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Chapter 369 Brother~

 "Fufu, it's so scary, Gao Wensheng~."

Facing Gawain's threat, Dover showed an arrogant expression like a monkey, and then he spread his hands indifferently.

"Don't worry, I know what I should do.

I'm just following you around. This is a game full of expectations for me, Fu Fu.

Whether I am expecting you to make a mistake, or I am expecting you to really defeat the World Government and raise your Black Bird flag.

In short, I am very much looking forward to everything that comes next, and this sense of anticipation is much better than the step-by-step life I have now!”

After the words fell, Dover curled his lips and shook his head, sneering.

"Once upon a time, when I was a Celestial Dragon, my games were nothing more than killing a few slaves with guns and pretending to be adults with other kids.

Later, after that idiot Huo Minggu made his extremely stupid decision.

My game became hanging out in the market and bringing back enough food for my mother.

Later, my mother died and Huo Minggu was killed by me. I rose from humble beginnings and found my current family through ambition and cruelty, as well as the domineering domineering energy I awakened when I was ten years old.

From then on, my game completely kicked off!

First rule a neighborhood, then spread to a city, and completely go to sea to increase our power.

At the right time, I will snatch the gold from the sky, threaten the leader of a country, and finally, become the Shichibukai, while secretly taking back my own country!"

When he said this, Dover's face inevitably showed a hint of pride, but after being proud, Dover shook his head regretfully.

"Unfortunately, Fufu, at this point in the game, my progress is too slow.

Next, there are only two things I can do.

Or, become a Yonko, chase the so-called Pirate King that only madmen and fools pursue, and then try to die more heroic than Roger.

Because only you and I know that Im can let the pirates play house games on the sea, but Im will not let a king-like and influential character appear among the chaos.

So for me, I have only one goal, to become a Tianlong again!

This goal is really too difficult, even if I sacrifice all of Dressrosa, I still can't get it.

To this end, I started an arms business and a population business to increase my influence.

This kind of life is very boring, and I may have to wait for ten or twenty years when I grow old.

Only with the things I have accumulated can it be possible for my children to recover and become Celestial Dragons.

As for myself, you know, the Five Old Stars will not let a guy who has killed the Dracos return to Mariejoia."

Dover suddenly showed a cruel smile. He pointed at himself first, then pointed at Gawain, and laughed.

"You and I, Fufu, we are both man-eating wolves.

But they, they can't even be called human beings, they are just pigs and dogs who were raised to be idiots!

How could Wulaoxing put us in such an environment?

I won't be accepted by them because of my behavior, and you, from the moment you show your wolf side, you must and can only become the Five Old Stars, Gawain!"

After the words fell, Dover playfully rubbed his hair, and while rubbing it, he continued teasingly.

"Fufufufu, there is no need to talk about those things. In short, you are my boss now, and I have to think about how to make my colleagues accept me!

I haven't done this kind of work for a long time, it's like I have to integrate into a new family.

But fortunately, I have probably found two people who can stand with me, Fufu!"

After saying that, Dover straightened his sunglasses with a big smile, and then naturally came behind Gawain.

Looking at Gawain's back that didn't look back, Dover lightly snapped his fingers.

"Bingo, that's right, I've found my place.

As for the future, boss.

You must fulfill our promise.

Otherwise, I will fulfill my promise to backfire on you, Fufu.

I believe you can do it. I'm really looking forward to the expressions on the faces of those Celestial Dragons who call me a traitor and die in pain in my hands!

And, fufu….

I am beginning to look forward to meeting Trafalgar, which will be another life-and-death challenge!

Now that you already know about my relationship with the Trafalgar boy, there must be no reason for you to let him continue to swim on the sea.

Who doesn’t want to live forever?

Especially us!!!”

Having said this, Dover finally calmed down, then he stretched his long legs and stood arrogantly behind Gawain.

As for Gawain, after rolling his eyes speechlessly, he shook his head and smiled.

"I really don't know that you talk so much. If I knew, I might kill you."

"Fush, fufu, boss.

For people like you and me who are full of philosophy and speculative spirit, if we encounter a suitable opportunity, we will not stop even if we discuss it for days and nights, right?

It's a pity that others don't understand me. In the end, I can only talk to you for a few more words.

Besides, judging from your seniority, you can still be regarded as my cousin.

younger brother!!!"

After the words fell, from the invisible position behind Gawain's head, Dover's eyes looked at Gawain, that is, his eyes hidden under his sunglasses, suddenly there was a kind of... slight expectation and love!

