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Chapter 368 Heavy losses

At this time, almost everyone in Zeng Wenchong's group was covered in color, and some were even knocked unconscious by the shock wave.

Faced with this situation, Cheng Dalin and his party, who had never experienced anything like this, seemed a little at a loss and would only try to help others.

"Don't pull, don't pull, it's a wound...check the wound first."

"Don't turn me over. Didn't you see that my back is hurt? Help me sit up...oh...my butt is hurt too, help me stand. Help me stand...ahhh..."

While Cheng Dalin and his team were in a hurry and Zeng Wenchong's men were wailing and cursing, people finally came to their senses one by one.

Zeng Wenchong shook his head, which was still a little dizzy. When he jumped up just now, he was hit by the impact and his head hit the stone directly.

"Hiss..." Zeng Wenchong was just about to reach out and touch his forehead, when he raised his right hand, he felt a sharp pain in his hand.

When he turned around, he used the flashlight of the policeman beside him to see that there was a hole in the clothes on his forearm, and the surrounding area was soaked.

"Did you bring any medicine and tools? Help me clean the wound."

Zhang Xiaosi next to him heard this, shook his head, and replied: "Sir, we didn't bring these things."

"Oh... By the way, where are you police from? Why are you here?" When the fight just started, Zeng Wenchong didn't have time to think about it, but now he realized something was wrong.

In the plan, the police were responsible for blocking the second line of defense. Even if they heard the noise and surrounded them, they wouldn't be the only ones responsible. And if they were from the second line of defense, then people from their intelligence team should also be there.

That's right.

Before Zhang Xiaosi could answer, Cheng Dalin spoke first: "Chief Zeng, we are the police from Zhujiawu outside Xiaodongmen, and we are here to assist you under the orders of Chief Lin.

But because we didn't catch up with you at the railway, you had already laid out the first line of defense when we found it, so we went up the path to Xiangshan to set up our defenses."

Hearing what Cheng Dalin said, Zeng Wenchong remembered what was going on. At the last moment of their operation, Lin Wenhua did mention this matter to him, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Although Cheng Dalin did not say why they went to Xiangshan, Zeng Wenchong guessed that he must have driven them away because he did not remind his men.

But since Cheng Dalin didn't mention it, Zeng Wenchong didn't want to be unhappy, so he smiled and patted Cheng Dalin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, my mind works very fast. I will give you a credit for catching Zhou Shihai this time.


"Don't dare, Chief Zeng, we are still too worried. We are familiar with this place and don't dare to go into the woods to block people..."

"Okay, don't say that!" Zeng Wenchong interrupted Cheng Dalin and said with a wry smile: "It's useless for you to go in. Who needs to know the way when we hit the back? It's just a matter of chasing people with their heads covered.

You have blocked me here just right. After chasing me all the way down, there are only five or six people left around me. My body is reaching its limit and the bullets are almost gone. Alas..."

"Swish..." Zeng Wenchong took a deep breath and heard the sound of a large army surrounding him coming from the woods opposite.

Not long after, Wang Hefeng led his men out of the woods and saw the miserable state of Zeng Wenchong's group. He immediately called for help in cleaning and treating their wounds.

At this time, Zeng Wenchong and his party were no different from savages. Their bodies were covered with dirt and stains, their clothes were in tatters, and blood was still seeping out from many places.

Such a mess was partly caused by the explosion just now, and partly caused by the rampage in the forest.

Wang Hefeng personally checked the wounds of several people, and after confirming that there were no fatal injuries, he came to Zeng Wenchong and asked: "Why is it like this? There are wounds all over the body.

Where are the others? Did they fall behind because they didn’t keep up, or something happened? Have any brothers been harmed?"

Hearing Wang Hefeng raise so many questions in one breath, Zeng Wenchong smiled bitterly and said: "The injuries were caused by the guy who just missed me with his thunder, and some of them were scratched in the forest.

There were only six or seven of us who followed, the others were either injured or were taking care of and transporting the wounded."

After hearing this, Wang Hefeng frowned and asked: "What about the casualties? How serious are they?"

After hearing this, Zeng Wenchong replied: "There may be more than a dozen wounded people sent down, some were shot, some were injured by grenades, and some fell down by themselves.

The most serious thing is that a brother's foot was blown up by a grenade, and maybe a dozen shrapnels were inserted into it. I have sent people to the hospital urgently. His life should be saved, but I don't know if his leg can be saved.

As for the other brothers, although they have lost their combat effectiveness, their injuries are not fatal. It should be this person's deliberate act to distract our efforts to arrest them."

"It's fine if there are no sacrifices. Don't worry about these injuries. Send them directly to the best hospital in Nanjing for full treatment."

"Thank you, team leader."

"Thank you for what? Don't say such words in front of me. I ask you, have you not set off the fireworks yet?"

Hearing this, Zeng Wenchong suddenly remembered that he still had some unfinished business, so he quickly said: "Team leader, please use your help to put it away. Mine was lost in the pursuit."

