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Chapter 365 Information

After receiving the report from Kong Shaojiang, Lin Wenhua contacted the safe house again. Knowing that only Shen Song and the others were left without arrest, Lin Wenhua asked the safe house to call three vehicles for him and went out again with his men.


After Liao Tinghui informed the safe house, he learned about the incident and asked the safe house to dispatch a car for him. He selected several of his stronger men who were gathered around to prepare for support.

When Zeng Wenchong came here today and caught nothing, he immediately rushed over and asked: "Chief Liao, is there anyone who hasn't been caught yet? Take my people with you!"

After hearing this, Liao Tinghui thought for a moment, nodded, and said: "That's okay, you can also get in the car and go there with me, but there is only one car, so you let your people find the truck themselves.

The location is Xiaguan in the north of the city, but there is no need to go to Xiaguan now. Let them go directly out of the small east gate and wait by the railway. I will send people to find them when the time comes."

"Yes, Chief Liao..." After Zeng Wenchong responded, he immediately went to his subordinates, made arrangements, and then ran back and got in the car.

After the car started, Zeng Wenchong couldn't help but asked Liao Tinghui: "Sir Liao, what exactly is going on?"

After hearing this, Liao Tinghui replied: "There was a problem at the factory outside the city. When the people from the action team finished the investigation and rushed to arrest him, the person had already run away.

And it's a bit far away, so this person may have escaped from the encirclement before we blocked it.

It's outside the city and connected in all directions, so it's difficult to track. Now we're rushing there just to see if we can be of any help. As for the more detailed situation, we won't know until we get there."

Zeng Wenchong listened and nodded without asking any more questions.


In the north of Nanjing City, after finding the phone, Sun Shaohua also contacted the safe house and asked the safe house to send a truck and some manpower to provide support.

The person who came with the truck was Wang Mingkun. Before he reached the house, he saw Sun Shaohua blocking the truck in the middle of the street, and the truck stopped quickly.

When Wang Mingkun got out of the car and was about to ask what was going on, he saw that the street illuminated by the car lights was in a mess, with broken windows, broken tiles, broken boards, sawdust and banknotes scattered on the floor, and two people were picking up things there.

Then he turned around and looked at the houses on the street, and couldn't help but ask Sun Shaohua: "Old Sun, what did you do? Make the house like this?"

Hearing this, Sun Shaohua smiled bitterly and said: "Three big firecrackers were set off during the attack, which must have shaken the tiles loose. When we were searching just now, we accidentally caused most of the tiles to slide down."

After hearing this and looking at most of the roof without tiles, Wang Mingkun was speechless for a while.

In fact, Sun Shaohua did not expect such a thing to happen, because Lin Mo and the others had found something in the attic before, and he had just sent people to search the attic.

Unfortunately, the attic of this house is very short. I accidentally bumped into the roof when I stepped forward, and the tiles began to slide down, sliding down most of the roof. Now there are calf-high piles of rotten tiles at the door of the house.

Looking at the mess in front of him, Wang Mingkun couldn't help but ask: "Old Sun, if you asked us to send a truck over, you wouldn't want us to pull this pile of rubble, right?"

"No, no, how could it be? We found a lot of things here and need to transport them back."

Hearing this, Wang Mingkun breathed a sigh of relief, but when he thought about what needed to be transported by truck, Wang Mingkun became interested again and asked: "Old Sun, what needs to be transported by truck?"

Sun Shaohua heard this and said, "I can't tell you for a while. Come with me and see for yourself!"

After saying that, Sun Shaohua said to the people getting off the truck: "Don't be stunned, hurry up and help! Pick up the tiles aside and find the paper underneath."

Hearing this, Wang Mingkun was speechless again, going around and around, and finally got onto the tiles again, but he still waved to his men and asked them to move, while he and Sun Shaohua walked into the house.


"Brother Wang, how is the situation over there? A few people were arrested alive, but there are no two alive here."

Wang Mingkun heard this and said: "I haven't caught anything here, otherwise I would lead a team and come here to help you clean up the mess?

But it was not a pleasant experience after catching them. Before I came here, out of ten Japanese spies, only three were captured alive, two of them were women, and the remaining one was caught drunk.

Of the other seven, except for one in the city who was not caught, the remaining six were all corpses.

I don’t know what’s going on, but this group of Japanese spies are extremely ferocious, and they will kill Lei Lei and you at every turn. Although no one has been killed so far, six or seven have been sent to the hospital, and many more have been injured.”

Hearing these words, Sun Shaohua nodded and said with emotion: "Why not! The situation here is similar. If I hadn't decisively chosen to stuff two American-made grenades into the house, my team would have been in trouble.

You don’t know that when we rushed up, the corpse by the window was still holding a grenade. You must know that there was no bunker outside his house. If I choose to rush in normally, he will move the grenade to the next room. My team

At least half of them will lose their fighting ability.

