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Chapter 567: A fight to the death!

 "My lord! My lord!"

The three Yaocheng city guards who were discussing matters in the hall suddenly heard urgent shouts from outside the hall.

The three of them couldn't help but feel their hearts sink. What's wrong?

Is there some bad news?

A young general ran into the hall, walking in a hurry and panting, but his face was full of joy, "Huh... Sir... Huh... We have a big... Huh... happy event!"
The guardian of Yaocheng City couldn't help but be surprised, what a great happy event?

Could it be that Qin Yi retreated without a fight?


He was in the city guard's mansion, far away from the city wall, and could faintly hear the loud sound of stone bullets hitting the city wall.

Not wanting to guess any more, the city guard of Yaocheng hurriedly asked, "What a happy event is this?"

Xu Shi ran all the way back. The young general was panting and his chest was beating like a bellows.

After breathing for a while, his breath calmed down a little. Without daring to delay, the young general quickly replied, "Reporting to your lord, I was in the Hermitage Mountain... I met an expert and got some advice... That gentleman told me about a way to defeat the enemy.


Hearing this, the city guard of Yaocheng sat upright suddenly, his face full of expectation, "What method, tell me quickly!"

Bincheng City Shou also opened his eyes slightly, feeling surprised.

Even though he was in Bincheng, he had heard rumors about Hermit Mountain and learned that many masters lived in seclusion there.

These people may have masters in military skills, and their literary and military skills are far superior to ordinary people, but it is not easy to deal with Qin Yi, so the Bincheng city guard was dubious, calm down, and listened carefully.

The young general didn't dare to show off, so he quickly replied, "That gentleman said that if a surprise attack fails, you can fight head-on. If your combat power is insufficient, you can make up for it with external forces!"

Just one sentence made everyone feel that it made perfect sense!

After a pause, the young general continued, "The gentleman said that his master was good at using foreign objects to defeat the enemy and created three war techniques. I begged for a long time, and then the gentleman told me that one of the techniques was called the Fire Bull Formation.

First collect strong cattle, the more the better, tie reeds to the tails of each cattle and spread them in front of the formation."

"When the war begins, light the reeds and the oxen's tails are burned by the fire, and they will rush forward crazily. If we rush to kill them, we can easily penetrate the Qin Yi battle formation!"

The guardian boy of Yaocheng City suddenly opened his eyes wide, filled with surprise!

Immediately afterwards, his whole face was filled with joy, and the corners of his lips that had been tightened for a long time because of the unfavorable outcome of the war suddenly opened up, revealing an extremely bright smile!

"Wonderful, very wonderful!" Sanfeng City Guards slammed his hands, ecstatically exclaimed, praising it.

Even though he doesn't have much resourcefulness, he can tell just by listening that this method is unparalleledly powerful!

No matter how powerful the manpower is, can it still be compared with a mad cow?

If this method is used, even if Qin Yi is the contemporary God of War, he will surely perish!

"There really is an expert hidden in the mountain!" Bincheng City Keeper said in surprise, "I was dubious at first, but now, I no longer have any doubts!"

This method is something that no one can come up with, and no one can match it!

No matter how strong Qin Yi is, he will definitely be defeated before the Fire Ox Formation!

The city guard of Yaocheng was speechless with joy!

He has been waiting for an opportunity to defeat Qin Yi head-on.

Now, the opportunity has come!

This is God’s care for them!

Only then did he send an expert to inform him of this shocking method!

By then, Qin Yi will be defeated and Liukang will be restored, and he will become Liukang's new master!

If we take the opportunity to kill Qin Yi and then go south to invade Linzhan, it is not an unattainable dream!

After taking a deep breath for a long time, he suppressed the surge of joy a little. Yaocheng City Guards looked at the other two people, and saw Bincheng City Guards and Sanfeng City City Guards, already ecstatic and extremely excited.

Seeing them nodding heavily, the city guard of Yaocheng quickly ordered, the joy in his tone could not be concealed, "Give me the order, do your best to collect strong cattle from your own territory and transport them to Yaocheng. Remember not to leak the news!"

The three sides of the city guard sect own twenty cities, one-third of the entire Liukang, and have many civilians and acres of land under their command. Naturally, they have a lot of cattle. These cattle are the weapons of victory!

Even if there are not thousands of them, collecting thousands of them is definitely not a problem!

Suddenly, the young general thought of something and said quickly, "Sir, that gentleman also said that this method should be used at night to prevent the enemy soldiers from seeing the cattle in front of the formation and becoming fearful and afraid to fight."

"What you said is absolutely true!" Yaocheng City Guards nodded quickly, "Pass my order and send a letter of war to Qin Yi. It is agreed that five days later, at midnight, we will fight head-on. The victory will be determined by one battle!"

Five days were enough for them to collect the strong cattle they needed.

After the letter of war was sent, with Qin Yi's status and temperament, even if he didn't like fighting late at night, he would not refuse.

By then, it will be Qin Yi’s death!

The best thing is to let this guy die under the collision of a mad bull!

His abdomen was pierced by a bull's horn, his blood and intestines spilled all over the floor, and then he was pushed up into the sky!

Thinking of this bloody scene, Yaocheng City Guards felt so wonderful that he couldn't help but close his eyes, keep fantasizing, and his face was filled with enjoyment!


"Your Majesty, the enemy soldiers have sent a letter of war!" Mao Lifu rushed in and shouted loudly.

In the tent, many generals gathered together and were discussing. When they heard Mao Lifu shouting, they were suddenly surprised and looked at Qin Yi.

But they remembered that Qin Yi said a few days ago that the enemy soldiers would soon leave the city to fight, and it was indeed true!

Qin Yi, he really knows things like a god!

