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Chapter 46 The secret party is in turmoil

 Giuseppe took out the poker in his pocket and played the cards. He should not be in a coffee shop, he should be in a bar or nightclub. He is not suitable for this. "It has nothing to do with me whether I am a hungry ghost or not. I just ask them not to be in me."

Come over here while picking up girls, or I will take out my ancestral cross and stuff it into their mouths."

"The cross cannot kill vampires!" Andrea ordered another cup of black coffee.

"How about I buy a few bundles of onions and garlic first? Oh, oh, by the way, I also have a mahogany sword bought from Hong Kong at home. I will pour silver water on it first." Giuseppe opened it.

Hole card, "Three aces, a 6 and a 7."

"Four q"

"Gan, are you cheating?"

"Can't you tell that I'm going to cheat?" Andrea sneered, "You are filled with a particularly wonderful smell, that kind of mixed smell of perfume and shampoo, plus the hormones emitted by the heightened emotions. You shouldn't come.

Is it time to fall in love?"

"What is in love? It sounds like you wouldn't do the same thing if you met a girl you fell in love with on the subway." Giuseppe was very serious, "So what are you going to do?"

"Waiting for the new commissioner to come over, this implementation plan is part of the implementation of the four major leaders of the college." Andrea looked into his eyes.

"The new commissioner...I'm not looking for trouble, brother. As someone who has graduated for three years, you must know how many people have died around the world in the past few years. Aren't you afraid? Aren't you worried? You just

Don't you think about your parents and your fiancée? If you are really crazy, I will definitely tie you up with a hemp rope and send you to the wedding hall as your brother." Giuseppe dealt the cards again,

But he put the Q of Hearts on it, "But I don't blame you, after all, you came from that crazy college, and I refused to join. I got into a fight in college and ended up in jail. I was in

I thought, what is the meaning of this person's life? It wasn't until I came out three months later that I realized that the meaning is to live out your own style. So I found a job and went to the bar all night. Although there was bad ethics, I didn't

I want to sacrifice myself to protect the world like you..."

"You are selfish!"

"Of course, everyone has a selfish side. You don't have it now, but I think when you stand in front of death, you will know what selfishness is." Giuseppe's face was full of sincerity.

"So you have high-level enlightenment, but why don't you use it?"

"That's not for humans. I'm a human too. I don't want to be locked up by a bunch of scientists for experiments like a monster."

"You are very kind!"

"Kindness and selfishness always go together, remember what I said."

Andrea raised her coffee cup: "I might go crazy if you keep talking like this... I want to know about the British secret party."

"That matter, don't be anxious, don't be anxious. I won't hide anything from brothers." Giuseppe took out the box from under the table. Andrea had not seen it before. "You just need to know that the British secret party is no longer there."

It’s reliable. In Britain at this time, you would rather trust the gangsters than the secret party.”

"Isn't it just you who checked their auction? What's the fuss about?" Andrea glanced at him coldly.

Giuseppe pushed the box in front of Andrea. It was a portable safe wrapped in crocodile skin. The seal was stamped with the seal of the Papal Party, "The Vatican's Camarilla? The Camarilla with the closest ties to the Academy..."


Giuseppe nodded, "Don't forget that I am from the Vatican. There are sinful documents inside. Be careful when you look through them. Don't damage them."

"Sin?" Andrea opened the box and flipped through the stack of well-sealed papers inside.

"There are 7 big secret parties and 82 small secret parties in Europe, and outside the secret parties there are a bunch of independently established alliances or foundations. One of the seven exists in the UK. The Second World War in the 20th century made

The top members of the British Camarilla were almost killed on the battlefield. Although they still have membership in the seven major Camarillas, their numbers are no longer rising or falling, so that the small Camarilla may occupy their precarious position.

Some people say that Hitler is the embodiment of "rage" and that the US military's participation in the war is a manifestation of "greed". No one can be sure about those things. They are all rumors that are spread from ten to ten. I like the saying of the United States very much,

'Don't do evil because it's small, don't do good because it's small'. However, following a private report 23 days ago, I led the team to uncover the illegal auction.

In fact, there are so many mixed-race auctions. Mixed-breeds, whether poor or extremely rich, can come to this kind of special mixed-race auction. If I had known about it in advance, I would have turned a blind eye.

Close one eye. But the problem is that they illegally auctioned the mutated adult angel..."

"Angel?" Andrea wondered, "Is that thing still adult?"

Giuseppe twitched, "That's why I said it was a mutation. An 18-year-old girl came from a slum. Because of her identity, no one would test whether she had blood. This is the manifestation of the 'arrogance' of the mixed race."

, but a problem arose. The girl's bloodline strength reached S, and the bloodline mixing ratio was too high, which allowed her to grow four angel wings under strain before the gangster succeeded in raping her. Have you studied "

Mythology and History", you know what an angel with four wings is."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!"


"The truth represents everything and cannot be refuted!"

"...The archangel only has six wings." Andrea frowned in disbelief.

"That's right. It's a pity that the girl only had wings and no enlightenment. Then she was caught and auctioned for 13,000 pounds per kilogram of meat. Many people wanted to taste the taste of angels and bid for a kilogram or more.

The price is two kilograms, but someone directly offered 30 million pounds, and he wanted to buy the girl." Giuseppe looked disgusted, obviously he was ashamed of what those guys did.

"So where is the girl?" Andrea looked solemn.

"It was arranged by Claudia and secretly sent back to the Vatican. Maybe after going through the formalities, it will be sent to the Fontainebleau Academy," Giuseppe said.

Claudia Lesquez is the heir to the Lesquez family, the leader of one of the Seven Secret Parties, and the school director closest to Fountain College. But she is only 14 years old, so it is hard to imagine

At this age, her brain is so useful.

Andrea raised her cup and clashed with Giuseppe, "Don't you still serve the mixed race?"

"Brother, I can't do it without service. If one day you guys start a fight in the UK, won't my peaceful life be gone?" Giuseppe said.

"You can escape back to your family."

"No, I don't want to be chased all over the Vatican by my fiancée who is 11 years younger than me," Giuseppe said.

"Isn't she good? Just like Queen Marie from Austria to France, look how beautiful she is! She will definitely become the new Queen Marie." Andrea smiled coquettishly.

"I am 30 years old this year, and Mary is 19 years old. Oh, my God," Giuseppe quickly crossed himself on his chest. "This is like an uncle-niece marriage. I just can't figure it out. What age is this?"

The most outrageous thing about baby kissing is that Mary was born to Uncle Gill from his second marriage, and his first marriage was a boy."

"So uncle, he won't coerce you?"

"Coercion, why not coercion," Giuseppe curled his lips, "My mother is not anxious, but he is anxious. It is true that the emperor is not anxious but the eunuch is."

"This is a good description, but your uncle is a strict wife!"

"It's no longer a strict henpeck. Last time he bought a second-hand tractor, and his mother made him kneel on the keyboard all morning."

"Oh, that's so sad." Andrea expressed sympathy.

This chapter has been completed!
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