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Chapter 177 The Secret Room in the Attic

Lin Mo and the other three went upstairs and carefully inspected each room.

And because this is where Chen Maofeng and his wife usually live, the three of them checked extremely carefully and did not miss any doubts.

There are a total of three rooms on the third floor of this building. Going past the stairs, there are the driver Chen Gengwen’s bedroom, Chen Maofeng’s bedroom, and the last one is Chen Maofeng’s study.

After the three of them searched the first two bedrooms of Chen Maofeng and Chen Maofeng carefully, they found nothing in the end.

The three of them entered Chen Maofeng's study. Lin Mo felt that carrying a metal detector was a bit cumbersome. Anyway, these places had been carefully inspected by others with metal detectors, so Lin Mo planned to put down the metal detector.

"Beep..." When Lin Mo lifted the handle of the metal detector on his shoulder and was about to put it down, the earphones on Lin Mo's neck suddenly made a sound.

Hearing this noise, Lin Mo immediately stopped moving his hands, looked up, and found that the distance between the ceiling and the metal detector was very close.

Seeing this situation, Lin Mo looked at it carefully. The ceiling above his head was made up of square wooden boards of fifty or sixty centimeters, and the wooden strips were nailed with nails to fix them. Judging from the condition, it should have not been renovated much.

For a long time, it will definitely not be the original one.

Recalling the information they had found before, that was, the small courtyard had been renovated three years ago. Lin Mo suddenly understood that these should have been renovated at that time.

At this time, Lin Mo's metal detector was facing the intersection of several wooden bars. You could clearly see the exposed, slightly rusty iron nail heads. The metal detector should have detected it.

This is what makes the sound.

Looking at the exposed nail heads, Lin Mo did not put down the metal detector directly, but moved the metal detector to the middle of the square wooden board by some strange coincidence.

"Didi..." The sound was still coming from the earphones around his neck.

Seeing this situation, Lin Mo quickly started moving, detecting planks one by one.

Xu Guyu and Zhang Hongxin, who were inspecting carefully, saw Lin Mo's movements and immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at Lin Mo probing there.

When Lin Mo stopped and put down the raised metal detector, Xu Guyu walked towards Lin Mo and asked: "Lin Mo, is there something on it?"

Hearing this, Lin Mo nodded and said, "Chief Xu, I accidentally used the metal detector and found that it made a sound."

"At first I thought it was a nail, but then I probed the middle of the board and found that there was still a sound coming from it. Then I probed all the surrounding boards again."

"I found that the sound was only in this area. I guessed that there was either something hidden on the ceiling, or there was probably an attic above."

After hearing Lin Mo's description, Xu Guyu quickly took off Lin Mo's headphones and put them on his head.

Seeing this situation, without Xu Guyu's instructions, Lin Mo took the metal detector and looked it up for Xu Guyu.

Xu Guyu listened for a while, then took off his earphones and said eagerly: "Quick, check the ceiling above your head to see if there is anything that can be opened."

Upon hearing this, the three of them immediately took action, carefully looking at the ceiling above them to see if there were any planks that could move.

However, after checking, the three of them did not find any movable wooden boards in the study.

Seeing this situation, Lin Mo pondered for a moment, then thought of the ladder he had just moved, and said: "Chief Xu, it seems that there should be an attic above. The entrance may not be in this room. Let's go to other rooms to find it."

Find it!"

Hearing this, Xu Guyu nodded, and the three of them filed out and walked to another room.

In the corridor, Lin Mo saw Yang Haicheng and several people counting clay pots below, and said: "Haicheng."

Hearing the sound, Yang Haicheng immediately raised his head. When Lin Mo saw it, he said, "We have discovered a situation again. Please don't worry about the clay pot for now, and quickly bring the ladder up to help."

Hearing this, Yang Haicheng and others stopped quickly and walked quickly upstairs.

Xu Guyu and Zhang Hongxin, who were walking in front of Lin Mo, heard Lin Mo's words and immediately figured out what was going on. The ladder should be used to go up to the attic. After all, the height of the second floor is only two meters more than three meters.

Less than that, a four-meter-long ladder is just right.

Lin Mo entered Chen Maofeng's bedroom and looked at it carefully to see if there was any place suitable for fixing a ladder.

After looking at it, Lin Mo went directly to the wall and inspected it carefully. Finally, he found some traces of ladders on the wall.

Although this mark should have been processed every time Chen Maofeng used the ladder, it is usually difficult to notice.

But once you know that there is an attic above and that there are ladders going up and down, and you conduct a careful and purposeful inspection, you will find that these traces are not a problem at all.