Gawain didn't know that what prompted Dover to take the initiative to look for him was not just what Dover had expressed before!

There is another unspeakable thought hidden in Dover's heart!

In the long past, after losing his parents, his younger brother Rosinand was Dover's only support!

No one knows how much he, who was full of endless longing for his family at that time, expected his younger brother to become the bond and help of his life!

However, his younger brother gave him a cruel answer. The child had betrayed Dover a long time ago and joined the navy, and even became the adopted son of Sengoku...

Because of this, how much Dover loved him at the beginning, but how much he hated Dover when he learned of Rocinante's betrayal!

He killed Rocinante cleanly, and he also lost his younger brother, but only after losing something can he understand how much he loved it.

Rosinandy, like Dover's parents, has always been a thorn in Dover's side.

As for Gawain, when Dover first saw news about him, Dover had already begun to pay attention to Gawain!

At that time, Gawain wasn't even in the newspapers, and all Dover received was the news that Gawain had fired two extra rounds of weather cannons on Mary Joa and Marineford.

Since then, the news about Gawain has increased more and more, and Dover's expectations for Gawain have become deeper and deeper.

Taking into account the problem of intermarriage within the nineteen major families of the Draco, every Draco is destined to be related, and Gawain is indeed Dover's younger brother in terms of seniority and age!

Therefore, more than once in the dead of night, Dover imagined that Rocinante's life could be like Gawain's!

If Luo Nandi is also a qualified Tianlong, if he can achieve the results of Gao Wen, then such a younger brother will definitely make his elder brother proud!

With such thoughts in mind, it is not surprising that Dover looked at Gawain with deep emotions in his eyes.

As for Gawain….

After hearing Dover's words, he rolled his eyes hesitantly, and then solemnly turned back to emphasize to Dover.

"I always feel that you are thinking of something rude!

To be honest, I have already begun to regret taking you in!"

After the words fell, Gawain strode down the mountain, and Dover naturally followed behind Gawain.

While taking his always arrogant steps, Dover responded with a smile.

"Ah, yes, yes, you are absolutely right, boss.

Are you going to say next...

"I want to kill you again now, Tenyaksha!"

Dover deliberately imitated Gawain's deep voice that was both elegant and domineering at the same time.

Hearing this, Gawain finally seemed to understand something, so he turned back in surprise, and then said in disbelief!

"With your tone, wait a minute, you don't think of me as... a ghost!!!"

"Fush, whisk, whisk!!!"

As soon as Gawain finished speaking, Dover couldn't help but burst into laughter.

While laughing, Dover said intermittently.

"You are so smart, your grasp of people's hearts is beyond my imagination!

When I stand next to you and look at you, I seem to understand a little bit when Rosie stood next to me and looked at me!

younger brother!!!"

After saying that, Dover turned his head away with emotion and continued to move forward on his own.

And Gawain.

He pursed his lips in confusion.

There was never a shortage of people on his ship who regarded him as family, and Uta even called him godfather in private.

But Dover, this guy...does he really regard himself as a substitute for his younger brother?!!

No, no, no, you can't trust Flamingo easily. He, nicknamed Tianyaksha, has already regarded stratagems as daily toys!

But if he really thinks that way, then...

Why are you getting closer and closer to Whitebeard and Big Mom?

Whitebeard conquers the world by recognizing his son, and Auntie conquers the world by giving birth to a son.

And I, I rely on being recognized by others to conquer the world???

This, this, this….

Just like that, about forty minutes later, on the deck of the Black Bird.

Even when he formally introduced Tianyaksha's joining to everyone, Gawain was still feeling dumbfounded.

And everyone......

After learning that Flamingo had officially joined, the righteous people including Yixiao felt a little dissatisfied.

But now, after being in contact with Gawain for too long, Yixiao and others can understand Gawain's thoughts on their own even without Gawain coming forward to explain.

The moment after Gawain introduced Dover, Big Bear took out the notebook he was holding and started flipping through it.

After a while, Big Bear looked at the book and said.

"I can understand your actions, just as you said before.

The adults never care about the good and evil of their subordinates, because they will decide the good and evil of their subordinates.

For evildoers, if they can rely on the restraint of adults to let their power act on the right path, the result will be far more effective than simply eliminating the evildoers!

Don Quixote Doflamingo, his evils are countless!

But if he can use his power on our way in the future, then even if he is still a villain, he will also be a villain who works side by side with justice!"


After finishing speaking, Big Bear slammed his notebook shut, then raised his head and looked at Dover.

