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Chapter 1254 Extreme Environment

"what happened?"

The people around the woman quickly turned their heads and looked over. However, before they could see clearly what was going on, the woman was dragged by something and quickly disappeared to the left.

By the time the people around her reacted, the woman had disappeared.


Just when everyone was still wondering what kind of monster it was, a scream came again, this time from a man.

Just like the woman before, she screamed and fell to the ground, then was dragged away and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it! I want to see what the hell you are!" Another man shouted angrily.

At the same time as the voice sounded, he raised his feet and chased towards the direction where the man disappeared.

"Cao Yun, it's dangerous, come back!" Ruan Hongyu's voice sounded at the same time.

However, as he spoke, he remembered that the man's figure had disappeared from sight.


Less than ten seconds later, Cao Yun's screams came from the right, which lasted only three seconds and then stopped abruptly.

"Everyone, please stop moving and form a circle!" Ling Hao said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Thirty or so people responded at the same time and followed suit.

Just as everyone was taking their seats, four scorpions with skins not much different from yellow sand crawled out from the direction they were going.

It's said to be a scorpion just because it looks similar, but the size is really not the same.

These four scorpions are four to five meters long from head to tail. The two scorpion pincers in front are like two huge iron pincers, exuding a cold aura.

Three of the scorpions still had some flesh and blood left on their claws. It was obvious that the three men and women were dragged away by them.

With their appearance, everyone also found out their levels, and without exception they were all fourth-level beasts.

In addition, they are highly poisonous, so the three men and women had no room to struggle after being attacked.


Seeing the four big guys not far away, many people shouted in disbelief

came out.

I have never seen such a big scorpion!

"Are all the animals in the Forbidden Valley mutated?" the judge shuddered secretly and shouted.

"Second Prince, take everyone back!" Ling Hao frowned slightly and pulled out the Crazy Knife from his body.

If it were just an ordinary fourth-level beast, it wouldn't be too difficult for everyone to deal with it.

But facing something as poisonous as a scorpion, even a fourth-grade God Emperor may not have a chance of winning.

"Okay!" Ruan Hongyu replied and led everyone back.

"Brother Ling Hao, I'll stay and help you!" Xuan Chenxi drew out his Phoenix Sword and stared at the four giant scorpions in front of him.

Although her body is not as 'invulnerable to all poisons' as Ling Hao's, it is already difficult for her to be affected by ordinary poisons.

"No need!" Ling Hao responded, "You step back with them and look at the left and right sides!"

"Okay!" Xuan Chenxi didn't insist anymore.

"Husband, be careful!" Qin Yuxin shouted at the same time.

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Ling Hao responded.


Just as he finished speaking, one of the giant scorpions jumped up from the spot and rushed towards Ling Hao.

At the same time, a large stream of venom spewed out of his mouth and was sprayed towards Ling Hao.

call out!

The next moment, a blood-red sword light shot out quickly.

The giant scorpion seemed to sense the crisis, but it was in mid-air, even if it consciously wanted to hide, it could not do anything.


The sword light flashed past the giant scorpion's body, and then the giant scorpion was cut into two pieces and fell to the ground. A large amount of poison was sprayed on the ground, emitting an extremely unpleasant smell.


Seeing his companions killed, the other three

Not only did the giant scorpion show no intention of retreating, it actually attacked Ling Hao at the same time.

"Brother, be careful!" Qinglong and others shouted at the same time not far away.

Phew! Phew! Phew!

At the same time, Ling Hao started again, his wrists continued to flip, and the mad knife pulled out countless blades to attack. .??.

The next moment, three giant scorpions were seen being cut into pieces by the sword light, and venom was flying in the sky.

Some of the venom fell on the ground cover nearby, making a sizzling sound, and the vegetation withered immediately.

In fact, if you are in a calm environment now, after these venoms are exposed to the air, just the smell will make people sick.

However, in the current environment where hurricanes are raging, the poisonous gas has long been blown away.


Just when everyone was breathing a sigh of relief, a more intense howling sound came from not far away, which even caused vibrations under the feet.

Immediately afterwards, a huge vortex of wind was seen rising into the sky and quickly flashing in the direction of everyone.

Wherever the vortex passes, huge rocks, trees, yellow sand, etc. are all swept up in the air, and occasionally one or two of the giant scorpions can even be seen.

Obviously, a tornado blew up in this desert.

The wind was raging, the sky was filled with yellow sand, the clouds were blocking the sun, and the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking.

Judging from the movement, it was one level stronger than the tornado seen outside.

"Let's go!" Ling Hao shouted loudly.

Everyone was obviously aware of the crisis. Their expressions changed and they hurriedly hid in the air.

However, because everyone's teleportation speed was greatly affected, it was impossible to escape.


But in the blink of an eye, a tornado swept through, and everyone including Ling Hao was swept up into the air.

Ling Hao tried to use his power to resist the strong wind

The impact was of little use, and the body rotated with the strong wind.


It lasted for about twenty minutes, and Ling Hao felt that he was thrown out by the strong wind, and then he fell heavily on the hard mountain ground.

Although he was protected by the defensive Gang Qi, the powerful impact still made him feel very uncomfortable, and blood surged in his heart.

After a few minutes, after a slight pause, Ling Hao stood up.

At this time, the visibility in the surrounding area had been reduced to about four or five meters, and everything that came into view was filled with yellow sand, almost to the point where it was almost impossible to see even one's fingers.

But the tornado was still moving forward, and Ling Hao followed it based on his feeling.

However, with his current speed, it is naturally impossible to catch up with the tornado's teleportation speed.

Facing this extreme environment, Ling Hao lost his temper.

For him now, there is no other way except waiting for the wind speed to drop and then looking for Qin Yuxin and others.

He tried shouting a few times around him, but even if he activated his skills to increase the decibel level, it was still difficult to get above the manic howling wind.

Time passed, and after about an hour, the strong wind in this space finally calmed down.

After all the yellow sand in mid-air fell, the visibility in the space was much higher than before the wind, and one could see within two to three hundred meters at a glance.

At this time, Ling Hao also saw clearly where he was, which was a dry low-lying land.

Then, Ling Hao walked up from the low-lying area.

Then I looked around and saw no trace of anyone except the ground that had been ravaged by the tornado.

"Yu Xin, Lu Yue, Chen Xi, Qinglong"

Ling Hao took a deep breath and shouted a few words to the surroundings again, but there was no response at all.

In desperation, Ling Hao could only walk forward aimlessly.

As he walked, he released his mental power to investigate the surrounding situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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