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Xuanwu Secret Realm.

Wei Xiyao opened her eyes suddenly and looked at the person in surprise.

"I have something to do and I have to leave first. Thank you fellow Taoist for your help during this time." Lin Zheyu looked at Wei Xiyao with a smile.

He has completed the first inheritance of the origin of all four images, and Wei Xiyao is not of much help to him here.

Rather than continue to stay here, it is better to go back and participate in the battlefield outside the territory. That is where Wei Xiyao should go.

According to the information Lin Zheyu learned, the opportunities for today's top experts to advance to Hedao mainly lie in two areas.

A forbidden place deep in the core origin, where there is an opportunity to unite, but there are many dangers inside, and there is a risk of falling if you are not careful.

The second is the battlefield outside the territory.

The more powerful monsters and monsters you kill on the battlefield outside the territory, the more rewards you will receive from heaven and earth, and the more blessings you will receive from the will of heaven.

The more heaven and earth rewards you receive and the will of heaven favor you, the easier it will be to advance to Hedao.

"Have you completed the inheritance of Xuanwu origin?"

Wei Xiyao said doubtfully.

It shouldn’t be!

There were indeed changes in the original inheritance at the beginning, but they were quickly stopped by Lin Zheyu on his own initiative.

Although Wei Xiyao didn't know how Lin Zheyu did it, it was indeed stopped.

"It's not completely finished yet."

"But don't worry, I still have things to deal with, and I can just complete the next inheritance later."

"But I won't bother you fellow Taoist about the next thing."

"The battlefield outside the territory has opened, and the war between the two worlds is in full swing. The most important thing for Taoist friends now is to go back and participate in the battlefield outside the territory."

"I won't delay fellow Taoist's opportunity to pursue promotion to Hedao."

Lin Zheyu said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, my body has come out of the forbidden land and is now participating in the battle on the battlefield outside the territory."

"Whether this clone participates or not does not have much impact."

Wei Xiyao waved her hand and said with a smile.

When Lin Zheyu heard this, he couldn't help but sigh, this Wei Xiyao is really a good person.

However, now he really doesn't need Wei Xiyao's help.

The complete inheritance of the Suzaku origin has been completed long ago, and the three origins of Xuanwu, White Tiger, and Qinglong have also completed their first inheritance.

After Lin Zheyu has successfully perfected the technique, he can proceed with the remaining complete inheritance.

But with the complete technique and source power, this process only requires a few breaths.

Therefore, Wei Xiyao's presence or absence does not have much impact.

Lin Zheyu smiled and shook his head slightly.

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to do this. Next, I don't know when the remaining inheritance of the origin of the Four Symbols will be completed."

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to waste time here with me."

Lin Zheyu smiled and declined politely.

"Then I will help fellow Taoist everything go well. If you need anything, just ask, I will do my best!"

Wei Xiyao heard Lin Zheyu's polite refusal and no longer insisted, but agreed with a smile.

"Haha, I'll thank you fellow Taoist in advance and see you later!"

Lin Zheyu laughed, cupped his hands to Wei Xiyao, swayed slightly, and disappeared into the void.

After Lin Zheyu leaves.

Wei Xiyao also slowly stood up and left the Xuanwu Secret Realm.

As Lin Zheyu said, it was indeed time for her to go back.

Not only was it a matter of the battlefield outside the territory, but also because Wei Xiyao needed to go back and prepare to break through to the peak of Dongxu Realm.

She had gained a lot from Lin Zheyu's avatar. After returning this time, she should prepare to officially advance to the peak of Dongxu Realm.

In the origin space of water.

Lin Zheyu galloped through the void and headed towards the depths.

In the past, just some attempts in the process of creating the technique caused a lot of stimulation to the silent Xuanwu True Spirit.

Next, the process of using source power to perfect the technique will stimulate the silent Xuanwu True Spirit even more.

Therefore, Lin Zheyu thought for a moment and planned to leave the Xuanwu Secret Realm and find a place to retreat and practice in the core place of origin.

It's not too late to come back after the exercises are perfected.

"This is it!"

Lin Zheyu stopped.

His thoughts moved slightly, and the majestic energy of Qi and blood filled the air.

Thick chains of confinement condensed from the blood and radiated into the surrounding void, intertwining into a huge golden net, sealing the surrounding void.

After preparation is complete.

Lin Zheyu sat cross-legged in the void, and his thoughts came out: 'Use one unit of source power to practice the "Four Symbols Xuan Gong".'

In the origin space of gold.

