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Chapter 88 Ghost Cave

 Hundreds of cries echoed in the cave. In Tokyo's Itabashi District, cases of missing persons have occurred frequently. This area is more highly valued than the Yaqi Group and the Hyakki League. After a secret search, it was discovered by the search team.


In the devil's lair, countless mermaids are piled up like mountains of flesh. Most of them are poor people who failed and died. The ones lying on them to eat are the winners who survived the struggle. They are evolving, and their tail fins have begun to metamorphose.

Foot bones, and some even evolved into a formed foot. This place is like a colosseum, the stronger the mermaid is, the more likely it is to survive, and then gain the capital to evolve.

The Metropolitan Police Department has investigated the names and families of people who reported missing persons. After comparison with the Yamata-gumi and the Hyakuki League, most of them are mixed races. After all, only mixed-races can be considered as a meal, and humans without blood can only be considered as gargling before meals.


Human bones are everywhere, corpses are dead, and the tragic scene of skulls and spines connected has spread from the entrance of the cave to the first mermaid encountered. As far as the current situation is concerned, the number of missing people is far more than that, but judging from the number of reports.

....The hybrids who were not bitten but died from excessive blood loss are just right. So where did these hybrids with only skulls and spines come from?


Gen Sosuke put on earmuffs, and his splitting headache suddenly felt much better.

The dead soldier jumped over the leader. All kinds of heavy weapons tightly blocked the only entrance to the cave, including heavy machine guns, array cannons, large-caliber anti-materiel sniper rifles, rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and grenade launchers. If the cave entrance was big enough,

Tanks are not an exaggeration. No one knows how much damage these weapons can cause to the mermaid group, so they have become dead soldiers who generously die. There is no powerful revelation, and it is not even in the serial number. They have completed their mission by treating death as if they were dead.


A mermaid discovered them. The aroma exuded by the hybrid was like pieces of meat that had just come out of the pot soaked in various seasonings. From a distance, you could hear the "gurgling" sound of the stomach squeezing and grinding.
The machine gunner immediately pulled the trigger, and the anti-parallel bullets purchased from the academy at a high price instantly formed a metal steel waterfall. The mermaid flying in the air was blown into a bloody flower in the air before its head hit the ground. The next moment, it burst into flames.

Wrapped in the body, the mermaid died sadly amidst the miserable screams.

It was not an illusion, it was a real flame. At first, the machine gunner thought it was an explosion or other reasons, otherwise the bullet would not have rushed out of the barrel with flames. But when the heat wave hit his face, he realized that it was real fire.

From bullets.

According to experiments, the equipment department of the college mixed radioactive substances into the bullets. However, except for the explosion, the only possibility of flame generation is the presence of flammable substances. The warhead mixed with self-igniting substances is an extremely dangerous thing in itself.

Gen Sosuke turned on the searchlight behind him.

As the lights deepened, the dazzling firelight, and the gunshots that had just stopped, the group of mermaids who were still eating leisurely turned their heads and looked back, with the bloodthirsty viciousness of predators in their crimson pupils. They have not yet fully evolved, and they still have the ability to

With good eyesight, when he saw the buffet at the entrance of the cave, he immediately let out a sharp scream like crying. Countless mermaids actually stood upright, staring at them like cobras preparing to attack.

Tokugawa Yorisanin came up from behind holding an umbrella and patted Minamoto Sosuke on the shoulder: "I didn't expect them to stand up. They are estimated to be more than three meters high, and the attack range has become larger."<


Gen Sosuke understood what he meant. If he was just crawling, he would only have his head in front. Although the attack range was small, the killing part was the fatal part. And although the upright mermaid could guarantee that the bullet would hit the body 100%, the fatality rate would be 100%.

But it was seriously reduced. He didn't expect this to happen. Logically speaking, the fins are not enough to support the mermaid upright. Just like the big fat whale in the ocean, such a tail structure is only suitable for water, not land.

If it were land, it could at most crawl forward like a seal or a sea lion.

As a result, he made a mistake.

