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356. Brazen teeth and iron teeth, scolding the mistress angrily

 Chapter 356 356. Brazen teeth and iron teeth, angrily scolding the mistress

"My mother jumped from the third floor of the hospital and is being rescued now." Li Zecheng's face was ashen, as if he had not yet recovered from the tragic tragedy.

Huo Xiaoran frowned slightly: "Third floor?"

I secretly cursed in my heart, if the third sister-in-law really wanted to die, why didn't she go to the higher attic?

Or is she just putting on a show for Li Tingfeng to win his sympathy so that he can change his mind full of shame?

Or... was this an accident?

Just as Huo Xiaoran's thoughts were rising, Li Zecheng suddenly knelt down in front of Huo Xiaoran and begged: "Uncle, your medical skills are so great. When Qiao An jumped from the building without any vital signs, you were able to pull her back from the brink of death. Then.

You can definitely save my mother."

Huo Xiaoran pulled him up and said solemnly: "I can save An An because I know that I can survive only if she survives. So I try my best to save her life, make her happy, and

Regain her confidence. And who of you, like me, can risk your own life to bring the third sister-in-law back?"

When Qiao An heard Xiaoran's words of deep love, she felt sour in her heart. Brother Xiaoran loved her so much and witnessed her pain with his own eyes. He must have had a particularly difficult time during that time.

But at that time, she regarded him as a playboy and ignored him. Thinking about it now, it was really inappropriate.

Li Zecheng glanced at his indifferent father. Li Tingfeng remained silent. Regarding the tragic situation of the third lady, he could only sigh and complain about her fragility, but he showed no sign of repentance.

Li Zecheng looked at his father with eyes full of jealousy.

At this time, the woman from outside the house started acting like a monster again. She grabbed Li Tingfeng's hand and started a fight: "Tingfeng, how long do we have to wait here? I'm tired and hungry. How about we go out to eat first?"


Li Tingfeng seemed powerless to resist this woman's request. He nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."

Li Zecheng's figure flashed and stood viciously in front of Li Tingfeng and the woman.

With a pair of scarlet pupils, he roared: "My mother's life or death is uncertain inside, how can you still be in the mood to eat? You can't leave the hospital, what if my mother wakes up later and wants to see you?"

Li Tingfeng hated Li Zecheng's lack of respect for him. He immediately said with a cold face: "Zecheng, we are just going out to eat. You can't have your mother not coming out, so we can all go hungry to accompany her?"

It's so cool.

Li Zecheng just refused to give way.

At this time, the woman from the outside glanced at Qiao An and repeated her old trick: "Li Zecheng, when your ex-wife Qiao An fell from the building, you seemed to be more heartless than us. I heard that when Qiao An was hospitalized,

It’s your brother-in-law who serves you.”

Li Zecheng's body felt like it was covered with ice water.

He no longer had the courage to lie to them, and his body became inexplicably limp.

Although Qiao An didn't like the third lady, she even didn't like the woman in front of her who used her as a tool from time to time.

She glared at the woman coldly and retorted: "Don't laugh at the same time at fifty steps. Isn't the role you are in now the same as that of the adulterer who was criticized by thousands of people and reviled by thousands of people? You are full of it.

You are covered in mud, how can you have the face to laugh at others."

Li Tingfeng and the woman's faces instantly became extremely embarrassed.

The woman kept pulling Li Tingfeng's hand and walked out, but Li Tingfeng half-pushed and left.

Li Zecheng's handsome face turned dark with anger.

No one expected that at this juncture, Li Zeen returned from his study tour. As soon as he got home, he heard the housekeeper mention the bad news that his mother had jumped from the building. Li Zeen lost his luggage and rushed to the hospital.

She almost staggered to the door of the emergency room, her face pale, and she excitedly took her brother Li Zecheng's hand and asked, "Tell me, how is mom?"

Li Zecheng looked sad when he saw his sister.

"Zaen, mom is still rescuing her."

Zaen was completely out of control: "Brother, why did mom jump off the building? Who bullied her? Did someone force her to jump off the building?"

Li Zecheng's face turned pale and he didn't know how to answer Li Zeen's words.

Li Zeen's sharp and cold eyes swept across everyone's faces, and finally fell on Qiao An. She gritted her teeth and said fiercely: "Qiao An, it must be you. You forced my mother to jump off the building, right?"

"In the past, you couldn't deal with me and my mother. Now that you have found your brother-in-law as your backer, my mother is naturally no match for you, so it was you who forced her to jump off the building, right?"

Qiao An felt that Li Zeen cared about his mother and stood up for her, which was also a sign of filial piety and did not care about her recklessness.

But Li Zecheng pulled her and reprimanded her for her rudeness: "Zaen, this matter has nothing to do with Qiao An."

Li Zeen is young, so her mother protects her very well. All the matters regarding the pickling of the third bedroom are hidden from her. With her imagination, she can only associate her mother's tragedy with Qiao An.

She yelled at Li Zecheng: "Mom said that you had rekindled your old love for Qiao An, but I still didn't believe it. Now that you are defending her like this, I believe it. Did you and Qiao An force mom..."

Li Zecheng slapped her in the face and shouted: "Normally we treat you as a child and protect you under the umbrella. That's why you can live a carefree life. But in fact, our family is not as peaceful as you see. In Qiao Anjin

Before our family, our family was on shaky ground because your most beloved father had an affair."

Li Zeen covered his face in disbelief and looked at Li Zecheng with stunned eyes.

"Dad cheated?"

Li Zecheng said: "Don't you know, my father and that vixen started a family outside, and they also have a son and a daughter. Moreover, he also transferred the property and transferred the debt to the mother."

"Now, when that woman saw that her grandfather was sick, she came to her house to force him to marry her. Her father wanted to divorce her mother. If her mother got divorced, she would have nothing but high debts. So she jumped off the building out of despair for her father and life.

Li Zeen shook his head, refusing to accept this terrible fact.

"That's not the case."

Li Zecheng said: "Wake up, Zaen, you are no longer a three-year-old child. You should have noticed that your father's heart is no longer at home."

Li Zeen was overcome with pain and said: "How could dad do this to us?"

Li Zecheng snorted coldly: "Haven't you heard? If you have a stepmother, you have a stepfather."

Li Zeen started to cry.

After crying, he wiped his tears again and said angrily: "That woman harmed my mother. I will never let her go."

The hatred on Li Zeen's face became even stronger.

Huo Xiaoran looked at the brother and sister silently, lost in thought.

In the past, he could not fit in with the Li family and always felt sad and lonely. But now he feels very lucky. Fortunately, he was able to build confidence and a peaceful mind in the company of a kind and optimistic person like Qiao An.

Not long after, Li Tingfeng and the vixen arrived.

When Li Zeen saw the woman, his eyes suddenly burned with flames, and he rushed over like a wild beast. He pushed the unsuspecting woman to the ground, then straddled her and pulled her hair desperately.

This chapter has been completed!
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