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Chapter 48 Infection

 "I'm tired after talking so much. Do you have anything interesting? Share it!" Giuseppe opened the notebook and continued to look at the recorded screen.

"Do you know Eastern Siberia?"

"Of course I do. Do you still remember my old friend Hausmendev? Last time he asked me to go fishing in Lake Baikal, and then he stayed in a town in Eastern Siberia for seven days. You don't know, it was like I went there.

It's the coldest place I've ever been. At night, strong winds can blow people away anytime and anywhere. If you don't warm yourself by the fire in a warm house, you will freeze to death outside." Giuseppe still has lingering fears.

"Then you should have heard about that thing in Eastern Siberia."


"Do you know what virus humans fear most?"

"Prions. Is there a special relationship between the two?"

"It doesn't matter much..."

"It doesn't matter. You're talking nonsense!" Giuseppe was stunned.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it will be relevant in a moment. This is not a detective story. My police officer, let's lay the groundwork first so that you won't show your teeth later. From a biological point of view, human beings coexist with these microorganisms all the time. This is a

A long-term process, they will survive until human beings die."

"As predicted by those scientists, Antarctic glaciers contain archaeal bacteria and viruses. I don't want to experience the lethality of those bacteria and viruses like the dinosaurs."

"The Black Death, Ebola, AIDS, coronavirus, even smallpox that has been eradicated... Human beings are evolving, and various organisms are also evolving. Everyone may feel that they are far away, but in fact,

Once an outbreak breaks out, it is difficult to put an end to it. Like the smallpox strain, there are still a few defense laboratories in the world that have vaccines, but no specific drugs. Once used as a biological weapon for attack, the DNA or RNA of some other viruses can be converted into new viruses.

Andrea said, "The biosafety level is divided into four levels globally. BSL-1 is like measles, BSL-2 is like influenza, BSL-3 is like coronavirus and Yersinia pestis, and BSL-4 is Ebola.


"Actually, I have always had a question. Why do you think most deadly viruses come from Africa?" Giuseppe frowned.

"Environmental issues...but Professor Cole once proposed a hypothesis."

"Professor Cole? He is still alive!"

"I'm 98 years old. In Chinese terms, I'm getting stronger with age!"

"It's amazing. I will consult him about health care when the time comes."

Andrea nodded, "I was fortunate enough to listen to the class he taught that day. That class was probably the most shocking class I had ever heard before graduation."

Giuseppe was looking forward to it. The guy in front of him, who had always been aloof and disobedient, could convince him, which meant that the class was interesting.

"Tell me the seven deadly sins again."

“The sin of envy is Leviathan, the sin of wrath is Satan, the sin of sloth is Belphegor, the sin of greed is mammon, the sin of gluttony is Beelzebub, the sin of lust is Asmodeus, the sin of pride is The crime is Lucifer...Lucifer is just a matter of transliteration. No one knows what the main name is. I even think the other seven names are not true." Giuseppe shrugged.

There have been similar problems in history. For example, Odin in Nordic mythology, Zeus in Greek mythology... Although angels and demons have been confirmed, no one can understand the original sins and virtues without questioning them face to face. Too good to believe in the authenticity of these names.

At least he's not a Catholic.

Andrea answered subconsciously, "There were originally eight original sins..."

"I know gluttony, lust, greed, anger, laziness, envy, vanity and arrogance. Later, because I found that humans began to be self-centered and arrogant, I classified vanity into arrogance." Giuseppe joked, "I'm thinking, if we follow the authority established by those old guys, wouldn't the arrogance with the strongest faith be able to directly destroy the entire world? Are you right?"

Andrea's eyebrows jumped imperceptibly.

"Maybe 'faith' is not the source of original sin's power at all. As for what it is, I don't know... Anyway, according to Catholic doctrine, those who can go to heaven must be absolutely flawless and pure. If they make a little mistake, they will Go to hell, that kind of thing. To be honest, if an angel and a demon fight, I bet the demon will win." Giuseppe tapped on the computer, and he checked a clip again and again, "I recently saw a discussion on Twitter, the discussion was The content is about what a person is when he is born. The "Three Character Classic" states that "man's original nature is good", but in the "Bible" there are people who are born evil and come to atone for their sins... I don't really want to know what the answer is. , but I have always believed that life is a paradox, and I can’t explain it even if you give me ten thousand years. The first thing I want to do when I wake up is to curse the world for not being destroyed, and then grab a sandwich, Wearing a smiling mask and going to work, that's it, whether he goes to heaven or hell after death."

"I always feel like you have so much negative energy?"

"When you stay up late and work overtime for four consecutive days like me, you will know how much negative energy I have. I will kill you hard tonight. Haidilao, I will order ten plates of shrimp slippery, ten plates, I will let you It's a waste of money." Giuseppe became excited.

"Then how about I finish my mission and you take an annual leave, and the two of us go to Japan, have a meet-and-greet with Sakura Sake, and have a party with Wagyu Yusheng... I know you want a girl who is always obedient, Yamato Nadeshiko promises to find two for you!"

"Say yes!"

The two of them fist-bumped with excitement.

"What did the professor say?"

"Laziness not only represents laziness of mind and spirit, but also represents the plague."

"You mean these super-deadly viruses are a problem of laziness? Laziness is in Africa? Wasn't laziness killed by your principal?" Giuseppe was stunned.

"It's just a hypothesis, a hypothesis put forward by Professor Cole." Andrea explained, "Prions were detected in the infected person in East Siberia. They were hidden in the brain of the victim and used extremely clever abilities to

Hidden, prosecutors used several methods to detect it. However, a new infected person appeared, from Chiba Prefecture, Japan. The infected person is a family of three, which is really pitiful."

"Japan? Then you are dragging me to Japan?" Giuseppe protested in a low voice.

"The principal is already there. What I mean is that we will go after he solves the problem. There is no connection between the two." Andrea whispered.

"Speak fully." Giuseppe shook his head, "I want to know what the symptoms of an infected person are?"

"Mutations turn into various types of monsters. Remember the zombie dog in "Resident Evil"? One of the infected people became like that. His skull was torn in half from the middle, but he was still alive and well.

It’s just that I have become aggressive, and my favorite thing is to bite people’s faces.” Andrea said.

"Does that mean you can die with a gunshot to the head? It's so pitiful."

"You're really right." Andrea patted her thigh.


"The infected person's weakness is in the brain, which is much simpler than other monsters."

Giuseppe hesitated for a few seconds: "That really saves the fight."

"By the way, what have you been watching?" Andrea asked.

"I'm watching this recording video..." Giuseppe frowned and trembled slightly, "Is there a pair of eyes on the wall in the upper right corner?"

Like a bomb exploding, Andrea's eyes widened, and she turned the computer over with a look of horror on her face, staring carefully at the place where Giuseppe was pointing...


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