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Chapter 109: In front of the door and behind the door

 "God protect me, I was almost eaten, eaten...I was almost turned into a blood slave, and I may never be human again in this life." Li Ze complained. He

Covering his clothes with one hand, it hurts his muscles and bones for a hundred days, but he can't move that hand now.

The two of them were busy bickering, and the seven strong men looked more like spectators watching them perform cross talk. No one noticed that the living creature on the door did not simply bite Li Ze. Its body began to tremble, as if it had encountered something terrifying.

He actually broke free from the shackles of the door and became alive.

Seeing that something was not going well, Cyril shouted: "Get down!"

When the dust started to rise, the tunnel seemed to be swept by a sandstorm, and it was covered in gray.

The living dragon was not interested in them. It was more like escaping from them and flew away in the opposite direction. A big hole had been opened in the door left behind, and countless cracks spread throughout the stone door.


"Holy shit, boss, don't you care?" the person next to me suddenly said.

Without thinking, Cyril directly pulled Li Ze up: "We can't control it. Besides, we can't catch up at that speed. Just let the ground troops control it."

"Then what should we do now?" Li Ze scratched his head and asked.

"We can only keep walking, the doors are open." Huck took the gun from Li Ze and walked ahead.

"By the way, boss, I've been wondering why you don't use revelation?" Li Ze was curious. After so many battles, he has never seen them use revelation in battle.

"If we all die in this operation, I will definitely be very happy, because there is a chatterbox who will accompany me and go to hell with me." Cyril said, "In the era of hot weapons, of course we use hot weapons, what are we going to do with cold weapons?

If you can decapitate an enemy general with one shot, then why would you ride a horse and carry a gun and rush into the enemy camp to kill them? Unless hot weapons are useless, you will use revelation. Obviously using a gun is a sure win.

, using cold weapons against cold weapons can easily lead to a 50-50 outcome."

"What if we use absolutely suppressed revelation?"

"In that case, we have to consider the consequences." Cyril walked in front.

"What are the consequences?"

"Have you ever played MOBA games?"

"I've played it, but I don't really like it. I prefer FPS to tower defense games."

"Don't all hero character skills in MOBA have a CD time after they are released? If it is a high-level revelation, the consequences are similar to that. Some require rest after being released, some need to be replenished after being released, and some may be released

After one time, the next time will have to wait a month. Therefore, the revelation of absolute suppression cannot be released just now." Cyril said.

"Is there such a thing as a revelation where nothing happens?" Li Ze waved his hand, "I mean it's possible."

"Yes, but the chance is too small." Cyril said, "It's smaller than the chance of buying a lottery ticket. If it's a humanoid dragon, let's talk about it differently."

"Do dragons have human form?"

"Yes, but they are basically mutated hybrids. Dragons have poor vision and smell, and only have strong hearing, but humanoid dragons are completely different from this. I have thought many times that the book should be changed, but the above

There’s nothing I can do if I don’t change.”

Breaking down the door, complete violence.

Li Ze never thought that exoskeleton armor had such ability, and he thought about wearing it after his hand was healed.

But the scene behind the door was completely beyond their expectations.

In front of you is an ancient castle corridor. The middle of the corridor is paved with a red carpet and extends to the depths of the castle. Medieval iron armors are arranged one by one on both sides of the corridor, and the weapons are also highly unified. You can see the obsessive-compulsive disorder of the owner here.

.On the right side is a fully enclosed wall with no shadow of windows, making the atmosphere depressing. But on the left side, the doors are neatly arranged.

"We have traveled through time!" Li Ze exclaimed.

"Have you received a revelation?" Cyril waved his hand, "It's the kind of revelation that's similar to teleportation."

"I don't know." Huck shook his head.

"How about opening the door and taking a look?" Li Ze suggested.

Cyril nodded: "That's all we can do, prepare firepower."

The sound of loading sounded, and Huck also shouldered the RPG. The two rocket launchers made him look like a water arrow turtle. It seemed that he was preparing to attack both ways. Li Ze could only stand at the end and looked around nervously.

Cyril opened the first door with trembling fingers.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

Open-air hot springs. The surface is decorated with yellow stone magatama, pine trees, cypress trees, even plum blossoms in full bloom, and snowflakes flying all over the sky. The biting cold chill dissipates under the rising steam, leaving only the magical addition.

The snow-covered environment matches the environment. Wood carvings, stone carvings, and even two phoenixes carved with gems, render the tradition and nobility. It is so big that there is no limit, even a mountain is placed behind the huge hot spring pool that can accommodate a hundred people, winding

The stairs going up are matched with the torii gates and red lanterns, showing off the stars in the sky.

How should I say it? Is this a meaningful sentence correct?

"This is... Japan?" After a long silence, a voice came out from the crowd.

Li Ze discovered a problem: "Boss, do you think there is a problem?"


"This background...can't fit in one room."

"Based on your experience, is there something hiding in the hot spring?" Cyril suddenly felt troubled.

"How do I know? I've never been to Japan." Li Ze said.

"Huck, third brother, come in with me, and prepare the rest of your hands for support." Cyril waved.

Li Ze refused in his heart. He was a wounded soldier, and there was no way he would let the wounded go to the front line. But he took steps to follow. After all, he was also curious about what would happen in a place with a Japanese hot spring behind the door.

As the three of them approached, bursts of steam came out of the huge hot spring pool, with rose petals and trays of sake floating on it... Their attire was extremely inconsistent with this, as if they were preparing to catch a beautiful woman who had just taken a bath.<


"It seems like...an ordinary hot spring." Li Ze said.

"Is there someone hiding in the hot spring water?" Cyril asked.

"Boss, the water in this hot spring is so clear that you can see your brother naked in there. How can you hide from people?" Li Ze complained for no reason.

But Huck didn't intend to let go of the verification, so he took out his pistol and fired two shots at the bottom of the pool.

Li Ze was about to say the words in his heart when suddenly the door closed, his vision went dark, and the three of them fell into the hot spring together.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw the broken stone door in front of me, and the remaining team members were looking at me with doubts... They were back to the starting point.

"What?" Cyril asked.

"How did I know that we were back here?" Huck asked next.

Li Ze stumbled and almost fell.

"This is a cycle of feelings!" Li Ze trembled in his heart, regretting letting the little devil run away. He took out his mobile phone, which clearly stated that the seventh door is the final destination, so how could he let Cyril directly

Going to the Seventh Gate? He didn't have the courage to face Cyril's question, 'How did you know you were going to the Seventh Gate?'

This chapter has been completed!
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