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Chapter 4 Liang Di

 The candlelight was brightly lit in the official residence. Cao Jiwen, the judge of Jingzhao Mansion, picked up the lawsuit on the table, glanced at it, and placed it on the candlelight.

The flames quickly rose and engulfed it into ashes, leaving only a wisp of smoke.

Ji Wen's eyes flashed with contempt and he asked, "Has Liu Ji written the new paper?"

In the candlelight, it can be seen that he is wearing a blue official robe, as is the Wannian County Lieutenant in front of him. But he is sitting, and the Wannian County Lieutenant is standing with his waist bowed.

"Not only did he write it, but he also wrote it with great literary grace and righteousness."

Ji Wen asked again: "Have you taught him all the principles that should be taught?"

"Yes, he is willing to draw a clear line between himself and the East Palace."

"Cartilage." Ji Wen chuckled and asked, "Where's the evidence?"

"Yes, Liu Ji listed countless people who received his generous bribes. They were all given gifts in return in his study. There is all the evidence! But his family lives in Chang'an County, and it is difficult for the lower officials to send people to get them."

Ji Wen took his time, took a sip of tea, and called out the door: "Xin Twelve."

A tall man with a beard and tall eyebrows, dressed as a servant, came in immediately.

Ji Wen asked: "Has the Chang'an County Magistrate not arrived yet?"

Xin Twelve responded: "Back to Alang, his message was delayed."


Ji Wen was immediately displeased and his face turned cold.

Xin Twelve said: "Because the documents had not arrived before, the county captain Yan Zhenqing refused to accommodate him. He was more than half an hour late before he was able to send people to Liu Ji's house."


Suddenly, rapid footsteps sounded outside the door.

"Alang, Wanghuo Tower reports that Liu Ji's house is on fire!"


Ji Wen was stunned for a moment and then stood up suddenly, his eyes full of surprise, and then said to himself: "The reaction was so fast? Impossible, impossible."

He thought for a while and then waved Xin Twelve forward again to give instructions.

"Donggong has actually intervened to destroy the evidence, but this matter is also evidence directly pointing to Donggong. You can use my talisman to investigate and investigate carefully."


"And you." Ji Wen turned to Wannian County Lieutenant again and said: "Hurry up and investigate Du Zhai in Pingfang. If the East Palace can get the news so quickly, it must be someone from Du Zhai who reported the news..."



There was originally a Fajueni Temple in the southeast corner of Dunyifang. In the second year of Kaiyuan, it was merged into the Zishani Temple. The temple is quite large.

In the darkness, the knock on the door has been ringing for a while.

The little nun came over in robes and asked through the door: "Who is visiting us at night?"

"Is that Master Jingyin inside? It's me."

Jingyin recognized Du Wei's voice, opened the back door and asked, "Why are you coming here at this time?"

"There is a fire in the house." Du Wei said: "My husband is not here. I am afraid that the fire will spread to my house. I want to stay in your temple for a night and leave after the curfew is over. Can you do that?"

Jingyin took a peek and saw two men standing behind her, and couldn't help but hesitate.

"Just a woodshed is enough," Du Wei said again.

"Okay, madam, please come in. Don't disturb the master."

When the handsome young man who was at the end was put into the nunnery, I felt so ashamed that I silently recited two Buddhist scriptures, quietly closed the door, and led the five of them into the most secluded small room.

"The two male donors can stay here. Madam, please come with me."

"No need to bother, my two brothers and I will spend the night together." Du Wei stepped forward and held Jingyin's hand, and whispered: "Thank you very much tonight. I will never forget your kindness."

"Madam, you're welcome."

Jingyin was afraid of being punished, so she agreed and left quickly.

Liu Shang finally couldn't help crying and cried: "My lady... the house was burned down... all those things were paid for by my lady's dowry..."

"Silence." Du Wei scolded: "Do you know what will happen if you are covered up with such charges?! The lessons learned from Webster's mistakes are still in front of you. There are still people from your tribe dying naked in the palace. You are still reluctant to part with some foreign objects?"

Liu Shang was so frightened by the word "die naked" that he did not dare to speak and could only sob softly.

Du Wei turned back to look at Xue Bai and asked softly: "Will the fire burn the neighbors?"

"No, the official has already entered the door and will definitely put out the fire quickly."

"Give me the object you found."

"Okay." Xue Bai took out the paper ball and put it in Du Si's hand.

There were no candles lit in the room, only a thin ray of moonlight.

Du Wei took two steps, spread out the paper ball, laid it on the window and looked at it. She folded it carefully. She originally wanted to put it in her purse, but then she turned around and put it away close to her body.

When she turned around again, she seemed a little relieved.

Du Wulang asked in a low voice: "What is that? Can you save grandpa?"

"Mr. Lang went to the Wannian County Government Office to sue Grandpa..."

