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Chapter 181: Before and After

With this thought in mind, he lowered his head and glanced at the crack in the door. He felt that the owner of the footsteps walked around several times, then left again without finding anything.

It's safe here, but not that safe.

Hart felt a little confused in his heart: "Should we do something like throwing stones to ask for directions? Should we run or should we run."

Arisu Mio picked up a piece of charred debris on the ground and threw it towards the puppet on the table: "I voted, please ask."

"Arisumi... Miss Arisu, I think you are a little strange." Hart couldn't tell what was wrong with Arisu Mio, but her state was very abnormal, especially when he said, "Are you?"

After the sentence "Dwelling on hydrangeas, it is not possible to live on Mio".

"It's nothing strange." Arisu Mio slowly walked to the doll, "Because of the revelation, I thought of something."

Hart walked to the opposite side suspiciously. The moonlight shone down, but it was green, just a faint green light. Finally, he discovered that the countertops of this morgue were made of materials that could reflect light and completely reflect the shape, like mirrors!


——Don’t place the doll in a place exposed to moonlight!

Hart was so frightened that one Buddha came out of his body and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. His neck was as hard as a stone and he turned around hurriedly.

There is no doubt that the surroundings are sealed. In order to keep the corpse intact, the temperature in the morgue is extremely low and there is fog, which can only stay in mid-air - so where does the moonlight come from?

Hart hurriedly discarded his armor, took off his coat, and covered the doll with his shirt. He didn't care about fear, just to cover the doll completely. He even didn't care about fear, stretched out his hands tremblingly, and covered the doll like Jenga.

Tuck it all under your clothes.

His upper body was bare, but he couldn't feel the slightest bit of coldness on his body surface. Instead, his heart felt stinging and cold as if hundreds of ice picks were piercing it deeply.

There were rustling sounds all around, not mice or insects, but a bit like old men and old ladies chattering in a low voice.

——If there is a strange sound, and it sounds like a human voice, be sure not to look at the doll’s eyes!

Hart no longer even felt panic anymore, except for his violent heartbeat and the rustling.

But when he woke up and looked at the miserable bulging figure through his clothes, he felt depressed and panicked again.

This feeling is very strange, as if there is a hook, which has opened a slit in the head and slid in, hooking the brain. Countless ants crawled along, neither eating nor biting, and covered his whole body with just six legs.

Made it quite uncomfortable.

Sometimes the drum beats, sometimes the cat scratches, sometimes a certain muscle becomes tense due to excitement, and sometimes goosebumps appear on the skin.

Looking down, I saw a few hairs on the countertop.

——If you find that your hair is not yours, burn it with fire immediately!

Hart felt that he was about to die, that he would be suffocated to death by this cocoon. He didn't care whose hair it was, so he grabbed it and took out the lighter in his trouser pocket and burned it. The protein was burnt and he briefly lost his breath.

Right, the cool and sharp scratching sound pierced his brain for a moment. His eyes were blood red, which was a symptom of eyeball congestion.

Mio Arisu scratched her fingernails on the countertop: "In Japan, the placement of indoor mirrors is very particular. Mirrors cannot be placed in the bedroom. Even if there are, they cannot be exposed to the outside anytime and anywhere; mirrors must not be hung on the ceiling; and mirrors cannot be placed on the bed.

Mirrors; mirrors must not be placed in the bathroom; when people are motionless indoors, the most time is at night. Placing mirrors in these places will give ghosts a chance to escape when the human body's yang energy is at its weakest. And the most vicious ones

The most important thing is the mirror placed directly opposite the door. A mirror in this position will reverse the feng shui of the entire house and turn it into a 'ghost land'!"

Hart was stunned for a moment: "Ghost land?"

"In Onmyoji, the 'Ghost Land' is also called the 'Death Land' and the 'Sealed Land'." Arisu Mio spread her palms out and flattened them on the countertop without using any force, but the countertop was easily broken into rubbish.

"Mirror Ghost, don't use it if you have the ability to seal it."

Hart heard Monk Joji scratching his head, and Arisu Mio continued: "There is no seal that prevents non-sealed people from entering."

