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Chapter 17 Sniper Tactics

 Lin Mo and his teacher Gong Qiming watched the four people train for a while, and decided to call the four people over to teach them some basic things. Lin Mo called a few people over, and then taught them the two-person sniper tactics that he and his teacher had studied.

He told the four people about it, and then said: "Teacher and I are going to let a few of you practice this tactic to see how it works. But before that, I will tell you about the basic sniper tactics I know.

Tutorial, what do you think?"

"Okay, you say it." The four of them replied, Lin Mo nodded and looked at the teacher, and Gong Qiming also nodded in agreement.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Lin Mo found a big tree nearby, asked a few people to sit under the tree, cleared his mouth and said: "The history of snipers is not long. The sniper in the true modern sense is

The name first appeared in this European War. At that time, the German army selected soldiers to form free-moving snipers. Most of them had a background of hunters and rangers, and they caused heavy damage to the British, French and Russian troops on the east and west fronts."

"For this reason, at the end of the war, the British army set up a sniper school to train counter-sniper talents. As for our country, not many people may have even seen a sniper rifle, but the sharpshooters in the army also have it to a certain extent.

It has some characteristics of snipers, but because there is no special training and guidance, it does not play a big role."

"As for me, I have seen some European sniper training materials a few days ago. As for more things, I don't know much about it. You need to dig out it yourself. Today I will just tell you some of what I know.


"A sniper originally refers to a person who shoots from hidden fortifications. The sharpshooters in our army fall into this category. Nowadays, people often refer to shooters who have undergone special training and mastered precise shooting, camouflage and reconnaissance skills as snipers. A sniper rifle refers to

A special rifle selected from ordinary rifles or specially designed and manufactured with high shooting accuracy, long distance and good reliability. In the military, it is mainly used to shoot important targets of the opponent (such as commanders, vehicle drivers, machine gunners, etc.). Sniper rifles

The structure of the sniper rifle is basically the same as that of an ordinary rifle. The difference is that sniper rifles are often equipped with a scope for precise aiming; the barrel is specially processed and the accuracy is very high."

"Aiming position: The accurate position can change with different snipers. The shooting distance of snipers in the army is often greater than 300 meters, so they often choose to aim at the target's chest and shoot their torso. This method relies on the blood loss caused by the bullet to the target.

Tissue and organ damage reaches its fatal point. In contrast, police snipers whose shooting range is greatly shortened usually try to shoot the gangster's head. When the life of the hostage is greatly threatened, the sniper may shoot the target at the base of the skull.


"Hiding location: In order to improve the efficiency of collecting intelligence, various armed forces often send out one or a small team of snipers and then hide in high places as defensive strongholds. At the same time, snipers will also use monoculars or binoculars to confirm

Target. In addition, snipers use camouflage, unusual approaches, and frequent and slow movements to blind the enemy from precise enemy counterattacks. Some snipers can snipe at short ranges of less than 90 meters.

Kill the target without being discovered."

"Sniper target: Both personnel and equipment can become targets of snipers. The most common targets of snipers are the most important enemy personnel, high threats such as enemy snipers, multi-person weapon (heavy weapon) operators, and communication soldiers

, guards are the priority targets, followed by officers and special combatants, to cause maximum interference and psychological pressure to the enemy's actions. Other personnel who pose a medium threat to the sniper can also become the target of the sniper, such as for searching

Military dog ​​handler in sniper position."

"Snipers identify cadres, especially officers, by the appearance and behavior of soldiers. Identification signs include: uniform indicating high military rank, talking to a correspondent, sitting in the passenger seat of the vehicle, having an orderly, or more frequent conversations and

Transfer. If the situation allows, snipers kill in order from high to low. In some battlefields, there are even non-saluting areas to prevent soldiers from saluting officers and revealing their identity as officers. If the military rank cannot be identified, snipers

Otherwise, it will damage the communication equipment and interfere with the communication."

"Psychological warfare: In order to reduce the enemy's morale, snipers will kill in a predictable order. In war, snipers will always kill the soldier who is at the front of the unit. Realize this

Afterwards, the soldiers believed that walking at the front was suicidal and refused to take action. This approach of snipers effectively reduced the enemy's initiative in searching for troops in the mountains."

"Another tactic is to snipe the second soldier in a row to prevent the soldiers from following their leader who is at the front of the team. In addition, soldiers who are injured by the sniper but are not dead will cause damage to other companions.

The physical and psychological burden and pressure must be freed up to take care of the wounded, but the injuries and wailing of the wounded will increase the psychological pressure on others."

"I'm going to talk about some specific tactics below. The "stand and wait" method is a common tactic in sniper tactics. This tactic has been used frequently in previous sniper operations. The specific method of this tactic is that the sniper must first choose a distance from the target.

A certain shooting position within the effective range. The position is required to be concealed, not isolated, and mixed with other debris; it has good vision and shooting range, so that it is easy to find the target and can shoot the target; in addition, it must have access

Concealed route from sniper position."

"Secondly, snipers are required to be determined and able to hold on. Sometimes the target will not appear for a long time. Even if the target cannot be found for half a day, a day, or two days, they can still maintain a high degree of vigilance. Once the target appears, they can

Quickly seize the best shooting opportunity and be able to hit and eliminate new targets again."