In the middle of Du Mei's words, Du Wulang was shocked and said: "Did the eldest brother-in-law sue?"

"This draft only says that grandpa broke up the marriage."

"Can you still accuse me like this?"

Du Wei said: "According to the law of Tang Dynasty, 'two people are willing to divorce', so I can't force him to reconcile."

Liu Shan was still crying and muttered: "He just doesn't want to lose his identity as the prince's brother-in-law."

After hearing these words, Du Wei felt depressed.

She was silent for a while and asked: "Xue Bai, are you the Xue family from Hedong?"

"I have lost my memory and can't remember."

"What do you think of this letter?"

"I don't know much about Liu Lang's son-in-law and the Du family." Xue Bai asked, "What do you think?"

Du Wei didn't pay attention to his tone, and it was difficult to see each other clearly in the dark, which made her ignore his age and regard him as a negotiable object more easily.

"My grandpa never had bad relations with others, and he rarely even interacted with others. If anyone sued my grandpa, it was most likely the husband. He first wrote this manuscript, but then he got angry, rubbed it, and changed the complaint to 'false claim'

The prophecy was to construct the East Palace and criticize Chengyu. The son-in-law's accusation against his father-in-law is the most favorable evidence in itself, so Jingzhao Mansion dared to arrest him immediately."

Xue Bai said: "Some words have been modified in the draft. I think the meaning is that the tone should have softened after the modification?"


"In other words, Liu Langshu's anger should have subsided a little during the process of writing the petition?"

"That's right."

"Then he shouldn't accuse the Du family of treason." Xue Bai said: "I didn't find any other drafts in the study. I think he just copied this draft."

Du Mei's expression changed and she asked, "You mean, Lang Jun changed his mind after he arrived at Wannian County Government Office?"

Xue Bai asked: "Suppose someone knows that Liu Lang's son-in-law is at odds with the Du family and uses coercion and inducement. Can he be allowed to falsely accuse the Du family?"


Du Wei didn't think too much and spit out this word immediately.

Her voice was a little sad as she sighed: "This must be the case."

"If our guess is correct, as long as we give this draft to the prince, we can prove that the Du family has been framed?"

Du Wei thought for a moment, nodded slowly, and said, "Yes."

Du Wulang and Qinglan were both happy and said: "That's great."

Xue Bai asked: "What are the lessons learned from Webster's mistakes?"

Du Wei said: "I don't know the inside story very well. I only know that the crown prince's surname is Wei, and her brother Wei Jian is a minister of the imperial court. On the Lantern Festival of the first month of this year, the prince met Wei Jian by chance when he was traveling, and Wei Jian met him again that night.

The commander-in-chief of the Border Town, Huangfu Weiming, met for a night outing. Therefore, someone in the court accused them of "having a secret relationship and intending to establish a crown prince together."

"Just because we met by chance on the street during the Lantern Festival?"

"One is the prince's brother-in-law, and the other is the Commander-in-Chief of Bian Zhen. They have a private relationship, which will inevitably make the saint jealous." Du Wei whispered: "The prince's situation has never been very good."

Xue Bai silently experienced an emperor's suspicion of his son from the major case caused by this chance encounter, and finally asked: "What next?"

"Wei Jian was demoted, and Huangfu Weiming handed over the military power. This matter should have passed as it was. However, the Wei brothers wrote a letter to express their grievances, which aroused the sage's anger. The court was greatly implicated, and countless people died. The prince had no choice but to argue with him on the grounds of 'discord of friendship'.

Crown Princess Wei made peace with Li and asked her to become a nun, so she managed to survive."

At this point, Du Wei's voice trembled slightly, and she added: "This case happened at the beginning of the year, but people are still being forced to death. I am afraid that I will follow in the footsteps of Wei Jian, so I have been cautious. Mr. Pianlang has always had a bad temper."


Xue Bai asked: "Last time the prince chose to reconcile with Wei Shi? What about this time?"

"Although the second sister is just a good lady, she has a very good relationship with the prince."

Xue Bai hesitated for a moment, moved closer, and asked in a low voice: "Is the prince reliable?"

Du Wei said: "Don't worry, the prince is very reliable."

Xue Bai thought for a moment, and now he had no other option but to ask the prince for help.

During the rare moment of silence, Du Wulang sighed with emotion: "Hey, you are actually so capable?"

Xue Bai just pretended that he didn't know who he was asking and didn't answer in silence.

It was getting quieter at night, so the five of them huddled in this small room and rested all night.

At five o'clock in the morning, the street drums sounded, and the gates of Chang'an city and various squares opened one after another...


Today's emperor strictly prohibited the royal family's heirs from participating in the government affairs, so they built large houses in Yongxingfang and Xingningfang in the northeast corner of Chang'an City, and let the princes live in separate houses for close care and strict training. They were called "Ten Princes' Houses".

