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Chapter 135 The Dark Day (1)

 Li Ze picked up the dice and threw it out. This was probably the largest dice he had ever used. Not only was it large in size, but it also had sufficient mass. It didn't feel like plastic or foam, but instead felt like solid wood. He didn't know how he lifted it.

He got up, but the moment he was thrown out, he felt like he was possessed by Popeye.


The entrance in front of him is bright, and his road is opening.

An old man with white hair walked up to Li Ze and patted him on the shoulder: "Come on."

Li Ze looked at him with a frown, and suddenly his heart beat faster. He was already an adult, and since coming to Fang Steen, he had seen a lot, including the romance of French beauties, the passion of handsome Italian men, the contempt of old men from the American West, and the accomplices of the United States.

The grandeur of the bar, coupled with the fact that his DL knows so many dancing girls...men, women and children from all over the world are turning over and over in the academy, bombarding his eyes.

He thought that he had become immune to it after seeing too many people. He even felt that he was an anti-social terrorist. People who saw him would become enthusiastic no matter how indifferent they were. It was not until he met the principal that he understood the domestic situation.

What's going on with the rumors that women like uncles?

Wearing a white shirt, a red flower scarf, a neatly ironed black plaid suit, and a pair of tan cow leather shoes, it felt like every step he took made flowers with sunshine. The old man smiled faintly, and his white hair reflected the dazzling light.


I feel like a principal.

The mood that was obviously not so calm was instantly suppressed by this inexplicable emotion.

"You also want to participate in this game? You may die!" Li Ze grabbed the old man's sleeve.

"Because I want to see my newborn granddaughter." The old man replied.

"Just...for this?"

"This is an expectation!"

"Oh, maybe I don't understand!" Li Ze fell into silence. He heard the word 'expectation' again. He knew the meaning of 'expectation', but he really didn't understand what the content would be.

And the reason why he held on: He didn't know why an old man was working so hard?

Suddenly, a strong cold wind blew from the entrance. Players, whether they had rolled the dice or not, looked towards the entrance blankly. A large round green light lit up from the depths of the entrance, and screamed with a shrill voice.



His scalp was numb when he saw it. It was impossible to turn around and escape. Once the rules of the game started, you couldn't quit, but you couldn't just watch being buried alive by these bats, right?

"Don't move, the bat's ultrasonic detector will not hit stationary objects." Someone beside him roared.

In a panic, the bats had already flown over. The number of bats was much beyond imagination, and soon they had filled the entire space. Their fleshy wings were flapping. A single one seemed powerless, but with such a large number, the surroundings instantly seemed to be blown up.

There was a strong wind of Level 10. Seeing it getting closer and closer, Li Ze wanted to lie down on the ground several times, but seeing that the person who had yelled earlier did not move even though his head was covered with sweat, he simply felt his heart skip a beat and stayed put.

Waiting to die.

The sound of "whirring" was like a knife thrust through the dense forest, cutting holes in the leaves. The eardrums were so painful, the cochlea seemed to be preparing to escape, and the whole head began to spin. Large bats flew over in an instant.

In front of him, they made a strange turn and flew back to the entrance. Some of them even hit his face... He could clearly see that under the eyes the size of sesame seeds, there were fangs.

There is silky saliva stuck to the mouth, which is definitely a blood-sucking thing, not a fruit-eating thing.

Everyone just stood there, surrounded by bats, as if a large bucket of asphalt had been poured on them, and they could only let them fly around. No one knew what these bats were, or whether they had an owner.

, they have the ability to solve these things, but when they think of dragon species appearing inside, they have to consider the special characteristics of these bats. If the bats are killed but the dragon species is angered, they will all die here.

But for Li Ze, what he is thinking about now is this horrific scene. He doesn't want to experience it again in his life, and he secretly prays in his heart that no bat's ultrasonic wave will malfunction and his head will hit him in the face.


What was even more disgusting was that there were actually a few bats that pooped while flying, which fell on his face.

"Which bastard got diarrhea!" Li Ze cursed with more than enough energy.

But suddenly there was a calendar in front of me.

Li Ze was a little at a loss and stared down at himself. Not only had his hands become smaller and more delicate, but his height had also become shorter. He became a woman again, and this time he put on a white skirt.

In the brightly lit room, he looked extremely unusual because he had a white flower on his head.

There is no one around except yourself.

Li Ze panicked. He was in this indescribable situation again, just like last time.

It's just that this time he is purely conscious, completely passive in this body and watching the plot unfold like a spectator.

Her hands were so thin that they had clear joints, but the ring that was obviously too big was fastened on the ring finger of her left hand with a strip of cloth. She was a married woman, but her body was as weak as that of a patient who had been ill for a long time. Her skin was pale, except for her fingernails.

It is filled with red.

The woman’s name is Wang Fang.

The notes brought to Li Ze in his memory, and the despair at this time made it difficult for Li Ze to breathe. Just like the previous dream, he would get all the emotional feedback, but what he didn't understand was why this woman was acting like this

A heavy feeling of despair.

Li Ze took advantage of Wang Fang's gaze and glanced at the calendar.

August 23, 2002 is the end of summer, and by the way... the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month... the Ghost Festival!

Although he rarely heard about the taboos of the Hungry Ghost Festival in the city, when this festival comes, in the villages near the city, or among the residents who have moved into the city from the countryside, the so-called "burning buns" and "worships" will begin.

.My parents didn’t have this habit, or they didn’t inherit the habits from my grandma’s family, but every time they came to this festival, they would tell him not to go out at night, and to walk around the circles on the ground when they saw them, and not to step on them.
And I am now in July and a half!

Li Ze stared at the mirror. The red mole on Wang Fang's neck was bigger than yesterday. It also had a few tiny hairs growing out. The more he looked at it, the more it looked like a man's face... He didn't

Knowing why he felt this way, he blamed everything on Wang Fang's emotions.

But when I look in the mirror, my pale face looks extremely scary even if I put foundation on it, like a corpse that just came out of the coffin. My eyeballs are covered with bloodshot eyes, two circles of blue and black marks are located under the eye sockets, and my blue and purple lips are due to

She became trembling with disappointment. Suddenly, the surface of the mirror rippled like lake water with stones thrown into it. As the ripples reverberated layer by layer, Wang Fang in the mirror underwent strange changes.

The hair began to fall slowly, revealing a bare forehead, the cheekbones slowly bulged, the eyebrows became thicker and thicker, and green stubble appeared on the chin. There was no hair in the center of the head, but dark hair grew around it.

, an obvious Mediterranean hairstyle, which was the symbol of most men in 2002.

Wang Fang, became a man!

The man in my dream!

Wang Fang pressed the sink, stared at the mirror like a fool, reached out and touched her face. There was no trace of beard on her smooth skin. But the man in the mirror touched the beard on his chin and looked at it with a smile.


That red mole spread to the size of a date!

"Idiot!" Wang Fang took out the razor and slashed it hard on the neck.

Wang Fang fell to the ground, her eyes began to blur and her breathing became rapid. She finally lay down on the cold floor of the bathroom, with a pool of blood slowly gathering under her body.

Just die like this?

Very baffling!

This time he didn't feel any physical pain, only various emotions, mixed, mixed, intertwined, like a dark cloud directly covering his heart. Despair, happiness, disgust, a long sigh of relief...
What's going on? This time, he was not filled with indignation and confusion like Chamille that time, but a sense of pity that he didn't know the reason for.

From Wang Fang's still-closed eyes, he saw the boy in the bathtub behind him, with a knife blade stuck in his trachea, and a huge black and white photo. The man on it was exactly the one in the mirror.

This chapter has been completed!
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