Suddenly there was a bright green light inside the house, strange ripples rippled on the walls, and an image slowly emerged.

That is half of a woman's face, and the other half is deeply hidden in the long hair hanging down!

Hart didn't know whether he was feeling fear or something else. He stared at the face carefully. Although it was not very clear, he could vaguely see the appearance of Arisu Mio... Arisu Mio...


What a hell, I obviously don’t believe in the Buddhas and gods, but at this time, I actually bend down to pray with my hands folded. No, he was praying before, from Jesus to Allah, from Sakyamuni to Nuwo Fuxi.

, but that was fear, now I am completely pious.

Not only can I see the faces of the people around me in the picture, but my own face is also on it.

It's like a character introduction, and then the screen changes. In the room, facing the window, the man is facing him, his hand is moving up and down constantly. The arm is mechanical and stiff, holding a comb in his hand, and that picture

The face is exactly the same as his. If he had shaved himself a few days ago and looked as handsome as before, he wouldn't have said anything. But the problem is that the face now has the same stubble as his own, and even the fresh blood stains are still clearly visible.

On the side of the ear.

On the chair in front of him, there was a woman in red sitting with her long hair hanging down her back. The man was holding her hair and combing her hair. After combing it for a long time, the woman stood up and faced the man, because she was being beaten by the man.

Blocked by the tall figure, he could only see the woman's waving arms, as if both of them were agitated, and the man pointed at the bed from time to time.

Hart looked in the direction pointed by the man's finger and discovered that there was a round package on the bed, shaking a few times from time to time.

The woman in red seemed to notice something, and suddenly pushed away the man's hand and walked towards the bed.

The green light was indeed a bit heavier. Hart tried hard to see the further movements of the two people, but found that it was impossible. Under this kind of lighting, it really had a psychological 'inhibitor' effect, just like a man alone.

Audiences watching horror movies in the cinema follow the plot with fear, but gradually become mentally confused and lose control.

However, next he saw a bloody scene.

The man slowly put the comb on the table, took out a gleaming sharp knife from the drawer, rushed behind the woman in a few steps, raised the thing in his hand, and stabbed the back of the woman's head.

At this time, the woman had picked up the package and was about to open it, but her body suddenly stopped. The tip of the knife was poked out from the position of her right eye. There was a round eyeball on it, which seemed to be rotating slightly. There was an unbelievable look in her left eye.

With fear, he looked at the right eyeball that had been pushed out. The deep, dark eye socket spurted out blood so red that it was almost black, and the entire face was covered in thick blood before the expression of pain could be revealed.

As the man pulled out the dagger, the woman's eyeball was brought back into its socket, and then was pushed out again with blood.

For some reason, the picture suddenly zoomed in, and he seemed to be standing in this room filled with the smell of blood, and he could see it particularly clearly.

The woman is Arisu Mio, the man is him, ferocious, terrifying, twisted, exaggerated... When the appearance of these two people was fixed in his mind, he almost couldn't stand the stimulation, and his brain hurt violently.

It's like being hit hard with a stick!

The woman lay softly on the ground, her body twitched slightly, and her fingertips accidentally opened the shackles.

The contents of the package were shaken out. They were a pregnancy test stick and a pregnancy test sheet. The pregnancy test sheet had a big name written on it - Izanami.

"Izanami..." Hart swallowed hard, or rather, the saliva. They were obviously the same thing, but Hart was very clear that what he was swallowing now was hard.

The bubbles made his throat hurt.

Then, the moonlight came in, and the man holding his face began to transform into a werewolf with a human head and a wolf body. His hair grew rapidly, and his face... transformed into Arisu Mio.

And, Izanami...'s face peeled off, revealing the face...that was bloated, deformed, and burned by fire.

What's the meaning?

The cranial nerves hurt as if they were red-hot with a hot iron... Hart clutched his skull tightly, fearing that it would explode in pain.

What is this?

It’s not yet clear whether the little beauty in front of you is Arisu Mio or Arisu Hydrangea, and now it’s revealed that the werewolf is actually Arisu Mio?

With such a face?

Painted skin?

This chapter has been completed!
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