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Chapter 616: One man is in charge, but ten thousand men are not allowed to open it!

 Suddenly, Gan Zijin opened his eyes, sat up quickly, and stared straight at the ground, motionless.

He faintly heard a noise!

After listening quietly for a while, Gan Zijin noticed something was wrong. Gan Zijin quickly lay on the ground and listened.

At this time, some soldiers kept waking up. Some of them were awakened by Gan Zijin, and some heard distant sounds.

The soldiers who woke up also listened carefully. One of them quickly stood up and lit a torch beside him.

Suddenly, bright firelight replaced the dim moonlight, illuminating the surrounding area.

You can clearly see that this place is at the foot of a mountain. Many blankets are placed along the mountain wall to form a bed, and the soldiers sleep on them.

Not far away is the entrance to Tianbi Road.

In order to use the Tianbi Road to intercept it, in addition to sending large troops to garrison it, some soldiers, led by Gan Zijin, came to garrison at the entrance.

Just to be able to detect the arrival of Xiang Rong at the first time and take precautions in advance.

After listening for a while, Gan Zijin stood up and shouted urgently, "Don't sleep anymore, get up quickly, take your weapons and retreat immediately!"

Before, while he was sleeping, he suddenly heard a faint howl coming from afar!

Lying on the ground, I heard a series of vibrations, and there were many people running towards here!

The soldiers all realized the seriousness of the matter and did not care to deal with it. They quickly retreated with their weapons and entered the Tianbi Road.

Chen Yu and many soldiers who were stationed behind the Tianbi Road woke up from their slumber after hearing the news, took action immediately, and were ready to hold on.

Within a short time, the defenses had been deployed, and soldiers were stationed at the three narrowest places on the Tianbi Road.

Twenty thousand soldiers and horses, through reasonable distribution, have guarded the Tianbi Road like an iron barrel!

Gan Zijin led his troops to garrison the first pass.

Just as they were waiting for a moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them!

Everyone quickly set up the Zhuge Liannu and was about to release the arrow, but they found that the ones rushing into the sky wall were actually soldiers wearing black armor!

Dingyue soldiers!

Although he guessed that something might have happened to Dingyue Military Town, Gan Zijin kept comforting himself. It was also possible that Xiang Rong could not be attacked for a long time, so he chose to take a detour and come to attack Tianbi Road.

But now, seeing the deserters appearing one after another, everyone is filled with heavy hearts and understands that Dingyue... has fallen!

"There are Xiangrong behind, and they are chasing us!" The deserter shouted urgently as he ran closer!

Gan Zijin was startled and quickly waved his hand to get out of the way and let these deserters retreat.

Without having time to say more, the deserters hurriedly fled toward the rear through the narrow road.

Gan Zijin wanted to stop them and ask them carefully, but the deserters were so panicked that they refused to stop. Even if one or two stopped, they couldn't explain clearly. They just told everyone to run, and they followed.

In just a short while, nearly a thousand deserters passed through the Tianbi Road and fled to the rear.

Gan Zijin was particularly surprised. When Luocheng fell, there were not many deserters, but why are there so many deserters now?

He poked his head and looked into the distance, only to see deserters running like a long dragon, with no end in sight!

But there is no trace of the Xiangrong mentioned by the deserters.

Gan Zijin was really puzzled. At this moment, he saw a general!

The deserters don’t know, but the generals definitely know!

The general was running towards the rear along with the flow of people.

Gan Zijin, who stepped aside to avoid being hit by the crowd, quickly shouted, "General Li, please stay!"

Hearing the shout, the tall and thin general with a bloody face quickly turned around and saw Gan Zijin. He wanted to stop, but was carried by the crowd and ran forward for a while.

It took a lot of effort for him to pull over to the side with difficulty, and then went against the flow of people and came to Gan Zijin's side.

At this moment, the guards on Tianbi Road had already moved to both sides, leaving the road in the middle to the panicked deserters.

Gan Zijin went up to him and saw General Li's blood-stained face, full of horror and despair.

"General Li, what happened? How is Dingyue Military Town?" Gan Zijin asked eagerly.

A look of despair appeared on General Li's face, and he said in a painful voice, "Those damn Xiang Rong attacked at night! Dingyue...has been lost!"

Gan Zijin was shocked. He didn't expect that Dingyue Army Town had actually fallen!

Immediately, he guessed that the guards must have been exhausted after many bloody battles. In addition, the Xiang Rong attacked at night, and the guards had no time to take precautions, which led to the city's rout!

Against the extremely fast attack speed of Xiangrong, if you are a step too slow, you will fall into a disadvantage and gradually lose!

"Where is General Han Lin?" Gan Zijin suppressed his shock and asked.

General Li's face was full of sorrow, and he lamented, "The general is dead..."

Gan Zijin was shocked and said quickly, "How did you die? Tell me quickly!"

If General Li hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe what he said!

General Li said sadly, "The war suddenly started. I was shocked. I hurried to the top of the city and met General Han who came in a hurry. We fought bloody battles together for a long time, but no matter what, we could not gain the upper hand and kept retreating. From the city wall,

Retreat to the city."

"Everyone was trying their best, and many brothers were killed and injured, but they could not stop the Xiang Rong. They were very cruel! In the end, the entire city wall was lost and the city gate was opened... At this time, the general, whose face was covered with blood, suddenly came to follow me

He said, "Let me take my brothers and escape from other city gates. Maybe I can't defend Yue anymore, so there is no need to sacrifice in vain."

