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Chapter 2378 Eighth-Level Star Territory

Along the way, everyone finally understood why the seventh-tier aircraft ship could not reach Yutiantai.

Although there are no deadly black holes on this road, the cosmic storms and space turbulence are extremely terrifying, and a Tier 7 aircraft absolutely cannot stop them.

Even for an eighth-tier aircraft ship, there are still bumps along the way.

In many places, it's like riding a roller coaster. From time to time, it will be knocked away by astral fragments, but it all depends on being strong enough, otherwise it would have been shattered long ago.

Ling Hao and others originally planned to meditate and practice after boarding the ship, but soon found that they were thinking too much and could not calm down at all.

After about a month or so, the aircraft finally passed through that star field without any danger.

On this day, the aircraft ship came to an unknown star field, and there was a mountain range suspended directly in front of the aircraft ship.

"Is it almost there?" The judge looked at the man from Ji Zong and asked, "Where is the Yutiantai?"

"On the top of the highest mountain!" The man raised his finger and pointed straight ahead.

"I have a question. Since aircraft ships cannot fly here from the eighth-order star field, how did your aircraft ships come here? Isn't it put in the Na Ring?" Xuan Pang asked.

"Although there is a transmission channel between the Yutiantai and the eighth-level star field, there is also space turbulence inside!" the woman on the side said.

"If you don't have a ship, you have to rely entirely on your physical body to resist. You must at least be at the Ningkun realm or above, otherwise you will be torn into pieces."

"You mean the aircraft carrier will also enter the transmission channel?" Xuan Pang was stunned for a moment.

"Yeah!" The woman nodded.

"Okay!" Xuan Pang smacked his lips.

There is spatial turbulence in the transmission channel. This is not the first time that everyone has encountered it.

We had already seen this when we went from the Jixu Space to the Desolate Realm. At that time, everyone hid in the Nine Dragons Space, and then Ling Hao managed to pass through the passage with his strong body.

While the two were talking, the aircraft continued to fly towards the highest mountain top.

Ling Hao also released his mental power and looked below. Except for some birds and beasts, there was no human breath.

According to She Po, there were strong men from the Tianmeng guarding this place before. Some people who fled from the eighth-level star field had to obtain a pass from the Tianmeng to enter the seventh-level starfield.

After the Tianmeng was overthrown, the people who stayed here dispersed, and this place became a no man's land.

After a while, the aircraft hovered on the top of the highest mountain.

Everyone looked around and saw a circular platform suspended in mid-air directly in front of them.

The diameter is about a thousand meters, and there is a layer of ripples around the entire platform. There is emptiness within the reality, and there is reality within the emptiness. The specific material cannot be seen.

Not far above the platform, there is a medium-sized black hole.

Even sitting inside the aircraft carrier, Ling Hao and everyone could feel the oppressive aura permeating from the black hole.

"Is that the Yutiantai?" Zhuihun asked.

"Yeah!" The man nodded in response.

"Go in!" Ling Hao said.

"Okay!" The man nodded again.

Subsequently, the aircraft ship flew towards the platform.


The moment the aircraft carrier entered the platform, an extremely terrifying suction force sucked the aircraft ship into the black hole.

It was pitch black inside the transmission channel, and you couldn't see your fingers. Fortunately, there were luminescent materials on the aircraft carrier, so you could at least see clearly what was going on inside the aircraft carrier.

The speed in the channel is staggering, far exceeding the speed of the aircraft itself.

It is at least several times faster than the speed in the passage from the Silent Ruins Space to the Desolate Realm.

Everyone finally understood why they came in by airship.

At this speed, even if there is no spatial turbulence, warriors below the Ningkun realm will probably be torn into pieces within a few minutes.

About a quarter of an hour later, the aircraft ship was turbulent in space.

Under the influence of , it started to shake.

However, compared with the previous journey, the amplitude is much smaller. Everyone can at least sit in the aircraft carrier and meditate with peace of mind.

Time flies so fast and a month flies by in the blink of an eye.

In this month, everyone's cultivation level has also been improved. Except for Lu Yue and Xuan Pang who are stuck at the threshold of overcoming the tribulation, everyone else has broken through a level.

"Look, there is light ahead!" Qin Yufei shouted as everyone continued to meditate with their eyes closed that day.

After hearing her words, everyone opened their eyes and saw that they could indeed see a faint light in front of them.

"Finally we're here!" The judge and Zhuihun both said at the same time.

"Everyone sit down!" the man from Ji Zong shouted.


Before he finished speaking, the aircraft ship was thrown out of the passage by an extremely powerful force.

Immediately afterwards, it spun very fast for a while before floating in the air. Everyone was dizzy with stars in their eyes.

After calming down for a while, everyone looked out the window.

What comes into view is an endless virgin forest, and directly below the aircraft ship is a huge wasteland.

"Is this the eighth-level star field?" Xuan Pang asked.

"Yeah!" The man responded and opened the windows around the ship, letting in a stream of clear air.


Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, which was refreshing.

"As expected of the eighth-level star field, the spiritual energy concentration is much higher than that of the seventh-level star field!" Qinglong couldn't help but sigh.

Phew! Phew! Phew!

Before Qinglong could finish his words, seven or eight figures emerged from the forest on the right, wearing uniform clothes.

Eight people appeared and headed straight towards the aircraft carrier. The leader was a middle-aged man.

"What's going on?" Xuan Pang looked at the man from Ji Zong and asked, "They

Who is he?"

"People from Tianmeng!" the man responded.

"People from Tianmeng?" Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Everyone has heard Zhong Banxian say before that there is also a Heavenly Alliance in the eighth-order star field, but they are completely unrelated forces to the Heavenly Alliance in the seventh-order star field.

"Yeah!" The man nodded in response.

"They claim to be the masters of the eighth-level star field, and they usually do the so-called maintenance of order in the star field."

"Of course, the objects they manage are only second-rate and below forces. First-rate and super-first-rate forces don't take them seriously at all."

"And many times they have to curry favor with first-class forces in order to maintain their authority in front of weaker forces."

"Understood!" Bai Hu then asked, "What do they want to do now?"

"This is the passage from the seventh-order star field to the eighth-order star field. They have people stationed here all year round." The man responded.

"What's the purpose?" Bai Hu asked.

"On the surface, it's to maintain the security of the eighth-level star field and check people who come out of the transmission channel." The man said again, "Actually, it's to get some benefits!"

"Of course, they also look at others and bully the weak and fear the strong..."

"Who are you? Come out all!" At this moment, eight people from the other party came to the front of the aircraft and asked.

"Master Ling, what do you think?" The man from Ji Zong looked at Ling Hao and asked.

"How far is it from Ji Zong's headquarters?" Ling Hao asked.

"Sorry, I don't know the specifics." The man shook his head and responded, "We are just members of a branch of Ji Zong. We don't even know where the headquarters is."

"Do you think we are easy to deceive?" Bai Hu's body felt cold.

"You followed Miss Ji Zong to the seventh-order star field. Now tell us, you don't know where the headquarters is?"

"Are you trying to say that even your eldest lady doesn't know where the Ji Sect's headquarters is?"

This chapter has been completed!
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