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Chapter 611: There is no way to escape death!

 To the east of Dingyuejun Town, on Guan Road, countless people, dragging their families and their families, lined up in a long line, heading towards Yanluo City.

At a glance, it’s bustling with people.

On the right side of these common people is a group of soldiers who are also lined up in a long line, responsible for escorting.

Although there are no elephants chasing after them, these soldiers still have a heavy task.

The first is to maintain order and prevent lawless people from taking the opportunity to cause chaos, steal, commit adultery and commit adultery.

Nowadays, we are in troubled times, and heavy laws must be used. Therefore, if someone is found to have violated laws and disciplines, he will be punished with a stick or hanged.

Therefore, the large number of people are extremely orderly, and no one dares to cause trouble. Even queue-jumping and quarrels are extremely rare.

In addition, the soldiers also have a more important task, which is to set up camps and make fires for cooking every night.

These tents and meals are not only owned by the soldiers, but also by the common people.

Many tents, food and other expenses are provided by the imperial court.

Otherwise, if we evacuate all the way, some people will already be hungry and destitute and unable to survive.

However, due to the large number of people, it was not easy to transport food, so the people's meals were barely adequate for food and clothing.

In this regard, the people did not complain.

Comparing the concubines of Dali, we can know that their treatment is pretty good.

In addition to maintaining order and food and clothing, when rushing on the road, if anyone could not hold on and could not go on, the soldiers would help him to the carriage and ride on.

If someone gets sick, they will be treated by military doctors, instead of leaving the people to fend for themselves. This move made some Li Shu people who had fled the country think of their previous arduous journey, and couldn't help but feel sad, covering their faces and crying.

At noon, in order to save time and energy, we did not light a fire to cook, but ate dry food, and then we had an hour's rest.

After resting, most of the troops hit the road again.

Perhaps the sun was a little brighter, and while walking, a commoner suddenly fainted.

The soldier walking on the side quickly crossed the crowd and stepped forward. After a test, he found that the old man who had fainted on the ground was still breathing, so he quickly helped him up.

Not long after, a carriage came from the side. Several soldiers worked together to help the fainted old man get into the carriage. The military doctor in the carriage immediately poured a bowl of heat-removing concoction into the old man's mouth.
The people around him watched quietly.

They knew that maybe the temperature was rising and the old man was weak, so he couldn't withstand it anymore.

From now on, the other party can move forward by car without any effort.

But in the past few days, more and more people have fainted, and I don’t know if the carriage is enough.

Thinking of this, the people were worried and looked up at the sky. They saw the sun shining high and the light was slightly hot. They couldn't help but frown.

One of them couldn't help but asked the soldier beside him, "Master Jun, where do we have to retreat to?"

The soldier replied, "To the east of Yanluo City."

Everyone listened and couldn't help being silent. One person suddenly spoke up, "Master Jun, I live in Shaxiang City. First, I evacuated to Dingyue Military Town, and now I want to retreat east to Yanluo City. In the future, I will not be able to retreat."

Will they continue to retreat eastward?"

There was a little helplessness in his tone.

Seeing the soldiers frowning, the man quickly explained, "The common people completely obey the imperial court's instructions. It's not enough to just keep retreating!"

Some people echoed, "Yes, if we keep withdrawing, not to mention that everyone will be tired, the court will also consume a lot of energy and money. If it continues like this, it will not be beneficial to the country!"

The soldier was a little unhappy and glanced at the speaker. He wanted to say, if you don't withdraw, will you be left to the elephants to fill their stomachs?

Suppressing his displeasure, the soldier said in a gentler tone, "The soldiers on the front line are fighting tooth and nail, but they can't stop the Xiang Rong. Besides retreating, what else is there?"

When the people heard this, they were immediately frightened.

News of the fall of Luocheng has spread among the people.

Everyone is worried about the future.

But now, the people in the army actually say in public that they can't stop Xiang Rong. Wouldn't Linzhan fall into the same situation as Dali and fall into destruction?

Thinking of this, strong panic spread rapidly in everyone's hearts!

The people felt chills in their hearts and couldn't help but stop and shout in horror, "What should we do?"

