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Chapter 2587 The eighth volume of the Book of Heaven is obtained

"What's going on? You still don't want to hand over the Book of Heaven?" Xian'er looked at Li Yi and asked.


Before she finished speaking, Li Yi turned around and ran out, then tore a crack in the void not far from him and dodged in.

"Do you think you can run away?" When Xian'er finished her words, people had already followed her in.

At the same time, Gu Wanling Yukong came to Ling Hao: "Hello, Mr. Ling!"

"Miss Gu, what a coincidence?" Ling Hao smiled.

"I concealed something from Mr. Ling last time. Please forgive me, Mr. Ling!" Gu Wanling bowed slightly.

What she was referring to was obviously the last time Ling Hao asked her if she knew anything about the barbarian tribe, and she said she didn't know much about them.

But now, the conversation between my ancestor and the ancestor of the Barbarian tribe sounds like they are old enemies. How could the ancient tribe not understand the Barbarian tribe?

"Little things..." Ling Hao smiled again.

"Actually, we can only be regarded as a branch of the ancient clan, not the real ancient clan!" Gu Wanling interrupted Ling Hao.

"Many years ago, the barbarians who were almost exterminated by the ancient tribe targeted our branch in revenge. The two sides fought for many years, and both sides suffered serious casualties."

"Later, I don't know what method Li Cang used to unite with an evil tribe at that time. The final result was that our branch was defeated miserably. If the ancestors of Gu Lin hadn't fought to protect each other, our branch would have been extinct long ago."

"Understood!" Ling Hao nodded.

Bai Ling once mentioned to him that Gu Wanling could only be regarded as a branch of the ancient tribe, and now it seems that she was right.

"When something happens to your branch, the ancient clan doesn't care?" Ling Hao asked next.

"The ancient tribe at that time had already withdrawn from the world, and they didn't know what was happening outside." Gu Wanling responded.

"No wonder!" Ling Hao nodded.

After the two continued chatting for a few words, a crack was torn open in the void in front of them again, and then Xian'er was seen coming out of the air.

> "Here you go!" When he came not far away, Xian'er raised his hand and waved, and a Nai ring was delivered to Ling Hao.

"What is this?" Ling Hao took the ring and asked.

"Li Fu's Najie, please see if the heavenly book inside is true." Xian'er said.

"Miss Xian'er, is Li Yi dead?" Gu Wanling asked after being stunned for a moment.

"Yeah!" Xian'er nodded.

Hearing her words, Gu Wanling couldn't help but exclaimed. An existence as powerful as Li Yi's disappeared into thin air, which made her feel more in awe of Xian'er again.

"How is it?" Xian'er then looked at Ling Hao and asked.

"Thank you Miss Xian'er, it's true!" Ling Hao smiled and responded.

As he said, the Heavenly Book in Najie is indeed the eighth volume of the Zhengerba Jing!

"That's okay!" Xian'er nodded: "You guys wait for me here, I'll go see them both!"

After finishing speaking, Yukong walked towards the battle circle between Gu Lin and the two men.

"Mr. Ling, who are you and Miss Xian'er?" Gu Wanling then looked at Ling Hao and asked.

"She is one of my seniors!" Ling Hao responded with a smile.

He didn't know how to describe his relationship with Xian'er, just like he didn't know how to describe Zhong Banxian's relationship with him.

"Mr. Ling, do you know the identity of Miss Xian'er?" Gu Wanling asked.

"To be honest, I don't know either." Ling Hao said, "I just saw that your ancestor seemed to know Miss Xian'er. Do you also know who Miss Xian'er is?"

"I don't know either!" Gu Wanling shook her head.

"I just learned from my ancestor that Miss Xian'er is a great person. Over the years,

He has always played the role of punishing rape and eradicating evil."

"As far as I know, Miss Xian'er should have a certain relationship with Tianmeng, but I don't know the specific situation."

"Understood!" Ling Hao nodded again.

Originally, he had never thought that Miss Xian'er was related to Tianmeng, but his encounter with Yuan Hui a few days ago made him have some suspicions.

He learned from Bai Ling that there was a person from Tianmeng who went to the scene with Miss Xian'er. That person's identity and status seemed to be higher than Yuan Hui's, but he was also very respectful to Xian'er.

Coupled with some of Miss Xian'er's daily words and deeds, he had to think about this aspect.

"Miss Gu, wait for me, I'll go take care of things over there." Ling Hao continued and walked towards the area where the remaining two to three hundred people of the barbarian tribe were.

At the scene at this time, the war was almost over. Of the two to three hundred barbarian tribesmen, only forty or fifty were left, and the rest of them were all dead.

Of course, the lonely souls he summoned with the Soul-Calling Banner have been almost consumed, and there are still three to five hundred left to continue fighting.

After arriving, Ling Hao raised his hand and removed the lonely soul.

"Run!" Without the entanglement of the lonely soul, the people on the other side quickly turned into birds and beasts and dispersed.

However, Ling Hao naturally had no intention of letting them go. After a funeral, twenty or thirty figures fell from the air.

He didn't worry about the rest. He narrowed his eyes slightly and chased after Youpuppet.

After a few minutes, all the soul bodies in the air were sucked in by the ghost puppet, and the void returned to calm.

At the same time, Xian'er and Gu Lin arrived in the air.

There is no doubt that the ancestor of the barbarian tribe has been completely destroyed.

"Thank you, Miss Xian'er!" Gu Lin looked at Xian'er and bowed.


If the plan is correct, people from the ancient clan should start to move outside, right?" Xian'er asked.

"According to the news I got, the ancient clan formation has indeed been activated!" Gu Lin nodded in response.

"It's time for them to come out!" Xian'er looked thoughtful.

"With all the nests, there are no eggs left. The ninth-order star field is about to be in chaos. If they don't come out, they may not have a chance to come out!"

"Understood!" Gu Lin nodded again.

"If you have a chance to meet their clan leader, tell me something for me." Xian'er continued.

"Tell him that if he wants to form an alliance, go directly to the Tianmeng headquarters and I will say hello to the Tianmeng people."

"I will definitely bring it!" Gu Lin responded solemnly.

"Okay, let's do this for now. We still have things to do, so let's take the first step!" Xian'er said.

"Thank you again Miss Xian'er for your help!" Gu Lin bowed in response.

"Thank you Miss Xian'er!" Gu Wanling and other people from the ancient tribe said at the same time.

Afterwards, Xian'er took Ling Hao Yukong away.

"Miss Xian'er, there should be a lot of people left in the barbarian tribe, right? Don't care?" Ling Hao asked on the way.

"The people from Tianmeng will deal with it!" Xian'er responded.

"Understood!" Ling Hao responded after being stunned for a moment. After a short pause, he continued to ask: "You just said that the ninth-order star field is about to be in chaos. What are you referring to? A natural disaster?"

"You don't need to worry about these things for the time being. Your most important task at the moment is to improve your strength and make the Nine Dragon Cauldron available to you as soon as possible." Xian'er replied, "Can the Nine Dragon Cauldron really resist the catastrophe?" Ling Hao


"I don't know!" Xian'er shook his head: "I haven't even figured out what happened to the Heavenly Tribulation, let alone answer your question!"

"Okay!" Ling Hao's mouth twitched slightly. He didn't believe that Xian'er didn't know what a heavenly tribulation was.

This chapter has been completed!
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