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Chapter 458 Action Plan

"Okay...you've pretty much told me about his situation. Tell me where you found him in Nanjing and where he might be!"

Oiwa Shiro heard this and replied without hesitation: "On the traffic road outside Xingzhong Gate, there is a Chenjia Liquor. They brew their own wine, and the taste is very similar to Japanese sake.

After I came to Nanjing, I accidentally tasted it once, and I would go there for a drink from time to time. A year ago, I went there for a drink and accidentally saw Nagao Hidemi.

I think he has a very good relationship with the boss, and he probably goes to the winery often. Wine is one of his hobbies, so if you go and stay there, you should be able to wait for him."

"Oh...since you met an acquaintance, why didn't you get together with him?"

"How dare you! It's true that Hideo Nagao is very good at his studies, but he is domineering, always likes to point fingers at others, and also likes to bully others. I don't want to get into trouble.

For this reason, after I found out that he also went to that place, I never drank anything in the wine shop. I always finished my drink and left, and I almost met him several times."

After Lin Mo listened, he asked about Nagao Hidemi's appearance and characteristics, and asked some other information, and then he was about to get up and leave. However, when he was halfway up, he thought of something and sat back down.

"Oiwa Shiro, I don't want to continue to deceive you. Nakagawa Shizuka died during the arrest..."

Hearing that Nakagawa Shizuka died, Oiwa Shiro was stunned for a moment, and finally couldn't help but resisted angrily.

"Zhizhi...ahhhh...dead? How could he be dead? I don't believe it...I don't believe it...ahhhh..."

Looking at Shiro Oiwa who was going crazy in front of him, Lin Mo was just about to start to "comfort" him a few words, when Shiro Oiwa looked at Lin Mo fiercely.

"It's you...it's you...it's you who killed Shizuka, right? Ahhhhh..."

Seeing Shiro Oiwa like this, Lin Mo took back what he said, and just watched Oiwa Shiro going crazy quietly.

It wasn't until Shiro Oiwa slowly regained his composure that Lin Mo said calmly: "I killed the man, but I was not wrong. This is my motherland. You are the invaders. Killing you is absolutely justified.

If you want to blame, blame your motherland, blame those careerists, blame Te Hi-tech, they sent her here as bait..."

"Haha..." Before Lin Mo could finish his words, Shiro Oiwa sneered.

When Lin Mo saw it, he no longer wanted to persuade, and said directly: "If you don't want to hear it, then I won't tell you these big principles, and I will tell you something easy to understand.

Could it be that if we hadn't come, you two would have been able to live a good life? Not necessarily! As long as Japan's high-tech industry does not collapse, your Shizuka would have to continue to hang out with other men.

If Wang Kuixing and Jizhong are gone, she will be sent to deal with other men until her value is drained, and Tekko may continue to use it as waste.

When you enter a place like this, it's not up to you to choose. As long as the Special High School is not destroyed, you will either die or be on the road to sacrifice. Is there any other way? Even if there are other ways, do you have the ability to take it?

You have been discovered. If your Shizuka is caught alive, it is not difficult to imagine what she will face, right? Do you want to see it?

She died at my hands today, which can be considered a relief! At least she no longer has to endure the humiliation and continue to linger."

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Oiwa Shiro lowered his head, the anger and resentment on his face slowly dissipated, leaving only a line of clear tears.

Seeing this, Lin Mo felt happy and knew that something was going on. He walked over gently and patted Oiwa Shiro on the shoulder.

"I can give you her ashes. Cooperate well and try to survive. When the war between China and Japan ends one day, maybe you can take her soul back to your hometown."

After the words fell, Lin Mo stopped staying for a long time, and without giving Shiro Oiwa a chance to speak, he turned around and left the interrogation.

When he came outside, Lin Mo found that it was already dawn, and Liu Zhenshan and Wu Lin had already left to rest. Lin Mo gave the guards a few words and then went to the study to make a new copy of the interrogation record.

After Lin Mo finished copying, Liu Zhenshan and Wu Lin just finished washing and walked in. Lin Mo handed over the newly copied copy.

"This?..." Liu Zhenshan did not take it directly, but asked a question.

"Captain, don't worry! I have removed all the ones that involve me. This is for our operations."

After hearing this, Liu Zhenshan and Wu Lin took it with confidence and looked at it. Lin Mo was also on the side, introducing the interrogation situation.

After Liu Zhenshan finished reading, he handed it to Wu Lin, and Lin Mo just stopped introducing it.

