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Chapter 46 Snake


Tang Hao thought of the English word Hell.

This is taken from the Old English "Hel" or "Helle", which was referred to as "the underworld of the dead" in 725 AD. It is a product of the Anglo-Saxon pagan era. The word "Hel" was born in Nordic mythology.

A goddess in charge of the dead. In the book "Gylfaginning" by the poet Prose Edda, the goddess is described as "a half-blue and half-flesh-colored body and always a melancholy figure", but in ancient Germanic, primitive

It means "hidden place, Hades".

In ancient Egyptian civilization, with the rise of the Egyptians' worship of Osiris, the god of the underworld, morality became the dominant reason for determining a person's roaring state. Usually, after a person dies, he/she will face the judgment of forty-two divine judges.

Judgment. If one lives according to the commandments of the goddess "truth and right", then the person will be invited to heaven. On the contrary, he will be handed over to Amit and thrown into the lake of fire. In Egyptian mythology, the heart is believed to store the soul.

container, so when making mummies, the heart is deliberately retained so that the soul can ascend to heaven.

In Sumerian civilization, Hell represented the desolate realm, known as "Kur", ruled by Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld. Unlike other civilizations, Mesopotamian mythology believed that all souls

They will all go to the same afterlife, and any actions a person takes in his life will not affect his treatment in the future world.

In Chinese civilization, it is believed that hell is divided into two categories, one is the place where souls return to reincarnation, and the other is the place of punishment and reincarnation. After death, people need to go through trial, and evildoers will go to deeper hells, which is also the eighteenth level.

The passage to hell.

In the Jewish Book of Daniel, it is said that "many who sleep in the dust shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and contempt." According to Jewish teachings, hell is not entirely physical. On the contrary,

It can be compared to a very strong sense of shame, where one feels ashamed of one's misdeeds, which constitutes a sense of atonement for the bad behavior. When a person deviates from the will of God, he/she immediately appears in purgatory. It is said that

The door of repentance is always open, so people can always align their will with God's.

Christians believe that the souls of the dead either rest in peace or are tortured after death until resurrection. They believe that the main punishment of hell is eternal separation from God. The image of hell presented in the Bible is to show life without God

How depressing and empty it would be. Hell is not a place, but indicates a state, something clearly separated from God by freedom.

Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy" describes it this way: Hell is a big funnel, with the center in the city of Jerusalem. Hell gradually shrinks from top to bottom, and the souls it controls are more sinful as they go down, until

In the center of the earth, the devil Satan controls the top of the funnel. They crawl through the center of the earth from the tail of the devil. On the other side is purgatory. Purgatory is like a high mountain. In the sea on the other side of the earth opposite Jerusalem, the souls repent and purify their sins here. The mountain is divided into seven layers to symbolize

With the seven deadly sins, each level you ascend will eliminate one sin, until you reach the top of the mountain and ascend to heaven.

John Milton's "Paradise Lost" opens with the fallen angels, telling the story of their awakening in hell after being defeated in the battle of heaven. Milton describes hell as the abode of demons and elaborates on their

With the help of the fall of mankind, the process of seeking revenge in heaven.

If the destination is hell, then this is indeed the entrance to hell.

The deep sea is boundless, and in the boundlessness, there are huge monsters that are unimaginable to me, but I am as small as the gravel on the beach, and it is not a pity to step on them.

"What do you think is ahead of us? A sperm whale? Or the Prinz Eugen?" Vlad smiled bitterly, "If I see the Prinz Eugen, I will definitely jump out of the submarine and give it a warm hug."

"Is it possible that it is a dragon species?" Tang Hao asked.

"Damn it, don't make threats, there is no bathroom here." Vlad yelled.

"Then keep going and don't put it in reverse gear."

"I need someone to go out and check whether the equipment is in good condition. Tang Hao, the decision is yours."

"It's you bastard, hurry up and leave." Tang Hao glanced at the data of the air tank and fuel tank on the display. He was indeed checking. In this regard, he is a trustworthy and good commander, "Agares, weapons and ammunition

How much is left? It's too far away and I can't see it from here."

