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Chapter 153 I beg you to

 With doubts, Qin Yi got into the car, and the man in brocade robe handed Qin Yi his waist badge.

After Qin Yi took it, he took a closer look and found that it was indeed a waist badge owned by a fourth-grade official, with the name Ping Hongru engraved on it.

Returning the waist card to the man in brocade robes, the other man held his hand and said, "You must have guessed it, yes, there is a spy in the government office, but I can't find out who it is at the moment, so I don't dare to talk to you anymore. Please forgive me."


Qin Yi shook his head, "It doesn't matter."

Not long after, the carriage drove into an inner house. Qin Yi opened the curtain and took a look and found that the surrounding houses were not luxurious, so it was obvious that this was not an inner house where rich people lived.

This Ping Hongru was really cautious and did not choose the meeting place at his home.

Guessing what Qin Yi was thinking, the man in brocade robes smiled and said, "In order to deceive others, I will meet with you in your humble residence."

Qin Yi nodded and said nothing more.

Not long after, the carriage drove into a two-entry courtyard.

Qin Yi got out of the car and followed the man in brocade robes through the front yard and came to the main hall.

At this time, a man in green robes with a pale face and a goatee was standing in the hall. He was Ping Hongru, the prefect of Yanluo.

Qin Yi bowed his hands and said, "Students pay homage to the prefect."

Ping Hongru turned around and said to Qin Yi, "Mo Duoli, come on, please sit down!"

Although his tone was normal, Qin Yi could tell from Ping Hongru's eyes that he was a little anxious.

He sat on the side seat, while Ping Hongru sat on the main seat. Without any ink, he asked directly, "Qin Yi, can you tell me everything you know?"

Qin Yi nodded and told the story in detail about how he met the man in black robe at the lantern viewing place last night, followed him all the way, and got the news.

However, he hid the part about meeting the extremely beautiful woman and said that he took the opportunity to escape.

He did this just because he didn't want to involve irrelevant people in this incident.

After listening to what Qin Yi said, Ping Hongru frowned and remained silent, as if he was pondering.

The man in brocade robe sitting aside also had a sullen face and began to think.

When Qin Yi was narrating, this person was listening, which shows that he was someone Ping Hongru could trust.

"Sir, maybe the other party really means this!" the man in brocade robes said.

Although assassinating the prefect is risking the disapproval of the world, the people of the Chixin Sect can really do it.

Ping Hongru nodded and said to Qin Yi, "A decade ago, I discovered that there were many people acting strangely in Yanluo Mansion."

"Thinking that the Lantern Festival is about to come, in order to prevent these ghosts and ghosts from causing trouble, I sent the Yamen to investigate and find out what the other party was up to."

"But before many government officials took action, the other party disappeared without a trace."

"From this, I inferred that there must be a spy in the government office, so that as soon as the government order was issued, the other party knew about it in advance and hid it."

After speaking in a deep voice, Ping Hongru frowned and kept stroking his goat's beard, which showed that he was quite anxious inside.

"I just didn't expect that it turned out to be someone from the Chixin Sect!" Speaking of this, Ping Hongru's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

He used to think that he was a low-level person and would rarely get into big troubles. But if it was the Chixin Sect, the other party's intentions must be big, and the things he did were definitely not trivial, so he had to guard against them!

Qin Yi nodded and asked, "How do you want to deal with it, sir? Should you strengthen your defenses? Or find out the other party?"

In his opinion, the second method would be better.

After all, you can guard against the first grade of junior high school, but not the fifteenth grade.

Keeping on guard is not the answer.

What's more, Ping Hongru is a dignified prefect and a fourth-grade official. He is on guard day and night but does not dare to fight back. This is somewhat unreasonable.

Ping Hongru narrowed his eyes suddenly and said firmly, "It is necessary to take precautions, but how can I allow these scoundrels to act recklessly in my house? They must be eradicated!"

"I will send a message to the governor and obtain the right to mobilize the garrison of my government. As long as these guys dare to show up, I will send troops to kill them all!"

Qin Yi said before that there are at least fifty or sixty disciples of Chixin, but Ping Hongru knows that there are definitely more than that.

Maybe there will be hundreds of them!

There are so many sincere disciples that it is impossible to deal with them just by the government officials. We have to mobilize troops and horses.

Qin Yi nodded and felt that this method was good. Before he could speak, he heard Ping Hongru say, "But the problem is that Chixinmen has always been secretive and extremely difficult to find. If you hadn't encountered it by chance last night, maybe

Until the other side launched an attack, we were all kept in the dark."

Qin Yi nodded when he heard this. What the other party said was indeed true.

Many major events in the past had the shadow of Chixinmen behind them, but they were only discovered after the incident.

When the other party is planning, no one can discover it. This shows that these guys are really good at hiding.

Just like the military crossbow case in Lilan Prefecture, from the time when the bandits obtained the military crossbow to the time when Jingxun's troops were attacked, the Chixin Sect has been hiding in the shadows and not being discovered.

If King Mu hadn't asked him to investigate, or if the Chixin disciples hadn't accidentally left out the Chixin Pendant, maybe even now, no one would have known that the Chixinmen had been involved in this matter.

"I will send trustworthy government officers to conduct overt and covert inspections," Ping Hongru said after pondering for a moment, "but their strength is limited, and I dare not hold out hope."

Qin Yi has indeed seen the strength of government officials, and they are no better than ordinary people.

"So I sincerely ask for your help," Ping Hongru stood up and said with his hands in hand, his attitude was extremely sincere, "I have learned about your ability to investigate the case in the letter. No one can do this except you.

, please help me!"

Qin Yi was surprised and stood up quickly, "Sir, there is no need to hurt the students like this!"

Ping Hongru continued, "As long as you find out the location of Chixinmen and send me the message, I will send troops to eradicate it and I will not put you in danger."

"If you succeed, I will definitely tell you the truth and will never hide your achievements."

"My life and the safety of my government can only depend on you. Qin Yi, I asked you to come here because I want to ask for your help!"

When he learned that he was facing the Chixin Sect, Ping Hongru felt fear and hesitation in his heart.

He knew that he did not have the ability to deal with this gang of desperadoes.

It's not that he doesn't have soldiers and horses, he does. As long as he gets the authorization from the governor, he can mobilize the garrison.

But the problem is that the opponent is hiding in the dark, and even if he has tens of thousands of troops, it may not be effective.

There must be a person with extraordinary wisdom, courage, and good judgment to help him find the location of the true disciple.

And this person is not around him.

That's why he urgently needs Qin Yi's help.

Qin Yi didn't know what to say. The other party was so sincere. It would be too disrespectful for him to refuse.

Thinking that I have nothing to do, and as the other party said, as long as I find the location and don't have to confront him head-on, the risk will be much less.

So, Qin Yi responded, "Your Majesty, you're welcome. Since you think highly of the students, the students will not sit idly by and ignore them."

Hearing this, Ping Hongru was overjoyed, "I will thank you in advance!"

The man in brocade robes beside him couldn't help but be happy.

He knows Qin Yi's ability, and if he can get help from this person, the success rate of this operation will increase significantly!

This chapter has been completed!
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