A flash of red light flashed through the void, galloping towards the White Tiger Secret Realm at an astonishing speed.

Soon, Hongmang arrived at the White Tiger Secret Realm and disappeared into the void barrier.

The void barrier outside the White Tiger Secret Realm rippled, and then returned to calm in an instant.

Within the secret realm.

In a hidden location, a barrier formed by the white tiger's original power enveloped the nearby area.


Meng Tianqing opened his eyes suddenly.

"A monk has come in!"

Meng Tianqing's eyes narrowed slightly, and two white tiger shadows appeared in the depths of his pupils.

He looked into the void in the distance, his sight penetrated the void and saw a flash of red light.

"This is……"

"Our Lady of Fire Spirits!"

Meng Tianqing's pupils shrank slightly and he quickly looked away, not daring to peek at the figure.

The moment he tried to peek, he was noticed by the Fire Spirit Madonna.

If you continue to peek, you may not be able to escape the perception of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits.

"What is the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit doing here?"

"Did she come alone or with Lin Zheyu?"

"Is it true that Lin Zheyu fell into the hands of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, or did something unexpected happen?"


In an instant, many doubts and speculations flashed through Meng Tianqing's mind.

After realizing that the visitor was Our Lady of Fire Spirit, he withdrew his gaze and did not dare to continue to peek.

Therefore, Meng Tianqing did not discover that the person who entered this place was the true form of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits.

He also thought that the true body of Our Lady of Fire Spirit was still in the forbidden place, and it was the clone of Our Lady of Fire Spirit who was active outside.

"Is it Lin Zheyu?"

Next to Meng Tianqing, Zhan Qing's voice came.

Zhan Qing discovered Meng Tianqing's strange behavior, and his thoughts moved slightly, and he also planned to use secret methods to peep.

"Don't use any secret techniques to peek, the person coming here is very powerful!" Meng Tianqing quickly warned.

"Not Lin Zheyu?"

"who is it?"

Zhan Qing's expression moved slightly and he asked strangely.

"It's Our Lady of Fire Spirit!"

Meng Tianqing said in a deep voice without deliberately concealing anything.

When Zhan Qing and others heard this, their expressions moved slightly, and a flash of surprise flashed in their eyes.

Doubts like Meng Tianqing's appeared in their hearts.

"Why did Our Lady of the Fire Spirit enter this place?"

"Did you see Lin Zheyu with him?"

Monard asked in a deep voice.

He suspected that the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit might have cooperated with Lin Zheyu. The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit entered the White Tiger Secret Realm in order to obtain the White Tiger inheritance and protect Lin Zheyu.

"not found."

"The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit is very powerful. After I found out it was her, I didn't dare to continue to peek, otherwise she would find out."

Meng Tianqing shook his head slightly.

"Let's go and follow quietly."

"With your ability, in the White Tiger Secret Realm, as long as you don't follow too far, you are unlikely to be discovered by the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits!"

Zhan Qing narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

Meng Tianqing nodded when he heard this, that was what he planned.

"She seems to have entered the depths of the secret realm. Come on, let's go and take a look!" Meng Tianqing stood up, moved slightly, and galloped out of the depths of the secret realm.

Seeing this, Zhan Qing and others also followed him.


In the White Tiger Secret Realm, the Fire Spirit Madonna galloped towards the depths at an astonishing speed.

Powerful perception spread, exploring the movement in the secret realm.


She glanced at a certain area in confusion, and powerful spiritual consciousness swept away.

"There is a strong person hiding in the secret!"

"If he can hide from my perception, this person must be a powerful monk from the White Tiger Origin Path."

"Is it Meng Tianqing?"

Although she couldn't find the guy hiding in the dark, Our Lady of Fire Spirit immediately thought of Meng Tianqing.

Nowadays, someone who cultivates the origin of the White Tiger, possesses such great strength, and happens to appear in the Secret Realm of the White Tiger.

It could only be Meng Tianqing.

"It seems that Lin Zheyu did not fall into their hands."

"Is Meng Tianqing hiding in the White Tiger Secret Realm to ambush Lin Zheyu?"

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit continued to gallop towards the depths of the secret realm, with many speculations flashing through her mind.

Despite this speculation, she still had to go into the depths of the White Tiger Secret Realm to confirm it with her own eyes.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit ignored the monk who was spying on her secretly.

As if she didn't notice anything, she still headed towards the depths of the White Tiger Secret Realm at an astonishing speed.

Soon, the Fire Spirit Mother came to the depths, moved slightly, and jumped into the bloody mouth of the white tiger's body.

