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Chapter 330: Garp’s Resentment

 Our journey is the stars and the sea.

Everything in the world is the land of the king. On the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers?

Gao Wen has heard such words a lot, but now, Xianyang Palace seems to have made a sublimation for him!

Here, the sea of ​​stars seems to really be the sea of ​​stars.

And the whole sky seems to have become the heavens...

But Gawain had doubts in his heart, especially when he looked at the scroll in front of him. Gawain's doubts were even greater.

The question is, what is it all for?

Whether it's the scroll or Xianyang Palace, everything in front of him seems to have set a goal for him, unification.

This goal is even... to bring true unification to every world Gawain walks through!

But what Gawain was thinking about was the core idea other than the goal, which was...

Why do this?

Just because this is Xianyang Palace, and the owner of Xianyang Palace is destined to conquer everything visible to the naked eye?

Or does Gawain really need the ambition to conquer any world?

On this point, even if Gao Wen thinks about it seriously now, Xianyang Palace has not given a reasonable answer.

So after thinking for more than ten seconds, Gawain shook his head in relief.

He knows that a question without an answer often means that the question does not need an answer!

Therefore, the answer has already been engraved in his heart!

Once upon a time, at that moment before time travel, didn't Gawain have contact with the fantasy world in his dream?

Who doesn’t yearn for a fantasy world?

Now he has the opportunity to turn his fantasy into reality. Isn't this feeling of walking in fantasy more invigorating than the so-called traveling abroad?


For Gao Wen, Xianyang Palace was such a golden finger, but it was also a trading platform.

Xianyang Palace gives the trading target, unified.

After Gawain achieves his goal, it may be possible to travel to more fantasy worlds to show off his ambitions!

Isn't this unreasonable?

Thinking of this, Gawain put down the scroll in his hand, closed the scroll and placed it safely on the eucalyptus tablet.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up and walked all the way down from the throne.

His figure passed by his subordinates and those ethereal figures.

In this way, his footsteps stood at the door of Xianyang Palace.

"I really don't know what kind of world is outside Xianyang Palace!"

While chanting, Gawain chuckled and took steps forward. The next moment, his feet stepped outside the doorstep of Xianyang Palace!

At this moment, Gawain seemed to hear the sound of the ancient door opening. He raised his head, and his eyes seemed to have spanned an entire world, passing through the fierce wind and endless darkness, looking at the nothingness in front of him!

That's right, Xianyang Palace seems to be standing in the void, with nothing else outside it.

But just when Gawain felt sorry for not seeing more buildings and couldn't help but ponder.

In the dark void, a little starlight was extending from Gawain's feet.

The starlight gradually turned into a stone road with white background and blue and white background. When the road spread for about two kilometers, it finally lingered in one place and gradually formed a huge building that was insubstantial and seemed to fall down when blown by the wind!

Looking at the building, Gawain frowned.

"That's...Pangu City?

Pangu City in Xiangbo Land!"

After the words fell, Gao Wen showed a funny expression on his face. It turned out that this was the meaning of the sentence about "releasing the palace" when Xianyang Palace appeared for the first time.

Da Qin has always had this tradition.

In other words, they have had this tradition since Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms.

After Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, all the palaces of the six kings were rebuilt into the palace complex of Qin.

It was the ambition and hobby of Qin to express the scenery of seven kingdoms from one kingdom.

But in front of me is not Da Qin, but void.

The city of Marigiopangu that appears here is by no means just a simple scenery!

Gawain believes that this Pangu city definitely has some special significance.

It's a pity that before I unified the pirate world, this Pangu City was just a shadow!

Thinking of this, Gawain took back his steps, looked at the void, and began to cherish the real world.

When he returned to Xianyang Palace, he did not sit back on the throne. Instead, he sat directly on the towering steps in front of the throne, which showed that the emperor was superior to his ministers.

While sitting lazily in silence, Gawain said with a smile.

"Although I don't know who gave me the present Xianyang Palace.

Although it is not clear what kind of planning and calculation is behind all this.

But I know very well that I am by no means a special one, and I should never even be a special one.

As for my so-called descendants of the White Emperor, haha.

All common people have been inherited since ancient times. Is there any person with a surname who is not a descendant of one of the Five Emperors?

I am not special, but I have had special experiences. For this, I just think that I have qualities worthy of being appreciated by this palace.

Only in this way can I convince myself to move forward.

As for the great unification..."

Having said this, Gawain briefly paused for a moment, recalling the word "Great Unification."

After just a moment, Gawain continued to talk to himself.

"It's like a deal. I achieve my goal in exchange for a ladder to the new world. It's reasonable.

As for why I should do that, or...what will it bring to me?

That's not important, is it?

Now that I already have the ladder to the new world, who would be willing to miss that ladder?

