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Chapter 288 Entering the Urn

Three days later, Nanjing City, Lin Wenhua, Liao Tinghui, and Zhang Hongxin gathered together early in the morning to study a map in the meeting room.

"This morphine transaction, according to their previous agreement, was set at Guandimiao Village in Jiangxinzhou. I just wonder if these people will change the transaction location temporarily?"

Hearing what Liao Tinghui said, Lin Wenhua thought for a moment and said: "It will definitely not change. People like Xiye are quite cautious in this matter. In order to prevent the other party from finding them, apart from the usual delivery, the two parties have no other communication channels.

, even if the other party wants to change it.”

After saying that, Lin Wenhua looked at Zhang Hongxin and asked: "Hongxin, how is the investigation of Guandimiao Village? What is the situation there?"

Zhang Hongxin heard this and said: "In front of Guandimiao Village is the river, but it is the dry season, the water flow is not large, and a large river bed is exposed.

I took people to check it out. There is a mud bed near the river. Fortunately, it has dried a bit. You can pass it if you are careful. Otherwise, you won't know how deep you will sink if you step on it. There is a sand bed near the river. Although it is wet, it is still wet.

Running wildly on it is no problem.

This situation is both good and bad for us. The good thing is that the river bank is unprotected, and the trading place is at the entrance of the village. We only control the village pier, so it is difficult for the river bandits who come ashore to escape.

The bad thing is that we can't go ashore at Guandimiao Village, so we have to take a detour. We have to beware of Jiang bandit spies in this village. I suggest we go ashore from Zhangjiadu, which is a little above."

After Zhang Hongxin finished speaking, Lin Wenhua added: "One more thing, according to Xiye's explanation, the only things traded at the entrance of the village were money and morphine, and the raw materials Xiye and the others needed were put on a boat on the river.

While the money and morphine are being traded, the boat will be handed over to the people on Nishino's side. After the transaction on the shore is completed, Nishino will get on the boat with the money and leave along the river.

When trading in Guandimiao Village, you cannot see the situation on the main stream of the river, so the ships will be on the river channel.

However, their trading time is at night, and there must be no boats passing through the river, which makes it easier for us to find the target. Although we can only send one boat over, many people can be hidden in the boat at night.

Just be afraid, not many of us have fought on small boats, and facing river bandits may cause problems, so there is no requirement to capture people alive here."

After Lin Wenhua finished adding, the three of them formulated a plan according to the situation, and then selected people to start the simulation.

The main force this time was half a team led by Liu Zhenshan of the third action team, and a team led by Wang Mingkun participated at the same time, commanded by Zhang Hongxin.

They were responsible for traveling from other parts of the island to Guandimiao Village to ambush and capture the river bandits who came ashore.

Lin Wenhua was responsible for leading people to block both ends of the river by boat to prevent the river bandits from escaping by boat. At the same time, he sent people to deal with the river bandits on the boat.

Liao Tinghui led the remaining people to blockade other shores of Jiangxin Island to prevent Jiang bandits from escaping from the island to these places.

The people led by Lin Wenhua and Liao Tinghui were a mixture of personnel from both parties. The reason for this arrangement was to allow both parties to become more familiar with each other during this operation and avoid problems in future cooperation.



Under the dark sky, a group of people walked through the dry reeds, making a swishing sound, accompanied by the sound of people sucking in the cold air.

Hearing the sound of air-conditioning coming from behind, Wang Mingkun knew it was Liu Zhenshan, so he asked: "Old Liu, are you okay?"

Hearing this, Liu Zhenshan shook his head and then remembered that they were walking in the dark, so he said: "It's not a big problem, it's just a little cold.

*Damn it, the weather is crazy, the sun is still blazing in the sky during the day, and the sun is burning on your skin, but it rains at night. If I had known, I would have worn more thick clothes."

Wang Mingkun heard this and replied: "A little rain is not necessarily a bad thing. At least it will make the dry reed leaves return to moisture, saving us the pain of our skin and flesh!"

"Not necessarily. It's raining a lot today. I don't know if the river will rise. If it affects the plan, it will be troublesome."

Hearing Liu Zhenshan's words, Wang Mingkun also frowned. It rained after they landed on the island. It was still dark at the time, and he didn't know what the condition of the river was.

Zhang Hongxin, who was in charge of leading the team, heard the conversation between the two and quietly came over and said: "Don't worry, this is just a spring rain. Although the rainfall is not small, it will not cause the Yangtze River to rise.

I observed on the way that most of the rain that fell was absorbed by the soil, and there were not many traces of flow. There would not be too much water flowing into the river.

And I have observed that the clouds are not too thick. You see, although there are still dark clouds in the sky, there is still a faint light from the moon coming through, so don’t worry too much."

After Wang Mingkun and Liu Zhenshan listened, they glanced at the sky, and there was indeed a faint moonlight as Zhang Hongxin said.

In fact, if there was no moonlight, how could a group of them walk in the dark in the middle of the night?

The group of people walked for a while, and Zhang Hongxin signaled everyone to stop and said: "We are almost there. Lower your voice, step lightly, and quietly touch up."

