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Chapter 202 Tianbao Literary Essence

  In mid-May, the weather has become a little hot and dry. The total date is 520.????

Li Longji was treating Jia Chang, and Wang Zhun was still doing well. He was playing dominoes with Yang Hua and others and watching the cockfight.

“The Huaqing Palace has been expanded and completed. When the weather gets hot, my brother-in-law will come with me to stay there for a while.”

 Privately, Li Longji called Yang Hua his brother-in-law to show that he was a humane king.

"Thank you, saint, for your grace." Yang Hua seemed to have something on his mind. As soon as he spoke, his playing cards became a little hurried.

 “What? I have something to report?”

"Yes, I got Xue Bai's request." Yang said honestly without saying much to introduce the purpose: "He wants to find an official position as a book writer for Wang Changling, and he will be sent by the editor-in-chief of Wencui Newspaper."

 “How big of an official is it to find a job for someone else?”

“He took charge of this matter not because of his official position, after all, he is the minister’s sworn brother.

Li Longji touched the card, his eyes were thoughtful, he felt the lines on the card with his fingertips, and he said casually: "Is he familiar with Wang Changling?"

As he spoke, Li Longji pushed out the cards in his hand. Instead of looking at the card table, he glanced at the cockfighting ground and bet on the cock that Wang Zhun had trained.

Yang said: "We can't call them acquaintances. Those people are used to showing their heart to each other when they meet. Ah Bai is young and can't stand this kind of congeniality."

"Wang Wei's poems are good when we meet, and Wang Wei's poems are good." Li Longji said: "Wang Changling... became too resentful when he got older. He complained in spring and autumn, his girlfriends, and his trust in each other. Hehe, he gradually became worse than Li Bai."

 “I am stupid and don’t understand poetry.”

 “You just don’t understand poetry, so you still speak for others when they are scolded. Oh, life is easy to donate, but you only value crazy flowers and not virtuous people.”

After being scolded in this way, Yang Hua did not dare to say more about the matter and played cards seriously.

Wang Zhun happened to come over to receive the reward. After listening to the conversation between the monarch and his ministers, he cautiously said with a smile: "I heard that not long after Master Wang arrived in Chang'an, he went everywhere to ridicule the saint."

 “Who did you listen to?”

 “Said by a singer.”

Li Longji waved his hand and said: "I don't care about him."

“The saint is generous.”

Li Longji was indeed generous. He was complained several times by Wang Changling as "Emperor Wu of Han" and "Emperor Cheng of Han", but he still didn't get angry.

Today, I just refuse to agree to Yang Hua’s request to transfer Wang Changling to an official position.


 The next day, update the department.

Da Xijun specially called Du Youlin into the public room and scolded him, "I ordered you to do something a long time ago, but you pushed back in every possible way. Now you have violated the holy will. Let's see what you do!"

“The young master calmed down his anger. The lower officials have sent the demotion documents to Jiangning...

Du Youlin is actually not good at such hypocrisy and compromise in the officialdom. Standing there with an awkward look on his face made Da Xixun feel bored.

“That’s enough, you still dare to fool me. The paperwork has been signed for you. Wang Changling will be demoted to Longbiao today and will not be allowed to stay. You can handle it yourself.”


Because of this incident, Du Youlin didn't want to stay in the Ministry of Personnel anymore. All authority belonged to the officials, and he was responsible for all the things he had to do all day long.

When he arrived at the Secretary's Department, he saw that everyone was busy making fuss, and he couldn't help but feel envious. Looking around, he felt that if Jiang General was promoted to an official and gave up the position of Secretary Cheng, it would be a very satisfying official position. "What? You want to be transferred to secretary?" Chen Xilie suddenly came from the corridor and waved. Search xs520.


 “I have met the left prime minister.”

"What I told you is what I said." Chen Xilie said with a smile: "When the official position of Dijian Academy is established, I will recommend it to you. "Thank you, Prime Minister Zuo." Du Youlin said: "The official has already told Xue Bai, He probably agreed if he could be given a good official position in Ji County."

“Don’t worry, for the time being, Dikanyuan cannot do without him. But we will definitely pay attention to the truth.”

 This has been said and both parties are very satisfied.

