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Chapter 11 Treasure Hunting in Gulin Temple (2)

 Lin Mo picked up the detector and started to detect it again. The detector rang several times. Unfortunately, it was not nails or other debris, just a few copper coins. No other more valuable items were found. Lin Mo found that

After exploring one wall, he walked towards the other wall and said, "Brother Lin, come here quickly. I found a big deal here. Come help me dig it out."

Hearing someone calling him, Lin Mo raised his head and found Yang Haicheng calling him not far in front of him. "Teacher, there is something discovered over there in Haicheng. Let's go over and have a look." Lin Mo saw the teacher also moving the wall to the other side.

They also detected the head on one side and called the teacher. Gong Qiming nodded and they walked towards Yang Haicheng.

Yang Haicheng was about 50 meters away from the group of people. They arrived after a while. They saw Yang Haicheng probing around an old wooden stake. Next to him were two people standing with him. Their names were Zhao Changze and Zhang Xiwen. They were in the military academy.

He usually plays with Yang Haicheng, is Yang Haicheng's good friend, and is also very familiar with Lin Mo.

Lin Mo stepped forward and asked the two of them: "Old Zhao, Old Zhang, what's going on?"

Zhao Changze pointed to the tree stump in front of Yang Haicheng and said, "We just came here and found that there were sounds all around the tree stump. Xiwen thought we might have dug up a treasure, so he called you to come over and help." Lin Mo listened.

He nodded and picked up the detector and went to the tree stump to explore.

"Beep, beep..." As soon as they arrived at the tree stump, Lin Mo's detector kept beeping. After a while, Lin Mo searched around the stump and found that there were sounds all around the stump. It seemed that he had found a buried treasure.

, but I remember that later reports said it was under the wall. It seems that there must be something else underneath. It seems that my guess is good, there must be other treasures.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo quickly called a few people over to dig together, saying: "Let's start digging around the tree stump to see if the things are above or below the tree roots."

A few people nodded, and the seven of them dug hard. After digging for a while, they found the roots of the tree. Lin Mo said, "Yixuan, go to the car and get the machete." Liu Yixuan nodded and put the shovel aside.

Walk towards the car.

Seeing Liu Yixuan gone, Lin Mo said to several people: "Let's remove all the topsoil where the detector went off. Yixuan will come back later and chop down the tree roots." Several people nodded.

, and then started digging, Lin Mo found that the roots of the tree were spreading out in all directions. It seemed that the person who buried the treasure had deliberately planted them. Lin Mo looked at the tree stump carefully, but unfortunately Lin Mo didn't know what kind of tree it was.

, but looking at the tree stump with a diameter of more than one meter, it must be more than a hundred years old, Lin Mo thought in his heart.

Lin Mo and others were very fast, and in a short time they dug out the soil within two meters of the tree stump to a depth of half a meter. However, due to the presence of tree roots, they could no longer dig further, so they sat down on the edge of the pit.

We started talking.

Yang Haicheng looked at the tree stump and said, "Teacher, this tree stump looks like it's hundreds of years old." Hearing this, Lin Mo and others also stopped talking and looked at Gong Qiming. Gong Qiming glared at Yang Haicheng,

He said loudly: "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. This is a ginkgo tree. It should be two or three hundred years old."

Lin Mo thought for a while and asked: "Teacher, doesn't that mean that the things below should be two or three hundred years old."

Yang Haicheng interrupted: "Brother Lin, can't you?" Lin Mo rolled his eyes at him and explained: "Look at the shape of the tree roots, they almost surround the things below. This tree is either the person who buried the treasure.

Either it was planted to cover it up, or it was planted later, but I prefer the former, because it is difficult for future generations to grow the tree roots like this."

Gong Qiming and a few others nodded. Yang Haicheng thought for a while and nodded in agreement. Gong Qiming said: "Lin Mo observes very carefully. It's okay to say this. Just study more and you will be able to do it in a short time."

It’s time to graduate and go to the battlefield. If you be careful, you might be able to save your own life.” After hearing this, several people nodded in agreement.

