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Chapter 110 Still not moving

 After Zhao Pingnian left, Gong Qiming asked Lin Mo: "Lin Mo, you didn't elaborate just now, have you already determined that these people are Japanese spies?"

Hearing the teacher's question, Lin Mo shook his head and said, "Teacher, I wasn't sure just now so I didn't elaborate."

"Oh, is there any problem here?"

Hearing this, Lin Mo nodded and said: "Teacher, I have said before that Chen Shirong's group is too small in number. Although all the clues have pointed to them now, the second brother has been observing them for two days.

, but they have never shown any signs of contact with other people. If they really have not been in contact with other people, it will be very difficult for us to find other people."

"The most important clue we have figured out now is that this group of Japanese came to Nanjing to conduct surveying and mapping. And the Chen Shirong people we have found now, if they are Japanese spies, then they must be doing surveying and mapping tasks."

"In this case, other members of this Japanese spy team must be carrying out other tasks, and we are basically unaware of these tasks now."

"If Chen Shirong and others don't contact each other, then we may have to look for a needle in a haystack."

Hearing what Lin Mo said, Gong Qiming frowned. After thinking about it carefully, he asked Lin Mo: "Lin Mo, didn't you say that this group of Japanese spies came to Nanjing for surveying and mapping? Why did they still return to Nanjing?"

Will there be other tasks?"

Hearing the teacher's question, Lin Mo explained: "Teacher, some of the surveying and mapping of city maps is not just about surveying and mapping the street map. In many cases, the layout of the buildings will also be surveyed and even more detailed.

Electrical lines, water supply pipes, etc. will all be surveyed and mapped."

"As for surveying and mapping, they only need to have a rough map of Nanjing like ours in their hands. As long as their own detailed map comes out, they can mark it accordingly."

"Surveying and mapping are not like surveying and mapping streets at all, where people have to go to the streets to measure one by one."

"It's like measuring wire lines. The wires basically run along the street. When surveying and mapping, you just need to walk around the street along the wires, note which streets they passed, and then go back and mark them with a simple map."
"As for surveying and mapping the layout of the building, it's very simple. Just find an identity, such as a reporter or a tenant, etc., and then go directly into the building to visit, and you can basically find out the situation."

"This situation is too hidden, and there are not many loopholes. If we really want to search for it, we basically have to look for it bit by bit like looking for a needle in a haystack before we can find them."

After listening to this, Gong Qiming nodded and said to Lin Mo: "Lin Mo, don't worry too much now. Since they are in the same group, it is not realistic to not contact them at all. We need to observe them for a while, and we can always

There will be opportunities for us to seize."

After hearing what the teacher said, Lin Mo nodded.

Sun Jihai, who was on the sidelines, saw this situation and quickly asked Lin Mo: "Master Lin, what should I do now?"

Hearing Sun Jihai's question, Lin Mo thought for a moment and said, "Old Sun, now that you have met the people from Chen Shirong's side, it is impossible to go back there."

"As for where you are going, you should stay here for now. When I see where there is a shortage of people in other places, I will arrange for you to go there."

When Sun Jihai heard this, he nodded, walked to the side and sat down honestly.

After Gong Qiming heard the conversation between the two, he immediately realized that there were only a few people left on his side now. If Lin Mo took action the day after tomorrow, wouldn't there be even fewer people?

Thinking of this, Gong Qiming asked: "Lin Mo, are there too few people left here? If you wait until the day after tomorrow and you take action yourself, wouldn't Haicheng and I be the only ones left here?"
Lin Mo reacted when he heard what the teacher said. Just when he was about to speak, he heard Yang Haicheng interrupt: "Brother Lin, I also have action, you won't just let me stay here, right?"

Hearing what Yang Haicheng said, Lin Mo suddenly had a headache.

The teacher is right. The teacher cannot be the only one left in the courtyard. There must be some people to help, and these people can provide timely support when an emergency occurs somewhere.

As for Yang Haicheng, Lin Mo doesn't plan to take him with him for the time being, but he doesn't want to give him other tasks either. He must stay here.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo said: "Teacher, this is what I think. It's really impossible if you don't have manpower here. I plan to wait for the few students we are observing here. After the observation is over tomorrow, a few people will stay here, and then I will

We also selected a few more people from other places to form a team of six or seven people. On the one hand, they help the teachers in normal times, and on the other hand, they can be asked to support when there is an emergency somewhere."

"As for the people to be transferred, they all need to have good skills and marksmanship, so that they can handle some special situations."