After Wang Hefeng heard this, he turned around and asked his men to take out a bigger firework than Zeng Wenchong had set off before and set it off.

"Chirp...bang..." Fireworks bigger than before soared into the sky from near the top of Xiangshan Mountain. The movement attracted all those who were still on their way and stopped in their tracks.

This kind of large fireworks was accidentally found by Lin Wenhua and others when they smashed open the fireworks shop. They were specially used to notify others after the roundup was successful.

After all, their operation was in the wild and it was late at night. It was troublesome to send messages to each other, so they had to choose this method.

When other people involved in the roundup saw this signal, they immediately stopped and began to gather the people around them to walk back as a team.

At this time, Lin Wenhua, Liao Tinghui and Shen Song had already arrived at the halfway point of Xiangshan Mountain. After seeing the signal, they also began to retreat, but they did not have as many men as before.

It's not that he fell behind, but he met Zeng Wenchong's men when he went up to Xiangshan Mountain and helped them transport the wounded back.

After Zeng Wenchong's wounds were treated, Wang Hefeng took others to help him or cut down trees to make temporary stretchers and carried the wounded down the mountain.

Of course, Wang Hefeng did not forget Zhou Shihai. After examining his body, he also had his body taken down the mountain.

As soon as we got down the mountain, there were already cars and trucks waiting at the intersection. They put the wounded and the bodies into the cars. Others also got in the cars and drove towards Nanjing City.


There was so much commotion in Nanjing tonight that many people were awakened and unable to sleep.

In Cui Shunong's home outside Jinling University, Cui Shunong stood behind the window and looked out quietly, his thoughts drifting into the distance.

Shen Peiying brought Cui Shunong a cup of tea and asked: "Old Cui, didn't you say that tonight's action is not against us? Why are you still worried here?"

Hearing this, Cui Shunong smiled bitterly and said, "Can you not worry? The secret service department of the Secret Service Headquarters alone has already made us tired of dealing with it.

Now the Military Intelligence Department has come out again. Looking at the situation today, they are fighting directly from inside the city to outside the city. The movements are almost the same as last time.

I have learned some about the situation of Japanese spies from Shen Peixin, and it is very difficult for us to deal with them.

The Military Intelligence Department was able to launch two such large-scale operations against Japanese spies in such a short period of time. If Lin Mo and the others were there last time, then they actually launched it this time. This is also

It goes to show that they should not be underestimated.”

After hearing this, Shen Peiying smiled and said: "Old Cui, I think you are just worrying blindly. The Japanese have their strengths, and we also have our strengths.

The ways of doing things between the two are different. The fact that the Military Intelligence Office is very powerful against Japanese spies does not mean that they are that powerful against us.

We can just do our own thing in peace and mind, and report the matters of the Military Intelligence Office to our superiors, who will naturally deal with it."

Hearing these words, Cui Shunong was stunned for a moment and said with a wry smile: "You're right, it's true that I worry too much."

After saying that, Cui Shunong shook his head. His wife's words made him think something clearly. His mission was to lead the comrades in Nanjing to provide intelligence and material support to the central government. It was not his mission to deal with spies.

Naturally, the party has specialized people and departments to handle these matters. He only needs to submit the situation to the superiors, and the superiors will send specialized personnel to handle it.

After thinking about this, Cui Shunong felt a lot more comfortable. After drinking the tea, he turned back to the bedroom and lay down peacefully.

Zhong Heqing, who was woken up, was not in the same mood as Cui Shunong. He sat in the study with a gloomy face and looked at the telegram on the table.

This was just sent to him through an urgent summons from Shanghai T&T Hi-Tech Co., Ltd., asking him to investigate the matter as quickly as possible. The general situation of a Japanese espionage team was also attached.

Zhong Heqing didn't know that the movement tonight must be against one of their own people, which made Zhong Heqing feel very angry.

Now Zhong Heqing wants to step on Sakai's face and insult him like a loser.

Regarding this kind of thing of wiping someone's butt, Zhong Heqing decided not to do it after weighing it.

Now he still has an unresolved problem. If he acts rashly now, his plan may be disrupted.

Moreover, all his manpower has been sent out. Sun Yongning, Liu Kuipeng and Lu Shaoting are not here. He is now almost a polished commander.

Especially the people under Lu Shaoting are not directly under his command, and he is not familiar with them at all. If some novices are used to inquire, he will fall in if he is not careful.

What's more, he doesn't care about the need for Shanghai High-Tech, especially Sakai. If there were people who protected him last time, then there must be no one willing to take action now.

After all, if a problem occurs once, it can be said to be an accident, but twice in a row is worthy of careful consideration, not to mention it is in such a short period of time.

As for Shanghai High-Tech, Zhong Heqing knew that they needed to find out what happened last time and take revenge. Even if they didn't obey orders, they wouldn't really do anything to them.

"Hmph..." Zhong Heqing snorted coldly, took out a match, and burned the telegram on the table to nothing.

This chapter has been completed!
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