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Chapter 159 Drunk

 The generous shoulder was patted, and Wang Zhongsi, who was sitting there, raised his head, and his eyes fell on Xue Bai's childish face. Remember the whole ~ book ~ 520 reading, website: xs520.\nco

With a flick of his hand, he swept the young man aside and said, "My grandson is older than you, so it's not your turn to teach me how to do things."

Xue Bai ran two steps behind, held on to the wall, smiled disapprovingly, and there was an air of calmness in his movements.

To tell the truth, did Li Heng persuade the general to raise troops to clear the emperor's side today?"

When he was drunk, he kept talking calmly and swearing, which made Wang Zhongsi no longer treat him as a child. Then, he imitated Li Heng's behavior and started talking nonsense.

"The prince of a country has lost all dignity, how can he accept this humiliation? Today, the emperor is neglecting the government, the powerful ministers are covering the sky with one hand, the party is united and opposed, the road of speech is cut off, the military and tax system are about to collapse, the wolves, tigers and leopards in the border towns are in power, the root of the disaster is deep, he is

Prince, have you ever advised the generals to kill Li Linfu, kill An Lushan, and force the saint to abdicate?"


With a "swelling" sound, Wang Zhongsi smashed the wine bottle in his hand at Xue Bai's feet.

"Compared to An Lushan, I think you are the rebel!"

Then ask the saints to make a clear decision, who is the rebel between you and me?!"

"Ha." Wang Zhongsi laughed angrily.

"I don't know about the emperor. Did Li Heng not persuade him? Or did the general dare not?" Xue Bai asked tentatively, and said: "It's not that the general is afraid. You are the sworn brother of the prince and the sworn son of a saint. You hope that their father will be kind to his son."

Xiao? To this day, you are very disappointed, right? "

After hearing the last words, Wang Zhongsi shook his head mockingly.

One is a foster father who is as kind as a mountain, and the other is a foster brother who has deep brotherhood. The suspicion is so deep that he is caught in the middle and is more embarrassed than anyone else. He is naturally disappointed.

The adopted son of the saint, the adopted brother of the prince." Xue Bai seemed a little curious and asked: "If you can only choose one of these two identities,


How to choose?


This question is really funny, it sounds like the saint and the prince are not father and son.

Wang Zhongsi smiled, but his eyes dimmed, and he didn't answer. He stood up, picked up the wine jar in the corner, weighed it, wiped off the sealing mud, and drank.

"Don't avoid it. You must express your feelings, otherwise you will be suspected of treason."


"Whether it is ridiculous or not, look at the changes of Xuanwu, Shenlong, Jinglong, Tanglong and Xiantian."

Xue Bai only talked about a few major coups, but they were enough to show the father-son relationship between Li Longji and Li Heng. Based on this, he began to make alarmist remarks, saying: "You are suspected of treason. Once you lose military power, you will lose your life."

There is no guarantee.

"Who dares to kill me?"

"Why don't you dare? Your position is not firm. Both sides want you to die. A man has no power. Even if he sends two guards to guard him, can he block the killing moves from all directions and day and night? If you don't even want to express your stance, the saint will do it for you.

Are you furious because of your death? Do you want to issue an edict to investigate? As a minister, I deviated from the position of a loyal minister. I felt that the saint was at fault, but I didn't dare to help the East Palace raise troops. I looked forward and backward, and took the path of death. "

While Xue Bai was exaggerating with each other, Wang Zhongsi kept drinking alcohol with a sullen face.

"I don't admire you either." Xue Bai said: "In my opinion, Li Heng, Li Linfu, and An Lushan all have much better vision than you. When you only care about the friendship with your sworn brother, their vision has already changed."

Look at the merits."

Wang Zhongsi subconsciously shook his head slightly.

"I attacked the Turks in the north and Tibet in the west. I wore the seal of four generals and controlled the army thousands of miles away. I thought that the general had a guard, but Huo Zhizhi turned out to be nothing more than that. I am different from you. I only hold my destiny in my own hands. If I am in

I will never sit back and wait for your situation. I will put my hope for the stability of the society in a prince who has been suppressed to this point. I will definitely take the important town of Hedong into my hands with my own eyes and teach the miscellaneous people not to dare to have different aspirations in order to protect their own safety.

The four sides are stable. This side is a great man who is worthy of all the people in the world. How can he act like a little daughter? "

"Isn't this clever talk just to get me to report Li Jingzhong?"

"What's the point of reporting an eunuch? Yuan Zai will steal a pound and lose two for me. Remember the full~book~520 reading, website: xs520.\nco" Xue Bai said matter-of-factly: "If you want to report,

You should directly report Li Heng!"

Strange to say, Yuan Zai tried his best to persuade Wang Zhongsi, but Wang Zhongsi always felt that he had bad intentions. Xue Bai's words were unrestrained and his attitude was outrageous, and he even called Li Heng by his name several times, but Wang Zhongsi felt sincere and did not feel angry.

"If I report Li Jingzhong's crime, will you protect my position as the governor of Hedong?"

General Wang is so shameless."

Xue Bai pondered for a moment and said crisply: "Okay!"

Wang Zhongsi didn't care whether he showed courage outside the battlefield and asked: "How can I trust you?"

"Why lie to you? In this way, you can see whether I have offended An Lushan, and then you will know whether I am sincere in letting you suppress him."

"I'll watch."

Wang Zhongsi had already drank two jars of wine, and he didn't know how the general was able to hold it, but he still kept his head clear from the beginning to the end. No matter whether Xue Bai coaxed him or provoked him, he refused to agree, and only said that he would consider it.

"I have no courage." Xue Bai finally said something irritated. Seeing that the other party was in trouble, he didn't say anything more.

If Wang Zhongsi could be won over by profit and wealth, it would be enough for Yang Hua to persuade him. He would simply give up and lean against the window to enjoy the snow.

It was already curfew, and it was impossible to go home. All I could do was listen to the sound of Wang Zhongsi drinking heavily.

"Tell me about the war?"

Military life is boring and hard for most of the time, what can you say?"

"General, tell me about your grudge against An Lushan."

"In the first year of Tianbao, I was in Shuofang during the Northern Expedition against the Xi people and the Turks. I won several battles and used some alienation tactics. The Bashmi tribe cut off the head of Usumish Khan and sent it over. In that battle, An

What did Lushan do again? Before the imperial invaders,

Build a strong military city, ask me to send troops to help, and want to intercept my soldiers...

Wang Zhongsi didn't know how to tell stories and told them dryly, so he finished them quickly.

His experience in conquering all over the world over the years, just these few words, makes people laugh when he thinks about it.

Xue Bai listened and drank one more drink.

"Can the general know how to dance with a sword?"


What's the fun in just drinking? You show me how to dance with a sword, and I'll give you a poem.'

"Didn't you say that I am not worthy of your words?"

"I suddenly thought that I am surrounded by people who are interested in benefit. It is rare to meet General Wang and share the same aspirations. I would like to give you a poem."


It would be difficult to ask Wang Zhongsi to dance the sword with another person, but Xue Bai first said that he was not worthy, and then changed his mind now, which seemed like a rare opportunity to change the sword dance.

Wang Zhongsi walked into the courtyard, looked around, broke off a branch and danced in the snow.

What he is better at is the long-handled Mo Dao, which can be opened and closed widely. Holding this light branch in his hand is nothing more than dispersing the smell of alcohol and dissipating resentment.

Xue Bai watched in silence for a while, then went to his room, took out a pen and paper, and polished ink on the porch. He turned around and hung a lantern on a branch by the wall, then splashed ink on the white wall.

He is now quite confident in his calligraphy and feels quite happy.

The first column only wrote the three words "Po Zhen Zi".

"In the sixth year of Tianbao's reign, General Wang Zhongsi returned from breaking the stone fortress and wrote a heroic poem to congratulate him."

The character "He" is written slightly larger than the characters next to it.

Xue Bai looked back at Wang Zhongsi's faster and faster movements, dipped in thick ink again, and finished it in one stroke.

"When I was drunk, I lit up the lamp and looked at the sword. I dreamed of the trumpet blowing company. Eight hundred miles away, the devil was burning, the sound of fifty strings tumbled beyond the wall, and the soldiers were ordered in autumn on the battlefield."

Clothes were flying, and the branches were chopping down. Because Wang Zhongsi's movements were too violent, they were broken into two pieces.