After Zhang Hongxin finished speaking, he led the others to tiptoe forward. After a while, everyone reached the entrance of Guandimiao Village.

There is a big tree at the entrance of the village with lush branches and leaves. Not far from the tree, there is a pier made of wood that extends into the river.

Zhang Hongxin relied on the faint light reflected by the river water to confirm that the water level was similar to before. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and began to signal his men to quietly move toward his ambush position as planned.

A section upstream from Guandimiao Village, in the river opposite Zhangjiadu, there is a row of awning boats parked quietly.

From a distance, these are just a few ships docked, and there is nothing wrong with them. However, if you look closer and look into the ship, you can see a row of people hiding in the ship.

On the outermost boat, there was an eye looking at the water surface of the river through a small hole in the boat's canopy.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The person observing is Sun Shaohua, and the person sitting next to him is Lin Wenhua. The reason why he appears here is because a problem was discovered during the simulation.

This Yangtze River branch is branched from Meizizhou. The distance from there to Guandimiao Village is not close. There are many waterways in the middle. In order to prevent the river bandits from escaping through these waterways, they adjusted the plan and blocked the area.

Shrunk a bit.

On the waterway between Meizizhou and Jiangxinzhou, there is also a row of boats docked like Lin Wenhua and others. Liao Tinghui is leading the team here, responsible for blocking the waterway that Lin Wenhua and others have given up.

"Sir Liao, a boat is coming down." The person who spoke was Zhang Jingmin, who was responsible for observing the situation on the river bank.

After hearing this, Liao Tinghui quietly stretched out his head to observe, and replied: "There is only one ship. Either it is not the Jiang bandit's ship, or it is the leader of the expedition. It should not be a large force. Don't move for now and wait a moment."

After Liao Tinghui finished speaking, his subordinates who were just about to make a move suddenly became quiet again.

On the ship on the river, a man in a suit and sunglasses also poked his head out of the cabin and observed the surrounding situation. Unfortunately, there was not much moonlight tonight, and the surrounding waterways were small, so there was no way

Can't see what's going on inside.

Seeing this, the man retracted his head and shook his head. There was a lantern in the cabin, and there were three other men, all dressed as coolies.

Someone around him saw it and asked, "Fourth Leader, what's the situation outside? Are there any problems?"

The man in sunglasses listened, shook his head, and replied: "I can't see clearly, so be careful tonight. I'm always a little uneasy today, I'm afraid it won't go so well."

Several people in the boat listened and nodded, and the cabin suddenly became quiet again.

The man in sunglasses, named Yin Zhigang, is the fourth leader of the Jiang bandits. The purpose of his coming here this time is to find the hiding place of Nishino and others and obtain the technology for making morphine.

Not long after the ship passed by, three more black-paneled boats came up the river. On the middle boat, there was a man sitting, Cao Dajiang, the fifth leader among the Jiang bandits. He was responsible for picking up the goods.

At this time, Cao Dajiang also stretched out his head to observe like Yin Zhigang. Unfortunately, like Yin Zhigang, he did not see anything.

Zhang Jingmin, who was on the waterway, also observed these three ships and immediately reported them to Liao Tinghui. After Liao Tinghui observed them, he asked everyone to prepare quietly.

By the time Sun Shaohua on the riverbank observed Yin Zhigang's boat, Liao Tinghui had already led his men and quietly rowed the boat out.

Regarding Yin Zhigang's ship, Lin Wenhua and Liao Tinghui had similar guesses. They did not pay too much attention to them, but focused on the three ships that followed.

After the three boats had gone out for a while, Lin Wenhua and the other boat quietly rowed out, and the lanterns in the cabin were lit.

Sitting in the cabin was Zheng Shengjing, who was wearing a coat, a hat and a thick scarf around his neck. He was pretending to be Nishino and was responsible for leading the team and pretending to be a trader to control the ship.

After Zheng Shengjing's boat left the river, Lin Wenhua's boat also sailed out quietly, but without lights and in a different direction.

Zheng Shengjing walked along the middle of the river, while Lin Wenhua walked along the bank, part of it quietly going down, and part of it blocked off.

At this time, the three ships led by Cao Dajiang had already docked at the pier at the entrance of the village. Cao Dajiang was leading the people towards the entrance of the village while being alert, and did not stop until they were under the big tree at the entrance of the village.

"Bang..." Zhang Hongxin, who was lying in ambush around him, saw a black shadow falling from the tree and made a bang. With the help of the flashlight from Cao Dajiang and his group, Zhang Hongxin saw clearly that it was a person and screamed in his heart.

so close.

The man who jumped down from the tree muttered a few words beside Cao Dajiang, and Cao Dajiang gave a signal to his men. Many of the men with guns on guard put their guns away and their lanterns were extinguished.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Hongxin frowned and observed carefully for a while, only to find that these people were hiding under the trees, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

On the pier, the people who parked the boat saw that the people on the shore extinguished their lanterns, and they also extinguished their lanterns. Now, the place seemed to be calm again.

This chapter has been completed!
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