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Chapter 1035 Everyone has their own ambitions, don’t force yourself!

"It would be great if it could be solved without force!" The head of the Yu family responded.

"It's just that I'm worried that the other party's ambitions are not small!"

"That's right! They're going to attack in such a big way, and their intentions must be quite big!" the head of the Bao family replied.

"If they just want some territory or spiritual stones, it's not a big problem. I'm afraid they want the entire Tianlong City!" The head of the Xing family said at the same time.

Although the remaining head of the Feng family did not speak, there was also a look of solemnity on his face.

"Then how about this!" Kanda spoke again.

"They should be almost outside the city gate. Let's send someone out to contact them first to see what conditions they have. Then we can discuss it?"

"That's fine!" Several family heads nodded.

"Mrs. Yun, I wonder what you think?" Kanda turned to Murong Ziyun and asked.

"Since everyone has this idea, I have no objection!" Murong Ziyun replied lightly.

"Then let's do it. I'll go out with the head of the Huangfu family and give it a try?" Kanda continued.

"Thank you, two family heads!" Murong Ziyun narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Mrs. Yun, you're welcome, it's your duty!" Kan Da and Huangfu Ju responded at the same time.

Two minutes later, the two turned and left.

"Mrs. Yun, I'm afraid some people are drunkards who are not interested in drinking, so we have to be careful."

After the two left, Xiahou Mingzhi looked at Murong Ziyun thoughtfully and spoke.

"Master Xiahou, what do you mean?" the head of the Yu family asked.

"You should know what it means soon!" Xiahou Mingzhi responded after taking a deep breath.

"Could they?" The head of the Yu family frowned tightly.

"Thank you, Master Xiahou, for reminding me. Let's wait until they come back!" Murong Ziyun interrupted the conversation.

Fang’s words.

Time passed very quickly, about half an hour later, Kan Da and Huang Fu Jiao walked in again.

"Master Kan, is there any result? How is it?" the head of the Yu family asked.

"Yes!" Kanda nodded in response, with a very embarrassed expression on his face, "They don't want the territory and the spiritual stones."

"Then what do they want?" the head of the Feng family asked.

"Their purpose is very clear!" Huangfu Jiao said, "They want Mrs. Yun to give up her position as city lord!"

"Huh?!" Several family heads were stunned at the same time.

"Fuck, I know they are coming for the entire Tianlong City!" After a brief pause, Yan He spoke in a deep voice, then turned to look at Murong Ziyun, "Madam, there is nothing to talk about with them, let's start fighting.


"I wonder what your opinions are?" Murong Ziyun narrowed her eyes again and looked at the other people and asked.

This result was naturally expected by her. Kan Da and Huang Fu Jiao performed well in this play!

"My Xiahou family swears to live and die together in the city lord's palace!"

"The city lord and his wife have shown great kindness to my Yu family. I have nothing to say!" the head of the Yu family responded.

"My Yan family has nothing to say!" Yan He turned around after finishing speaking, "Master Feng, what do you three think?"

"I'm worried," the head of the Bao family said after taking a deep breath.

"Everyone, have you ever thought about the consequences?" Kanda interrupted him.

"I just went out to get to know the other party's strength. I'm not belittling myself.

, with the current combat power of our Tianlong City, there is no chance of winning!"

"If a conflict really breaks out, our casualties may not be acceptable to you. It is no exaggeration to say that we will most likely be exterminated!"

"Then what suggestions does Master Kan have?" Xiahou Mingzhi asked with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"I have just reached a preliminary agreement with the other party. As long as we agree to their conditions, they promise not to hurt any of our soldiers." Kanda continued.

"Haha, Master Kan hasn't finished speaking yet, right?" Xiahou Mingzhi spoke again.

"Has the other party promised you that as long as Madam gives up the position of City Lord, the other party will let you take the position of City Lord?"

"Master Xiahou, what do you mean?" Kanda's tone dropped.

"Don't you know what I mean?" Xiahou Mingzhi's tone also darkened at the same time.

"Do you dare to say that the other party's invasion this time has nothing to do with your Kan family?"

"The Extreme Cold Fort and the Extreme Region Chamber of Commerce should be very clear. If we use the strength of the whole city, even if they can win, they will definitely injure the enemy by one thousand and lose eight hundred. It will not be worth the loss for them!" .??.

"But they still sent troops. Apparently they have reached an agreement with some people in our city and feel that they can easily take over Tianlong City!"

"Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to do this!"

"Master Xiahou, you'd better control your mouth, be careful of trouble coming from your mouth!" Kan Da responded angrily, and at the same time a coldness filled his body.

"Why, you got angry because I was right?" Xiahou Mingzhi responded.

"Bastard, I think you are asking for trouble!" Kanda roared again, raised his hand and attacked Xiahou Mingzhi with a palm.

"Want to take action? I'll accompany you!" Xiahou Mingzhi frowned.

He was greeted with the same palm.


A muffled sound was heard, and the two of them retreated a hundred meters apart, evenly matched with each other.

"Take another move from me!" Kanda said solemnly, intending to attack again.

"Stop!" Murong Ziyun scolded coldly.

Then, after glancing at the eight people, he said in a deep voice, "When the voyage left Tianlong City, he entrusted Tianlong City and the people in the city to me, and asked me to help him take care of this home!"

"So, as long as I, Murong Ziyun, am still breathing, I will never allow foreign enemies to get involved in Tianlong City!"

"As for you, everyone has his own ambitions. If you are willing to stay and fight the enemy together with the City Lord's Mansion, I, Murong Ziyun, will be very grateful!"

"Those who don't want to stay, don't force yourself. You are free and can leave at any time!"

"Since Mrs. Yun insists on starting a war, I'm sorry!" Kan Da responded coldly, "It's not easy for the Kan family to get to where they are today. I have to be responsible for the thousands of people in the Kan family!"

"The Huangfu family has also withdrawn. Please forgive me, Madam!" Huangfu said at the same time.

"Hmph! White-eyed wolf!" Yan He snorted coldly and looked at the two people beside him, "Master Bao, Master Xing, where are you two? Do you want to quit too?"

"Mrs. Yun, our Xing family's business is fragile and cannot withstand strong winds and waves. Please understand, madam," the head of the Xing family took a deep breath and said.

Immediately afterwards, the head of the Bao family also expressed his intention to withdraw.

"Get out!" Yan He shouted angrily.

"You?" The head of the Xing family frowned.

"I understand, please go!" Murong Ziyun took a deep breath and waved her hand.

"Master Feng, do you want to quit too?" Xiahou Mingzhi then turned to look at the head of the Feng family.

This chapter has been completed!
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