After a while, Meng Tianqing, Zhan Qing and his party approached cautiously.

"It is indeed the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits!"

Zhan Qing narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit relied on her strength and did not hide her aura on purpose.

Along the way, Zhan Qing used his own methods to quickly determine the identity of the strong man who entered the White Tiger Secret Realm.

Meng Tianqing did not lie to him, it was indeed the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits.

However, he didn't know whether Lin Zheyu was with the Fire Spirit Madonna.

"Don't rush in, we'll wait outside!"

"When the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit comes out, we will go in and investigate again." Meng Tianqing's eyes flashed slightly and he said in a deep voice.

Zhan Qing and others glanced at him, nodded slightly, and approved the proposal.

Everyone held their breath, found a hidden location, and lurked quietly.

Time passes slowly.

After about half an hour, the figure of the Fire Spirit Madonna shot out from the bloody mouth of the white tiger's body, turned into a flash of red light and disappeared instantly.

"not here……"

"Will it be in the Xuanwu Secret Realm?"

Our Lady of Fire Spirit whispered softly.

After leaving the White Tiger Secret Realm, she tore open the void and headed towards the Xuanwu Secret Realm.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

After Meng Tianqing sensed the departure of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits, he moved slightly and took the lead to fly towards the white tiger's bloody mouth.

He needs to go in and confirm.

A few hours later.

In the mysterious realm of Xuanwu.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirits galloped out from the depths of the secret realm.

"There is no Xuanwu Secret Realm. Is it hidden?" Our Lady of Fire Spirit frowned slightly.

The sky is huge, and with Lin Zheyu's strength, if he is determined to hide it, it will be difficult to find him.

However, Our Lady of Fire Spirit believed that Lin Zheyu would never be willing to hide like this.

The other party reincarnated and re-cultivated, and chose the martial arts, in order to find the opportunity to join the way and advance to the joining path during this catastrophe.

If Lin Zheyu continues to hide like this, not only will his strength be unable to improve, but even the chance of Hedao will have nothing to do with him.

Meng Tianqing, Zhan Qing and others believed that Lin Zheyu could not be willing to hide forever, so they chose to guard in the White Tiger Secret Realm.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit also believes that Lin Zheyu will not hide forever.

"ten years!"

"If Lin Zheyu still doesn't show up within ten years, then reveal the secrets he may be hiding!"

The Madonna of the Fire Spirit looked cold, with a flash of ice in her eyes.

Our Lady of Fire Spirit is very confident in her own strength.

She was not afraid of competing with other strong men, but she was afraid that Lin Zheyu would always hide and not show up.

As long as Lin Zheyu is forced to come out, even if he competes with other strong men, the Fire Spirit Madonna is confident that she has a chance of success!

Thinking like this, the figure of Our Lady of Fire Spirit moved slightly and found a place to hide.

Meng Tianqing and the others were in the White Tiger Secret Realm and the True Spirit in the Qinglong Secret Realm had been stimulated to revive.

Then, she, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, is guarding this secret realm of Xuanwu.

Even if Lin Zheyu went to the White Tiger Secret Realm first, Our Lady of Fire Spirit would be able to discover it immediately.

She also left some means in the White Tiger Secret Realm. As long as there is something strange happening inside, she will know about it.

Lin Zheyu didn't know about the arrival of Our Lady of Fire Spirit.

Even if he knew it, he didn't care.

At this time, he was hiding in the core origin place, concentrating on perfecting the "Four Symbols Xuan Gong".

Time passes slowly.

More than a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

The optimization and perfection of "Four Symbols Xuan Gong" is much more difficult than Lin Zheyu imagined.

Just to perfect this technique to his current level, it took more than 4,000 units of source power.

But this is not enough for Lin Zheyu to digest the complete understanding of the origin inheritance of the Four Symbols.

Therefore, he needs to create a next level of skills that are beyond his own realm.


Waves of powerful energy emitted from Lin Zheyu's body, and four huge phantoms of the four-elephant beasts hung in the void.

Four powerful sources of power circulated rapidly in Lin Zheyu's body.

His physical body was undergoing extremely strange changes.

The left half of the body is vibrant and full of powerful vitality, while the right half is lifeless, like a withered corpse.

But soon, the strong vitality on the left half suddenly disappeared, the full flesh and blood shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, the skin became aging, and black spots like corpse spots began to appear.

But the originally withered corpse on the right expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, regained its fullness, and began to overflow with powerful vitality.

