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Chapter 492: Scare off the enemy!

 Gritting his teeth suddenly, Ping Yulong shouted, "Turn around!"

A general was shocked when he heard this, "General, what do you want?"

"The enemy soldiers will be so satisfied with their victory that they will attack our granary without taking any precautions," Ping Yulong said fiercely, "If at this moment, we go back again and make a sudden attack, we will definitely create a victory and turn defeat into victory!

When the general heard this, his pupils could not help but open slightly, full of surprise!

He was surprised that after Ping Yulong's disastrous defeat, he was still thoughtful enough to think of this.

I was also surprised by Ping Yulong's decisiveness.

Just do it as you say!

This general could not find anything unreasonable in Keping Yulong's reasons.

Faintly, he also felt that it was very possible.

The enemy soldiers may not take any precautions!

So, he advised, "General, this time, we have to be careful!"

Ping Yulong nodded, if the situation goes wrong, run away immediately!

We must never force ourselves to rush in like before. The only one who will be defeated miserably is our own side!

Many cavalrymen had been killed by the enemy and were horrified. They were all shocked when they heard Ping Yulong's order.

But seeing that no one dared to refute the other generals, they could only reluctantly turn their horses around and follow them up the peak, heading northwest.


An hour later, Qin Yi soldiers arrived near the granary built by Ping Yulong.

The guards in this granary camp built on the mountainside have already learned that Qin Yi led his troops, and they are all ready to defend the camp.

They drew their bows and drew arrows, and held high positions to defend. Qin Yi's soldiers and horses wanted to attack, but they could only climb up along a mountain path that only allowed two people to pass side by side.

If this trail is heavily guarded, the only way to attack it is to pay a huge price.

This is also the reason why Ping Yulong built the granary here.

Although it is not easy to transport food in normal times, considering that Qin Yi is unparalleled in field battles, he has no choice but to do it.

But for Qin Yi, there is no need to attack this granary camp at all.

Because he brought the third-generation double-tip counterweight catapult.

You only need to throw stones to completely destroy this camp!

At that time, all the guards in the camp will be wiped out and all the fortifications will be destroyed, and they can easily enter the camp.

Of course, the guards may not sit still and wait for death. They will definitely stand up and shoot arrows. Therefore, Qin Yi has improved the catapult and built a front gear on the catapult. It is made of thick wooden boards to protect

Soldiers who throw stones will not be hit by arrows.

As for other soldiers and horses, they only need to retreat outside the enemy's shooting range.

If the enemy soldiers dare to come down from the mountain and come to fight, then the powerful soldiers will let them know what it means to be brave and brave!

After arranging the array, at Qin Yi's order, the catapults began to project stone bombs, slamming into the mountain wall and mountainside, causing dust to fill the air and cover the world.

The soldiers controlling the catapult slowly adjusted their direction, and the stone projectiles they threw fell into the granary camp one after another without any miss.

In an instant, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves was heard from the camp on the mountainside. The guards howled and fled in all directions. However, many buildings, whether they were camp fortifications or granaries and barracks, were constantly collapsing under the bombardment of stone bullets, leaving dust

It keeps rising and spreading everywhere.

The enemy soldiers were horrified and quickly fired arrows to fight back, but the arrows hit the front wooden board and had no effect.

The highest general in the camp, a school captain, saw this and said angrily, "All soldiers, follow me down the mountain and destroy these slinging equipment!"

If you want to survive, you have to attack and kill!

Immediately afterwards, a deafening shout came from the mountain path. After Qin Yi heard it, he smiled slightly, looked at the captain of the Jinwu soldiers on the side, and said calmly, "Go and kill the enemy soldiers as soon as possible."

The captain of Jinwu soldiers nodded heavily.

They are all three powerful soldiers under Qin Yi, but Yi Ziying has made many achievements, so much so that Qin Yi is planning to give three Yi Ziying captains promotions.

And Tu Tiewei, in the last two battles, showed off his skills, shocked everyone, and made great achievements.

Only the Jinwu soldiers have sent out fewer troops and have not made many achievements. Now that they have the opportunity, they have to show everyone their momentum. Their momentum is equally powerful!

Amid the shouts, the powerful warriors formed a charging formation, swarming towards the enemy soldiers like a wave.

In an instant, the enemy array was completely penetrated, surrounded in a circle, and gradually encroached.

Qin Yi saw this and nodded secretly. Although they rarely use powerful soldiers, this group of infantry has not been in vain and is indeed very strong.

In the entire Cangyuan Continent, there should be no infantry from any dynasty that can compare to the powerful soldiers.

I just don’t know how the powerful soldiers will perform against Xiang Rong.

Putting away his thoughts, Qin Yi opened the war map and saw a stream of red dots flying towards him.

He was secretly amused. It seemed that this flat jade dragon was indeed extraordinary.

Even though he was defeated miserably, he was still able to sense the opportunity.

It's a pity that the other party met me.

If it had been someone else, he might have been killed by this guy and thrown away.

On the other side, Ping Yulong led the cavalry and rushed forward quickly.

He was already sure that Qin Yi was attacking the granary, so he rushed to plunder quickly, fearing that he would miss the opportunity to attack if he arrived late.