After a moment of admiration, everyone looked at Mao Lifu and stared at the letter of challenge in his hand.

They were a little confused. Did the city guards just drink wine without eating peanuts, or did they eat the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard? They actually had the courage to declare a challenge. The sun was really rising in the west.

As a result, they were very curious about what was written in the war letter.

Qin Yi's expression was dull. He took the letter of war, glanced at it, and handed it to Sun Xingling beside him, preparing to pass it to the generals.

"This is inappropriate!" After reading, Sun Xingling quickly shook his head and said with a frown.

Then, he handed the letter of war to the general beside him.

Seeing Sun Xingling, who had always been taciturn, say this, the generals were even more surprised. They looked around to see what was written in the war book.

It wasn't until the generals finished reading that Qin Yi asked, "What do you think?"

Qin Yi had just finished speaking, and all the generals immediately said, "Your Majesty, there must be a fraud in this matter!"

"The city guards are cunning and shameless, there must be some conspiracy!"

"My lord, please don't agree to this!"

"Exactly, the other party is scheduled to be late at night, there must be some trick, we must not fall into the trap!"

After saying that, the generals looked at Qin Yi, waiting for the other party to speak.

They know that their opinions may not be correct, but Qin Yi's opinions are extremely unlikely to be wrong.

So even if you think it's inappropriate, you have to listen to what Qin Yi thinks and whether it's feasible.

Qin Yi smiled slightly and said, "I think it can be fought."

The generals couldn't help but be stunned and full of doubts.

There are obviously problems with the enemy's engagement, so why does Qin Yi think it's feasible?

Although they are puzzled, everyone knows that Qin Yi knows things well and will not ask for trouble. Choosing to agree is obviously beneficial to himself and not harmful.

But no matter how they think about it, they can't figure out where the advantage is for them.

Out of trust in Qin Yi, the generals nodded in agreement without saying much.

Afterwards, Qin Yi wrote back and informed the city guards that he agreed to the battle.

Of course, if you agree, you agree. In the past five days, Qin Yi did not intend to slow down his offensive. The catapults continued to hit the city wall, causing damage to the city walls of Yaocheng.


When they learned that Qin Yi agreed, the three parties of the city guards were overjoyed and secretly lamented that Qin Yi had brought about his own destruction.

So, they sent an order to speed up the recruitment of strong cattle. The faster, the better, and the more, the better.

As time passes slowly, in the expectation of the three parties of the city defenders, five days have passed, and the day of the battle has arrived!

At this time, the city defenders have recruited thousands of strong cattle, each of which is huge. They charge and no one can stop them!

This is truly unstoppable!

The three parties of the city defenders were extremely happy. They were in the hall, constantly passing orders and making preparations for the war.

It is already evening now. After everyone has eaten, they are waiting for the decisive battle to begin at Xu Shi!

"Check again to see if all the oxtails are tied with reeds. Also, to see if the fire seal is effective, the reeds must be lit at the same time in the shortest time. There must be no mistakes!" Yaocheng City Guards continued to make arrangements, just like presiding over a meeting.

It was like a wedding, with deep joy in his tone.

They are about to usher in a great victory, an unprecedented victory, how can we not be happy?

"How is the situation under Qin Yi?" Bincheng City Guard suddenly asked.

After hearing this, the soldiers in the hall quickly replied, "The reconnaissance cavalry reported that Qin Yi's men have begun to march out of camp and prepare to fight with us."

When the city guard of Yaocheng heard this, he became even more delighted. He looked at the hourglass in the corner of the house and saw that it was already the fourth quarter of the hour. There were only four quarters of an hour left before the battle of Xu hour. It was time to prepare to leave the city.

So, he shouted, "Go out of the city and line up to welcome victory!"

Suddenly, the sound of drums continued to sound in Yaocheng and Qin Yi camp.

The soldiers of Yaocheng came out of the city to form an array. At the front were swordsmen holding torches and long knives. There were about thousands of them, lined up in horizontal rows.

Behind the swordsman, there are thousands of strong cattle, also lined up in horizontal rows. The tails of the cattle are swinging back and forth, and it can be seen that thick reeds are tied to them.

The reeds had not caught fire, so these huge and strong cattle were quite docile and did not fall into mania.

After the bull formation, there are countless light-armored infantry, also holding torches and long knives.

When the fire bulls overwhelm the enemy formation, it will be up to them to reap the victory!

Among this group of people, there are likely to be a few lucky ones who can kill enemy generals and accumulate military exploits.

There may even be a soldier who is lucky enough to encounter Qin Yi who was knocked down by a flaming bull and cut off his head. Then, rising to the top in one step is by no means a foolish dream!

Therefore, these tens of thousands of soldiers were extremely excited and extremely happy.

When they came out of the city to form an array, they had already learned about the Fire Ox Formation from the generals and knew that their side was bound to win. How could they not be excited?

After setting up the formation, the Yaocheng battle formation walked towards the front with a rainbow of momentum.

After walking a few miles, they heard footsteps ahead and saw countless torches, like stars.

Obviously, Qin Yi’s men have arrived on the battlefield!

Because the night was dark, the torches were not very bright, and the distance was quite far, about several miles, it was difficult for the soldiers of Yaocheng to see clearly the specific appearance of the enemy's formation, but this situation made them very happy.

They couldn't see the enemy formation clearly, and the enemy formation couldn't see them clearly.

In this way, the figures of many strong cattle will not be noticed by the other party.

When the war begins, the opponent will die!

The two formations were slightly closer, and several miles apart, they stopped. The whole place was filled with flickering firelights and the sound of hunting flags blown by the wind!

Both sides are ready!

The decisive battle is about to break out!

This chapter has been completed!
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