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Chapter 472 Secret Discussion

"Lin Mo, honestly speaking, do you have anything to do with Mr. Tan?" Liu Zhenshan approached Lin Mo with a mysterious face and asked the question in his heart in a low voice.

Hearing this, Lin Mo shook his head and replied: "No, Captain, I haven't even met Mr. Tan a few times. How could it be related?"

"It doesn't matter? This shouldn't happen! I understand Mr. Tan's temper. If it doesn't matter, why would he give us such a good look? And he also agreed to teach us?"

"I don't know about this. The first time I met Mr. Qin was at the training ground. He didn't have a good impression of me, and he scolded me at that time.

As for the change in Mr. Tan's attitude today, it probably has something to do with our dealing with the Japanese! I think Mr. Tan seems to be quite bored with the work he did in the past."

After hearing this, Liu Zhenshan thought for a moment, nodded, and said: "Well... maybe that's the reason! This is quite consistent with Mr. Tan's personality.

Forget it, let’s not talk about this, Lin Mo, tell me, what does Mr. