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Chapter 171 Sophistication

  Chang'an County Government. For the latest chapter, please go to [Full~Ben520 Reading], please remember our website address: xs520.


County magistrate Jia Jilin strode to the county captain's house and saw Yan Zhenqing writing the verdict.

 “What’s going on?“

"The Cao brothers and sisters are in trouble again." Yan Zhenqing frowned and said, "They kidnapped a fat sheep and wanted to kill it, and they let Ruo Zi in the wine. This is what An Lushan started. He held banquets several times and let Ruo Zi in wine to trap and kill the Khitan people.

The scoundrels in Chang'an have begun to learn this, and the Khitans can still be fooled.

The Cao siblings live in Chang'an County. They usually go to the Dongshi area of ​​Wannian County to commit crimes. This time, something happened under the jurisdiction of Chang'an County. It is the identity of the perpetrators.

"Who told you this?" Jia Jilin said, "Do you know who this 'fat sheep' is?"

He has been refusing to give his name, and I am asking someone to check."

 “Ge Shuhan!” Jia Jilin looked anxious, “He had already made a scene in the prison room just now, and at noon he was going to the palace to have an audience.

 There is no need to delay.”

"That's what happened." Yan Zhenqing suddenly realized, looking at the sky, he said: "I have to go to the audience at noon, and it's been two quarters since he announced his identity. There is no time to delay."

 Since you know this, why don’t you let him go?!”

"The county magistrate does not need to be anxious. It is precisely because the case involves important officials in the court that it must be investigated clearly, otherwise the sage will think that Chang'an County is handling the case vaguely."

After hearing what Jia Jilin said made sense, he started to pay attention to the details of the case. Cao Buzhe wanted to upset his brother Shuhan, but he picked up the wine bowl and pressed her down to drink wine. He drank her down and slept until dawn.


If this was the case, Geshuhan was indeed more guilty, but his confession was not unreasonable - "She said, 'If you get me drunk, you won't get paid.' This was a good thing."

Jia Jilin thought to the end and came up with enough reason to sentence his brother Shu Han not guilty. Turning around, Yan Zhenqing wrote the verdict, meticulously recording the crimes of both parties that violated Tang law, and punished several crimes together.


“Qingchen, in my opinion, no matter what he wants to do, you and I still have to give him face on the surface...

At this moment, a government official hurried over and reported: "County magistrate, county lieutenant, someone is coming from the palace!"


 “What? You, are you really General Geshuhan?!”

 Cao Buzheng stood up and stared at the curly-haired Western Region man in front of him, still feeling unbelieving.

“Why are you so shabby?”

“I’m poor? You still robbed me.” Ge Shuhan looked up to the sky and laughed, stretched his muscles and neck, and said: “But your family is good at drinking and drinking, so I’ll spare you.”


Cao Buzheng still wanted to speak, but Cao Buzha kicked him aside.

“Coward, so what if he’s Ge Shuhan? He pissed himself all over Chang’an County and it’s not lawful!”

These two siblings are the children of Hu Ji. They are real miscellaneous people, but their temperament is quite to Ge Shuhan's taste. He laughed loudly and walked out with the government officials.

Jia Jilin came forward and said with a smile: "General Geshu, I'm sorry."

"A misunderstanding." Ge Shuhan embraced him with a smile and whispered: "Let the siblings go too? It's a trivial matter."


Yan Zhenqing said, "I'm afraid that General Geshu would not interfere in the resolution of the case in Chang'an County."

“Haha, Mr. Yan really decides the case impartially. If you have the ability, just keep him in custody.”

 Geshuhan said this and walked away.

Everyone else thought he was letting go of his harsh words, but few noticed that he gently patted Yan Zhenqing on the back before leaving.

As he left the Chang'an County Government Office and mounted his horse, Ge Shuhan noticed a young man walking leisurely from the north. He looked familiar. He turned out to be the bragging boy who had been drinking in the wine shop yesterday.

Thinking of his debauchery in his youth, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "Young man, time is fleeting, don't indulge in wine, sex, and talk. The whole book is 520. Men should learn civil and martial arts and seek merit, hahaha!"


 The laughter was not over yet, but he had already driven his horse away.

Xue Bai looked at the backs of the man and the horse, smiled to himself, and went all the way to the county government office to find Yan Zhenqing.

“Teacher, I heard that you took Ge Shuhan away?”

“It would be better to say that he came to Chang’an County to sit there.”


 Xingqing Palace, the main building of Qinzhengwu.

"I thought very simply. It was difficult for me to be caught in the middle of the feast between the Right Prime Minister and General Wang. I thought it would be better to spend the night and come to see you in the morning. I didn't expect that the young lady was not a prostitute. Something happened.

Please punish me, Your Majesty."

What Ge Shuhan said is indeed the truth. He doesn't care at all whether the matter is big or small. He just shows an attitude of not being involved in these court disputes. He only wants to fight outside and just follow his temper when he returns to Chang'an.

If the saint really wanted to kill Wang Zhongsi, he would risk his life and be willing to intercede for Wang Zhongsi. But in the current situation, it is not good for them to get too close to each other. It is better to stay apart.

Li Longji listened to his explanation, and when his eyes fell, he saw that this general Hu had an honest and frank attitude on his face, but he also did not deliberately hide the cunning in his eyes.

This kind of little cunning is a common characteristic of the barbarians in the Western Regions. If you don't hide it, it will appear more sincere. "Get up." Li Longji raised his hand indifferently, "This is not the first time you have committed this problem."

 “Thanks to the saint.”

Ge Shuhan's family was well-off. His father was Ge Shu Daoyuan, the deputy governor of Anxi, and his mother was the princess of Khotan. He had been fond of gambling and drinking since he was a child. He had a bold and unrestrained personality and was unruly. When his father died when he was forty, he worked hard and went to Hexi. Join the army, fight bravely, and get promoted along the way.

He hopes that the rest of his life will be good, so he is not as concerned about the country and the people as Wang Zhongsi. If the saint allows him to attack Shibao City, he will definitely attack it without worrying about the death of tens of thousands of people. etc. After the battle, he indulged himself in sex without restraint.

 Able to fight, enterprising, selfish, true-tempered, not involved in too much government affairs, obedient and easy to control...Li Longji could easily see these characteristics of him and liked this general very much.

 “Bring me my map.”


Li Longji said "my map". The heroic words in his words actually meant "my territory".

Pointing his finger around Shibao City, he began to consider Ge Shuhan's military strategy.

 He wanted to consolidate Shibao City, increase the number of troops in Qinghai Lake, recruit 100,000 troops, counterattack Tibet, and recover the Nine Bends of the Yellow River... Let the territory of the Tang Dynasty continue to expand, and further achieve his achievements as the Holy Son of Heaven.

 The reason why An Lushan must be appointed to Fanyang and Pinglu was also considered by Li Longji. When fighting in the west,

 The Northeast should strive for stability, and An Lushan knows Hu Su best.

Wang Zhongsi could not understand this kind of talent and strategy, and complained a lot. It was difficult to conquer Shibao City, it was not suitable to recruit troops, and An Lushan had different intentions. But when he saw Ge Shuhan today, Li Longji immediately decided to change to a more practical Longyou coach.

 There were many famous generals in the Tang Dynasty.

On that day, Ge Shuhan was only the deputy envoy of Longyou Jiedu when he entered the palace. When he walked out of the palace, he was already the envoy of Longyou Jiedu and the prefect of Xiping County, with the title of Hongluqing.


Yuan Zai walked through the gate of the square, suddenly turned around and looked at the three words "Yanshoufang" written on the lantern beside the gate, smiled slightly, and then went to the main house.

Wang Zhongsi was walking in the front yard, with a worried look on his brow, "My father-in-law wants to meet Ge Shuhan?" Yuan Zai stepped forward and asked, "But I don't know why?"

If he were to replace Longyou Jiedushi, how could he not hand it over face to face?"

"That should also be arranged by the saint. The whole version is 520." Yuan Zai said: "How can my father-in-law have any reason to meet in private?"

Wang Zhongsi had other things he cared about more, and he had nothing to talk about with Yuan Zai, who only cared about his life and future. He was thinking about the impact of the situation in Longyou on the entire Tang Dynasty, and his face became more and more solemn.

He had been in Longyou for many years and believed that it was not a good idea to open up the frontiers excessively and confront Tubo, which was at the height of its military power, when the systems of uniform rule, government troops, and rent-to-yongtiao were gradually collapsing. This was why he returned to Beijing.

I want to report my work and give advice to the saint.

The two men, Weng and son-in-law, stood in the courtyard speechlessly, one thinking about "admonition" and the other thinking about "prolonging life" until the sky got dark.

 Before the curfew, Guan Chongsi finally came back.

“General, I have not seen Geshu. He has not returned to Yongningfang House.”

 “Still in the palace?“

“I don’t know, he must be avoiding the general.” Guan Chongsi shook his head, but then looked at Yuan Zai again.

 Wang Zhongsi then returned to his study alone.

Wang Zhongsi stopped and looked up at the floating clouds in the northwest in the twilight, seeming to see the mountains and rivers in Longyou, and nodded helplessly.


 Kaimingfang, the small residence of the Cao family.

Ge Shuhan got off his horse and pushed it open. He found that the courtyard door was ajar, so he went straight in.

Cao Buzheng, who was carrying water at the well, turned around and said in surprise: "General Geshu? Are you really here?!"

Hearing what he said, Ge Shuhan immediately looked towards the lobby and saw that candles were already lit inside. He threw the riding whip at Cao Buzheng and said, "Is there anyone looking for me?"

I thought it was someone from the Youxiang Mansion waiting for me in the hall, but when I entered the hall, I saw a familiar young man and a middle-aged man in his forties standing there.


“General Geshu, you are polite. Xue Bai, this is Gao Shi, who is preparing to participate in the seven-year Spring Festival.

I wanted to submit a bank note to the general. It happened that my teacher was the captain of Chang'an County, so I found this place."

 “Gao Shi met General Geshu.”

Ge Shuhan was stunned for a moment, and soon burst into laughter. He turned around to see Cao Buzhe standing warily in a corner, and immediately ordered: "Go, bring some wine, and greet these two friends."

As if this is his home and Cao Buzhe is his wife-in-law, "I have heard your names, so there is no need to apply for bank papers. Only a few of them are buried in the imperial court every year." Ge Shuhan said: "I recommend you to go to Long.

If you hold office under the right curtain, just sit down, no need to be polite."

Xue Bai looked at Cao Buzhe's back as he turned to go out, and reminded: "The general is not young, so he should exercise restraint on drinking and sex."

 “That’s the opposite of what you said.” Ge Shuhan said: “After all, when you are old, what else is there to be restrained?”

Having said that, he remembered that during the day at Changshoufang, he had advised Xue Bai to be aggressive, but at night, Xue Bai had advised him to be moderate.

Before Gao Shi had time to express whether he was willing to go to Longyou, the topic was quickly brought to an end by the two of them.

General, can you take a look at our travel documents?"


Ge Shuhan did not refuse, so he took the two scrolls and looked at them under the dim candlelight. Although he was a barbarian, he was also a descendant of an official in the Tang Dynasty. He was well versed in literature and could tell the quality of poetry.

Xue Bai’s scroll is somewhat perfunctory in terms of number of words. There is only one five-character quatrain called “Geshu Song”. However, upon closer inspection,

 He actually liked this poem.

 “The Big Dipper is high, and Geshu carries a sword at night.”

 “I haven’t dared to cross Lintao until now when I’ve seen herding horses.”

After rolling up this scroll, Ge Shuhan accepted it unceremoniously. He touched his arms and found that he didn't bring anything valuable.

Seeing that Cao Buzhe had not come to serve the wine, he simply stood up and poured a bowl of wine for Xue Bai himself.

“Since you don’t want to come under my tent, I can’t help you. I’ll buy you a bowl of wine and thank you for writing poems for me.”

Xue Bai said: "General, you can help me. How about I help the Prime Minister shake hands with General Wang and make peace?"


This matter was exactly what Ge Shuhan wanted in his heart, and now he no longer looked down upon Xue Bai and became serious. Before, he was just teasing the young man.

Xue Bai said: "If you give up, you will get something. Besides, if you give up the post of General Wang Shuofang and Jiedu Envoy, you can only keep one Hedong, so it will not be so annoying."

"The general is always unwilling to defend himself wisely. Li Guangbi tried to persuade him many times, but he just refused to listen." Ge Shuhan sighed, raised a bowl of wine and drank it all in one gulp.

Xue Bai and he had just met, and it was enough to show that they had the same position, without saying too much.

Ge Shuhan slowly unfolded Gao Shi's scroll and said at the same time: "I have already read Gao Shiwu's poems, and I like the song "Song of Yan" the most."

Gao Shi was a little surprised and said: "I am ashamed that I have not done my best for national affairs. I only have these complaints."

"Don't be discouraged. I didn't achieve anything until I was forty years old. It's not too late."

  That being said, the two people have different family backgrounds.

 Ge Shuhan looked down and saw at the beginning of the volume a five-character poem titled "Wang Long".

“For travelers traveling far away from Longtou, the water is diverted by Longshang. The water flows endlessly, and the travelers have not stopped. A shallow talent can lead to a life, and a solitary sword can reach a thousand miles. Don’t you miss your hometown? You have always felt yourself.”

After reading this poem, Ge Shuhan's eyes flashed. Finally, he simply asked: "On the thirty-fifth year of high school, are you willing to work under my tent? I have been appointed as the governor of Longyou, and I can ask for a seal for you."

Chao title.

Gao Shi was a little moved. He turned around and saw that Xue Bai was lowering his head and taking a sip of wine. He didn't look at him, obviously not intending to interrupt, and let him think about it by himself.

If he only wanted to go to the border town to do things under the curtain, Xue Baida wouldn't have to worry so much.

Gao Shi then stood up, gave a salute, and said, "Can you take the liberty of asking General Geshu to help you in the examination room? I will definitely remember your kindness."

Xue Bai nodded, put down the wine bowl and said, "If Brother Gao is killed, you can still work under General Geshu. "Okay."

Geshuhan did not hesitate, put away Gao Shi's papers, and said, "I will find an opportunity to make it clear to the right minister about this matter."


 A few days later, Li Linyu opened the scroll that Li Linyu also received from Gao Shi. On the scroll was a long poem titled "Stay with Li Youxiang", which contained quite a few praises.

 The first sixteen sentences praise Li Linfu's achievements, such as "The customs are ancient, the monarch and his ministers are in a large court. The nine virtues are profound, and the secrets should not be used for thousands of years." The last sixteen sentences describe his own poor situation.

 “Xue Bai has changed, he has become sleek and sophisticated.” Li Linfu said with emotion as he stroked the poems on the scroll.

Seeing that his master was in a good mood, Cang Bi asked jokingly: "Alang, since this is Gao Shi's poem, how can you say that Xue Bai has changed?"

"Do you think Xue Bai is just helping Gao Shi? This is helping others as well as himself. First, he used Ge Shuhan's mouth to express that he wanted Wang Zhongsi to settle the feud with the original person; then he used Gao Shi's travel documents to hand them over. All these words are a sign of weakness. Chunwei is about to come. He is devoted to fame and does not want to conflict with his true nature on this matter. "

Cang Bi was in a daze. It was hard to believe that the words "helping others also helps yourself" would come from A Lang. After reacting, he said: "You idiot, it's better to go to A Lang in person to apologize."

Li Linfu waved his hand, knowing that there was no need for Xue Bai's holy family to do this, and this was enough for now.

Coupled with the fact that Yang Zhao often comes to flatter him recently, it is not difficult to see that in the final analysis, this matter is still a show of goodwill by Party Yang.

The Right Prime Minister's Office is now promoting Ge Shuhan as the governor of Longyou. The Yang Party is actually qualified to win over Ge Shuhan, but it has stated that it can not cause trouble in exchange for a few places in the civil service.

 In this case, is it appropriate to dig it into the soil at a higher level? It can indeed be pruned carefully.

Li Linfu thought for a while and then ordered: "Recruit Cui Qiao to see the true face."


 Mid-winter, Yanzhai.

 A crisp cheer sounded in the lobby.

More than a month after the monkey story ended, Yan Yan finally waited for Xue Baixin's manuscript and read it. This time it was the story of a white snake.

Xue Bai originally wanted to write a story about Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. He had already figured out the context. He started from when he was good at juju, calligraphy, painting, and music when he was King Duan, then wrote about his ascendance to the throne, his appointment of Cai Jing, and some anecdotes about his relationship with Li Shishi. Finally, Write about the Jingkang Incident.

 But in the end, he gave up.

There is no need to cause such a big disaster before the Spring Festival, and you will be busy after the Spring Festival, not to mention whether you can rely on stories to persuade Li Longji?

At this time, he was standing there. Yan Zhenqing seemed to see the uneasiness in his heart and asked: "You haven't caused any trouble recently?

Not only did the students not cause any trouble, they also eliminated a lot of trouble.”

Yan Zhenqing probably knew what he was doing recently. He nodded and said: "In the spring, I will be transferred to the position of censor and inspect the northwest. I will no longer be in Chang'an by then. You must not provoke Ge Nu again."

 “The students understand.“

Xue Bai knew that he was going to be promoted, but he didn't expect that his rank would not improve. But when he thought about it again, although the supervisory censor was not of high rank, he had great authority. This inspection of the northwest could quickly accumulate merit, and it would be very easy to return to the court again.

It is easier to be promoted to a high-ranking official in the imperial court. For example, Yang Zhao was promoted very quickly from the imperial censor.

 The important thing is that from the changes in the official positions of Ge Shuhan and Yan Zhenqing, we can see that Li Longji intended to expand the border and attack Tubo.

At the same time, as the East Palace lost power, Wang Zhongsi lost his military power, and the disputes between the DPRK and the DPRK were temporarily settled. The next government affairs must be fully dominated by Li Linfu. Therefore, Yan Zhenqing reminded Xue Bai not to watch the two forces fight as in the past.

Quan was fishing in troubled waters. When Yan Zhenqing, the loyal heir, left Chang'an, he had to obtain an official status as soon as possible and get out of the center of this whirlpool.

 Fortunately, he did not provoke Li Linfu again, and took the initiative to make peace with him through the Ge Shuhan incident. He kept a low profile and did not lose face.


 The heavy snowfall in the winter months made the life of the people of Chang'an seem peaceful. Ge Shuhan did not stay in Chang'an for long. After accepting the appointment, he hurried back to Longyou without stopping.

Before leaving, he complained to the sage that when Wang Zhongsi was in Longyou, he was proud of his fame and wealth and treated his soldiers harshly. The sage then dismissed the chief loyal heir and Shuofang as Jiedushi.


 In the twelfth lunar month, Gao Xianzhi, granted the title of Changqing, went to Beijing to offer prisoners, and had King Xiaobolu and his queen, Princess Tubo, dance in front of the saint.

Soon, the conflict between Gao Xianzhi and Fu Meng Lingcha, the governor of the four towns in Anxi, caused a turmoil in the court. This matter was indeed Gao Xianzhi's fault.

Rewarding for merit is a taboo in the officialdom, and my husband, Meng Lingcha, threatened that if this "Korean slave who ate dog intestines" had not performed great merits, he would be killed.

Xue Bai was not qualified to participate in these military and state affairs, so he honestly did not interfere this time. He had agreed with Cen Shen to visit Feng Changqing, but declined because of this. He seemed to have really changed his mind and was extremely honest.

Of course, there was nothing he had to change about this matter. Li Linfu had people keep an eye on it for several days and found that the Yang Party did not win over General Anxi.

But taking advantage of this opportunity, Du Youlin moved to the post of Gongkao Langzhong of the Ministry of Personnel on the recommendation of Yang Hua, and put on the red robe again.

At the end of Tianbao's sixth year, this was the most inconspicuous incident. Coincidentally, exactly one year had passed since Du Youlin was implicated in a major case and almost died with a stick.

 When the twelfth lunar month passes, it will be the seventh year of Tianbao in a blink of an eye.

 It’s getting closer to spring.

This chapter has been completed!
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