Small snowflakes fell on him, and were quickly melted by his heat. He dropped the broken branch in his hand, raised the wine jar and took two more swigs, and then looked at the writing on the wall.

"The horse moves very fast, and the bow is like a thunderbolt.

Just a few days after returning to Chang'an, when I recalled the trumpet-blowing camp, it seemed like Wang Zhongsi couldn't help but ask himself, if he really gave up his ambition to expand the territory and make achievements, how could he let it go?

Looking back again, the next sentence that came out of the pen and ink was exactly what he was thinking.

"Finish the affairs of the king and the world, and win the reputation before and after death."

However, Xue Bai kept writing and wrote another sentence.

"Pity happens in vain!"

Wang Zhongsi narrowed his eyes, with a rare look of unwillingness in his eyes. If his life's work ended here, how could he have any reputation before and after his life?

Xue Bai made the last stroke, put down the brush, turned around, and looked at Wang Zhongsi's temples.


The next day.

When Xue Ri was woken up, he saw Du Wulangzhi standing in front of him, "Why did you go to Fengwei Building to sleep? Did you write the words on the wall? The calligraphy is very good."


"Who drank more than ten jars of wine?"

'Is there any?'


"General Wang Zhongsi, I drank more than ten jars of wine with him last night.'

Xue Bai walked out of the private room and looked around. The song "Broken Array" was still on the wall of the courtyard. The handwriting was strong, round and thick, with a solemn momentum. Unfortunately, it was not cursive enough. I can practice cursive writing in the future... maybe

Okay, you have to ask Xiaoyan Sanniang about this.

There happened to be a few people in the courtyard who were looking at the courtyard wall and noticed Xue Bai's glance. Some people left in a hurry and rushed to the residences of several powerful people in Chang'an City.

"Your Majesty, Wang Zhongsi and Xue Bai drank the whole night last night."

"One glass of wine can last a whole night." Li Linfu was reviewing files and said without raising his head: "It shows that he talks a lot."

He reacted very calmly, because Xue Bai said that Party Yang wanted to win over Wang Zhongsi, so there would naturally be some contacts.

After Wang Zhongsi's post as the Jiedushi of the Four Towns is over, what's the harm in allowing the Yang Party to win over him?

"Right Prime Minister, Xue Bai also gave Wang Zhongsi a poem, and I'll copy it here."

What was handed over was a piece of bamboo paper.

Li Linfu looked at it carefully and saw that the bamboo paper was slightly whiter and thinner than before, and asked: "Where did you get this paper?"

"Go back to Prime Minister, I bought it now at Daozhengfang, one piece for twelve cents."

"Twelve coins?"

Li Linfu nodded, and then turned to the poem, with some doubts in his eyes. The word Anfu Xue Bai was clearly complaining for Wang Zhongsi. Could it be that he was going back on his word and wanted to keep his position as the Jiedushi of the Four Towns?

It seems that there is too much worry. There has been a misunderstanding before. What's more, Wang Zhongsi is ignorant. Even if he asks the imperial concubine to come forward to intercede, there is no point in "continuing to stare at them."


Li Linfu hid some doubts in his heart, reviewed the files submitted by Dali Temple, and immediately went to the palace to see him.

At the same time, in the royal residence of Yanshoufang, Wang Zhongsi picked up a bowl of sobering soup and drank it in one gulp, looking at Yuan Zai who was rushing over.

He suddenly understood why he didn't like this son-in-law. For example, although Xue Bai was also easy to get into trouble, he didn't hide it.

And have a public heart.

"I heard that Yang Hua's relationship with An Lushan is not bad?

"Hui father-in-law, yes." Yuan Zai understood Wang Zhongsi's meaning as soon as he heard it, and said: "As far as the uncle is concerned, there is no difference between whether the father-in-law is the governor of Hedong, or whether An Lushan is allowed to occupy this position.


This was one of the reasons raised by Li Heng. The Yang Party might use Wang Zhongsi to report the East Palace and then go back on their word.

Yuan Zai had not finished his words yet, and continued: "But for the confidants of the uncle, they hope to keep their father-in-law. The son-in-law is not talented, so he respectfully serves as the salt and iron transport envoy judge, and repeatedly persuades the uncle to help.