Moreover, this guy's shooting skills were extremely accurate. I shot him through the window on the street, and this guy hit all the bullets through the window paper to where I was shooting.

If I hadn’t been able to dodge quickly, I might have been the first person killed today! Here we are, this is it... squeak..."

While talking, Sun Shaohua took Wang Mingkun to the innermost room on the third floor. As soon as Sun Shaohua opened the door, a strong smell of gasoline hit his face.

"Brother Wang, this place has been filled with gasoline. Don't use fire for a while, and be gentle with your movements. Make sure not to create sparks."

Wang Mingkun nodded when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask: "Did Japanese spies pour this gasoline? Why didn't they just light it on fire?"

After hearing this, Sun Shaohua replied: "It must be that I haven't had time to order it yet! They just burned other things in another room."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After speaking, Sun Shaohua took out half of the small book from his arms and handed it to Wang Mingkun.

"This is half of the code book found in that room, and there are also some half-burned pieces of paper. It should be that these things are relatively confidential, and I was afraid that they would not be completely burned, so I chose that room to burn separately."

Wang Mingkun took the code book and looked at it for a few times, and found that it must have been thrown into the brazier, but only a few corners were burned. There was no major damage to this half of the book.

A book or a stack of paper is actually very difficult to burn. In many cases, only a few layers of skin will be burned after half a day of burning. Even if there is a combustion accelerant, it will take a long time to burn, and there is no guarantee that it can even be burned.

This is mainly because it is relatively tight, the gaps between the papers are small, there is a lack of oxygen to support combustion, and even the combustion accelerant has difficulty penetrating too deeply.

Wang Mingkun looked at the code book, handed it back, and turned his attention back to the room filled with gasoline.

At first glance, the first thing you see is a pile of boxes, and then various papers and document bags scattered on the ground.

At this time, several boxes had been opened. Wang Mingkun took a closer look and found that several of them still contained document bags and papers, with the exception of one box.

The exception was the box, which was filled with rolls of film, a whole box full.

Wang Mingkun was in a daze looking at the film, while Sun Shaohua walked up to him, took out several document bags from a box and handed them over.

"Brother Wang, look at what's inside."

When Wang Mingkun heard this, he took out the document and took a look. The first thing that caught his eye was a person's profile picture and the name next to it, followed by a row of forms filled with things.

However, except for the name, the rest was written in Japanese. Wang Mingkun didn't recognize it, but the name and profile picture were enough for him to know what it was, a person's information.

Moreover, Wang Mingkun had seen this person before. He was an official of the Nanjing Municipal Government. He seemed to be in charge or something, and his status was not low.

Wang Mingkun used to be with Boss Dai, and he met this person with Boss Dai.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mingkun opened several other documents. Some of the people in them knew about it, some didn't, but the few he knew were basically government officials.

"Look at these again!" Sun Shaohua handed Wang Mingkun several more documents. When Wang Mingkun opened them, he found that the people on them were all wearing military uniforms, most of them were colonels, and some were generals.

"Are these document bags filled with information about officials and military officers?" Wang Mingkun couldn't help but ask.

"I can't say all of them. Most of the people I saw were officials and military officers, and the rest were some famous people in society and other miscellaneous people.

Officials are basically those in charge of various departments of the municipal government and above. Officers are basically chief officers at regiment level or above, or adjutants and staff officers at brigade level and above.

The rest are people with some reputation in society, university professors, family members of high-ranking officials and other various people. Anyway, their status is not low.

The tables below record these people’s biographies, experiences, families, preferences, personalities, political leanings, and even weaknesses.”

Because Sun Shaohua has learned some Japanese, he can know the identity and origin of these people from the introduction table below.

After hearing this, Wang Mingkun couldn't help but take a breath and said: "Old Sun, so you are saying that the situation of various personnel in our government is in the hands of the Japanese?"

Hearing this, Sun Shaohua shook his head and said: "I don't know how much I know exactly, but the rooms are definitely not all there. If all the information is here, I don't know how many rooms will be stored!"

Wang Mingkun reacted after hearing this, nodded, pointed to a photo on the file and asked: "Old Sun, why doesn't this photo look like it was specially taken?"

"It was indeed not specially taken, and most of the information was not specially taken. The original photos in the information package were cropped from some secretly taken or published photos."

After Wang Mingkun heard this, he took out a few photos from his pocket and said with a smile: "Fortunately, if they were all specially taken, we might have to check for data theft."

Sun Shaohua heard this, nodded, and said: "Brother Wang, let's not discuss these for now. Let's move these out and clean up the gasoline. Otherwise, it will be too dangerous to leave them here."

When Wang Mingkun heard this, he nodded, and the two of them began to carefully move the things in the house.

This chapter has been completed!
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