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Chapter 15 Testing the Gun

 Lin Mo and Gong Qiming were talking about these pistols while pressing the bullets. Gong Qiming's experience and theory were better than Lin Mo's, which made Lin Mo nod his head in recognition.

Thinking that the teacher was so knowledgeable, Lin Mo asked: "Teacher, I personally think that the submachine gun is very useful, especially in close combat. The powerful firepower and extremely fast rate of fire can not only suppress the enemy, but also

Quickly killing the enemy has been very useful when defending the presidential palace during President Sun's time. Why are our troops so poorly equipped?"

Hearing Lin Mo's inquiry, Gong Qiming smiled bitterly and said: "We know that submachine guns are good, but a submachine gun costs a very high price. We can't afford so many, and submachine guns consume a lot of bullets. Thirty rounds of ammunition."

Clamp, basically one click of the trigger, and all the bullets will be fired in a few seconds. We can’t afford so many bullets.”

Lin Mo nodded and understood in his heart. From the teacher's words, Lin Mo understood that what the country lacks now is money, cheap guns and a lot of bullets. It seems that he wants to do something for the country in the future.

We can only work hard in this area.

Seeing Lin Mo in a daze, Gong Qiming asked: "What are you thinking about?"

"It's okay, I'm just thinking randomly about where to invest the money." Lin Mo reacted and replied quickly. Gong Qiming nodded after hearing this, thinking that Lin Mo was in a daze because of the country's poverty and weakness. He also had it when he was young.

In this way, he only realized at this age that a person's power is limited after all. You can do some things for this country, but most of the time you are powerless. However, Gong Qiming did not attack Lin Mo. Young people are like this.

Only in this way can we make this country better and better.

"Teacher, do you know about sniper tactics? I bought a few sniper rifles from Scott, but I only learned a little bit from books, so I don't know much about them." Thinking of the teacher's rich knowledge, Lin Mo asked


Gong Qiming looked away with a wry smile and said: "I have only achieved some achievements in some aspects. I have never even heard of the sniper tactics you mentioned. How could I understand them? From what you think, this tactic should be very good. You

Tell me what you know."

When Lin Mo heard this, he looked away with a wry smile, organized some words, and explained to the teacher: "Sniper tactics have a certain relationship with sharpshooters, which is to expand the role of sharpshooters, equip sharpshooters with professional sniper rifles, and carry out specialized

Training is a tactic that allows them to hide and attack the enemy."

Gong Qiming frowned and said, "It sounds like there's nothing special about it?"

Lin Mo quickly explained: "Teacher, in my opinion, sniper tactics should be an extremely important supplementary tactic for the army, especially for our army, which is relatively backward and lacks heavy weapons and ammunition. Some people have studied the European War.

At that time, an ordinary soldier needed more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition to kill one person, while the most powerful sniper's score was 1.3 rounds. The gap was too big. Even ordinary snipers were not comparable to ordinary soldiers.

.Furthermore, sniper tactics also have a very prominent role, which is to put great psychological pressure on the enemy. Especially in the confrontation between the two sides, it can not only kill a large number of the enemy's effective forces, but also damage the enemy's morale. The most important thing is that it can target

Enemy officers, disrupt the enemy's command system."

After hearing this, Gong Qiming said: "If what you said is true, then this sniper is really very useful, but why are you telling me this?"

Lin Mo smiled and said: "Teacher, didn't I get a few sniper rifles from Scott's this time? When I just talked with the teacher, I felt that the teacher's theory and experience are very rich. All my knowledge is

From what I read in the book, I just want to discuss it with the teacher to see if my idea is feasible."

Gong Qiming nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, there are some things that can be learned from the West, but after all, our national conditions in China are different from those in the West. You can think of this question and come to ask me. It seems that you are slowly becoming mature."

Hearing the teacher's praise, Lin Mo was very happy and said: "Thank you, teacher." Gong Qiming waved his hand and said: "You and I are a teacher and student. How can I say thank you? My affirmation of you is that I hope you can

Keep up the good work, but don’t be proud.”

"It's teacher, I understand." Lin Mo replied respectfully after hearing this, suppressing the pride in his heart. Gong Qiming nodded and said in a reproachful tone: "You and I don't need to be so polite when we speak.

Why don't you go get the sniper rifle and let me take a look."

Lin Mo nodded after hearing this and went to the side to rummage around. After spending a few minutes, he finally found the sniper rifle box from under a pile of boxes. He opened the box and found a long box and several short boxes inside.

Opening the long box, he saw that inside the box were neatly placed layers of sniper rifles. There were three in a row, and each one was equipped with a scope of different magnifications. Lin Mo could tell that Scott was carefully helping him get it done.

Yes, Lin Mo took the three guns on the top floor, opened the bullet box next to it, took a few boxes of bullets, and walked to the teacher. The teacher helped take the three guns, put them on the box, and then picked up each one.

Give it a try.

After trying it out, Gong Qiming frowned and said, "This doesn't seem to be as mysterious as you said. It looks like it's just a gun with a sight added to it to allow people to see further. It's not that special."


As he spoke, he looked at Lin Mo with suspicion. Lin Mo quickly explained: "Teacher, you see, the knobs on the top and side of the scope can adjust the center of the gun. When a sniper is fighting, he does not just use

Just aim the scope at the enemy. Especially when sniping from a long distance, you often have to consider the influence of various factors such as wind speed, humidity, temperature, distance, and even breathing. An excellent sniper needs to be specially trained.

