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Chapter 174: Paper Doll

"You said the person on this bed is Izanagi? The mother goddess of the gods in your Japanese mythology?"

"Not sure." Arisu Mio said, "In the myth, the goddess of fire was accidentally burned to death when she was giving birth to a child. Her husband Izanagi thought about her day and night, so he went to the underworld to find his wife.

When he saw Izanami's body rotting away from the human form due to burns, he fled in a hurry. Izanami became angry and chased her with her Yin soldiers. Finally, a large rock blocked the way to a place called Yomiharazaka."

Hart mustered up the courage to walk to the female body, stretched out his hand to sniff.

This is a very stupid approach, but it is very effective.

Seeing Hart let out a sigh of relief, Arisu Mio plucked up the courage to look at the female body.

"Can you tell me the story of Izanagi and Izanami?" Hart asked. Seeing Mio Arisu's confusion, he scratched his head and said, "I've only heard the names, but I don't know the specific mythology and history."

Arisu Mio said: "The story of Izanagi and Izanami can be told from the beginning to the end of Japanese mythology."

Hart nodded.

"The world at that time was a land called 'land', which was like a ship floating in the ocean. It was very unstable, so the gods ordered Izanagi and Izanami to repair the land. The two stood in the sky

On the floating bridge, he plunged the heavenly spear given by the gods into the sea, stirred the sea water, and then lifted the spear. The seawater dripping from the spear tip condensed into an island, which became a naturally condensed island. " Arisumi.

Xu circled around the table: "After the island was formed, Izanagi and Izanami landed on the island, erected the jade pillars of the sky, built the Yahun Palace, and then began to create and produce 'land'.


"Ask a question." Hart raised the flashlight and looked at the whole body of the woman carefully, "Does the word 'land' at the back mean something else?"

"The 'land' in the front can be understood as a point, and the 'land' in the back can be understood as the process of turning a point into a line and then into a surface."

"How to produce it?" Hart was very curious.

"It's just..." Arisu Mio blushed, "That kind of production."

Hart whistled hooliganally. He was not disrespectful, but in other mythological stories, he either dug holes in mountains or squeezed mud and sneezed. This Japanese myth... really knows how to play.

Mio Arisu said, "The two had a child after their first union, but the fetus had a skeletal underdevelopment and was also called a leech."

"Consequences of consanguineous marriage."

"They put the child into the reed boat and let it flow down the river, and then gave birth to Awashima, which was the same as the leech and was not included in the children born. After receiving the guidance of the gods, the two united and gave birth again.

Awado-no-Hono Sabetsu Island, Iyu-no Niina Island, Oki-no Sanko Island, Chikushishima, Tsushima, Iki Island, Sado Island, Owatoyo Akitsu Island, and Awaji Island, Shikoku, Oki Province

, Kyushu, Tsushima, Ichijima, Sado Island, Honshu...this is the 'land'."

"The memory is so good." Hart became more and more suspicious that the other party was an NPC.

"Mixed races seem to have good memories!"

"Really?" Hart scratched his head in embarrassment.

Arisu Mio went on to say: "After giving birth to the land, Izanaki and Izanami began to give birth to gods again. After giving birth to Kagutsuchi God of Fire, Izanami was attracted by Kagutsutsuchi's own flames.

He suffered burns and was seriously ill in bed, and soon died of the illness. Before Izanami's death, there were fourteen islands where the two gods coexisted, and thirty-three living gods."

Hart understood.

In general, Izanami and Izanagi are the gods who created the entire Japan, which is the same version of myths all over the world. Although it is against common ethics, such myths always seem to be accepted and recognized by the world


"After the death of Izanami, Izanagi was very sad. He drew his ten-hand sword and beheaded his son, Fire Kaguchi Earth God."

"Is the Ten Grip Sword the Congyun Sword of Heaven?" Hart couldn't help but ask.

"The Congyun Sword of the Sky seems to be called the Grass Pheasant Sword, right?"

"Yes...really?" Hart said haha.

"Another name for the Ten Grip Sword is Tian Yu Yu Zhan."

