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Chapter 129 The silence of a hundred years ago

He obviously felt so unhappy, but the moment Chamille's hand touched him, he felt an indescribable warmth. It was not the rising sun shining on his body, but something substantial.

The warmth flowed from Chamille's palms into his body.

That kind of simple and natural contact seems like thousands of times in dreams, patting the shoulder and patting the arm, saying...Sister...

But when I look back and think about it, this little beauty that people love and hate has never played tricks on herself once.

Every time when danger came, when neither Hart nor Bu Shuchang could help, only this little beauty always stood by his side, giving him instructions, navigation, and a clear direction. Obviously he did not

No matter what he gives her, she will definitely do something for him, just like the closest person in the world, who will gain nothing but give without reservation.

"Are you a devil? You want to eat me!" Li Ze said in a brisk tone.

"I'm your sister. The word 'eat' can be a verb or a noun. Of course, it's not impossible for my brother to understand in other directions." Chamille smiled.

Come on! He just wanted to change the tone and change the direction of the embarrassing topic. He didn't expect that this little devil would directly follow his meaning and misinterpret it to another highway...

Maybe he drives a sports car and she drives a plane.

"Change the topic, change the topic!" Li Ze said clearly, "I want to know where are the boss and the others?"

"Another place."

"Another place? It can't be the same room, right? I'm going to my sister, and you just saved me and not them? This is so sad." Li Ze pretended to be sad.

"If I don't save my brothers, I will definitely be blamed by my brother, so I saved them. However, this time and space is not under my control, so I don't know where they went. They may be in the Dragon Seed Room

There, it is possible that they were sent directly back to the ground. I can only tell my brother that it is over if they are still alive." Chamier stood up and helped Li Ze out of the recliner.

Although the care of the beautiful girl nurse will definitely make his injury recover later, this nurse uniform really plays on his sexuality. Doesn’t she know what he likes?

He hurriedly moved his eyes away from Chamille's exposed skin, turned his back, covered his eyes and shouted: "Change your clothes."

"I thought my brother would like it very much, or do I just like the bunny girl costume in fishnet stockings? Obviously I think the nurse costume is better than the bunny girl costume." Chamille licked her lips, smiled with squinting eyes, and jumped up and down.

"Please, dear sister."

"Okay." The compromised Chamille shrugged.

There was a "rustling" sound from behind, and she actually took off her clothes on the spot.

Li Ze's mind began to play the fantasy scene of the little beauty taking off her clothes... He always wanted to prove that he was pure, but he was not facially paralyzed, nor was he emotionless. He was still 18 years old, and his blood was still strong...

...He will one day be defeated by the little devil.

"It's changed!"

Li Ze prayed in his heart, hoping that the little devil would not mess with him again.

Turning around, I was very surprised.

Chamille put on the crinoline dress in the room.

A long black velvet dress embroidered with golden lilies, with huge whalebones supporting the skirt, an Elizabethan lace collar standing on the shoulders, an open chest, and round pearl necklaces on the milky white skin. The bodice is also studded with large and small pearls.

Small pearls surround Chamille's white skin. The black fabric is covered with onyx wrapped with gold threads. The repeated decoration adds a touch of grace to her beauty.

The size is not right, Chamille should be wearing it like a little girl secretly wearing her mother's high heels... But how can I put it, it is just right, and he even feels that the corset is redundant because of Chamelle's figure

It holds up the long skirt perfectly.

The combination of black and white turns out to be so beautiful.

"Let's go, brother, today is autumn, and autumn is the season of farewell. It is pain, sadness, and death." Chamille took Li Ze's arm. The incompatible pairing of the noble lady and the patient made everything look so...


Li Ze came back to his senses and looked around. The trees began to wither and turn yellow. The petioles could no longer support the weight of the leaves. They broke free from the branches and slowly fell down like a light butterfly: "Where are we going?"
"Revolution Square." Chamille said softly.

"Place de la Concorde? Is anyone going to be beheaded there?" Li Ze asked.

"There is an oil painting with a scarlet tone, which is a metaphor for the bloodthirsty nature of human beings. On the execution bench, the French queen, who was jeweled, elegant and charming during her lifetime, is now dressed in white, with her hands tied behind her back, lying on the guillotine like a fat pig

In front of the guillotine, a man was bending down, holding a basin, and catching the blood gushing out from the queen's neck. Another man, holding a stick with the queen's head on it, was striding on the scaffold,

Show it to the onlookers. He may be shouting loudly as he walks, just like a guy selling dog skin plaster in the market. His shouts startled a horse in the lower left corner of the picture. The horse raised its hooves and neighed loudly.

"Under the guillotine, there are soldiers with guns surrounded by a circle of black hats. Upstairs on the left, two angel sculptures are watching this human tragedy." Chamille said.

"Queen Marie Antoinette..."

"Treason, adultery, incest, all unfounded charges were placed on her." Chamier took Li Ze and walked slowly forward. "Her proud dignity allowed her to refute all accusations in court, but she completely

It's useless. The slogans of freedom and democracy have resounded throughout France. Napoleon has captured Paris. The people believe that they are proof and their will is the law. As long as the majority of people think so, even if there is no evidence or any premise, it will not work.

can be recognized as fact."

"...That's all I need now." Li Ze sighed.

"This is the 'crime and punishment' between mixed races. Humans also have it, but people are basically sympathizers. Most of the people who initiate 'crime and punishment' are mixed races." Chamier said.

They walked to the square.

The girl who once had blond hair turned gray due to the torture in prison. She was wearing a thin white robe that the jailer put on for her, but she was not like the group of death row prisoners. She was very calm, her lips were tightly closed proudly, and her expression was

Extremely indifferent. You can imagine her sitting on the bench of the prison car on the way here, just like she was sitting on the throne.

They stand in the crowd.

The originally noisy crowd became quiet because of Queen Mary's gaze.

It seems that they are still Queen Mary's people. Because of their calmness and pride, the anger in their hearts prevented them from uttering an insult.

Queen Mary stepped onto the steps of the guillotine calmly, looking beyond the crowd to the distant sky.

The pastor stepped forward and handed her a Bible.

Queen Mary's body was visibly shaken, and then she shed tears after praying.

This chapter has been completed!
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