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Chapter 146 The Tragedy of Gu Ayita


Li Ze looked forward with a pale face.

It was an old castle, a very old castle. It was daytime, but it was like night. The fire of Krupp's cannon could not disperse the black spots in the sky, and even the sun's rays could not penetrate their wing membranes. It was a castle.

A black cloud, a huge group composed of billions or tens of billions of bats. Currently, the most numerous bird group in the world is the red-billed Quelea from the sub-Saharan Africa, with a population of about 10 billion.

If all of them are gathered together, a similar situation may occur.

"Blocking out the sky and blocking out the sun" is the only word Li Ze can think of.

In 1894, during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, in this war between countries, the tragedy of the Guaita Castle was unfolding on the other side of the earth, in San Marino.

This is a small country in Europe. The smallest city-state in Europe is the Vatican, with an area of ​​0.44 square kilometers, but it is very famous. However, San Marino, with an area of ​​60 square kilometers, has almost never heard of this name.

Li Ze heard about this tragedy from Philip, the tragedy of Gu Aita, the most tragic battle of mixed races in recorded history. In this battle, about 120,000 mixed races died, and the devil also died.

Nearly 70,000, mountains of corpses towering into the clouds, and rivers of blood twisting and turning. It is said that the water drawn from the well nearly three kilometers away from the ancient Ayita Castle was red.

This may be the largest and most casualty hybrid war in hundreds of years since the era of self-heating weapons began and before the outbreak of the world's first war.

Only in one castle.

No one can figure out how a castle can accommodate so many corpses. The conclusion that most people can accept is that the corpses all slid down the castle along the gaps in the corridor and fell off the cliff... Even so

, ancient records also show that the ancient Ayita Castle is full of fragmented corpses.

That market tragedy.

But Philip did not explain the specific location of the tragedy, and he refused to say the outcome of the tragedy. He always thought that it was just the name of an event. After all, the names of the books in the library were also unreliable. Now, he finally

Got it, this is the war that took place in the ancient Aita Castle in San Marino.

This time, he came here.

Li Ze looked at the monsters in the sky. He was neither panicked nor serious about it. Instead, he froze on the spot and waited for death. The premise is that if the damage here is real...he only had two pistols on his body, and one

One is a Desert Eagle given by Silver, and the other is an M1911A1. Although there is a 'Dawn', and there is an M1911A1 that can process all bullets into 'Dawn', but where did he get the bullets?

The total number of bullets in the body is not enough for a three-digit number.

What is he going to do with these tens of billions of ghosts?

Suddenly the picture freezes.

What? What happened? By the way, what is that black thing in his eyes?

Li Ze's straight body was instantly bent by something inexplicable. The heavy fear caused the blood flow in her whole body to speed up, and she felt like the impact would break open the blood vessels and spurt out at any time.


A scream came from behind, as if encountering a skeleton ghost in an extremely dark and gloomy place. Although it is indeed dark now.

Li Ze turned his head with a twitching face.

The sound of vomiting, followed by the sound of sticky things falling to the ground, seemed to be that all the organs in the body were vomited out.


Li Ze's pupils shrank to the smallest size, and the whites of his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. For some reason, tears flowed out of the corners of his eyes. Along with the drool, nose, and even down there, he was almost incontinent.

"Ah! Ah!"

Li Ze pinched Ren Zhong under his nose with his hand. The pain made him almost dizzy and fell to the ground, but he was frightened by an even more terrifying scream and let go of his hand.

Li Ze turned his head with great difficulty.


The air seemed to freeze instantly. The voice of the screamed throat lost its sound due to the foreign object, and the body was shaking more and more. Compared with the previous fall, this time should be regarded as a collapse.

That's a skull... no, no, it's a head that hasn't been completely corroded or cut off by a sword. Half of the hair is hanging on one side, while the other side has become flat and smooth. The two eyes are horizontal.

Hanging outside the eye socket, there is still a small part of the face... There is no blood to flow out, and the neat wound has become pale and dull.