Wang Zhongsi frowned and said, "I heard that An Lushan recognized the imperial concubine as his mother yesterday?"

‘Yes, An Lushan had someone wrap him up naked, making the saint and the noble concubine laugh heartily.

Wang Zhongsi felt a chill after hearing this.

He fought bloody battles on the northwest border and saw nearly 10,000 soldiers killed and injured. After returning, he saw that his fellow military governors had so shamelessly seized their posts. Yuan Zai continued with a surge of anger in his heart: "However, yesterday, the palace

At the banquet, An Lushan and the brothers and sisters of the Yang family had an unpleasant quarrel. First, Mrs. Guo Guo did not agree with the matter and deliberately made things difficult; in addition, Yang Zhao and An Lushan always disliked each other and kept ridiculing and derogatory words.

An Lushan's ambition to be an envoy to the east of Hedong was revealed, and he was scolded by the saint in the end, so the banquet broke up unhappy."

"Yang Zhao is so bold?"

"He is now managing his internal money, which is one of the saint's money bags.

Wang Zhongsi said: "I heard that Mrs. Guo Guo has a close relationship with Xue Bai. Is it because of Xue Bai that she came forward to stop her?"


"Do you have the bamboo paper that you popularize?"


Yuan Zai came prepared. He took out a few pieces of bamboo paper from his sleeves, stepped forward, and carefully placed them on Wang Zhongsi's desk.

"My father-in-law, please look at this. This is white bamboo paper that costs twelve cents a piece. This is romantic paper that costs twenty cents a piece. We can lower the price in the future. What we are doing is hoping that all the poor people in the world can read and practice calligraphy...


"Here comes the pen."

Yuan Zai's eyes flashed with light, and he quickly served the brush and handed the brush forward.

Wang Zhongsi said: "I said, you write it and I will copy it."


"I heard that there was an old soldier killing someone in the capital, so I checked the military register of Longyou and found that Huangfu Weiming had secretly brought the old soldier to the capital. After Huangfu Weiming died, Li Jingzhong, the servant in the East Palace, deceived his superiors and concealed it, secretly raising old soldiers...

Yuan Zai's hand holding the pen was very steady, but as he wrote this, there was a surge of excitement in his heart. Who could believe that Li Jingzhong could take over the old pawn from Huangfu Weiming? Once this letter was published, how was it different from Wang Zhongsi's break with Li Heng?

"Your Majesty, this is the file reported by Dali Temple. It was found out that Pei Mian's case was committed by a general named Cao Jian under Pei Dun's reincarnation."

Li Linfu was good at general affairs, so naturally he would not be able to remember the murderer of such a big case. He deliberately showed the absurdity of this matter.

As expected, Li Longji disagreed.

He is appreciating a wine vessel, which was presented by An Lushan and can be used in the hot springs. Now that the expansion of Huaqing Palace has come to an end, he is currently preparing to stay in Huaqing Palace.

"The prince is very capable." Li Longji said casually, "The murderer was found so quickly."

"The results found by His Highness will surely satisfy all ministers."


Li Longji was not surprised at all. He had obviously been used to it for a long time. He picked up another wine vessel, looked at it, and asked, "Wang Zhongsi has been back in Beijing for some time. Haven't you heard about this case?"

"Maybe this case really has nothing to do with the Helong Border Army."


Li Linfu stole a glance at the policeman and said, "Sage, I heard something recently."


"The report from Jiyang Farewell to Weilin mentioned that when he was the governor of Shuozhou, he heard Wang Zhongsi say, 'I have been raised in the palace with King Zhong for a long time, and I want to respect the crown prince.'

At the end of his words, Li Linfu's voice gradually became softer.

Li Longji stopped for a moment, put down the wine vessel in his hand, and looked thoughtful.

"In the battle of Stone Castle City, Ge Shuhan fought well."

“The sage’s clear vision.”

Li Linfu regained his energy and knew that it was not urgent to let the three divisions torture Wang Zhongsi. It was important to decide on the positions of the Jiedushi of the four towns.

Then he said: "The reason why this minister recommends the use of barbarians in border towns..."

The next moment, a chamberlain hurried over and reported: "Sage, Wang Zhongsi has requested an audience. He has something urgent to write."


This chapter has been completed!
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