Facing the big bear's gaze, Dover bared his teeth in displeasure and sneered.

"Oh, you are such an excellent subordinate. I didn't expect that as a revolutionary soldier, you could already skillfully brainwash others for Gawain!"


Upon hearing Dover's words, Big Bear's face froze, and then he quickly pouted his mouth into a ^ shape.

He turned to Gawain and said softly after considering it.

"Sir, even if I can understand you, he is really not lovable..."

After saying this, the big bear looked up at the sky and sat silently behind Gawain.

At the same time, with a smile, he pulled out his staff and sword.

He did not point the blade at Gawain, but at Dover!

Seeing a smile, Dover said disdainfully.

"Hey, old blind man, do you want to test my strength?"

After the words fell, Dover shook his right hand arrogantly.

Although it hurts, if it's a fight, then as long as you can move it's fine!

At the same time, looking at the arrogant Doflamingo, he smiled and was silent for a moment, then said coldly.

"I don't doubt your decision, because I can't see the world and my vision is much more short-sighted than yours!

But no matter what, I don’t like being in the same boat as you!!!”

Having said this, Yixiao slowly raised his sword and nodded lightly to Gawain.

After nodding, he smiled and dropped his sword in the wind. The heavy gravity directly made Dover a lot shorter!

Looking at Dover, who was weighed down by gravity but still had a cruel smile on his face, he smiled and spoke word by word.

"Tianyaksha, I know what you did in Dressrosa!

If you want me to accept it reluctantly, then hand over control of Dressrosa first!

And then there are the forces you have in the underground world.

Only by surrendering everything to your Majesty's banner can I admit that you are barely qualified to shoulder the will of Black Bird!!!"


Smiling aside, Gion gently put Jinpira on the ground and looked at Dover coldly.

After receiving support from Gion, he smiled and then frowned, turning his head slightly and speaking to Gawain.

"My lord, when Crocodile boarded the ship, he also handed over the power he controlled.

If you want to join us, but you can't even let go of everything in the past, such a notorious Tianyaksha will never gain our trust!"

"That's right!"

Gion also smiled and continued to speak to Gawain.

"Our Black Bird has always been on the same page. Now that Teacher Zefa has voluntarily given up his agreement with you and refused to take Doflamingo's life.

Then we naturally accept your decision unconditionally and are willing to treat this lunatic as a comrade-in-arms.

But if he wanted to gain our trust, he should have provided enough chips as proof!"

Having said this, Gion pointed the knife in his left hand at Dover and sneered.

"I don't know what kind of promise you made to the adults. I just want to know how far you can go in front of the adults and us, Tianyaksha!

After all, although our ship is not completely white, there has never been anyone as bad as you!

If your past deeds were not condoned by Wulaoxing, you would have been cut into pieces long ago!!!"

After saying that, the black armed domination flowed down Gion's arm and soaked into Gion's sword.

At the same time, after a brief sneer, Dover spread his hands indifferently.

"Tsk tsk, you never understand that happiness is a subjective thing.

When you feel that everything I do makes you unhappy, you no longer explain or understand the happiness I feel from it!

As for now, haha, you really look down on me~.

If I am unwilling to let go of even the remains of the past, how can my body stand among the people of the future?"

After the words fell, Dover simply waved his hand to Gawain.

"Gawain, fufufufu, wait to receive everything from me!

Dressrosa, haha, that country has been completely controlled by the sugar in my family.

Next, just do whatever you want with that country!

As for my family, they all have me as their core, and they will be where I am!

But it's only the territory in the underground world, which is a little bit troublesome, because I have always been supplying goods to Kaido.

If I suddenly run out of stock, I'm afraid I'll have a head-on collision with Kaido!"


The moment Dover finished speaking, when he mentioned the name Kaido.

Reilly, who was drinking leisurely on Gawain's right, suddenly laughed.

While laughing, Rayleigh raised his glass and saluted Dover from a distance.

In Dover's waiting expression, after drinking the wine, Rayleigh looked at Dover and smiled.

"Kaido, hehe, since there will be a collision, just kill him!

You wouldn’t think that even Kaido, our Blackbird, would be a trouble!!!”

After saying that, Rayleigh smiled very happily. While laughing, Rayleigh stretched out his hand and gave Gawain a high-five.

While the two were high-fiving, Dover looked at Gawain thoughtfully and sighed.

"It turns out that you made the decision to kill Kaido early on.

Fufu, do you want to get rid of one of the four emperors at the first move?

Your courage is worthy of being my brother, Gawain!!!"

(End of chapter)

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