"Does it look like two sumo wrestlers stacked on top of each other?" Gen Sosuke joked.

"If they can't solve it, then they can only leave it to us old men. These things must not be released." Tokugawa Yorisanin said calmly.

The mermaids screamed sharply, revealing the dense fangs in horror movies and bloody science fiction movies. They still crawled forward, but kept their upper body upright, just like Medusa in the movie. Those fangs seemed to be able to

It's like secreting venom.

"The outer heavy armored vehicles and helicopters have arrived at the predetermined position. Once they fall, they can only turn this place into purgatory." Tokugawa Yorisanin hung up the phone.

Yuan Sosuke nodded: "Where are the residents?"

"I sent it off with self-defense force military exercises."

Gen Sosuke stared closely at the approaching mermaid army. Faced with this hellish scene, he calmed down for some reason. He remembered that the old man also fought against this kind of monster at the bottom of the sea, in that kind of deep pressure and no one.

With the help of others, I feel like a little strong person who is not afraid of death. But now I am on land, surrounded by reliable teammates and military equipment support. I suddenly feel a little happy and lucky, but also a little sad.

If I had entered the submarine at that time, I wouldn’t miss that old man so much now.

"Start the war!" Minamoto Sosuke gave the order.

The dead soldiers in front said "はい" in unison.

The heavy machine gun roared instantly, and dozens of brass bullet casings fell to the ground just at the moment the trigger was pulled, followed closely by the cannon, which only existed on fighter jets and destroyers, and was removed and processed with special tools.

When used for transportation, the power and rate of fire of a machine gun are much higher than that of a heavy machine gun. With just one encounter, dozens of mermaids will fly backwards due to the huge momentum.

The thirty-centimetre-long muzzle flame was like a jetting torch. The ground vibrated due to the recoil, and the ear-piercing sound would have penetrated the user's ears if it had not been for the sound-isolating earmuffs.

Rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and grenade launchers also joined the battle. The large-caliber anti-materiel sniper rifle was aimed at the mermaid who took advantage of the opportunity to avoid the machine gun.

The body of the mermaid is extremely strong, and it is difficult for bullets to cause fatal wounds on the hard-as-iron skin. However, the mermaids underestimated the firepower of the attack array. Gen Sosuke chose heavy weapons specifically for armor. Even if they could withstand it, they would not be able to withstand it.

Greatly slowed down the pace of progress.

The dead soldiers finally knew what caused the flames. It was white phosphorus. White phosphorus had a very low ignition point, but after special processing, the combustion temperature it erupted was extremely high and contained a dangerous smell. Some of them, who were not wearing gas masks,

Slight dizziness and vomiting started to occur after inhalation. Fortunately, the wind blew inward from outside, otherwise they would have been poisoned and collapsed before they could deal with the mermaid.

"We have effective kills, it's the bullets that are the problem!" Gen Sosuke saw the key to suppressing the mermaid swarm.

"White Phosphorus, the academy has developed a new attack method." Tokugawa Yorisanin frowned, "But they didn't explain it to us."

"White phosphorus is also added to the fuel tank of the flamethrower, but the flamethrower was purchased by us and has nothing to do with the academy." Gensojie was surprised, but also full of doubts.

This is a fire storm, not metal. Everyone can see that the bullets are just an auxiliary, and the white phosphorus is the tool to severely suppress the joy of the mermaids. The mermaids who rushed in front were destroyed by the impact of the flames and bullets, and fell into death. A few

Several mermaids with extremely strong bodies broke through the circle of fire and used their sharp claws to remove the heads of the two machine gunners.

They were so blinded that they only wanted to deal with the controller, not the weapon.

The gunmen on both sides immediately raised their muzzles and aimed them at the head. A waterfall of metal flames composed of bullets and white phosphorus enveloped it. The mermaid's head was like a blooming firework. In the blazing flames, it spurted blood and exploded to pieces. The rear

The staff hurriedly added, replaced the drum and continued to pull the trigger to join this absolute suppression game.

This chapter has been completed!
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