Whether it's getting stronger or getting stronger.

Or maybe...immortality.

These things don’t seem to require any clear goals, it’s enough for me to pursue them diligently.”

Having said this, Gawain chuckled and shook his head, then he suddenly stood up and solemnly sat back on his throne.

"Although I still don't know if there are any drawbacks in Xianyang Palace, or if there are any enemies, or if I will be in any danger.

Haha, living in this world, even if you are just walking on the road, danger may come at any time.

Should a man stop because of the so-called danger?"

Having said this, Gawain gently patted the table in front of him with his right hand.

"What's more, radiating the idea of ​​great unity into the fantasy world.

Let the fantasy world where disasters abound, and you can only count on the so-called son of destiny to save the world, let you experience the true care of an emperor.

It is something that every man is happy to do!

I already know what kind of place this is, and more can only be understood if I truly unify the world.

In this case, I don’t have to stay here anymore!”

I saw Gao Wen raising his head and looking at the shadowy figure below.

“For things like reunification, every second counts!

Instead of staying here and imagining, it is better to return to reality and continue to move forward!

So, Xianyang Palace.

It's time for me to leave."

After saying that, Gawain closed his eyes leisurely, and as expected, his body seemed to be sinking into the water, gradually floating somewhere.

While Gawain was floating slowly, some words suddenly appeared in Gawain's closed eyes.

"The heavens and the world reject your presence."

"The destiny of our country rejects your rule"

"Before you truly unite the world"

"It will become increasingly difficult to get back and forth!"

The moment these words appeared, Gawain felt his body fall hard!

Immediately afterwards, a feeling of suffocation came over Gawain's mouth and nose!

One second, two seconds.

After Gawain finally couldn't bear the suffocating feeling, he instinctively stretched out his hands and tried to grab his face.

He needs to breathe!


And just after he did this, his right hand suddenly seemed to pick up something furry!

"Ahhh, he's awake!


"My lord, wake up!"

"Come here quickly and prepare food. The adult has been using nutrient solution these days. He must be very hungry!"

"Where's our chef? Brother Zhepu, come quickly and wash it for the adults to eat!"

"My lord, open your eyes!"

"Uuuuuuuuah, I'm so worried!"

"I thought that the new history would end at the moment when you fall asleep."

"Destiny has taken care of me, and I will never let you fight with monsters again!"

"Yes, fighting is our business!"

"grown ups!"

"grown ups?"

"grown ups!


The calls one after another brought a little smile to Gawain's face.

Compared with the palace, which inspired his ambition but was actually thin and indifferent, the reality of the world in front of him made people feel warmer.

The only people who appear in Xianyang Palace are those who obey and those who are obeyed.

But there are friends here, maybe friends?

While thinking, Gawain opened his eyes, and then he couldn't help but look at the furry he was holding in his hand.

Noticing Gawain's eyes, Chopper danced happily, but couldn't help but burst into tears.

He just cried and shouted to Gawain with a smile.

"You finally woke up, woohoo!


"Uh, Chopper..."

Hearing Chopper's cry, Gawain was a little moved, but he quickly moved Chopper away.

After all, not everyone can face Joba's gradually elongating nose...

After casually sending Chopper to the bedside, Gawain sat up and reached out to take the wet towel handed by Hancock.

Without wiping his face, Gawain felt that his face was taken care of by everyone and was very clean.

He picked up a wet towel and quickly wiped Chopper's nose and tears.

While taking care of Fluffy, Gawain looked at everyone and smiled.

"Why do everyone look so worried?"

After saying hello, Gawain frowned, and then looked at Kuleha and Kurokas beside him.

"How long have I slept!"

That's right, Gawain has noticed something is wrong!

Facing Gawain's question, Kureha finally took out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it. Kureha sighed.

"You haven't woken up for twenty-nine days. Do you know that I will judge you to have become a vegetative state?"


Gawain frowned and casually snatched the tobacco from Kuleha's hand.

Putting the cigarette in his mouth, Gawain continued to wipe little Chopper.

While wiping, he whispered to the people around him.

"Stop crying, I'm fine."

After finishing his words, Gawain put the wet towel aside, then took the clean little Chopper into his arms, and then put his feet under the bed.

After putting on the Snake Princess's fluffy slippers given by the maid, Gawain stood up wearing Snake Princess's pajamas with Chopper in his arms.

The women around him, who were either excited or crying, all forced themselves to calm down.

Looking at everyone, Gawain sighed softly while enjoying Chopper's soft fur.

"Twenty-nine days? It has delayed the original plan. Khalifa, how long will it take until the next Alliance meeting is held?"

"Sir, there are still one hundred and forty-two days."

Kalifa pushed up her glasses, blocking her extremely excited eyes with her glasses while trying to speak calmly.