General Li's eyes became red, "I followed his instructions and took everyone to escape, but I found that the general did not follow him. I turned around and saw...the general rushed towards the city with a knife in his hand.

Gate... there are many elephants there, rushing towards the city..."

Gan Zijin pursed his lips tightly, raised his head, and looked into the air, his eyes slightly red.

"In the past few days, the general has been giving strict orders, saying that even if you die, you must defend Dingyue. He also said that those who are afraid of war will be severely punished. He seems to want everyone to live and die with Dingyue, but he did not expect that the time has come when he can no longer hold it.

, but he asked everyone to escape, but he..." Speaking of this, General Li choked up.

With a heavy sigh, Gan Zijin was silent for a long time, speechless.

After a long time, he whispered, "In the past, we have always made fun of him, saying that he was guarding Dingyue every day, just like a civil servant. We were afraid that when he arrived, he would not be able to swing a sword when seeing enemy soldiers... But we didn't expect that

,He is a real man!"

The two fell into a long silence.

After a while, Gan Zijin frowned and suppressed the sadness in his heart.

He knows that he has no time to grieve, and the important task of resisting the Xiangrong has fallen on his shoulders!

After pondering for a moment, he said in a deep voice, "General Li, go to the rear and tell Chen Yu that the Xiang Rong is coming and let him prepare! In addition, gather the deserters as soon as possible. The more the better, if the defenses are properly deployed, the sky wall will be destroyed."

The role played by Tao must far exceed that of Dingyue!"

Dingyue Military Town is too big and the city walls are very wide, so it requires a lot of troops. If the troops are not enough, it will be difficult to rotate and the situation will be exhausted.

But Tianbi Road is different. It is an extremely narrow road. The narrowest place can only accommodate a few people!

In such a place, setting up thousands of people may be able to play the role of one man guarding the gate and ten thousand people can't open it!

General Li gritted his teeth, suppressed his sadness, and nodded solemnly.

Immediately, he rushed into the crowd and rushed to the rear along with many deserters.

At this time, the number of deserters gradually decreased, and Gan Zijin already understood that the Xiang Rong were chasing him, which was why there were not many deserters left!

In this short period of time, he was able to determine that there were approximately 10,000 soldiers who had fled to the rear.

It was Han Lin's prompt decision that allowed more soldiers to escape and their sacrifices were not in vain!

After gathering his thoughts, Gan Zijin shouted loudly, "Get ready to fight!"

At this moment, they suddenly heard howls coming from the distance!

Xiangrong has caught up!

Just like the water flow was suddenly cut off, the fleeing Linzhan soldiers suddenly disappeared, and there was a short blank. Gan Zijin quickly commanded many soldiers to intercept the dangerous place, set up the crossbow machine, and aimed it forward!

Not long after, a black mammoth Rong suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

Then, the second, third, fourth...

These elephant warriors, covered with the blood of the Yuan clan, rushed towards them like wolves and tigers.

Seeing a group of soldiers blocking their way, the elephant soldiers roared and launched a charge!

Facing this brutal tribe for the first time, Gan Zijin was a little nervous, but not afraid. He shouted loudly, "Fire the arrow!"

Suddenly, Zhuge's crossbow made a loud bang, the sharp arrow brought out a black shadow, and shot at Xiang Rong, causing a hiss!

Being hit by the arrow rain, the Xiangrong who rushed forward seemed to be blooming, with a large number of blood holes appearing and blood splattering out!

This round of violent blows caused several Xiangrong to fall suddenly, and the remaining Xiangrong were exposed to the rain of arrows.

But they were not afraid of death and continued to charge.

After the first team of crossbowmen finished shooting, they quickly squatted down, picked up the arrows piled on the ground, and quickly cocked them.

The second team of crossbowmen set up the Zhuge Repeating Crossbow, started to pull the trigger, aimed at the Xiangrong, and fired like crazy!

Just like that, the first team shoots, then goes to the second team, the second team shoots, then goes to the first team, the two teams take turns, dense rain of arrows, blocking the Xiangrong, no matter how they roar, no matter how they charge,

Not even a foot forward!

In an instant, the narrow sky wall path was covered with a layer of Xiangrong corpses, and their blood flowed into a pool of blood!

This scene shocked many elephants.

This was the first time they encountered this situation. They suffered many casualties, but not a single Yuan clan member was killed!

There was only one injured person. Xiang Rong threw out his long knife before he died and happened to stab a soldier.

Afterwards, many Xiangrong wanted to adopt this method and threw their long knives to kill the Linzhan soldiers.

But this method had already been anticipated by Gan Zijin. The formation of the crossbowmen was quite loose, with gaps between every two people.

Soldiers holding swords and shields rushed in, and when the elephants threw their swords, they used wooden shields to block the attacks.

They paid a lot of casualties, but could not defeat the Yuan people. Xiang Rong was furious, and the green boy was full of anger!

Suddenly, an elephant soldier had an idea, picked up the dead body on the ground, used it as a human shield, and rushed towards the Linzhan soldiers.

When the other elephants saw it, they immediately grinned and grinned ferociously. They also picked up the dead bodies on the ground, charged towards Linzhan's soldiers, and launched a wild charge!

When Gan Zijin saw it, his eyes shrank!

The crisis has arrived!

This chapter has been completed!
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