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Chapter 1 Red Moon

 Li Ze played "gg" and exited the game.

On the screen, the last stronghold is occupied by 32 enemies, and they are being suppressed from high to low to prevent them from going back. That is the last position of the battle. Anyone who is on top can completely suppress it, at least this is the case for map-based FPS games.


He lost five games and lost all five battles. Logically speaking, he suffered repeated defeats, but he couldn't get into that mood anymore. The opponent's lineup was very good, half of them were medics, and the map was full of smoke. He relied on large-caliber cannons.

It can't even beat the speed of the rescue from the other side.

There were some unfinished thoughts in his mind, but Li Ze yawned hard.

It's already two o'clock in the morning.

After pressing the computer switch and listening to the loud snoring outside the door, Li Ze threw himself directly on the bed.

"The bed is still warm." Youxin sighed.

If it weren't for today and tomorrow's weekend, his parents wouldn't have let him play until now. However, he has to take the college entrance examination in six months. Everyone who sees him these days is teaching him diligently, telling him that only a good university will lead to a good career.

We should work harder in the future.

But Li Ze naturally knew his abilities, and his parents also knew that their son was rebellious, and neither of them bothered to restrain each other. Even though he was studying in the most famous private aristocratic high school in the area, with luxury cars and beautiful women everywhere, he still couldn't show the slightest interest.
As a person who has been deeply hit by confession, his indulgence is not difficult to understand.

"The bad news is that there may be one more person with a total score of over 100 points in the college entrance examination. The good news is that he can directly inherit his father's family business."

Everyone who knows Li Ze makes fun of him like this. But who is not? In that school, there are either second-generation rich people or second-generation officials. After graduating, they are not necessarily worse than him.

Looking out the window, row upon row of high-rise buildings are surrounded by streetlights like stars, sitting in the sky, and the full moon is everywhere. I don’t know the weather, but tonight is not normal... It rained all day during the day, and it’s raining.

The night was cloudless...very abnormal.

But what does it have to do with him?

As sleepiness gradually swept over him, Li Ze rolled up the quilt. But...

After a flash of red light, the city suddenly turned dark, and even the roar of modified cars that echoed through the streets disappeared. Not only that, but a sound of "Clicking, Clattering" came from the window, which sounded like a cat's claws scratching something, but also like a cat scratching something.

It's a mouse gnawing at the foot of the bed and grinding its teeth.

This is the 36th floor...

Li Ze immediately sat up, feeling like he had a peach stuffed in his heart. Besides itching, he felt like he had a piece of ice in his mouth. In addition to being cold, there was also an indescribable bitterness. The chilling feeling even spread from the tailbone along the spine.


"It's not like you're hallucinating after playing too many games..."

At this time, there was a thud from somewhere, and the blood and neurons stopped moving instantly... It didn't sound like a knock on the door, or the sound of the little guy upstairs playing and stamping on the ground.

.....Wait, it’s already two o’clock in the morning.

Just when Li Ze was wondering, there were "rustling" footsteps coming from somewhere...slight, rapid, like ants crawling on the ground, like a poisonous snake crawling on the ground.


Li Ze turned his head and stared at a corner, no, not there...another place, no, not there either...the ceiling, not even there...outside the door!
I must be overthinking.

It must be an illusion.

Li Ze shivered, but then he realized that the surroundings were eerily quiet, and there seemed to be something staring at him.

"Yes, don't blame me... No offense, no offense, I'll leave now."

After that, there was no sound. Li Ze felt a little incredible. He glanced around and saw that nothing happened, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"When you grow up in the woods, there are all kinds of birds, but when you get older, you are afraid of everything." Li Ze's voice was a little trembling.

But fortunately, nothing happened. Most likely, I was too nervous after the city's power outage.

Li Ze lay on the bed again, tilting his head as before, looking... outside...

"Damn it!" Li Ze yelled.

The black city is like a building block shrouded in shadow, while the dark red moon hangs high above the tall buildings in the city, almost filling half of the sky.

The red moon - whether in the East or the West, symbolizes bad natural phenomena.

Li Ze's emotions completely exploded. Like Fan Jin who had lost all his souls, he ran to the window like a madman.

It’s a red moon! Yes, it’s a red moon!

Li Ze carefully recalled what he had seen before.

Something definitely happened.


He tried to calm down, but his whole body shivered for no reason, as if someone blew a breath into his ear.

Wait, Mom and Dad!

Li Ze rushed to the door and held the door handle with both hands... Only now did he remember that he hadn't heard his parents snoring for a long time.

However, the messy bedding on the large double bed showed that someone had slept there before, but... Li Ze walked to the bed tremblingly and put his hands on the bed... There was no warmth.

Mom and dad...disappeared.

Li Ze couldn't help but retreated and hit the wall with a dull "dong dong" sound.

Am I dreaming?

Thinking this way, Li Ze slapped his face hard.

It hurts! Not just the face, but also the gums, he slapped with all his strength.

However, my parents still haven’t returned to bed.

This must be a dream!

This chapter has been completed!
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