And training, but ordinary snipers can be directly drawn from the army and sharpshooters will be trained for a period of time."

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After listening to Lin Mo's statement, Gong Qiming nodded, and then asked: "Besides these, do you need anything else?" Lin Mo thought for a moment and replied: "What I just said was about marksmanship. In addition to what I just said,

, a sniper should also have strong concealment methods and patience. Only in this way can he be surprised and avoid being discovered by the enemy. To do this, a person must have strong enough psychological quality to wait for the best shot.

Timing, in order to achieve greater results, in addition to the selection of sniper positions, counter-sniper and other skills."

Gong Qiming smiled bitterly after hearing this and said: "According to your statement, we don't have the ability to train so-called snipers."

Lin Mo listened and smiled and said: "Teacher, you are wrong. In fact, no matter how you train, you must go to the battlefield to fight. Just like Germany during the European War, they were the first to use sniper tactics. They

The original snipers were just a group of rangers and hunters, but they could all deal a heavy blow to the enemy. What's more, our country has been at war for many years. There are many sharpshooters and experienced veterans in the army. What they lack is just one.

It’s just a sniper rifle and guidance on sniper warfare. We only need to provide good sniper rifles and provide some training and guidance, and they will naturally know how to fight without too much so-called training at all.”

Gong Qiming nodded after hearing this and continued: "Well, you are right, you can give it a try then. Come on, let's go over and try the gun."

Lin Mo nodded in agreement, picked up the pistol and magazine, then took the three sniper rifles with him and walked to the place where he had just practiced shooting. Lin Mo found a flat spot ten meters away and placed the gun on the ground.

Lin Mo thought for a while, picked up a Browning M1900 from the ground, loaded the magazine, loaded the bullets, held the gun with both hands, and aimed at the target, "Pop..." After a burst of gunfire, gunpowder smoke floated in the air.

Lin Mo put down the gun and replaced it with a Browning M1903. After a series of operations, he raised the gun and said, "Bang bang..." There was another gunshot. Lin Mo looked at the gun in his hand carefully and felt

This gun is slightly better than the one just now. Put the gun down.

Lin Mo took out the Browning M1910 again and tried a few shots. There was nothing special about it, so he changed it again. This time Lin Mo wanted to try the Browning M1906. Ning Mo took out the small pistol from his pocket.

, the small one was only as big as a palm, and the bullets were loaded. However, Lin Mo's palm was a little bigger, and it was not very comfortable to hold. However, he still aimed at the target, "Pop..." A small gunshot sounded.

After shooting the bullets in the magazine, Lin Mo thought that this gun was good, it was not loud, and its recoil was very small. It was indeed very suitable for women to use. Thinking of this, he turned to the teacher and said: "Teacher, try this gun and give it to your family."

It’s so appropriate.”

After saying that, he handed the gun to the teacher and got out of the way. Gong Qiming had just been observing Lin Mo's gun test from behind Lin Mo. Seeing Lin Mo's seriousness when he tried the gun, he nodded silently in his heart. He could see Lin Mo's progress.

A lot, but Gong Qiming was also a little confused as to why he had never seen some of Lin Mo's shooting moves before, but he didn't think much about it. He just thought that Lin Mo practiced it himself. After all, these moves did make Lin Mo's shooting more stable. In fact,

Even Lin Mo himself didn't realize that he had copied some of the moves from later generations, and he didn't discover it until a few days later during shooting training.

Gong Qiming took the small pistol handed by Lin Mo. Without saying much, he loaded the bullets, took aim and started shooting. "Pop...", he fired all the bullets in one breath, held it in his hand and looked at it for a while, and said: "It's not bad.

, this gun is indeed very suitable for family members to use. You can get me two later."

Lin Mo nodded and turned his attention back to the sniper rifle. He picked up a sniper rifle equipped with a 2.2x scope and studied it carefully. He opened the gun for a while and twisted the knob of the 2.2x scope.

, studied for a few minutes, pulled the gun, opened the bullet box, took out a bullet and put it in, reset the gun, raised the gun and looked for the target.

Seeing Lin Mo's actions, Gong Qiming also picked up the telescope and looked for the target. He saw a squirrel on a lone tree on the opposite hillside. He put down the telescope and visually measured the distance. It was about three hundred meters, and then said to Lin Mo

: "Lin Mo, there is a squirrel on the lone tree on the hillside opposite. Shoot it down."

Hearing Gong Qiming's words, Lin Mo moved the sight of the scope to the lone tree, and sure enough he saw a squirrel climbing on the branch. Lin Mo moved his head away from the camera, and squatted down under Gong Qiming's surprised gaze.

After grabbing some dust, he stood up and let the dust slowly fall from his hands. Lin Mo observed: The wind speed is about 1 meter per second, the temperature is normal, and the distance is 300 meters.

Lin Mo mentally calculated the impact of these things on the bullet trajectory, adjusted the upper and side knobs, re-aimed at the squirrel, reunited the squirrel's head with the crosshair, adjusted his breathing, and gently pulled the button


"Pa", in Gong Qiming's telescope, only the sound of a gunshot was heard, and the next second the squirrel flew out upside down. Gong Qiming slapped his thigh and shouted: "Okay, okay, hahaha..." When Gong Qiming heard

Lin Mo knew Qiming's laughter was a hit, and he also laughed happily. You must know that Lin Mo was also nervous just now, and he was also a big girl getting into the sedan chair with a sniper rifle.

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