"Brother Lin, I brought the things for you." Hearing Liu Yixuan's voice from behind, Lin Mo turned around and saw that he was holding a lot of things. Lin Mo quickly stood up and took the things down. When he saw him

He brought over a dozen iron buckets and several machetes and asked, "Why did you bring so many buckets here?"

Liu Yixuan listened and replied: "When I just went to get the things, I met Wang Du. He said that the eldest brother and the second brother had dug out a pool of money. I went with him to take a look and found that several barrels had been filled.

I thought there were not enough buckets here, so I brought some more."

The eldest and second brothers mentioned by Liu Yixuan were Li Changwu and Zhao Pingnian. Hearing Liu Yixuan's words, Lin Mo nodded and said: "Well, we should get more. The eldest brother and the second brother should have dug the wishing pool, but in the wishing pool

How come the money is left? Shouldn't it have been taken away?"

"It should be that the house was blown up during the war and buried. I saw that all they cleared out of the pool were bricks and rotten tiles." Lin Mo nodded, stopped asking, and asked Liu Yixuan to sit down and rest.

A while.

The group rested for a few minutes. Lin Mo took a machete and chopped a few times on a tree root beside the pit. After cutting a gap, he walked to the tree stump and started chopping on the same root.

Yang Haicheng, Zhang Xiwen and Zhao Changze each took a machete and chopped down the tree stump. The tree stump was not easy to cut. It took Lin Mo four or five minutes to cut off the roots. After cutting off the roots, Lin Mo took the knife.

Lift the tree up a little, spread your legs and stand as if you were riding on the tree roots, then squat down and hug the tree roots, and pull up hard. Lin Mo slowly pulled the tree roots up. After Lin Mo stood up straight,

Then he stepped back little by little, and the tree roots began to make a "squeaking..." sound. Lin Mo turned around carefully, put the tree roots on his shoulders, and pushed forward with all his strength, "squeaking......squeaking..."

...Pa…Papa…" The root of the tree was inferred. Gong Qiming and others quickly came over to help. They cut off the connected parts with knives and threw the roots out of the pit. Yang Haicheng and others saw that there was something there.

Following the example, with everyone's efforts, it didn't take long to clean up all the tree roots.

After cleaning the tree roots, everyone looked at the tree stump. Since the soil around the tree stump had been cleared when cleaning the tree roots, the tree stump was exposed to everyone. The tree stump had fallen to one side and there were no roots underneath. "We

Clean out the stumps as well." Lin Mo and the others nodded after hearing what the teacher said.

Everyone walked up, grabbed a small piece of root left behind when cleaning the tree roots, lifted the tree stump with all their hands, and slowly moved the tree stump to the edge of the pit. "Come on, everyone, listen to my command and work hard together."
Seeing everyone nodding, Lin Mo shouted the command: "One, two, three, get up..." Everyone used all their strength to lift the tree stump out of the pit, and pushed the tree stump away, and then stopped to rest while breathing heavily.


After resting for a while, everyone picked up the tools and started digging again. "We should be digging soon. You have to be gentler." Seeing everyone digging, Yang Haicheng quickly reminded. "Okay, everyone knows, let's go first."

Put the soil in the bucket and take it out again." After saying that, he brought the iron bucket and handed it to everyone.

With the efforts of several people, when the pit was dug to a depth of nearly one meter, Zhang Xiwen was the first to make a discovery. Everyone gathered around and found that it was the edge of an altar. Zhang Xiwen peeled away the soil at the mouth of the altar and removed the edge of the altar.

The lid was taken off, and it was filled with rusty copper coins. You could still see traces of stringing. Gong Qiming squatted down and took out some coins. He selected some with clear writing and wiped them clean. After studying them, everyone looked at

Got him.

Gong Qiming studied for a while and found that everyone was looking at him and said: "This batch of things should be from the late Ming Dynasty. You see, a lot of this money is money from Tianqi, Taichang, and Chongzhen. There is no money from the Qing Dynasty."

