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Chapter 77 Subway Taboo

 There is no light in the tunnel, it is like being in another world.

In terms of essential differences from ordinary tunnels, the new subway tunnels are clean and huge, and some can even pass two subway trains. And this abandoned subway is like an ancient tomb that may collapse at any time.

The sound of water dripping "tick-tick-tick" was far away and sometimes close. The deep tunnel was like a bug. They jumped off the platform and were about to walk deeper into the tunnel.

"Are you ready?" Bu Shuchang asked the thirteen operators behind him.

"The portable XM214 Gatling and magazine are ready, with a total ammunition capacity of 1,400 rounds, all replaced with 'Michael bullets'."

"The Barrett M82A2 is ready. Under the transformation of the Equipment Department, the M82A2 is no longer a sniper model and has been converted into a rifle. There is no need to worry about short-range attacks."

"If possible, I really want to dismantle the Phalanx and carry it in."

"Why don't you bring the Tomahawk missiles in too."

Everyone became more and more interested as they talked, and even started laughing. This kind of atmosphere is particularly rare, but for the soldiers who are about to enter the battlefield, they are more like heroes who are determined to die.

They are all equipped with weapons from the Equipment Department, and even flamethrowers with mercury added. It is said that the compressed substance inside can provide a spray volume of nearly an hour. Unbelievable, indeed unbelievable. But those crazy people in the Equipment Department know everything

It can be done. Just like the unformed powered exoskeleton armor, they distributed the product to them while it was still being tested, but the effect was extraordinary. The strong man carrying Gatling was carrying it easily and almost more comfortably than walking.

The magazine is still high and even jumped twice.

It's really strange to say that the more fully equipped you are, the more you feel like you're getting nothing. On the contrary, if you don't have much equipment, you seem to be able to win more.

Bu Shuchang thoughtfully put on a special body armor for Mary. This latest nanomaterial can resist the monster's claws without damaging the internal organs.

Andrea turned on the searchlight, and the place where the light beam swept was full of sand and stones. Today is January 4th, and two days ago there was a small earthquake in London. Rusted steel bars and concrete, and stones of different sizes were on top of the head.

It poured into the tunnel and turned into ruins, but the pictures of London in the 1990s posted around it made people feel as if the place had just stopped operating.

But when it comes to earthquakes, the entire UK should be more prone to earthquakes in Northern Ireland and the southeastern region. The earthquake in London was somewhat unexpected.

Mary stared at the entrance of the tunnel, which had no gaps to drill through, and frowned: "It feels like it was arranged."

"It's indeed a coincidence." Bu Shuchang said.

"Because the tunnel that collapsed during the earthquake was exactly the direction the previous team entered, but the tunnel on the other side was safe and sound, unless the construction team on one side did not take a penny and the other construction team took 90% of the money." Andrei

Ya said.

Bu Shuchang was startled for a moment, feeling like a rattlesnake was rubbing its tail in the bottom of his heart, making his heart itch.

Yes, it's too much of a coincidence...but it's also too much of a coincidence. Just like Mary said, it feels like someone has arranged this drama in advance and manipulated them to go to the other side.

Just like putting a white mouse into a maze, letting the white mouse keep wandering around in the maze, running forward on unknown roads, making the white mouse who is ready to pass the level lose its direction and make unreasonable guesses about when.

Where will danger and struggle occur?

That hand seals the door that must lead to danger, and the other door may be closing the Minotaur!

"Let's go, we can only move forward from this way." Bu Shuchang instructed.

Andrea waved her hand and let the two team members wearing chemical protective suits take the lead: "No. 1, No. 3!"

It is also a masterpiece of the equipment department. It is corrosion-resistant, fire-proof and electricity-proof. Except for the barrel protruding from the sleeve, the rest of the gun is airtight.

The light beam illuminates the entire tunnel, as if the darkened basement has been moved to an open space and exposed to the sun.

I walked for nearly 5 minutes.

In order to avoid construction difficulties, the height of the tunnel is not particularly high, just enough to pass the subway. In the era when there were no shield machines, such a project appeared. Apart from being described as great, I really can’t think of anything else to describe it.

Words to praise those engineers and workers.

The mossy walls are lined with large and small rusty water pipes, extending to the top of the arch. The damp walls make a "buzzing" sound from the inside, like a swarm of wasps trapped inside, banging around.

Fly out.

This is normal human psychology.

The quieter the place, the harder it is to stay. Human beings have rich thoughts and emotions, and being easy to fantasize is a major difference between humans. People who lack imagination take one step at a time, and people with imagination are rich in creativity, but there was once such a situation.

The experiment locked people alone in a room without computers, music, books, or any entertainment. Even people who think they are used to being quiet and emotionless cannot persist for more than dozens of hours.

They are all members of the executive department who have undergone strict training, but in such a quiet and dark space, they always feel that they are hearing and visual hallucinations... It's like lying in bed alone after watching a horror movie, always thinking

Will a ghost hand come out from under the bed?

One of the team members staggered on the rails. His foot slipped and he fell directly to the ground.

The collision between the gun barrel and steel caused the sound to spread to the distance like a greedy snake.

The sound between iron and iron should be fierce and crisp, but that sound is like the scratching sound of nails on a blackboard, making everyone tremble as if they had taken a bite of a peach.

"Something is coming." Mary's keen perception allowed her to discover the seriousness of the situation first.

Everyone shines their flashlights forward together.

But the thing in Mary's mouth was like a child playing "one, two, three wooden figures". When they turned their heads, the thing stopped and stopped moving.

"What is it?" Bu Shuchang asked.

"The things you saw on TV." Mary hurriedly pulled her up the reserved trail next to Bu Shuchang Tunnel, "Subway."


Just as Bu Shuchang finished speaking in surprise, a harsh sound of air friction came from the dark place where the light did not shine, like countless ghosts screaming in hell, and a gust of cold air hit his face from the end of the tunnel. The lights of the subway were far away.

It shines brightly in the distance, like two huge eyes of a monster.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, followed their instincts in disbelief, and quickly climbed up the sidewalk to avoid the speeding subway.

Damn it!


Everyone stared at the subway. Through the glass, they saw that it was full of people, and they were flesh and blood, and they were even talking and laughing.

How is this possible!


This is an abandoned subway station and abandoned tracks. How can there still be trains running normally?

Bu Shuchang stared at the carriage, and suddenly a very ridiculous idea came to his mind. He looked directly at Andrea beside him: "Senior, do you know the superstitious taboos in the East?"

"What?" Andrea naturally didn't know how he could possibly learn all the knowledge.

"Taboos about the subway." Bu Shuchang stretched out his hand and approached the high-speed train as if he was not afraid of being hit. "After ten o'clock at night, it is best not to take the subway. If you find that the carriage is full of people, get off immediately."

This chapter has been completed!
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