, strive to become a qualified crow brother as soon as possible.

 This process is actually not boring, because crows are very smart birds.

At one time, it was considered to be the most intelligent creature among all birds.

Although they eat carrion, they are also very clean and do not have any peculiar smell on their bodies.

I don’t know if it’s because of the crow’s dream, but Lu Yuan now has a natural and inexplicable fondness for this little thing that is known as an unknown thing.

Evidently he had been attacked crazily by them, had seen them pecking at human corpses, and had been showered with a lot of bird droppings.

 Lu Yuan searched for some tips and methods on training birds on the Internet, and with the special effects of [Crow Language] that can directly interact with crows mentally, the progress was super fast.

 In one morning, he trained more than 50 crows and initially understood his command - "Search and find out the whereabouts of the Rat Man".

Release these fifty-odd crows and let them integrate into the huge "bird network" in Jiaoyan City.

  Crows live in groups and are very gregarious, and the information exchange between them is extremely frequent.

Let the crow brothers go to places where there are many birds and "ask around" more, and the chances of finding the rat people will undoubtedly increase.

 He also paid special attention to it.

 Compulsory "access rights" training has been given to each crow brother.

  In other words, these fifty-odd crows cannot disclose information about him to anyone.

 This move is mainly to prevent the Crow God Cult.

  【Remember the domain name of this website s520.


 While eating at noon, Lu Yuan took a look at his career panel.

Discovered that the skill [Crow Language] only increased by 5 experience points.

 The increase in professional experience is even lower, only 1 point.

"The difficulty of upgrading extraordinary professions is indeed much greater than that of ordinary professions..."

Lu Yuan only now realized the preciousness of the Red Pearl of the Crow God Cult.

 It can provide him with more than 300 points of professional experience in one go. No wonder it can trigger the conditions for professional advancement and professional fusion.

 “It would be nice if I could have another one...”

Lu Yuan couldn’t help but sigh.

  This thing called Experience Pill...who doesn't like it?


“Why haven’t I seen you going to the martial arts gym recently? The tuition fee seems to be paid in October.”

 At the lunch table, it was rare to see my father, Lu Xinghua.

What’s even more rare is that Lu Xinghua still remembered to chat with Lu Yuan.

 Lunch was also made by Lu Xinghua, Lu Yuan’s favorite braised pork ribs.

“The instructor who has been teaching these two days has been busy and has been suspended for a week.

It’s summer vacation, so I just wanted to play for two days..."

Lu Yuan passed by vaguely.

“When you do something, you have to do it well, don’t give up halfway.”

 Lu Xinghua warned him seriously.

 “I know dad.”

 The road is far away so you should go down.

Lu Xinghua said nothing more and turned to talk to his grandfather Lu Yueping. It seemed that his grandfather wanted to go home and he kept urging him to stay.

Lu Yuan sat next to him, secretly observing Lu Xinghua while putting rice into his mouth.

 After his Intelligence reaches 14 points, his perception becomes sharper.

This sensitivity is not only reflected in the observation of the external environment.

 There is also the sense of smell of dangerous smells, the perception of mood swings and state changes of people or objects...

 This was something he clearly felt when he was training Little Crow.

 Now, Lu Yuan felt an...emotion called relief in Lu Xinghua.

 Let it go.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars that made it difficult for the Lu family to breathe for several months.

That kind of persistence that you have to find the person and question him if your trust is betrayed.

 It seems that everything has disappeared in the heart of dad Lu Xinghua with the fire last night.


Lu Yuan picked up a piece of braised pork ribs and quietly put it into Lu Xinghua's bowl, thinking to himself.


 In the afternoon, Lu Yuan was not in a hurry to continue training the crow brother.

  Instead, I am going to point out the second basic skill of [Speaking to the Dead (Supernatural)] first.

“Choose one of the two, I hope this time I can point out extraordinary skills involving black energy.”

The most profound impression left by the Crow God's Attendant on Lu Yuan was the strange black energy he controlled that could quickly corrupt flesh and blood.

The black -owned servant with black gas, a team of yellow bear members headed by Zhou Ling, did not kill it completely.

But the Crow God Warrior, who had lost the protection of black energy, could even seize the opportunity to sneak attack him to death like Lu Yuan, an ordinary warrior who had not yet fully stepped into the transcendent world.

 The importance and power of black energy can be seen.

Lu Yuan naturally longed to possess this terrifying extraordinary power.

Although the effect of [Crow Whisper] is also very magical, it is far inferior to that of black energy.

Lu Yuan took a breath to calm down.

 Then he decided between the remaining two skills to be unlocked, and finally chose the first one.

 【Congratulations, you have unlocked [Speak to the Dead (Extraordinary)] basic professional skill - Eye of Omen of Death! 】

 【Basic professional skills: Eye of Death lv1 (0/100)】

 The newly unlocked skills once again gave Lu Yuan a minor surprise.

 “[Eye of Omen of Death]...”

Lu Yuan looked at the name of this skill and was suddenly startled.

 Somehow, a line comes out of my heart naturally.


 “I have foreseen your death!”

This chapter has been completed!
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