After saying that, he found the money and showed it to everyone, and everyone nodded. In fact, except for Lin Mo, who knew a little bit, no one knew much about it, but they still trusted the teacher's level.

"Okay, you won't understand even if I tell you, keep digging." Everyone looked at each other awkwardly, with wry smiles on their faces, and quickly picked up the tools and started digging.

After a while, everyone made a discovery. After cleaning up the soil, they found that there were eleven large jars. The diameter of the large jars was nearly one meter, but most of the jars were still buried in the soil. They didn't know how high they were.

, but it is still more than one meter in any case, and one of them has been broken, right next to the jar Zhang Xiwen just discovered.

"Let's open them one by one! Let's clean out the one Zhang Xiwen opened just now and the broken one first." Because some jars were sealed, just like wine jars, everyone nodded in agreement.

Everyone first poured out the soil in the bucket, then took the bucket to the jar and broken jar that Zhang Xiwen had dug, and started to dig out the jar in a hurry. Many copper coins were stuck together due to rust, and there were stacks of them.

, it was not difficult to get it out. With the cooperation of everyone, I took out more than half of it without much effort.

However, because it was too deep, the first jar they found could no longer be dug out. Everyone could only break the jars into pieces and continue digging out. It took everyone more than ten minutes to finally empty out the two jars and take out five full buckets.

One person couldn't lift the copper coins at all, so it took two people to lift the bucket out of the pit.

After lifting the bucket out of the pit, everyone turned their attention to the remaining jars. Lin Mo found that there were still three jars that were not sealed, so he took off the lids of the jars and found that they were still copper coins. Everyone followed suit.

The copper coins in the three jars were put into buckets, and eight more buckets were filled. Lin Mo felt that the buckets were not enough, so he asked Liu Yixuan to get the buckets.

Everyone turned their attention to the remaining jar, which had a seal. Everyone knew that the contents inside must be more valuable than the copper coins. As for what was more valuable than the copper coins, it must only be gold and silver. Thinking of this, everyone felt hot in their hearts.

Even the fatigue of digging disappears completely.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Lin Mo didn't hesitate, took a machete, smashed the seal of a jar with the back of the knife, cleaned up the fragments, opened the lid of the jar, and looked inside. There were silver ingots inside the jar.

, but unlike in later TV series, the silver ingot is black, with pits and holes and teeth marks on it, which is very disgusting.

But when he thought they were silver, Lin Mo thought they were so cute. Everyone hurriedly took out the silver ingots and put them in the bucket. Lin Mo continued to knock on the jar. The first few were the same silver ingots as the first one.

Or pieces of silver, until the fifth one. After Lin Mo knocked the jar seal drunk, he opened the jar. What he saw was no longer black, but a piece of gold. When he took a closer look, he found that it was a whole jar of gold ingots.
Lin Mo excitedly took out one and looked at it. When everyone saw it, they quickly gathered around. Lin Mo handed the gold ingot in his hand to everyone, and then knocked on the next jar. What he saw was still gold, but it was not an ingot.

, but small gold nuggets. Lin Mo tried his best to calm down his excitement, knocked on the seal of the last altar, cleaned the seal, opened the altar cover, and what he saw was a colorful inlaid with various gems and jade.

Jewelry, accessories, Buddha statues, tableware, etc.

Everyone was excited about the discovery of the last three jars for a while before they calmed down and cleaned up the remaining jars. Finally, they almost filled all the buckets Liu Yixuan brought before they finished digging. They filled thirty large buckets.

By this time, he was exhausted and fell onto the grass next to him without any image. No one wanted to move anymore.

Lin Mo looked at the blue sky and listened to the breathing next to him. He seemed to have returned to the university in his previous life. He went out to play basketball with his brothers in the dormitory until he collapsed on the lawn when he was exhausted. Thinking of this,

Lin Mo silently vowed to help them survive better in this apocalyptic world, and at least increase their chances of survival.

This chapter has been completed!
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