"The "concealing the truth and revealing the false" method is a common tactic in sniper tactics. This method is most widely used in anti-sniper tactics. In order to detect the target as early as possible during the operation, the sniper, with the cooperation of his comrades, adopts the method of concealing the true and revealing the false.

The method is to deliberately expose the "target" that the enemy wants to capture in other places, such as using a stick to prop up a helmet, exposing the top of the helmet, and luring enemy snipers to shoot, thereby exposing the enemy's position and allowing us to snipe the enemy target.

Create conditions."

The "kill two birds with one stone" method is an insatiable method in sniper tactics. This method is mainly used when there are many sniper targets and more targets need to be shot in a short period of time. After the sniper finds the target, he shoots at the target's position

Instead of targeting the enemy's weak point such as the heart, it targets the target's legs, causing the target to be alive but unable to escape, thus attracting companions to rescue them. At this time, the sniper will eliminate the second target, and then destroy the injured target just now.

.To put it simply, you beat the disabled one first, and then call to save the disabled one."

"The "sports sniper" method is an offensive method in sniper tactics. The sniper moves with the combat unit (detachment) and discovers important enemy targets during the operation, such as the enemy commander and important firearms shooters who are aiming at us, and quickly captures the nearby areas.

Based on the favorable terrain, fire first and destroy the enemy; or, the sniper team executes the action of penetrating deep into the enemy's defensive position, capturing and destroying important enemy targets, and then returning."

At this point, Lin Mo felt a little thirsty, so he found a kettle and took a sip of water and continued: "Now let me talk about shooting skills. I know you guys are very good at shooting, but what I want to talk about is the sniper rifle.

For marksmanship, when using a sniper rifle, the most important thing is the use of the scope. The adjustment of the scope requires understanding the flight trajectory of the projectile. The flight trajectory will be interfered by multiple factors, the first of which is the gravity of the earth.

The impact of the gun falling downwards requires a special grasp of the distance. Of course, the falling degree of different guns is different. These require specialized people to study. I don’t know. Once you know the falling degree, you can

It’s time to adjust the sight. As for ranging, you can learn how artillerymen use their thumbs to aim.”

"The second is the wind speed. Especially when shooting from a long distance, the wind speed has a great influence on the impact point of the projectile. To judge the wind speed, you can use the dust method, which is to grab some very fine dust and let it flow down from your hands, so that you can roughly

Now that the wind speed has been measured, you can go back and find a professional wind speed measuring machine. While measuring the wind speed, you can also observe the dust. However, this method has many limitations. Sometimes the dust cannot be found. In this case, you can use the method to observe the wind speed of grass or branches.

The wind speed can be roughly estimated based on the blowing situation. Some dusts have different diameters. These methods rely on experience and can only be practiced more."

After speaking, he squatted down and grabbed some dust, let the dust fall from his hands, and demonstrated to everyone. After the demonstration, Lin Mo said: "The wind speed at this time is approximately 1.5 meters per second. Let's take a look at the swing of the branches and grass.

This way you can easily measure the wind speed."

"In addition to the above two factors, temperature and humidity will also affect the accuracy. Humidity affects the bullet trajectory by increasing the resistance of the air. This judgment is relatively easy. Just judge by sunny, rainy and cloudy weather. Just now I

Speaking of external factors, you yourself will also affect the accuracy, especially your own breathing rhythm, which will cause the muzzle to vibrate slightly, thus affecting the accuracy of shooting."

"After talking about marksmanship above, let me talk about how snipers counter-sniper and prevent counter-sniper. It is easy for snipers to meet snipers on the battlefield. On the one hand, both sides are engaged in sniper operations, and snipers are their own

For high-value targets, on the other hand, both sides will send snipers to conduct counter-sniper operations to eliminate enemy snipers and reduce threats."

"So counter-sniping is a necessary skill for a powerful sniper to master. In addition to the fake targets such as helmets and hats mentioned earlier, you can also prepare glass or mirrors the size of the sniper rifle scope lens to attract the opponent to shoot.

Then judge the opponent's position based on the ballistics and gunshots, and then kill the opponent. Anti-counter sniper is to counter the above sniper tactics. Since the scope of the sniper rifle is reflective, it is best to use fine mesh or linen.

Or other means to block it, these are just some of them, the rest needs to be explored by yourself."

"What I'm going to talk about next is a two-person sniper team. These are some of my ideas. You can make corrections and additions. In actual combat, sniper personnel are usually organized in the form of a two-person team. One of them performs the shooting;

Another person uses observation equipment."

"The respective division of labor among the members of the team: both the observer and the shooter are qualified snipers. When necessary, there must be regular role and function conversion between the two. The weapons and equipment carried by the sniper are naturally sniper rifles. The observer

You also need to carry a sniper rifle or other firearm. You can carry a rifle in the wild and a submachine gun in the city. However, it is best for both of you to carry a pistol and use it at specific times, so that you can deal with sudden enemies or in a sniper position.

Once exposed, the assaulter can provide effective cover fire for the sniper."

"Observation and surveillance equipment and field tools such as observation scopes, binoculars, and knives are also indispensable. It is best for both of them to undergo specialized wilderness survival training in case they cannot retreat smoothly after completing the mission and hide in the wilderness."

This chapter has been completed!
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