"If you can't defeat Xiangrong, if you keep retreating, you will inevitably die!"

"I heard that Xiangrong eats people, but I don't want to be eaten by them!"

"What should I do now?"

Seeing that the people were in panic and chaos, the soldiers were a little shocked. They didn't expect that their words would cause such a reaction.

He also panicked, not knowing how to calm the people's panic.

If the panic is allowed to spread, it will cause public dissatisfaction at least, and cause turmoil at worst. As the culprit, he will never escape punishment!

Just when the people were shouting in fear and riots were gradually brewing, someone suddenly shouted loudly, "Why are you panicking? We have Prince Qin, how can we end up like Da Li!"

When the soldiers heard this, they were delighted and shouted quickly, "That's right, the prince will ignore us, he will be back soon!"

When many people heard the word "Prince", half of the panic in their hearts disappeared immediately.

In their minds, Qin Yi is like the god of war. He can fight a hundred battles without danger. Wherever he goes, all the enemy soldiers will fall down!

Da Li couldn't defeat the Xiang Rong, and Luocheng couldn't stop the Xiang Rong, but Qin Yi can definitely do it!

They no longer panicked and nodded in agreement, "Indeed, as long as the prince returns, it will be the end of the elephant army's cubs!"

"The prince will be back soon, and he will not let Xiang Rong go!"

As long as there is Qin Yi, Linzhan will never make the same mistake as the Great Li. Many people will feel more at ease, no longer fearful, and start to move forward in an orderly manner.

They firmly believe that Qin Yi will definitely come back, defeat the Xiang Rong, and save Linzhan!

At the back of the team, Xuan Lingyao, Gan Zijin and many other generals rode forward.

Suddenly, they discovered that there seemed to be a commotion at the front of the team, and loud shouts were heard.

Gan Zijin was a little surprised. He was about to send someone to take a look when he heard someone calling him "Prince". After that, the commotion suddenly subsided and the people continued to move forward.

Gan Zijin and others gave up the idea of ​​sending people to inquire.

Xuan Lingyao was thinking while moving forward.

When she heard the people shouting, she was also wondering when Qin Yi would return.

She had a vague feeling that only Qin Yi's return could change the situation in Linzhan's war. Otherwise, he would probably always be at a disadvantage.

Suddenly, Gan Zijin spoke loudly, interrupting her thoughts, "Look, this is Tianbi Pass!"

After coming back to her senses, Xuan Lingyao turned around and saw in the distance, in a mountain forest, an extremely narrow mountain road, embedded in the cliffs, like a suspended road.

Gan Zijin said loudly, "When I followed the prince to attack Li Jing in the previous country, the two roads accessible were destroyed. If you want to reach Li Jing, you can only go through this sky wall road or climb over the mountain.


"But the surrounding mountains are surrounded by mountains, the mountain roads are difficult to navigate, and the woods are deep, making it difficult to tell the direction and it is easy to get lost."

"As for Tianbi Pass, it was too easy to defend and difficult to attack, so it was impossible to capture it. The prince had no choice but to lead his troops over the mountain. Relying on his extremely strong ability to foresee, he appeared behind Tianbi Pass and captured the natural chasm of the country in one fell swoop!"

Everyone was quite surprised when they heard what Gan Zijin said.

They have heard about Qin Yi's achievements in leading his troops over the mountains, but now, only when they see it with their own eyes can they understand what a feat Qin Yi did at that time!

The surrounding mountains and forests are indeed dense, deep and unpredictable.

Even if you lead 10,000 troops and horses into it, you will be like a fish entering the sea, confused and not knowing the direction.

Gan Zijin continued, with some joy in his tone, "This is a natural chasm, why don't we make good use of it?"

Chen Yu on the side, his eyes brightened, said hurriedly, "Do you want to station here?"

Originally, Han Lin only sent Gan Zijin and Xuan Lingyao, along with a few low-ranking generals, to escort the people to retreat eastward.

But Xu was worried about Gan Zijin's mischief, so before setting off, Han Lin sent Chen Yu to supervise Gan Zijin.