Armor, put it on his body.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect or a medieval knight’s idea, but this man went to the battlefield wearing bulky and heavy armor... Ridiculous, it’s so ridiculous, I feel like a new recruit who just came out of a nightclub.

Danzi, and he rushed forward with Excalibur just to confront MG42.

"Sir, times have changed, have they?" Li Ze really wanted to shout these words, but seeing the man's miserable appearance, the words got stuck in his throat and turned into thick phlegm, and he swallowed them.

If there wasn't that suit of armor, nothing would happen to the abdomen and lumbar spine.

But the fact is that his entire chest below was pierced by metal cones, and all the blood was held in his body. Because there were more and more cones in his body, the space became smaller, and the blood and all the organs fell out along the top.

The stench of sour gas, the pink organs slowly rotting.

"Ah woo woo... woo..."

He could no longer speak and could only rely on monster-like roars to express his final fear. However, a demon fell vertically by gravity and used its sharp teeth as a gasoline chain saw to cut him in half. The ground was full of bones and muscles.


Only then did Li Ze see what the devil looked like.

It counts as a bat, a super huge bat, maybe ten to twenty times the size of the bats you usually see. Can you imagine Yao Ming or O'Neal standing next to you? If you can imagine it, you can simulate the devil in your brain

How big is it? The key point is that this can only be regarded as a medium size. At a glance, there are many things bigger than it.

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It's just that the tips of the huge wings are covered with yellow feathers, and the rest of the body is just like a bat. It feels a bit like killing a chicken but not plucking it out. The legs also have yellow feathers, but the back is covered with mammal feathers.

The red hair, the huge chest cavity is like the gill slits of a shark, and the huge wound exposes the blue organs inside.

The head is shaped like a dog's head, but the mouth is like a pelican.

The devil sticks out its tongue and lowers its head to lick, just like a cat drinking water. The meat and bones are rolled into the mouth by the long tongue, making a rough chewing sound. The bones are like corn sausage, easily chewed into condiments and mixed into the meat.


A woman rushed behind the devil and took out the prepared One of the Holy Grail cards.


The 42nd position of the serial number reveals that the ability can summon anything under fantasy, which exists in cards, pictures, displays and other fantasy objects with carriers.

Li Ze has read this kind of revelation in books, but this kind of revelation is not stable, because fantasy is only an image, and it does not mean that it has direct capabilities after being materialized. Just like a game company, planning makes demands and art creates.

The program begins to be programmed. If it is just a piece of art drawing paper, summoning it has no meaning.

But the woman took out the Arcana card, which is one of the Tarot cards. The Tarot cards have been perfected for centuries, so such a summons is the most ideal.

The Holy Grail is the cup that Jesus used in the Last Supper. It is said that after Jesus died, his blood was contained in this Holy Grail. The white dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit in Catholicism. It holds the holy wafer that symbolizes the body of Jesus and rises from above.

The bottom seems to be entering the cup, symbolizing the soul entering the material world. The cup in Holy Grail 1 has five streams of water pouring out, symbolizing the five human senses. The water below is covered with water lilies. Since it is a water lily, the water must have a certain depth.

.The long stem of the water lily stretches upward to the water surface, symbolizing the awakening of the human soul, with twenty-five drops of water floating in the air.

The One of Cups symbolizes love and joy and is a type of spiritual attack.

In the game, mental attacks are very strong.

The five huge eyes slowly opened on the rising water wall, with a sense of oppression that penetrated the soul, and they all turned to the devil in the middle of their breath... But the woman had no idea that the devil had no mental power.

They are like walking zombies, acting solely on given instructions.

The devil stopped looking for food, raised his hand and hit the woman.

The woman had previously used Arcana's other decks which were very useful. She originally thought that spirit was also the weakness of demons, but she didn't understand until her death that to deal with these monsters, in addition to physics and chemistry, you still need physics and chemistry.

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