Chen Xilie said again: "I'm leaving first, and you can take your time to do your errands."

He didn’t want people to misunderstand that he had demoted Wang Changling, so he quickly avoided it.

When Du Youlin saw this situation, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He asked some officials and found the newspaper office, where he saw Wang Changling collecting manuscripts alone.

The courtyard at the back was busy, and I didn’t know what was going on.

 “Brother Wang, I’m sorry.”

Du Youlin bowed awkwardly, handed over a copy of "Qujiang Collection" and said: "This is my gift to you."

"Thank you very much." Wang Changling smiled, "I have packed my luggage and can leave tomorrow."

“Yes, although Longbiao County is barren and barren...after all, I still want to be an official.” Du Youlin handed over the document and could not continue.

He asked: "Where is Xue Lang?"

 “He has official duties, let him do it.”


Wang Changling was transferred back to Chang'an a few days ago, but was demoted to Longbiao County again.

 He left Chang'an, waved his hand, and headed east.

Xue Bai did not go to see him off, but urged the craftsmen and servants to distribute the newly printed "Tianbao Wenhui".

 He still brought a few newspapers and went into the camp to meet him.

When Li Longji took the newspaper, his expression was a little casual. However, when his eyes fell on the first poem, his eyes quickly became serious.

 You were born before I was born, but I was already old after you were born."

“You hate that I was born late, but I hate that you were born early.”

This poem was so strange and so in line with Li Longji's experience and preferences that he even read it in a low voice and was full of praise for it afterwards.

“I didn’t expect that there would be such a talented poet in the market, which is quite ingenious.”

 Continue reading, there is actually a poetry review below, describing the shortcomings of this poem, and adding a few lines to the poem.

Li Longji liked this poem. When he saw someone criticizing it, he shook his head at first, but then nodded slightly because the other person was really reasonable, and said: "The critic is an expert."

 “Yes.” Xue Bai responded.

 After that, there were several good poems in succession, such as "Swimming fishes hold the fine algae, and the music of the piano is good. Who knows that in the twilight festival, sad chants will hurt the heart." Li Longji also liked it very much, and his impression of "Tianbao Wencui" doubled.

 Until the next poem caught his eye.

The title of the poem is "Mocking Li Linfu".

This poem is not well written, the rhyme is not correct, and the form is like a limerick, but it is very easy to remember.

Some of the sentences criticizing Li Linfu are very direct, such as "The government and the public congratulated the young virtuous man, and Yuetang once disabled several people."

Looking at the poetry review again, the standard of this poem was completely criticized, saying that "it cannot be called poetry". [Remember the domain name of this websitexs520.


But the critic changed the topic at the end and commented, "Only those who are bold and courageous!"

Li Longji raised his hand and pointed at Xue Bai, wanting to curse a few words, but he was actually not that angry. After all, the poem was mocking Li Linfu, not the emperor.

 Look further down, most of them are carefully selected good poems, but occasionally you can see some poems that criticize the current ills, such as those written by Chen Xilie and others.

There was even a poem that mocked Xue Bai, saying, "Let's try a song "Yulun Pao", and I forgot my name when I was writing the gold medal." Wang Wei was also mocked.

Just like this, sometimes reading poetry, sometimes watching the laughter and curses in the market, Li Longji unknowingly read the last of a literary newspaper.

 Finally, the reviewer left a general comment:

 “How virtuous is the wild man?”

Li Longji smiled and shook his head. He slapped the newspaper in his hand on the imperial case. He still felt that he could not let Xue Bai and the newspaper office do this, but he also felt that it was not harmful, but rather interesting.

 It is better than comparing him to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty or Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty all day long.

These poetry reviews were written by you?"

"Your Majesty, no." Xue Bai responded: "These poems were selected by Wang Changling, and the poetry reviews were all written by him. The saint can tell by looking at the signature on the front page."

Li Longji looked around and saw "Secretary and Young Supervisor Chen Gong supervises the publication", "Compiler and Editor Wang Changling is the chief editor" and "School Secretary Xue Bai is the deputy editor".

“Shuzi, you have to be careful. You have planned to help Wang Changling.”

"Your Majesty, I think Brother Wang is talented and suitable for handling this matter, so I asked Uncle Guo to find an official for him."