"There are 736 bullets remaining, 5 torpedoes remaining, and high-performance explosives have not been used yet," Agares said.

"It feels like only torpedoes are useful." Vlad said.

"Torpedoes are useful underwater, but this special cannon is also useful." Tang Hao recalled everything that happened before, "The American A10 attack aircraft Warthog is equipped with a 30mm GAU-8 cannon and is equipped with ammunition.

Reaching about 1350 rounds, the cannon equipped by the Speers is similar to that of the A10 attack aircraft, which can easily penetrate the target unit. You didn't see it when driving the submarine before, but I can see clearly that the bullets

It penetrated the mountain directly and caused more damage than the torpedo explosion."

"At any rate, World War I was the time when the German army showed the power of machine guns to the world." Vlad praised, "Because of this, we are still alive. Maxim is really a genius."

"Don't be a genius, the central wind force has reached level 16, which is comparable to the level 17 gusts when Typhoon Sammi hit Fujian in 2006. The swirling storm is accompanied by thunder and lightning. It is already a thunderstorm area, and all ships entering there will be

The particle influence dissipates all means of communication." Tang Hao said, "But there is a problem."

"What?" Vlad asked in a low voice.

"Communication." Agares said, "At our current depth, the communication signal should not be so stable, but the problem is that the outside world can contact us without hindrance, but we have no contact with the outside world."

"And now that we are close to the edge, the impact of large storms and thunderstorms will not have much impact on the deep sea, but there will still be problems in shallow seas." Tang Hao pointed to the dashboard, "Before the power was insufficient, now it is only about 80%.

....It’s hard to imagine how strong this storm is.”

The submarine continued to sail, but the irradiation distance of the light became shorter and shorter.

The three of them were doing their own thing quietly. The only sonar in the cabin beeped, but the surrounding temperature suddenly rose.

The surroundings were extremely quiet, and the sound of sonar could not be heard in the ears, and even the heartbeat stopped suddenly. Tang Hao and Vlad raised their eyebrows, they seemed to hear something... similar to a landslide.

....Something is crumbling on the seabed!


"Stop!" Tang Hao suddenly shouted.

Vlad paused the power transmission in response. The surrounding temperature really began to rise. In such a deep sea, the previous magma could transmit the high temperature into the submarine. As a result, the three of them have begun to sweat.

No, that might be cold sweat.

Because a pair of crimson pupils the size of several adult blue whales were staring directly at them in front of them.

"An hallucination, it must be an hallucination." Vlad slapped himself hastily, "Did you see it? Did you see it? Damn, it's so big..."

"Of course I saw it." Tang Hao swallowed.

The reason they feel hot is not the temperature, but the bloodline. The monster in front of them has a terrifyingly high bloodline. It is more terrifying than the dragon species they have encountered before. Although they have not seen the original sin, but if you say how powerful the original sin is,

, probably this guy is infinitely close.

Vlad began to tremble, because those eyes... If those eyes were really eyes, how big would the body be? It's unimaginable... Vlad took out the epinephrine from his pocket and shot it at his arm

After the injection, he felt that if he didn't get the injection, he would be stared at by those eyes and lose his heartbeat.

"Snake!" Agares suddenly spoke.

"I can see it clearly too." Tang Hao tried to calm himself down, "It's still spitting out snake letters."

"What should I do?" Vlad asked.

"If it's a super dragon species, I don't think 'Dawn' is useful." Tang Hao shook his head.

Suddenly, harsh sound waves mixed with huge coercion almost crushed the three of them.

"Siaya, Vousêtesenfin...い...No, Nein...tыheoha...You’renot...Siaya!"

Tang Hao suddenly felt that his heart was suddenly pinched by a cold hand. His heart was still beating, but the temperature of his hand made him feel the sadness of the monster in front of him at this moment, like ice water pouring all over him.

, obviously it should start from the skin first, but in the end it starts from the heart, allowing the entire body to slowly cool down.

Snake Eyes disappeared into the sea water, and the intense nervousness also dissipated as Snake Eyes left.

The three of them looked at each other, silently restarted the submarine, and headed towards the destination.

This chapter has been completed!
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