"Wu Lin, just watch! I'll take Lin Mo and the others to the Military Intelligence Department to have their breasts ordered."

After saying that, Liu Zhenshan looked at Lin Mo and said: "Lin Mo, today is the first time you and Haicheng have a date. You have to go. Come on, I will take you two there."

Liu Zhenshan took Lin Mo to find Yang Haicheng and drove in the direction of the Military Intelligence Office.

In the car, Liu Zhenshan took a look at the documents Lin Mo had in his hand and asked, "Lin Mo, is this the original document from the interrogation, or has it been modified by you?"

"Original..." Lin Mo replied. In fact, in this document, not only the entire interview and interrogation process were truthfully recorded, but other things that happened yesterday were also truthfully recorded.

"Captain, these matters cannot be hidden from superiors. They must be reported truthfully. I won't worry about this information. Superiors will handle it properly."

"Well..." Liu Zhenshan nodded, patted Lin Mo's shoulder and said, "It's good that you realize this. In the intelligence department, loyalty is more important than ability.

The most important things in Zhong's heart are: first, not to hide anything; second, every decision must be approved by the superior; third, always stand on the same front as the superior. For any order or decision, you can make different suggestions in advance, but once the decision is made,

It must be implemented unconditionally.”

After hearing this, Lin Mo bowed respectfully and thanked: "Thank you, captain, for the tip..."

"Well..." Liu Zhenshan nodded and continued: "You won't worry so much here. We are all our own people, and I know what kind of person you are.

And my level is not high enough. If I know some things, it will be troublesome for me. Next time I encounter this kind of thing, just like this time, just let me know that this kind of thing exists..."

Along the way, Liu Zhenshan reminded Lin Mo and two of them about various things that they should pay attention to in the Military Intelligence Department, and most of them were things that Lin Wenhua did not mention, which benefited them a lot.

This also caused Lin Mo's impression of Liu Zhenshan to change drastically. Before, he thought Liu Zhenshan was a bit reckless in character, but now it seems that underneath his reckless appearance, he has a delicate heart.

Lin Mo was quite happy about this. After all, Liu Zhenshan did not hide this in front of him. This meant that Liu Zhenshan really treated him as one of his own as he said.

Arriving at the Military Intelligence Office, Liu Zhenshan took the two of them and nodded, then took a look at the team. Leaving Yang Haicheng behind, Lin Mo and Lin Mo went to see Lin Wenhua and report the situation together.

After reading the information that Lin Mo brought, Lin Wenhua nodded and put it away without saying anything more.

"You two go back! Don't be too busy taking action for now. We have discussed a plan and I will go there later."

"Yes..." Lin Mo and the other two responded, then went out to find Yang Haicheng, pulled Zheng Junshan up and walked back.

After Lin Mo and the two left, Lin Wenhua found Xu Guyu with the information, and then approached Boss Dai and handed the information to Boss Dai.

After reading it, Boss Dai opened the safe in the office and put the information in in front of the two of them.

"Wenhua, I've left this original document with me. When the case is over, you can get a new copy and submit it."

At this time, Boss Dai had a smile on his face and was obviously in a good mood. He told Lin Wenhua some things before letting the two of them leave.


In the courtyard at the foot of Wutai Mountain, Lin Mo, Liu Zhenshan and Wu Lin gathered together again.

"Lin Mo, there are two clues in this confession. What do you think of its authenticity?"

Hearing Wu Lin's question, Lin Mo said: "Old Wu, your question is indeed difficult for me. Although I look at Shiro Oiwa as if he is deceiving me, I can't guarantee that he is hiding too deeply.


For example, we can find out the information about the dead box and the code used to transmit the information, but for emergency contact, we don't know what information is being transmitted.

As for Nagao Hidemi’s information, we can only send people to the wine shop for the time being to see if there is such a person. If there is such a person, we must also determine whether the person is a Japanese spy."

Wu Lin and Liu Zhenshan frowned after hearing this. Finally, Liu Zhenshan made the final decision: "Let's not dwell on this matter for now. We will definitely investigate it during the operation.

Now based on the confession, we will temporarily determine an action plan. After the investigation, we will investigate based on the situation.

Lin Mo, do you have any ideas about the plan now?"


"Then let's talk..."

Lin Mo nodded and said: "As for Nagao Hidemi's clues, we can only send people to guard him until we find the person described by Oiwa Shiro before we can proceed to the next step.

At the dead mailbox, it's a little more complicated. There are three ways. The first way is to hang out a signal to convey information and lure out the Japanese spies who want to get the information.