Regarding this, Chen Yu had the same thoughts as Gan Zijin, he was full of dissatisfaction and did not want to lead the evacuation mission.

But Chen Yu couldn't refuse Han Lin's arrangement, so he could only go on the road reluctantly.

Now, after hearing what Gan Zijin said and guessing what the other party was thinking, Chen Yu was also excited.

Ignoring Han Lin's instructions, not only did he not dissuade Gan Zijin, but he was eager to try.

Gan Zijin nodded quickly, "Exactly! If we lead the men and destroy the two roads to defend Tianbi Pass, if... I said if, the Dingyue Army cannot hold it anymore. There is no road, and Xiangrong will overthrow.

If you want to pass through the mountain, you should go to Tianbi Pass. We will be stationed there and we will be able to stop the Xiang Rong from outside Tianbi Pass!"

The former Li Jing of the previous country is now the Dingyue Military Town.

Gan Zijin, who once led his men to attack Tianbi Pass, knew how easy to defend and difficult to attack this narrow mountain road embedded in the cliff, which can be called a natural chasm!

He doesn't want to keep retreating. As a general, he should make great achievements and defend Linzhan against the enemy!

Now that the opportunity has come, how can he let it go?

Chen Yu was very excited and nodded and said, "This is a good plan. You and I will lead the troops to defend, maybe we can stop the Xiang Rong and prevent them from going south!"

Thinking of this possibility, the two of them were quite excited.

But Xuan Lingyao had to pour cold water on them. She frowned and said, "The Xiangrong are a mountain tribe and are good at climbing over mountains. Knowing that Tianbi Pass is easy to defend but difficult to attack, they may choose to cross over the mountains."

Gan Zijin said firmly, "Then bet! You can send people to the other side of Tianbi Pass to check the Xiangrong's actions. If they come over the mountain, we will evacuate. If they attack Tianbi Pass, then we,

Let the other party never come back!"

"If arranged properly, the effect will be no less than defending Dingyue!" Chen Yu continued. He was unhappy before, but he was overjoyed to have the opportunity to fight against Xiang Rong.

Looking at Tianbi Pass in the distance, he continued, "Time is urgent and there is no time to send the plan back to Zhanjing, but it doesn't matter. Do it first and then report it. As a general, you should act according to the situation!"

Seeing that both Gan Zijin and Chen Yu were eager to try, Xuan Lingyao became hesitant.

This method seems good, but at this moment, everyone's task is to escort the people to retreat eastward. Due to circumstances and reasons, they should not leave their posts without authorization.

As if he guessed what Xuan Lingyao was thinking, Gan Zijin said to her, "Chen Yu and I only need 20,000 troops. The Tianbi Road is narrow and it is useless to have more troops. You will lead the remaining 30,000 troops to escort the people."

Withdraw eastward, you can take care of both!"

Xuan Lingyao couldn't help but frown when she heard this. She didn't expect that she would be responsible for a safer task again. She was about to refuse, but she heard Gan Zijin say, "Here, I am the commander-in-chief, and I have the final say! Time waits for no one, don't delay.

That’s it, it’s decided! You continue to retreat eastward, while Chen Yu and I will guard Tianbi Pass!”

Chen Yu echoed, "We must seize the time to destroy the road. Don't delay, lest it affect the plan!"

Let alone Xuan Lingyao being a woman, let's talk about her status as a future imperial concubine. Gan Zijin and the others did not dare to let her take risks.

Xuan Lingyao frowned slightly, feeling a little speechless. After pondering for a moment, she had no choice but to agree.

After sending Xuan Lingyao and others away, Gan Zijin lost his excitement and became more serious.

War is not a child's play. No matter how excited you are beforehand, when it comes time to prepare, you should be cautious and cautious.

He looked at Chen Yu and said in a deep voice, "At this moment, the two roads should be destroyed immediately, and someone should be sent to notify Dingyue Army Town. If they retreat, they can use Tianbi Pass!"

At first, the soldiers of the Luan Kingdom relied on Tianbi Pass to block Linzhan's troops. Now we have to see if they can rely on Tianbi Pass to stop the Xiang Rong's southward invasion!

This chapter has been completed!
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