"In this way, they can usually leave a few people to deal with the teacher's affairs and practice fighting here, and others can go to the shooting range to practice shooting."

"In this way, they will be more trained and can come in handy when we capture Japanese spies."

When Gong Qiming heard what Lin Mo said, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do as you say. It's up to you to choose who else is suitable."

"Okay, teacher."

Yang Haicheng saw this situation from the side and quickly asked Lin Mo: "Brother Lin, what about me? What am I doing?"

Hearing Yang Haicheng ask, Lin Mo said: "Haicheng, you are one of those six or seven people. You usually train here and get more familiar with fighting and grappling. Don't even wait for the opponent to take action."

I can’t even deal with it.”

Hearing what Lin Mo said, Yang Haicheng thought for a while and then nodded.

Lin Mo saw this and said: "Haicheng, your mission is quite special. When you practice fighting and grappling, you'd better practice more moves that gangsters can use, so as not to reveal any flaws later."

After hearing this, Yang Haicheng gave Lin Mo a reassuring look and walked out of the living room.

Seeing Yang Haicheng suddenly walking out of the living room, Lin Mo was still a little confused and worried that Yang Haicheng was going to do something again. But after a while, the sound of sandbags was heard outside. Hearing this sound, Lin Mo was relieved.
After a while, Lin Mo saw that nothing happened, so he left the living room, put on fighting equipment, and found a place to practice.

In this way, time passed slowly. Because a teacher was answering the phone in the living room, Lin Mo practiced until the evening. However, in the evening, the others did not come back as before.

Because these people will carry out activities in various places in the evening, whether they are returning home or meeting with others, they are all concentrated in this time period. As a result, Lin Mo adjusted the time yesterday, as long as there is no emergency.

The time to come back and report in person was arranged in the evening.

After Lin Mo finished practicing, because he had practiced all day and his physical strength was a bit exhausted, he asked Old Man Zheng to help him make two meals for himself and Yang Haicheng.

However, because Old Man Zheng’s family had stopped cooking today, the meal for the two of them was not delivered until the evening.

After the meal was delivered, Lin Mo and Yang Haicheng started eating by themselves. As they ate, people came back one after another.

Seeing this, Lin Mo had no choice but to pour the food into the big rice bowl, walked into the living room and ate while listening to the situation.

Li Changwu, who entered the living room and rushed back, saw Lin Mo like this and asked, "Lin Mo, what happened? Why do you have to eat now?"

Lin Mo heard this and explained: "Nothing happened. Brother, Haicheng and I practiced fighting in the small courtyard for a day today, and our physical strength was a bit exhausted, so we asked Old Man Zheng to make us another one."

"By the way, brother, what's going on over there?"

After hearing Lin Mo's explanation, Li Changwu felt relieved and said: "Everything is going as usual here today. They are still the same as yesterday. They go to work in the morning and go back in the evening. There is nothing abnormal in the middle."

Hearing this, Lin Mo nodded, looked at Huang Haisheng who had returned, and asked, "Old Huang, what's the situation over there?"

When Huang Haisheng heard the inquiry, he shook his head and replied: "Master Lin, there is nothing going on here. Everything is almost the same as yesterday. In the morning, Wang Shoufei and three people went to Lu's house and stayed until the afternoon, and the others went in the morning.

Just work and get off work in the evening, there is no other situation at all."

Lin Mo heard this and nodded.

Next, other people came back one after another, but I don't know what happened today. The people who were stared at by Lin Mo and others did not have any special actions, including Zhang Xiwen and Zhao Pingnian.
Although there was nothing wrong, Lin Mo didn't pay much attention to it. After all, this was a normal situation. After Lin Mo told everyone about the people who would be staying in the small courtyard, announced the list, and asked them to prepare, he let them go.

Everyone went back.

In the blink of an eye, the next night came. After Lin Mo made a special call to Zhao Pingnian to inquire, he learned that Chen Shirong and others were still the same as usual. They only went to the street to sell things, and they only went to grocery stores or some small shops.

I didn’t go to the store, I didn’t go anywhere else, and I didn’t take any other actions.

Hearing the news, Lin Mo suddenly became a little anxious. Although Lin Mo knew that catching Japanese spies would definitely require patience, there was something different about Chen Shirong. The longer they did not take action, it meant that Chen Shirong had no contact with other Japanese spies.

The more likely it is to come true.

And if this situation comes true, it will be a very thorny problem for Lin Mo and others.

This chapter has been completed!
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