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Chapter 9 Angels and Demons

 "Jian Huachen is B-level. Your blood can awaken angels like land, and it is delicious food for demons." Professor Philip explained.

"I'm B-level?" Clearly dissatisfied, Jian Huachen yelled at the three people in front of him, "How can the proud man of heaven be B-level? Are you mistaken? Since Lu Lu is all A-level, I am at least A-level."

-Left and right."

"The academy only has A-level and B-level. There is no such thing as A-. If we did, we would downgrade you to B-level. You think the higher the level, the better. The higher the level, the greater the authority, but the greater the risk factor. You don't want to

Just shut up." Professor Philip was obviously disappointed.

Jian Huachen was dumbfounded. In his eyes, the old man in front of him suddenly turned into something like an old devil in a bottle, ready to bite off his head at any time.

"...and me?"

"You don't need it." Professor Philip's eyes sparkled. "I mean you don't need a scalpel. We drew your blood in advance because we were curious. You were not injured when we found you under the rubble. It's so weird."

I’m curious.”

"Why do I need a scalpel?" Jian Huachen was unwilling.

"Because you just woke up today, you 160cm tall and 160cm weight little fat guy, you are the same as Lu Lu, but Lu Lu woke up on the first day, but you just woke up today, which means you slept for seven whole days. Contemporary

Science and technology cannot detect whether you are comatose or sleeping, but your performance surprised me, Jian Huachen. Although you lived a rich and enjoyable life before, but now... I'm sorry, you have nothing but money, and

You have a higher bloodline and will be vulnerable to attack if you are released. If you don’t want to die, just follow us and make some changes, okay?" Professor Philip sighed softly.

He said with a sad face, "Okay, okay..."

"Lize." Professor Philip and Rui En looked at each other, "There is a big mystery about you. You were attacked. Before the city was reduced to ruins, you saw monsters. We extracted them from the ruins.

When it comes to substances, you have been injured because the white blood cell content in your body is high, but the cause of leukemia has been ruled out. Among the three, you are the one who piques my interest the most."

"What if I survived accidentally? I don't even know what happened after I was in coma." Li Ze said weakly. He was still unwilling to hand over the little girl's affairs because he felt...

..That little girl is very important to him.

"So it's a mystery." Professor Philip murmured.

Wren took out a small tube of blood from the jar.

That's liquid nitrogen. We've seen too many supernatural events, so it's no problem that liquid nitrogen can't freeze specimens. But this is blood, and even if there are factors in it, it shouldn't be liquid.

Ruien turned on the switch. It was a very sophisticated design. Maybe the entire small tube was of high-tech design. The blood entered the solution along the tube, but... the little devil did not change at all, and even moved his lips.


"Haha, you are not as good as me, Li Ze."

Jian Huachen laughed, Hart and Ruien shrugged, as if they had known the result for a long time, while Lu Lu looked on sadly.

"Okay." Professor Philip took adequate precautions and put the bottle back into the jar that was smoking white. "Your bloodline is only f. Although I don't want to hit you, your bloodline may be better than five generations and six generations."

Even rarer, although your parents are both from the academy, it seems that their genes have not been integrated in you. However, we are still honored that you can join us. I am your direct tutor. Welcome, Li


"Because of the mystery about me?" Li Ze sighed.

"It's not all because of that. There is a basement in the college. Only your mother and the principal have the authority to open it. The authority is your mother's blood and the old guy's access card. I have long wanted to go in and have a look. If you take me

Bring it in, not to mention the scholarship, I can also allocate US dollars every year from my name as living allowance, which will be enough for you to become famous in four years of university." Professor Philip slapped the table with his big hand, and he wanted to rush over and hug Li Ze.

to show your happiness.

"What about me? Do I have it too?" Jian Huachen asked.

"I'm going to find your professor. Your and Lu Lu's first-name professor is Ora Buley, not me." Professor Philip said.

"You are also my mentor." Rui En stretched out his hand, "I am a freshman in college. I am only half a year ahead of you. Please take care of me."

Jian Huachen was peeking at Rui En's feet, and Li Ze knew what he was looking at. They were the pair of signature basketball shoes.

In fact, Jian Huachen should have looked at the women's bag on the table, which was worth more than 100,000 US dollars, but Jian Huachen probably didn't understand, so naturally he didn't pay attention.

"I am Professor Philip, a roommate and a junior, please give me some advice." Hart extended his hand to Li Ze.

When the whole place cleared up, the barriers were removed, and the coffee and scented tea that had been ordered were served steaming hot, along with desserts, including fancy chocolate fountains, baguettes, macarons, and even dark stinky tofu.

Hart ate so happily that he stuffed three pieces into his mouth. It was obvious that he had a special liking for this kind of delicacies.

Professor Philippe stood up and saluted like a gentleman. This old man with French ancestry always did things in a prudent manner. With the help of the waiter, a giant oil painting appeared behind him. Professor Philippe grabbed a corner of the canvas and pulled it open suddenly.

The ferocious picture was exposed to the light. The moment Li Ze's eyes touched the oil painting, he felt that a force was sucking him in.

On one side is hell, on the other side is heaven, and in the middle is the place where humans live. Hell is full of skeletons, but demons are not in hell. Heaven is full of golden light, but angels are not in heaven. In the center of the human world, there is a huge cross, and a naked girl is miserable.

Hanging on it, a pair of light wings, a pair of fire wings, and a pair of feather wings were torn apart by the angels and demons on both sides. A curve of red stretched from the soles of the girl's feet to the bottom of the painting, like the finishing touch, it almost flowed out.


"Lucifer?" Lu Lu's voice trembled.

"That's right, Lucifer. To be more precise, the beloved son of God and the leader of hell. According to the account in the myth of Christ, he brought one-third of the angels to fall into prison and became the leader, but there are almost no records in the Bible or other religious texts.

They all deliberately avoided it." Professor Philip pointed at the girl in the center, "But according to the ancient books circulating, Lucifer was condemned by God and exiled, but when he fell into hell, the gates of hell and heaven could not be closed for some reason, and the angels

In order to compete with the devil for Lucifer, the angels in the painting are no longer in heaven and the devil is no longer in hell."

"That is...it's all in our world." Jian Huachen swallowed.

"Indeed." Professor Philip nodded, "In places you don't know, there may be first-generation species. In places you know, they may have reproduced for more than ten or twenty generations. That kind of bloodline is so thin that it is not necessary because there is no way to

The problem of explanation is that angels cannot return to heaven and demons cannot return to hell. Their respective powers weaken step by step, and then they remain like this for thousands of years. No one knows who is an angel and who is a demon. There are angels mixed in a person's body at the same time.

Possibly even the blood of demons."

"What's the purpose?" Li Ze asked.

"Slaughter the original sin."

"Original sin?"

"Yes, the seven original sins, or the seven deadly sins, are pride, jealousy, wrath, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust. These are the devils of hell. They also came to the human world to compete for Lucifer's power when Lucifer fell to heaven. Of course

, the Archangels of the Seven Virtues are also in the human world. They fell silent for thousands of years, but in 1908, the Tunguska explosion shocked the world." Professor Philip said.

"Isn't that a meteorite?" Li Ze was surprised, "Could it be the Seven Original Sins?"

"Yes, it's greed among the seven deadly sins." Professor Philip explained, "Child, no one can explain what science is. Some things may become less scientific the more scientific you think they are. That explosion was equivalent to the equivalent of 20 million tons of TNT.

The power is about 1,000 times that of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb, just because greed unleashes our faith."

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