Li Longji sighed slightly and said: "If I hadn't appreciated his talent, I would have buried his bones in Lingnan. I summoned Wang Changling to see him."

Since the demotion of the 89th grade official does not need to be reported to the saint, therefore, only Xue Bai in the palace knew that Wang Changling had been moved to Longbiao County.

 He did not say.

 Let the eunuchs pass on the saint's will one after another. "Pass the edict and summon Wang Changling to see him!"


The paper was covered on the magazine page, brushed lightly, and then replaced with the next one. "Tianbao Wencui" was still being printed and folded. Some of it was distributed in Chang'an, and some of it was sent down the Yellow River with the ships. Go to prefectures and counties.

Someone caught up with Wang Changling on horseback and took him back to Chang'an.

 When the white flowers are at the head of the capital, and the water of the Yellow River is endless."

 In the autumn, when there are no travelers in the wilderness, a horse comes east to know who it is."


 “The poet master Jiang Ning, Master Wang has published my poems!”

On Zhuque Street, a young scholar dressed in simple clothes raised the newspaper in his hand high and shouted like crazy: "Finally someone has read my poem!"

Immediately a passerby turned to look at him and asked: "Which poem are you writing?"

“White jade is not a treasure, I don’t need a thousand pieces of gold. I remember a thousand pieces of paper and hold thousands of books in my heart!”

Did you write this poem? Are you the Ye Ping mentioned in the newspaper?"

“Hahaha, someone knows my name! Someone knows my name!”

 The young scholar laughed wildly, stopped answering the passers-by, and walked away.

He walked through Zhuque Street and turned into Changlefang, where he temporarily rented in the south of the city, with the smile on his face never disappearing.

Chang'an city is expensive in the north and cheap in the south. The people living in Changlefang are poor people. If refugees from all over the country come to Chang'an every year, they often gather here to wait to be sold into slavery.

In front of a house rented by many people, there was a man in rich clothes standing there, as if he was looking for slaves. When he saw the young scholar, he stepped forward and said hello.

“I dare to ask, but Mr. Ye Pinglang?”

 “I’m not Mr. Shilang, who are you?”

“I, Kang Le, am the manager of Changjia Kangji Trading Company. My Alang has read Lang Jun’s poems and admires him very much. I would like to invite Lang Jun to my home for a banquet. Is it possible?”

Like my poem?!" Ye Ping was overjoyed, his smile became brighter immediately, his eyes were clear, and he looked very innocent. He was just a young man with little wealth. A few days later, he married the not-so-beautiful daughter of the Kang family.

On the wedding day, he was drunk, but still very happy.

“Thank you, my father-in-law, for sponsoring me to participate in the Qiunao Tribute Examination. I will study hard and live up to my father-in-law’s high expectations!”

 In addition to thanking his father-in-law, when he arrived at the wedding room, Ye Ping first put away the two newspapers in his arms to prevent them from being crushed.

 He ​​knew that it was these two humble newspapers that changed his life. One made him determined, and the other gave him an opportunity to show his talent that he had been pursuing but could not get.


Xue Bai knew that he must have changed the fate of some people. Some people who would have died silently without leaving any names may have their fate completely overturned because of his actions.

He waited outside the camp gate until Lord Changling came out after meeting the Holy Spirit. "Brother Wang, are you still going to Longbiao?" Xue Bai asked.

"I won't go." Wang Changling said: "The saint must be able to see the good poems in the market again, and he must also see my poetry reviews that I don't know how to compare... Many thanks to Xue Lang."

“I hope I can really help Brother Wang.”

This sentence was a bit disrespectful, but Xue Bai said it sincerely. He hoped that starting from this, Wang Changling could avoid his original fate.

The two of them walked side by side to the Secretary's Office, talking mostly about Di Bao and Wen Cui Bao.

“It is clear from the beginning that the purpose of these two newspapers is the same, to carry forward the unique knowledge for the saints. I only hope that the newspaper will continue to be like this no matter who hands it falls into in the future.”

"Then this is the rule, the rule of the newspaper publishing house." Wang Changling said: "It is also the rule that should be written down on the day when I am appointed an official."