So, the cycle repeats.

More than half an hour later.


Suddenly, Lin Zheyu spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the four powerful original forces in his body suddenly rushed around, raging crazily in his body.


He quickly used his powerful Qi and blood power to suppress the out-of-control source in his body.

The majestic energy pours out from the divine treasure, replenishing the huge consumption in the body.

After a long time, Lin Zheyu let out a long breath.

“It finally works!”

Lin Zheyu grinned, with an excited smile on his slightly tired face.

Although every time it operates, it will cause the original power to backfire and damage the foundation of the physical body.

But as long as the original true spirit is not harmed, then the problem is not big.

"Next, use the source power to reduce the side effects of the third level of "Four Symbols Xuan Gong", and then you can start the complete inheritance of the origin of the Four Symbols."

Lin Zheyu said with a smile.

Not easy.

After spending more than a year, he finally created the third level of "Four Symbols Xuan Gong".

The first two levels are only suitable for the origin of the Four Symbols around the early stage of Dongxu Realm.

If this technique is to be able to digest the complete inheritance of the origin of the Four Symbols, relying solely on the first two levels of techniques is useless.

Even the third-level skills must have a big enough intention and strong enough skills.

Lin Zheyu spent a lot of time and energy on this.


Lin Zheyu breathed softly, calmed down, and came out with his thoughts: 'Use one unit of source power to practice the "Four Symbols Xuan Gong".'

A familiar feeling came, and the majestic mysterious energy surged out from the depths of the body. The mind was in a trance for a moment, and then entered the consciousness and began to practice endlessly.

After a few breaths.

Lin Zheyu slowly opened his eyes.

He glanced at the data in his consciousness. After one unit of source power, the third level of "Four Symbols Xuan Gong" still showed 0% progress.

Lin Zheyu was not surprised by this.

After all, in order to be able to digest the complete inheritance and understanding of the origin of the Four Symbols, the intention of the third-level technique is beyond imagination.

Among the four origins, he only accepted the complete inheritance of the Suzaku origin, and the others were only passed down for the first time.

His lack of understanding of other source powers affected his cultivation speed on the third level.


After slightly optimizing the technique, Lin Zheyu started practicing again.

Time passes slowly.

In the blink of an eye, another four days passed.

Lin Zheyu opened his eyes suddenly, and the white flames in his eyes flashed away.

"Cannot continue to improve."

Lin Zheyu glanced at the data in his consciousness and shook his head slightly.

The progress of the third level of "Four Symbols Xuan Gong" reached 22%. Then, no matter how much Lin Zheyu consumed the source power, the improvement was minimal.

This is already the best result he can achieve when he only accepts a complete inheritance of the origin of the Four Symbols.

Because he has insufficient understanding of the origins of the other three four images, no matter how much source power he spends, it will be difficult to achieve much effect.

"We have only completed about a quarter of the progress, and our strength has been greatly improved."

"When I complete the inheritance of all four images and cultivate the third level to 100%, I don't know what level my strength will reach!"

Lin Zheyu felt the changes in his body carefully, and felt strong confidence in his heart.


He felt the powerful power surging in his body!

With the practice of "Four Symbols Xuan Gong", Lin Zheyu's heart, liver, lungs and kidneys have been greatly strengthened.

Among them, the heart is the most important.

Powerful warm currents, following the beating of the heart, flowed to the limbs and bones, blending into the flesh and blood of the body.

During the cultivation process, the most obvious transformation and improvement of the physical body has been completed.

But the physical improvement is not over yet.

It is still improving subtly and extremely slowly with the passage of time and under the nourishment of the origin of the Four Symbols.

"What is most suitable for warriors is the origin of the Five Elements."

"Although the origins of the Four Symbols are not purely the origins of metal, wood, water, and fire, they still have a huge strengthening effect on the five internal organs."

"As a result, the spleen is the weakest and a bit out of balance."

Lin Zheyu felt the changes in his body and shook his head slightly.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

He wanted to become stronger quickly, so the Four Elephants Secret Realm and the Origin of the Four Elephants with its origin inheritance were the best choice.

However, Lin Zheyu's physical body was extremely powerful, so such a slight imbalance did not have much impact.

He shook his head slightly, waved his right hand, and countless forbidden chains shot back and sank into his body.

"It's time to return to the secret realm of Xuanwu and carry out the complete inheritance of the origin of Xuanwu."

Lin Zheyu's thoughts moved slightly, his figure swayed slightly, and he disappeared suddenly.

This chapter has been completed!
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