Seeing the traces, Lin Mo looked at the ceiling. After a while, Lin Mo took the handle of the metal detector and poked it gently, and a small gap was opened in the wooden board.

"Found it." Hearing Lin Mo's excited voice, Xu Guyu and Zhang Hongxin hurried over.

When they saw Lin Mo using a metal detector to lift up the wooden board and revealing the space above, both of their faces showed joy.

At this time, Yang Haicheng and others also walked into the bedroom with ladders.

After carefully checking that the other party had not set a trap at the entrance, everyone set up a ladder. Lin Mo held a flashlight and took the lead and walked up the ladder.

When Lin Mo got out half of his body, he took a flashlight and looked at the space inside.

This space has not been decorated too much. The tiles on the top of the house are clearly visible, and although this floor has been cleaned quite clean, it can still be seen that it has been laid for a long time.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Lin Mo looked at the entrance again. The wooden boards here were still somewhat new at the fractures. It was obvious that they had not been opened for a long time.

Lin Mo took a flashlight and looked around. The space was not small. The highest point was nearly two meters, and the length was as long as the house. Both sides of the hole could be used.

Lin Mo shined his flashlight in the direction above Chen Maofeng's study, and immediately saw a pile of boxes stacked on one side, and some bottles and jars on the other side, which should be antiques.

As for the middle, there was a table similar to the one in the basement. There were also some things on the table, but Lin Mo couldn't see clearly what was on it from his current position.

Lin Mo moved the flashlight and looked above Chen Gengwen's bedroom, but there was nothing there. He could see the wall at the end at a glance.

Seeing these situations, Lin Mo speculated that this space should have been accidentally discovered by Chen Maofeng and others before, otherwise they would not have spent so much effort digging a basement.

Then they probably thought that this place should be safer than the basement, so they hired someone to decorate it and cover up the entrance.

Although these are just Lin Mo's speculations, Lin Mo thinks it is very possible. After all, when he was in the basement, Lin Mo felt something strange inside.

And this weird feeling comes not only from the ordinary antiques below, but also from the dead knots that have not yet been molded. Lin Mo does not believe that even if Chen Maofeng and the others like to eat, they can ignore the musty smell.

You know, Lin Mo and the others spent a lot of time dispersing the musty smell today. It was obvious that they had not been in for a while. Moreover, Lin Mo also saw some clues to this conclusion by observing the traces of the dead knot cuttings.

When Chen Maofeng and the two entered the basement, they probably went in to clean it after some time, or take out the dry knots to eat.

But here is different, such a large space has been cleaned up, even the corners have been cleaned. You must know that this is not a basement, this is under the roof, and there will be much more dust than in the basement.

And Lin Mo also discovered a difference here, that is, there were two chairs in front of the table, but there was only one in the basement.

Xu Guyu and others who were in the room below saw that Lin Mo hadn't come up yet. Zhang Hongxin asked, "Lin Mo, what's going on up there? Is there any danger?"

Hearing the questioning voice coming from below, Lin Mo came back to his senses and replied: "No problem, I just checked again, it will be fine soon."

After saying that, Lin Mo took a flashlight and looked around, because when he just looked, he saw that there were electric lights inside, and Lin Mo wanted to find where the switch was.

After looking around, Lin Mo saw a hand-operated switch not far to the left, with a wire hanging down and a small iron nail tied to the end.

Lin Mo checked it carefully and found that it was not some kind of mechanism, so he reached out.

There was a "click" and the top bubble suddenly lit up.

Lin Mo looked at the wires connected to the switch with a thoughtful look on his face.

Lin Mo held his hand on the floor, exerted downward pressure, and his whole body came out of the hole.

Zhang Hongxin in the bedroom saw this and saw a light shining down from above, so he put away his flashlight and climbed up the ladder to the attic.

Seeing someone coming up, Lin Mo stretched out his hand and helped Zhang Hongxin pull him up. After a while, Xu Guyu and Yang Haicheng also went up to the attic.

After Xu Guyu came up, he turned on the flashlight and looked around. Finally, the flashlight light stopped on the tiles and sighed: "These Japanese spies are really careful enough. Look, in order to prevent the lights here from shining out."

, even the gaps between the tiles were sealed with hand mud.”

Hearing Xu Guyu's sigh, Lin Mo looked over and found that the space between the tiles was indeed blocked by gray-black stuff. When he touched it, it was indeed cement to the touch, but there was probably no sand mixed in, and the color had turned black.

The tiles are almost the same, Lin Mo didn't see them just now.

To be cautious, Lin Mo and the other four carefully checked every corner of the attic. After confirming that there was no danger, the three of them turned their attention to the things above Chen Maofeng's study.

This chapter has been completed!
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