Even the prince does not live in the East Palace to avoid having too much contact with the officials of the East Palace. He only has a separate courtyard in the ten princes' residences where carriages and horses can travel.

early morning.

Children chased each other under the willow trees on the street and sang songs.

"The jasper is as high as a tree, with thousands of green silk ribbons hanging down. I don't know who cut out the thin leaves. The spring breeze in February is like scissors."

A mule cart came from the south and passed through the cross street of Yongxingfang.

In the carriage, Qinglan said: "The prince's residence can be entered from the second alley in front..."

"I know that man." Du Wulang was looking out from the gap in the car curtain when he suddenly whispered, "He was there that day when Ji Dalang killed Duan Yan."

"Which one?"

"Among the people sitting under the flags in the tea shop, the one with prominent brow bones, deep eye sockets, and a face full of curly beards."

"I've seen them too." Liu Zhan said in surprise: "After Wulang's accident, they were hanging out outside our house."

Xue Bai observed for a while and said: "They are watching."

"Come to catch us?" Du Wulang asked, "What should we do?"


Xin Twelve sat outside the tea shop, scanning the streets with sharp eyes, following a mule cart as it walked away.

Last night, Wannian County Lieutenant went to Du's house to check. According to the register, he found that Du Wulang and a maid were missing. When the news came, he already knew who he was looking for.

A man dressed as a beggar came up and whispered: "The prince's honor guard left through the side door."

"Put it on and see clearly where he is going." Xin Twelve called two more people and said, "You guys should go too. Once you see the prince meeting someone, report it to Alang immediately."


Arrangements were made here. From the other side of the long street, a handsome young gentleman came with his maid Shi Shi Ranran. He turned into the alley and went in the direction of the Prince's Courtyard.

"Someone passed by."

Xin Twelve squinted his eyes slightly, shook his head, and said: "He is neither Du Wulang nor a lackey of the East Palace."

"Then still take it?"

"Look again."

Xin Twelve could see that the young man was wearing a bright fox fur coat and walked calmly. He was obviously from a wealthy family.

He was looking for evidence, but he needlessly offended the nobles in Chang'an City.

In sight, the young man stood with his hands behind his back, while the maid talked to the guard and handed the concierge a jade pendant.

After a while, the concierge came back with the jade pendant, handed it back with both hands, and invited him in.

"He went in?"

"If the prince is not here, who can he see?"

"Du Liangdi, how dare anyone dare to meet Du Liangdi?"

"what to do?"

"Just follow him when he comes out. It would be better not to come out." Xin Twelve then thought about it and sneered: "No one can escape if they are involved in the Du Youlin case... Also, the mule cart just now

Where? Go find it."


The prince's residence looks very simple. There are no flowers or trees in the courtyard, and there is an empty sandy area.

Xue Bai and Qing Lan waited in the front yard for a while, and a maid trotted over.

"Qushui." Qinglan called with a tearful tone.

"What happened?" Qu Shui asked anxiously, but before Qinglan could answer, he led them inside, "Second Mother wants to see you...over here."

Xue Bai and Qing Lan took off their shoes, and she led them through the corridor, and finally sat down in a small side hall.

"Wait a moment, my second mother will be here soon."

"Thank you."

Xue Bai looked at Qushui and ran away in a hurry, and asked Qinglan in a low voice: "Caiyun Qinglan, drinking Qushui?"

"Well, Liu Shang and Qushui are maids born into the family, while Caiyun and I were sold to the Du family when we were young."

It was inconvenient to ask more questions at this time, so Xue Bai glanced at the furnishings in the side hall, and imitated the way Du Wulang did when he occasionally studied, he knelt down, straightened his waist, put his hands on his legs, and looked straight.

Qing Lan didn't know what to do since the accident. She had long lost her maid-like demeanor and stood by the door waiting anxiously.

Not long after, someone came over from the corridor, and she quickly saluted.

"This slave has met Er Niang."

Hearing the commotion, Xue Bai turned around and saw a lady in full dress entering the side hall. She had tall clouds and a hairpin on her temples. She was wearing a silk shirt and her neck and chest were exposed in the cold weather.

A piece of white greasy.

She has a graceful figure. She is plump where she should be, but she does not lose her figure. She has just the right curves.

It wasn't until Xue Bai met Prince Liangdi and Du Erniang that he realized the beauty of this Tang Dynasty robe and skirt, which was half-covered by snow.

Thinking again of what Aunt Du said, "The second mother and the prince have a good relationship", he nodded slightly.

I just hope that the prince is still willing to protect the Du family for her.

It’s not good to publish too many new books in the new book issue, so as not to exceed the word count and miss out on the recommended spots for new books, so it’s usually 4,000 words a day. Recently, I have two chapters a day, and the average one chapter is 4,000 words. I’m afraid of missing out on subsequent recommendations.

I can only ask everyone to read more and vote more monthly. Thank you very much!

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