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574. Returning to the Li family, the adoptive father wavered

 Dad Qiao rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment: "My dear, listening to you is better than ten years of reading. In fact, I also understand your point, but the way I get along with my daughter has always been so noisy. So for a while

I haven’t changed it yet, and I’ve made you worry. I’m really sorry.”

Falcon laughed heartily: "I don't care. I just feel sorry for Qiao An."

Qiao's father was quite helpless: "Xiao Ran will spoil Qiao An rotten. He will have a hard time in the future."

Falcon said: "That is Xiaoran's own choice. No matter how hard and tired he is, he will be happy."

When the two fathers came out of the backyard, they saw Qiao An lying on the coffee table writing something.

Qiao's father came over to take a look, and Qiao An quickly started boasting: "Dad, I'm going to hold a grand banquet. The time is very tight. So I've been a little busy these two days. Please take more care of the family affairs."

Dad Qiao gave her a blank look: "If you want to be lazy, just say so."

Qiao An smiled from ear to ear. "There is no better daughter than a father."

Xiaoran was also on the side, quietly writing the list of guests for the banquet. Dad Qiao looked at Xiaoran's handwriting, which was vigorous and elegant, and his writing was very graceful.

Looking at Qiao An again, she kept stuffing fruit into her mouth while writing a list intermittently.

Dad Qiao couldn't help but criticize: "Look at your writing, it's like earthworms moving sand. It's so stingy."

Qiao An was so shocked that her eyes almost fell to the ground: "You are still the first person to say that my handwriting is ugly."

Apparently Dad Qiao admired her handwriting in the past.

When Qiao An glanced at Huo Xiaoran's handwriting, she immediately understood the source of her father's contempt.

She hasn't practiced calligraphy for a long time, and she writes casually, so the gap between her and Xiaoran is not the slightest.

Dad Qiao swallowed his saliva and pushed all the invitations in front of him to Xiaoran: "Brother Xiaoran, I wrote them all for you."

Xiaoran didn't know her state of mind, so he turned his head and looked at her in astonishment: "Why didn't you write it? Didn't you say so arrogantly that only invitations written with calligraphy have charm?"

Qiao An’s charming smile.

Dad Qiao explained for her: "She knows that her handwriting is too ugly and shameful, so she doesn't dare to do whatever she wants."

Huo Xiaoran's eyes glanced at the invitation written by Qiao An. The handwriting was beautiful and neat, with the charm of meticulous calligraphy. Xiaoran was full of praise: "Girls' handwriting is the most beautiful in my An An's handwriting."

Dad Qiao was dumbfounded.

Qiao An was encouraged: "Really?"

"Of course. No girl I have ever met can write better than you."

Qiao An ambitiously picked up the brush and started writing.

Dad Qiao suddenly asked him: "Xiaoran, when you were studying, were there very few girls in the class?"

Huo Xiaoran nodded: "Rapidly rare."

Qiao An almost spurted blood.

At this time, Falcon walked over with his hands behind his back, looked at Qiao An's handwriting, and praised: "My dear, An An's handwriting is rarely good. You are asking too much of her."

Qiao An said proudly: "That's right."

Dad Qiao was no longer stubborn and just urged: "Hurry up and write. Don't be lazy."

Qiao An swallowed the fruit in her mouth, and then started writing seriously.

After writing the invitations, Qiao An moved all his invitations to Huo Xiaoran, and then moved the invitations written by Huo Xiaoran to himself, and said with a smile: "Brother Xiaoran, I will send these invitations."

Huo Xiaoran was stunned, wondering why she had to exchange invitations.

Dad Qiao showed his troublesome nature again: "Oh, I hate my own handwriting. An'an, why don't you practice calligraphy when you have time?"

Huo Xiaoran suddenly realized. He picked up the invitation written by An An, put it to his lips and kissed it: "It's obviously very well written."

Qiao An suggested: "I'll go to the Xiao family to deliver the invitations. Brother Xiaoran, you go to the Li family to deliver the invitations."

Huo Xiaoran doesn't want to be separated from An An: "I will act with you."

An An said: "But time is very short."

Huo Xiaoran's dark pupils looked at Qiao An innocently, and Qiao An fell drunk in his affection, "Okay. Let's get together."

At this time, Falcon suddenly said: "Xiaoran, I want to go to Li's house."

Huo Xiaoran said: "Then let's go."

Li family.

After experiencing the decline of prosperity, today's Li family will never return to its former prosperity. However, the ordinary days seem more peaceful.

The first and second bedrooms still live in the old Li family villa. The old man is nearly 80 years old and has nothing to do with being hale and hearty because he is terminally ill.

He has been lying in bed for many years, and his mind is sometimes clear and sometimes confused. He cannot even remember or recognize some people. The doctor said that he has Alzheimer's disease.

Li Tingye from the big house, when he was young, he pursued fame and wealth and dictated everything to his wife. Now that he is old, he has not created a career of his own. As he is old, because he is not familiar with housework, he lives a life of putting clothes on his hands and opening his mouth when he eats. Gradually, no matter how good-tempered his wife is, I

I complained about him.

When Xiaoran and the others came to Li's house, as soon as they walked to the door, they heard the sister-in-law yelling: "Li Tingye, I have served you all my life, and you have been yelling at me all your life if you want money or not."

Cold violence. Now I think about it, I can still live well without you. Why should I serve you? From now on, you can take care of your own affairs. Don’t think about me putting my job in your hands."

Li Tingye was not as high-spirited as he was a few years ago, and actually remained silent.

Qiao An looked at Xiaoran in shock and said: "Your eldest brother is also here today. Our eldest sister-in-law finally became a serf and sang. Haha."

Qiao An didn't sympathize with Li Tingye at all.

The housekeeper heard the whistle and rushed out to welcome him. When he saw Huo Xiaoran, the housekeeper was stunned for a long time.

Then he choked with tears in his eyes and said: "Master Xiaoran, you...you~...are you still alive?"

Xiaoran walked up to the housekeeper and saw that he had a lot of gray hair, and her eyes showed distress.

"Well. I'm back."

The housekeeper secretly wiped away tears: "It'll be good to come back. Four years ago, the old man heard that something happened to you, and he almost didn't get over it. The old man still misses you in his heart."

Xiaoran was a little confused. He actually didn't know how important he was in the old man's heart.

After all, when he was young, the old man really ignored him. Xiaoran never felt fatherly love from him. Later, when she learned that he was his adoptive father, Xiaoran was relieved.

It's a matter of course that he doesn't love him.

Now that the old man is old, Xiaoran has also found a father who loves him. This time they meet again, Xiaoran's mentality becomes more peaceful.

"How are you, old man?" Xiaoran asked the housekeeper.

"Sometimes I'm sober, sometimes I'm confused. But the old man reads your name every day," the housekeeper said.

This chapter has been completed!
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