"Is there another one called Budou Mithun?" Hart saw Arisu Mio nodding slowly and breathed a sigh of relief, finally regaining some dignity in front of the girl.

"Izanagi wanted to see his wife Izanami, so he chased her to the Kingdom of Underworld. In front of the main hall of the Kingdom of Underworld, Izanami opened the door to welcome her. During the period, Izanami said a lot, but Izanami

To explain to the God of Underworld about returning to the human world, he could only ask Izanagi not to look at him and wait for him. But Izanagi got impatient with waiting, so he took off the multi-toothed wood from his left bun.

He combed the comb, broke off one of the teeth, lit a fire, and went to the palace to meet his wife. Izanami was found to be covered in maggots, her throat was blocked, and she was bloated.

Izanagi began to run away, and the Yomi army retreated step by step due to Izanagi's various operations. Finally, Izanami came after him personally. Izanagi blocked the Yomi Hirazan with the Senki Stone, and they were separated by the Senki Stone.

Standing face to face, we vowed to be husband and wife."

"A bit of a scumbag."

Hart had watched a similar TV series under Li Ze's powerful Amway, "The Temptation of Going Home," and the words that came to his mind most clearly were the words "You are so sexy."

But a scumbag like Hong Shixian is greedy for Eli and cheats on her love. What is Izanagi?

A man who can love so much that he goes to hell alone to meet his lover will be a scumbag?

But after seeing his lover whose appearance was completely ruined, he abandoned her and ran away, which is somewhat mixed with the temperament of a scumbag. There is no prerequisite for them to fly away when disaster strikes. To be honest, if the female corpse on the table was Izanami, it would be okay.

It can't be said how ugly she is, even though her face was burned by the flames and left ugly black scars, she still has the essence of beauty.

Just ran away.

What's more, he gave birth to so many children and spent so much time with them.

Hart had some weak hands. Driven by curiosity, he couldn't help but reach out and touch. He touched the little finger of the female corpse. For some reason, the palm where the little finger was turned into fly ash and disappeared, leaving behind a person with a paper stick the size of his palm.


This thing is quite unlucky.

But the pain in his fingertips brought Hart back to his senses instantly.

Although it is a paper doll, the doll is so realistic, like...like some unannounced super-adhesive flexible paper material. The hair is so soft and shiny, the skin is delicate and white, and there is no embellishment.

The eyes, which are all white, are staring straight at the flower board. The mouth is slightly open, and the upper and lower rows of fine teeth are shining. If you look closely, you can see that the doll is covered with needles as thin as cow hair from its head to its toes.

, connect the needles with red wires.

Hart swallowed and counted, thirteen.

"It stings?" Hart lost his voice.

Stinging someone is an extremely vicious curse. If you really want the other person to answer the curse, it is not as simple as writing a name. You need to prepare a lot of things. For example, the fabric of the other person's underwear, birth date, hair, and fingernails of the hands and feet. Gather everything together.

Prick acupuncture at the Zi hour when the moonlight is at its strongest, and prick one needle at a time for six consecutive nights, one for the head, hands, feet, and heart. On the seventh night, the curse will be imposed on the person who was pricked.

"Sticking people" is extremely damaging to one's moral character and has a huge backlash. Generally, one will die and the other will be injured. If the person who is cursed has a weaker character, there will be retribution in this world.

Wait, the first taboo on dolls!

Do not place an odd number of dolls anywhere!

Hart hurriedly pushed the female corpse off the table and looked around to see if there were any other paper dolls.

"What happened?" Arisu Mio panicked for no reason.

"Don't you see the taboo on dolls outside?"

Arisu Mio shook his head: "I have been hiding here and didn't dare to go out. I only took a sneak peek when I heard your voice."

"S**t...S**t S**t S**t! Quick! Find if there are any other dolls here!" Hart yelled.

"What happened?" Arisu Mio couldn't figure it out, but she also joined the search team.

"If we can't find an even number of dolls, we will die!" Hart opened the morgue, unceremoniously pulled out the cold corpses and threw them on the ground... He even wanted to crawl inside and rummage through it.

Look for it to be hidden somewhere.

This chapter has been completed!
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