"I hope so." Xue Bai said: "I guess that once the Journaling Institute matures and becomes independent from the Secretariat,

 If left and right cannot compete for this power, the saint will send eunuchs from the palace to take care of this matter."


Wang Changling stroked his beard and sighed: "I am old and still have to obey the eunuchs."

“Brother Wang will scold him again when the time comes.”

"Ha ha."

“By then, I will probably have to move my official position,” Xue Bai said.

Wang Changling felt that Xue Bai was indispensable in the newspaper publishing house, but he did not persuade him even a word.

Because he knew that Xue Bai still wanted a greater future, just like when he was young, and he hoped that Xue Bai could take the road that he failed to take twenty years ago.


 Chen Xilie did not ask the Ministry of Officials to send another note, but instead promoted the Zhang that Du Youlin handed over to Wang Changling as a writer.

 The editor took out the notes, stamped them and handed them back.

 This is the will of the saint, and there is nothing he can do about it.

“With the capacity of the cockfighting cock, I’m afraid he will be furious.”

With this thought in his mind, Chen Xilie thought that Li Linfu would give Xue Bai a show of strength. Unexpectedly, after waiting for many days, there was no movement from the Youxiang Mansion.

He was very puzzled by this and couldn't help but test Da Xixun, "The left prime minister has underestimated the right prime minister's ambition."

   I am trying to judge others by myself, but I just feel that Xue Bai is so arrogant."

"The reason why the right prime minister asked Wang Changling to move to another official position is because he is not cautious and is not suitable to be a county magistrate in Jiangning." Da Xijun said: "But as a scholar, this is suitable."

Chen Xilie praised: "The Prime Minister is really fair."

Having said that, from this moment on, he suddenly became less afraid of Li Linfu.

When Suo Douji, who had destroyed his family and destroyed his family, suddenly became generous, the original terrifying power suddenly disappeared, giving people a feeling of "Isn't Genu starting to become soft-hearted when he gets old?"

 Chen Xilie thought about the rumors that he and Yang Shu jointly controlled the prime minister's power, and his views were somewhat different.

Of course, at the moment he only dares to think about it quietly. What is more important is to gain more power bit by bit.

After meeting Da Xixun, Chen Xilie immediately went to meet Xue Bai and expressed his closeness.

“This time, Tianbao Wencui published poems and articles criticizing the right and left prime ministers.” Xue Bai seemed a little distant, “It was indeed my negligence.”

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, why would I mind?”

“The Prime Minister of the Left is generous.”

 “Xu, I am the secretary and young prisoner. What important matters cannot be done together with me?”

Xue Bai was embarrassed and said, "It's time for me to go to Taile Department and say goodbye."


 Chen Xilie then remembered that Xue Bai now also had a part-time job, and there was nothing he could do about this.

“When I go to the Taile Department at this time, I’m afraid he has completely sorted out the matter of the newspaper office.”

 End of May, Yangzhou.

The beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is picturesque. Suddenly someone on the stone arch bridge shouted in Wu Nong's soft language: "Buy "Tianbao Wencui" and read the poetry of the Tang Dynasty."

“Little boy, give me a share.”

 Just then a group of literati gathered around and started talking about it.

“I heard that it was a newspaper written by the poet Wang Jiangning before he was demoted to Longbiao. Is that true?”

 “Yes, yes, buy it quickly.”

A small boat was going down with the waves, and a man in his forties was lying in the boat drinking wine while the boat passed under the bridge. Hearing the discussion, the man suddenly stood up and asked, "What are you talking about?"

""Tianbao Wencui", a newspaper published by Wang Jiangning before he was demoted to Longbiao, do you want to buy it?"

 “Buy, quickly.”

 A bunch of coins were thrown directly onto the bridge. "It doesn't cost that much."

Seeing that the boat was far away, the child quickly wrapped the extra coins in newspapers and threw them on the boat, hitting the middle-aged man just in time.

 “Ah, are you okay, sir?”

 The ship is far away and there is no answer.

Just suddenly a song sounded in the distance, the song was sad, "The poplar flowers have fallen, and the children are crying, and I heard the dragon marking the road crossing the five streams."

 “I send my sorrowful heart to the bright moon and follow you till the end of the night.”


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