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Chapter 9 Trivial Skills

 In the room, after being urged by a message, Qin Yi smiled faintly, sat upright slightly, and thought in his mind, "System, enable the positioning function to search for the location of Quan Feibai's troops."

[System searching...Search successful]

In an instant, a static picture appeared in front of Qin Yi's eyes, which was the stone sand table in the hall. On this complex terrain, Quan Feibai's layout was clearly visible.

The opponent did not unite their troops in one place, but divided them into two groups. Thirty thousand cavalry were located on the plain on the upper right, while 20,000 archers and 40,000 infantry were united in one area, divided into front and rear formations, located on the upper left.

Regardless of whether it is an overt push or a covert push, when the two sides initially deploy their formations, they need to place their troops at the end close to themselves and cannot place them randomly.

Qin Yi pondered for a moment, and then arranged 30,000 cavalry on the left, far away from Quan Feibai's infantry camp, and arranged archers and infantry on the right, far away from Quan Feibai's cavalry.

After hearing this, the student in black robe didn't think much, and quickly ran outside and passed it to the student who was swinging the sand table.

After Qin Yi's troops were arranged, everyone saw it and were secretly surprised. Qin Yi actually chose the same strategy as Quan Feibai, which was to separate cavalry and infantry.

Facing a master of sand acting like Quan Feibai, what kind of fool would dare to split his forces?

Everyone looked at each other, a little dumbfounded, and had no idea what Qin Yi was thinking.

If it were them, they would definitely combine all their forces. Otherwise, if the infantry encounters an equal number of enemy cavalry and does not have their own cavalry to raid the formation, they will definitely lose!

Xu Zhen squinted his eyes and stared, secretly sighing at Qin Yi's courage, and said loudly, "The sand show begins."

After Quan Feibai in the house heard the message, he immediately sent out orders repeatedly, "The cavalry moved forward at a medium speed and sent out scouts. The archers ran towards the central woods. The infantry followed and also sent out scouts."

He likes to win by surprise, so naturally he will not let the whole army attack together. To deal with a waste like Qin Yi, there is no need to gather the whole army.

When there is no destination, it is impossible to judge the opponent's movements, and enemy troops may appear anywhere. At this time, the best way is to send out cavalry to sweep around. If they encounter Qin Yi's infantry, they will swallow them all.

When encountering enemy cavalry, swallow them if you can, and move away if you can't.

If you encounter Qin Yi's entire army of infantry and cavalry, you will lead the opponent to the central woods. Your own archers and infantry have laid an ambush, which will definitely catch the opponent off guard. Then the cavalry will fight back and defeat the opponent.

This method is extremely sophisticated, and he believes that it will definitely make Qin Yi lose his armor!

In his opinion, Qin Yi has no idea, so he can only gather the whole army and move forward slowly and timidly, so it is probably the third possibility.

On the other side, Qin Yi positioned himself again and saw Quan Feibai's marching movement, and couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle.

This is a good plan, but it’s a pity that I met your brother Qin.

"The cavalry moved forward quickly along the left road," Qin Yi said lightly, and then pointed to a valley on the map. "Five thousand infantry were separated and advanced slowly. The remaining infantry and archers marched at full speed to ambush here.

The student in black robe was slightly stunned after hearing this. He didn't quite understand what Qin Yi wanted to do, but he didn't dare to delay and immediately ran out to deliver the order.

Seeing the direction of Qin Yi's troops, everyone in the hall was stunned.

Hasn't this guy taken any lessons and doesn't know how to send out scouts and scouts?

Also, what was he doing in ambush in the valley? Did he want to ambush Quan Feibai?

Oh my god, this is so ridiculous!

How can a dignified Grade A student like you, a Grade D student, be able to catch on to your trivial skills?

Everyone was amazed, shaking their heads, secretly sighing that it was an eye-opener.

This is such a blind command. No wonder Qin Yi was demoted to D-level student. From this point of view, it is not without reason.

It is estimated that yesterday, he was just lucky and guessed correctly. This person has absolutely no strategy.

The students who thought Qin Yi could win before now gave up their thoughts and secretly sighed that they were too whimsical.

Look at this operation, if Qin Yi can win, they will eat all the sand on the sand table!

Xuan Lingyao stared at the sand table, meditating secretly, with a little light flashing in her beautiful eyes, while Xu Zhen frowned and kept thinking.

Quan Feibai's purpose is easy to understand, and the direction of his troops is also very correct. He is worthy of being a Grade A student, and Qin Yi...

It is not difficult to understand Qin Yi's move. The cavalry moved forward, probably with the intention of mopping up. The infantry separated, marched all the way, and ambush all the way. They probably wanted to lure Quan Feibai into the ambush circle, but he may not know that Quan Feibai was

As a Grade A student, he is familiar with military literature and will never fall into such a simple trap.

In the previous public promotion, Quan Feibai saw through the opponent's seduction plan at a glance and was not fooled at all. Therefore, Qin Yi's attempt to achieve his goal was completely nonsense.

Seeing this, Xu Zhen had a vague feeling that Qin Yi was not as amazing as Jiao Yangqiu said. These moves were ordinary, and could even be said to be a wrong move... he could only read on.

As Qin Yi and Quan Feibai continued to mobilize their troops, the scene on the sand table was also constantly changing, and the situation presented surprised everyone slightly.

On the right, Qin Yi's five thousand infantrymen set up as bait were not far away from Quan Feibai's cavalry. Just when everyone thought Qin Yi was about to stage a show of pretending to be defeated and luring the enemy, how did they know that he suddenly let these infantry hide in?

In the woods, Quan Feibai's cavalry flew past.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, this...

Are you planning to sacrifice 5,000 infantry as bait, but suddenly you are reluctant to do so?

This was the first time they saw such a scene where orders were changed overnight. They were speechless for a while, and they didn't know what Qin Yi wanted to do.

But no matter what he wants to do, everyone understands that this person will never take the ordinary path, and the same goes for dispatching troops.

Nothing happened on the right, so everyone looked to the left and saw Qin Yi's cavalry heading straight for the woods where Quan Feibai had set up an ambush. Everyone secretly wondered how Quan Feibai would respond.

A few miles apart, the scouts sent out detected the movements of the enemy's cavalry and immediately reported back. The soldiers responsible for swinging the sand table based on the speed of the scouts in reality, and only after a certain period of time did the messengers return the news.

In the room, Quan Feibai frowned slightly when he learned that Qin Yi's cavalry was running quickly.

After thinking for a while, he immediately said, "Ignore it."

Even if the infantry sets up an ambush and can cause the opponent some pain, without our own cavalry as a general attack, the infantry alone cannot defeat these enemy cavalry, so we plan to stand still and not expose ourselves.

Seeing the students pushing Qin Yi's cavalry model with bamboo poles and flying past, everyone in the hall was a little bit amused. The scene that happened on the right also happened on the left. Both sides were flying by.

Don’t do anything...

Just when everyone was helpless, Qin Yi's order came, causing the cavalry to gallop to a lake and stop.

Everyone was surprised, what is this for?

This chapter has been completed!
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