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Chapter 169 Broken Paradise

"Who is that person you are talking about?" Hyuga Arisu asked.


"Raphael?" Arisu Hydrangea was surprised, "Raphael? That one symbolizes love."

"No, it symbolizes temperance, but to be honest, even her kindness is useless. These two virtues are always suppressed by original sin." Coke shrugged, "Do you know what Raphael's real name is? Emma.


"Fountain's artificial intelligence?"

Coke took out his mobile phone and made a call. The noisy current and even the screen display were affected: "If you want to sneak into Fountain's underground fortress, you should know that what is hidden in the deepest part of that fortress is not a nuclear bomb or archives.

But a sleeping archangel."

"That archangel is Raphael? That's Emma!" Arisu Hydrangea was stunned for a while, "Artificial intelligence Emma, ​​was it created by you?"

Coke opened the window and looked at the pattering rain outside.

Arisu Hyoka was just about to shout for Coke, but realized that this was a very abnormal thing. She had never seen a corridor with a window every other door in a residential building, and the windows led to the residential buildings outside.

Outside, according to the design, there is a space difference between the windows and the houses behind each door, and the space difference is more obvious in the weather. On the first floor, the sun has just risen, but now it has turned into rain.

It feels like a parallel world, everything Emma has experienced.

"Do you know what moderation is?"

Before he could speak, Coke continued: "Temperance refers to controlling one's desires and behaviors to maintain moderation and restraint, which is the opposite of greed. You have been to San Francisco, and you know what the field of 'greed' is...



"This is 'temperance'."

Coke put her hand on the wall and scratched it hard, but the wall was like a piece of tissue paper, wrinkled into a ball. She raised her foot and stepped across the window. The height under her feet was a hundred meters. It was obviously only the second floor. The inexplicable gap made the surrounding people feel...

The banners looked out of place. I took a step, but directly crushed the scene in front of me. It was like walking on flat ground, everything was a dream.

Arisu Hydrangea suddenly felt suffocated.

She also tried to jump out of the window, but something different happened to Coke. She was falling rapidly, and the process of falling was not the panic caused by the weightlessness, but the suffocation and oppression caused by the water pressure. She fell to the ground,

What was stirred up was the wet and then dusty soil.

She didn't suffer any injuries, but she couldn't breathe and kept struggling. Her fingers grabbed the hot air, but it should be cold water.

She felt like she was really going to die. She was falling into a situation where her mind was clear but her body couldn't move. She felt dizzy and couldn't breathe smoothly. She felt like someone was pinching her neck and her body felt very uncomfortable. She fell to the first floor, surrounded by

A layer of specimens are floating, spinning, jumping, and flying in the air, sometimes waltzing, sometimes chaotically.

Coke's hand grabbed her and dragged her into the bedroom.

Pink ceiling fan, pink walls, pink bed quilt, pink pajamas, only there are four masks at the door, four smiling masks, but behind them is darkness, and in the darkness, their eyes and mouths are glowing

, the pleasure turned into horror in an instant, the human body was like a bunch of intertwined black lines drawn by a kid, a little like a lizard, a little like a bat, they walked in, those empty eyes were all

It's a circle, with tears flowing down from the eyelids, and a blank space erased with an eraser.

They opened their big black mouths, and Hydrangea Arisu waved her hand to block them.

There was no pain that I could imagine. I opened my eyes and smashed the white paper-like black shadow with my fist. Then it twisted and turned into an infinite upward spiral staircase. The stairwell was filled with ripples of water, and under my feet, there was also an endless downward spiral.

There is a spiral staircase, but the stairwell is filled with bright sunshine and the fragrance of plants.

Arisu Hyoka suddenly discovered that the so-called 'moderation' is the opposite reality to the real world, the so-called 'greed' is the opposite reality to the real world, and dreams exist between the virtual and the real.

The reason why some things in dreams are unrealistic is because the world we live in does not want us to wake up. Why can't we die in dreams? Because we are involved in the real world, so after dreaming, we will forget what happened in the dream. Reality

The world wants to wake people up, but the opposite reality wants to keep people in dreams forever.

She recalled a symposium she once attended on mental illness.

That doctor said that mentally ill patients actually live more transparently than normal people.

From the perspective of idealism, ideas are the first nature of the world, and matter is the second nature of the world. Idealism is a flower blooming on the tree of human knowledge, but it is a flower that bears no fruit because it

The supervisor is actually the spirit, or the spirit is abstracted into all non-entities other than human beings.

On the one hand, modern humans strongly deny idealism and believe in materialism, but at a certain time period, they will sublimate to idealism. And mental patients will directly skip this time period because they are drawn into the intersection of reality and dreams.

, no one knows what this intersection looks like.

She got it.

She is now an ordinary person, in a world of mental illness, suffering and suffocating.

"'Greed' is a reality and can amplify everyone's desires infinitely. When you are in San Francisco, you will find that the scope of your revelation will be extended several times and the attack power will be stronger, because everyone inside wants to be

Heroes are all heroes." Coke said.

"I feel that 'temperance' and 'greed' need to be replaced. 'Temperance' is too depressing." Hydrangea Arisu didn't believe it.

"'Temperance' is like this. If you are afraid of being alone, your mind will cheer for joy. You like the excitement, but in private you will huddle in a corner. Human emotions originate from the brain, and the brain will seek a solution between 'greed' and 'moderation'

Balance, this balance is reality and dreams.”

Coke continued: "'Temperance' is a virtue, but this virtue only shines in real life. Once it is put into the spirit, it will become a bottomless abyss, because human nature is greedy, whether it is a monk or a person.

Believers, human nature is greedy, which is why 'greed' is only under 'arrogance'.

In fact, Lucifer also named Emma’s virtue, Hope. Most people have had such a dream, where they become the person they have seen in the dream or the person who is accompanying them, with relatives and people from the past.

People, people who have dreams, people who have left, when they wake up, they feel that it should be a dream, but they feel real. Sometimes when they wake up, they will laugh, cry, be scared, disappointed, fearful, and hesitant. Yes.

Crying is the influence of 'temperance', because it reminds you to cherish it. Laughing is also the influence of 'temperance', because it reminds you to work hard. Most of the dreams brought about by 'greed' are about money and power.

, dreams of reputation, but many dreams are actually about money, power, and reputation being used on the people you love and the people you expect. 'Temperance' is constantly consuming the desires brought about by 'greed', unless this person

, without even the desire to live, 'temperance' will turn into despair."

The stairs suddenly shattered and returned to the second floor again.

There was a power outage, and the corridor was dark, with only two pairs of crimson eyes shining.

Arisu Hydrangea recalled her previous dream. She was sitting in the passenger seat, holding her pink daughter in her arms. Her faceless husband was driving a Lamborghini. On the roof of the car were her smiling parents, and behind the car were her sister and brother-in-law. They went

Traveling, breaking the glass from the city road, and instantly arriving in the countryside...

Very ridiculous.

But it's very happy, isn't it? When she had this dream, she was performing a mission in the bloody world.

It turns out it’s all due to ‘temperance’.

This chapter has been completed!
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