But suddenly, he saw a group of infantry on the official road in the distance, lined up like a hill, lying across the road.

Seeing the Qin flag flying high above the opponent's head, Ping Yulong's eyes narrowed and he was slightly shocked!

Could it be that Qin Yi had already expected that he would leave and come back?

But the opponent left so few infantry and wanted to stop his tens of thousands of cavalry?

As soon as he was surprised, Ping Yulong suddenly discovered that the infantry team was extremely strong, holding strange broadswords in their hands, like a forest of steel knives. He was immediately horrified!

It was this strange group of infantry who killed many cavalry. In front of them, an unprecedented scene of infantry massacring cavalry was staged.

Their previous experiences are still unforgettable, and they are still frightened just thinking about them.

Therefore, before Ping Yulong gave the order, many cavalrymen reined in their horses in shock and did not dare to move forward.

Ping Yulong himself did the same, stopping in a hurry and staring at the group of infantry in horror.

The whole team was frightened. Not only the people were afraid, but even the horses were restless and neighing.

They may all remember that a few hours ago, many of their companions were cut in half by these long knives!

Ping Yulong was frightened but also hesitant.

Previously, Qin Yi relied on the iron caltrops, rain of arrows, and hillsides to slow down their horses and prevent them from forming an effective impact, thus giving this group of infantry an opportunity.

But now, if you rush over in a hurry, the other party may not be able to resist.

After all, no one can stop the speed of a horse.

But the question is, do you still dare to follow him?

Or, does he dare to charge himself?

Thinking of this, Ping Yulong was a little panicked. He couldn't forget the previous scene. If he hadn't reacted in time, he and his horse would have been transformed into two halves!

"General, these infantry are extremely strange and invincible. Let's withdraw!" A general advised, his voice trembling slightly.

"General, withdraw, don't hesitate any longer!"

"Our army is in the hands of the opponent. We have suffered over ten thousand casualties. General, please don't make the same mistake again!"

"General, none of our brothers want to die in vain!"

After hearing this, Ping Yulong, who was still hesitating, suddenly understood that if he insisted on going his own way, his subordinates would probably mutiny and no longer obey his orders.

After all, he was promoted beyond his rank and did not have much prestige in the army.

Thinking of this, Ping Yulong could only grit his teeth and shouted, "Withdraw!"

He stared hard at these strange infantry, as if he wanted to imprint their appearance deeply in his mind.

This group of Tu Tiewei stood proudly in the middle of the road with swords in their hands, their faces full of murderous intent, and they had the aura to cut through mountains and cut down seas.

Watching the enemy soldiers turn around and run away, their eyes were full of contempt and their hearts felt filled with joy.

Qin Yi once told them that they didn't need to do anything, just line up in the middle of the road to scare away the enemy soldiers.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yiguo is really good at predicting events!

They did not expect that in their lifetime, they would be able to scare off cavalry just by standing. This is an unparalleled honor!

And all this is because of Qin Yi!

Because Qin Yi made them stronger and gave them a rare powerful weapon in the world, he created the myth of infantry defeating cavalry.

At first, the cavalry under King Mu died under their Mo Dao, but due to the haste of things, King Mu died not long after. Many of his soldiers and horses died and fell. Little is known about Tu Tiewei's record.<


But now, under the leadership of Qin Yi, they defeated the Dali cavalry. This amazing achievement will definitely spread.

Everyone will know that under the command of the God of War, in addition to Yi Ziying, there is also a group of powerful infantry, Tu Tiewei!


In less than two quarters of an hour, the powerful soldiers completely wiped out the granary guards. The remaining enemy soldiers turned into birds and beasts and scattered, fleeing in all directions.

Then, Qin Yi gave a loud order to attack the granary.

Many powerful soldiers, like tigers and wolves, rushed up the mountain path and rushed into the camp. They saw that the camp was in a mess. The barracks collapsed, the granary was destroyed, and a lot of corn was scattered on the ground.

Qin Yi then ordered the soldiers to collect grain bags in the camp, put all the grain into bags, and transport them back to the camp.

In this way, you can not only put the enemy soldiers into a situation of food shortage, but also increase your own food reserves, weaken the enemy soldiers and strengthen yourself, why not?

It would be a pity if the fire burned them all.

All the soldiers obeyed the order, packed the corn bags in high spirits, and then carried it onto the wooden cart they brought with them, working enthusiastically.

Qin Yi stood with his hands behind his hands and cast his eyes on the system panel. He saw the big red dot and was scared away by the blue dot he had placed in the middle of the road. He couldn't help but smile lightly.

Whether Ping Yulong himself was afraid or his subordinates were disobedient, the enemy's actions were as he expected and they retreated without a fight.

Our side is completely victorious in this battle!

However, Ping Yulong is likely to make the next move.

After all, the War King kills decisively, and he does the same with his own people.

Ping Yulong went to war rashly, and if he didn't get any benefits, it would be difficult to escape the punishment of the King of War.

Maybe, the other party will choose to take a desperate risk.

Thinking of this, Qin Yi smiled lightly.

No matter how agitated the other party was, he was prepared.

If you are not afraid that the enemy soldiers will come, you should be afraid that the enemy soldiers will not come!

This chapter has been completed!
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