At this time, we have two options. One is to arrest the Japanese spy directly, or we concoct a false intelligence and then track the Japanese spy.

2. This choice has good and bad qualities. The good thing is that we have a chance to find other Japanese spies. The bad thing is that we don't know whether other Japanese spies will go to investigate Oiwa Shiro's situation.

Once other Japanese spies know what happened to Shiro Oiwa, our actions may fall short.

The second method is to put out a contact signal, attract as many Japanese spies as possible, and arrest them directly there.

This method also has advantages and disadvantages. The good thing is that we have the opportunity to capture multiple Japanese spies at once, and through interrogation, we can find out the hiding places of other Japanese spies.

The disadvantage is that we can neither confirm whether the information conveyed is true, nor can we ensure that the arrest and interrogation will go smoothly.

The third method is not to send out the contact signal, but to just inquire around the contact point. Oiwa Shiro has passed on information many times, and someone should have seen the appearance of another Japanese spy.

We just need to find the person who witnessed it, invite Lu Xiaoying over, draw a portrait of that person, and then we can use this to find the other person.

According to Oiwa Shiro's description, after he hangs up the contact signal, someone will pick up the things within a day or two. This means that the person picking up the things will often pass by this place, and it is not difficult for us to find him.

This method also has advantages and disadvantages. The good thing is that there is no need to directly contact the contact point, which prevents Oiwa Shiro from hiding something. Once we take action, it will alert the Japanese spies. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time to arrest Oiwa Shiro.

It will make the other party notice.

These are the three methods I can think of for the time being. There is no best of both worlds. They all have their pros and cons. We still need to discuss which method to use."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, Liu Zhenshan thought about it carefully and replied: "The first two methods are out of our control from the beginning. They all rely on Oiwa Shiro to tell the truth. We still don't want to take this risk.

Choose the third method! First understand the other party's appearance. Even if the other party notices it, we can block it and investigate."

Having said this, Liu Zhenshan looked at Wu Lin and asked: "Wu Lin, where are you? Do you have any suggestions?"

"You don't have to ask me. I will be responsible for the interrogation. You can make up your own mind about the rest."

After saying that, Wu Lin looked at Lin Mo and asked: "Lin Mo, what should be your thoughts on your actions at the end of the interrogation? Tell me so that I can make arrangements accordingly."

Hearing this, Lin Mo nodded and explained: "My last move was to throw out a bait for this person to see if he would bite the hook.

Because when this person explained the situation, I had the feeling that his desire to die was not that strong. Although his explanation was dishonest, he explained the situation in detail, which revealed his desire to live."

Wu Lin was a little puzzled after hearing this, and continued to ask: "Isn't what you were talking about with him about his relationship with that woman? Why did it get involved in the desire to die?"

"Old Wu, I'm not sure about feelings. I don't know whether the feelings here are true or false, so I only use feelings as a primer.

My real intention was to tell him at the end that he had a chance to survive, and this was the bait I threw out for him to bite.

No matter whether his feelings are true or false, if they are true, then let him cooperate with us in his desire to send the woman's ashes back. If they are false, then let him see a chance to live."

After hearing this, Wu Lin gave Lin Mo a thumbs up and said with a smile: "That's awesome. I didn't expect there are so many Tao in it. When will you teach me?"

After hearing this, Lin Mo said modestly: "It's not about teaching. I just learned some tricks in the book. If you have time, I will show the book to Old Wu for you to take a look.

Lao Wu, you still need to reveal some information to him, that is, we have a lot of open-mouthed Japanese spies who are afraid to tell the whole situation and cannot live without value. We need to set an example now.

Throw him a new bait and tempt him to vomit out all the other situations. Let’s see, Old Wu, if this method is feasible?”

When Wu Lin heard this, he nodded and replied with a smile: "It's a good idea, and it's not just a bait, it can really be done.

Although the mouths of many people arrested last time were opened, it can be seen that in order to save their lives, they probably only revealed a small part.

This method of setting a typical example has worked, and it should be able to dispel many people's concerns. Even if it cannot dispel all of them, it should reveal more than it does now."

After Wu Lin finished speaking, the three of them discussed the interrogation matter some more. Once they were finalized, Wu Lin took his leave and left.

"Lin Mo, our temporary action plan is to use what we just targeted first. Do you have anything else to add?"

"One thing...Captain, there is another clue hidden in this confession."


"Just like the situation when Shiro Oiwa was activated, there should be another group of Japanese spies hidden in it."

This chapter has been completed!
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