After listening to Kalifa's words, Gawain nodded, and then he said to everyone around him.

"One hundred and forty-two days, it seems that our journey will be a little accelerated.

After all, I wasted a whole month.

Where is this, where are we now?”

"This is Xiluobu Village. Sir, in order to help you better cultivate yourself, we have found a land where you can stay down to earth, and we have recruited the home of Kenan, the richest man in Xiluobu Village."

Kalifa responded softly. While responding, she quietly retreated to the corner where she had been staying, leaving Gawain to Gion and Hancock.

At this point, Hancock unceremoniously took Gawain's arm, while Gion couldn't hide his joy and laughed non-stop on Gawain's right side.

Holding Chopper and the beauty in his arms, Gawain walked all the way to the door of the room.

As he walked, he nodded.

"Siluobu Village, okay, it should be less than twenty days' flight from our destination.

I've been sleeping for the past few days, has anything special happened? Where is Sister Xia Qi?"

Speaking of this, Gao Wen instinctively spread the heart network. For a time, the heart network, which was far stronger than before, quickly covered the entire Xiluobu Village.

In just a moment, Gawain noticed the top of the mountain in the distance, where Xia Qirelli and others were quickly rushing towards his direction.

So Gawain said with a smile.

"Look, haha, old men like Rayleigh, Xia Qi and Zefa are more reliable.

I just took a nap, and everyone just did what they had to do. How could you delay your training just to guard me?"

Having said this, Gawain's eyes followed the door pushed open by the maid and looked at the group of people coming outside.

They obviously heard what Gawain said, so Xiliu immediately showed a sneer.

While sneering, he held his sword and said coldly.

"My lord is not awake, I can't even kill people smoothly!"

There are still a few pirates in the East China Sea, and there is no one in Xiluobu Village who is particularly worth killing. The only one worth killing is the housekeeper we rented this house from, so I can’t kill him!"

Speaking of this, Xi Liu grinned at Gawain.

"So, sir, rather than having boring training, I'd better wait for you to wake up and arrange a target that I can kill happily!"

Like Garp who put you in such a situation!


The moment the words fell, Shiliu suddenly drew his sword out of its sheath, and his blade was pointed directly at Garp, who had an embarrassed look on his face!

At the same time, even a smile pulled out the blade.

"Sir, since you are awake, let's talk about Garp!

Putting you in this situation will almost destroy your ambition and our determination!

This is really...unforgivable!


Speaking of this, Yi smiled and bit his lip. He really wanted to kill Garp now!

For him, anyone who can prevent the sea from welcoming a new destiny will become his absolute enemy!

As for Garp, he may have been a respectable senior in the past.

But now, he is an out-and-out enemy!

On the side, looking at Yixiao and others sharing the same hatred, Garp opened his mouth indifferently and laughed stupidly.

After he laughed, he looked at Gawain and said funny.

"Hahahaha, your subordinates are really cruel, they make it look like I did something wrong!

Kid, I gave you the title of No. 1 in the world!

Take a look at the recent newspapers. The whole world knows that I lost to you. Do you know how much trouble this has caused me?

Do you know why I have been staying at your place and not even returned to the Navy Headquarters?

Because Wulaoxing has issued a secret arrest warrant for me, I now have a bounty of 5.4 billion, which is only 150 million lower than his mother Roger!

Whether it's Warring States or Sora, these friends and seniors just call me and make my phone bug foam at the mouth!

My phone has been bugged for so many years, but it has never yelled as frequently as it has in the past month!

Damn it, I obviously gave you my reputation, and you got it all in the way I like and appreciate the most!

This is supposed to be a good thing, good for you and me, but why are you so weak? Will you be unconscious for a month after a fight?!


At this point, Garp was particularly unhappy and wanted to grab Gawain's collar.

But unfortunately, as soon as he made a move, he was stopped by Gawain by a large group of people who were watching him eagerly.

Seeing this, Garp grinned angrily, and then continued to yell at Gawain.

“Ah, I’m so angry that I’ve done good deeds and actually became a wanted criminal!

Damn it, I don’t care about anything else. You must help me get rid of this internal bounty!

Wulaoxing told me when she called me, if you don't wake up in half a year, give me a Demon Slaying Massage!

But if you wake up and are willing to intercede for me, then I can take off my reward!"

After the words fell, Garp finally became serious, and he finally said in an extremely serious tone.

"Gawain, the news of your coma has not been known to the world, so my reward order is currently only circulated among the World Government and personnel above the admiral level!

You must resolve this matter for me, otherwise I will always find an opportunity to have a good fight with you in a public place at full strength!

I have given all my reputation to you!

All I want in the future is contentment and stability. You must satisfy me, you bastard!


This chapter has been completed!
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