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204. Xiaoran was drunk and Qiao An tortured her

 Chapter 204 204. Xiaoran is drunk, Qiao An tortures

Qiao An was a little surprised. Since this guy doesn't drink, how does he know that drinking on an empty stomach is harmful to the body?

Qiao An ate several sweet buns in a row, and then started to play rock, paper, scissors with Huo Xiaoran.

Huo Xiaoran's reflexes are outstanding. He can always react with the punch he should throw immediately after Qiao An throws a punch. Qiao An lost in the first round.

Huo Xiaoran asked her: "An'an, how have you spent the past three years?"

Qiao An raised her head and answered in an evasive manner: "I was in a car accident and stayed in the hospital for more than half a year."

She looked straight at Huo Xiaoran, wanting to see the shame in his eyes. But there was no shame, only endless worry and pity.

"Where is it hurt?" Huo Xiaoran asked nervously.

Qiao An reminded him: "This is the second question."

Huo Xiaoran was helpless.

He followed her with rock-paper-scissors.

This time Qiao An lost again.

Qiao An stroked her temples and answered his second question directly: "The injury here is not serious. It is just disfigured. I later had micro plastic surgery so that my eyes could not see the traces of the car accident."
Huo Xiaoran feels sorry for Qiao An.

Thinking about how young she was, she had jumped from a building and experienced a car accident. After two severe injuries to her fragile body, her foundation would become weaker and weaker.

When Qiao An drank again, Huo Xiaoran held her hand and said, "An An, stop drinking."

Qiao An said: "I lost. I am willing to admit defeat." She has such a strong temper.

Huo Xiaoran was silent for a long time this time, and finally asked her in a deep voice: "An An, do you still love me?"

Qiao An answered decisively: "I don't love you."

How could she love a man who wanted to put her to death?

Something in Huo Xiaoran's eyes completely disillusioned her.

He smiled bitterly and murmured painfully: "How did we get to this point?"

A flash of scarlet appeared in Qiao An's eyes, and she was roaring in her heart: "Isn't this a gift from you?"

Huo Xiaoran picked up the bottle of wine in front of him and started pouring it down his throat. He drank the wine violently, as if his world was only filled with wine and him.

Qiao An looked at him quietly, waiting for him to get herself drunk so that she could torture him.

Huo Xiaoran really couldn't drink enough, and soon she became red-faced and obviously drunk.

"Huo Xiaoran, do you remember what happened the night I left the airport three years ago?" Qiao An decided to torture him step by step.

Huo Xiaoran nodded with hazy eyes.

"Remember." He will never forget that day when he rushed to the airport in joy. He was ready to humbly beg her to come back to him, but she broke the promise.

When he went, she had already left.

He sat in the car, frustrated, until dawn. Then the next day, he was admitted to the intensive care unit.

He suddenly glared at Qiao An angrily: "An An, why didn't you wait for me?"

Qiao An was slightly stunned. This guy's ability to rake someone down is really good.

It seems that he is not drunk yet.

Qiao An opened another bottle of wine for him and handed it to Huo Xiaoran, "Drink."

Huo Xiaoran picked up the wine bottle and poured it into her mouth.

After several bottles of high-alcohol wine, Huo Xiaoran was so drunk that she couldn't find the east, west or north.

Qiao An lost her drunken state and revealed her sharp edge.

She glared hatefully at Huo Xiaoran, who was lying on the wine table, and spoke in a sinister and terrifying voice.

"Huo Xiaoran..."

Huo Xiaoran ignored her.

Qiao An stood up, walked to him, and then opened the recorder she had prepared in advance.

"Huo Xiaoran, you went to the airport three years ago, right?" She lured him into a whirlpool.

Huo Xiaoran said in a daze: "An'an, I'm looking for you."

Qiao An's eyes became colder.

"What do you want from me?"

"I...I want...you to stay."

Qiao An was angry: "I have come to you so many times, and every time you pushed me away ruthlessly, but now you say you want me to stay. Huo Xiaoran, how can you be so false to me?"

Qiao An's eyes turned red as she spoke: "I love you to the death. But you deceive me and fool me like this? How can you be worthy of me?"

Huo Xiaoran's eyes were blurred and slightly drunk. After seeing Qiao An crying, he suddenly stretched out his hand nervously to wipe her tears.

"An'an, don't cry. Don't cry. If you are sad, come back to me. I promise to treat you well and not give you any grievance."

Qiao An cried even harder.

Does this guy have a dual personality?

It is true that he likes her, and it is true that he takes his life.

"Huo Xiaoran, do you really love Qiao An?"

Huo Xiaoran nodded: "Yes. I love Qiao An very much."

"How much love?"

"I want to show her my heart. Let her know how much I love her."

"You lied." Qiao An scolded.

Huo Xiaoran stood up unsteadily, picked up the wine bottle and knocked it on the table. The bottle broke and the wine spilled on the floor. Huo Xiaoran took the sharp half of the bottle and stabbed herself in the heart.

Fortunately, Qiao An was close to him, and she had quick eyesight and quick hands to hold his hand. Feeling his strength dragging the sharp blade towards his heart, Qiao An shouted in panic: "Huo Xiaoran, no."

Huo Xiaoran realized that her actions had frightened Qiao An, and she blankly threw half of the bottle on the table.

"An'an, are you concerned about me?"

Qiao An saw the blood oozing out of his palms. She closed her eyes in pain and ended the torture.

"Let's go, I'll take you home."

She scanned the QR code on the desktop with her mobile phone and paid. Then she pulled Huo Xiaoran's arm onto her thin shoulders and left with the drunken Huo Xiaoran on her shoulders.

It was already very late when I left the bar.

There is not a Didi anywhere on the street.

After Huo Xiaoran got drunk, she turned into a chatterbox. She kept chattering: "An'an, I'll take you... home."

Qiao An threw him to the flower pond suddenly, put her hands on her hips, and looked at him angrily: "Who wants you, a drunkard, to send him away? Thank you for not dragging me down."

Huo Xiaoran looked at her pitifully, "It's so late...it's not safe, I will worry about you."

Qiao An rolled her eyes at him angrily. She was almost sickened by his hypocrisy.

She reached into his pocket, took out her cell phone, and called Huo Zhou.

"Hello." Huo Zhou's voice sounded.

Qiao An put the phone receiver to Huo Xiaoran's mouth, "Ask him to pick you up."

Huo Xiaoran said in a loud voice: "Come here and take Qiao An home."

Huo Zhou was dumbfounded: "Xiaoran, why are you drinking again? Where are you?"

Qiao An said loudly: "Next to the tree pond at No. 288 Huaishu Street, please come and get him back. I have to leave. Goodbye."

After Qiao An finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Huo Zhou was so angry that his eyebrows were pounding. Qiao An was really unfeeling towards Xiaoran.

This chapter has been completed!
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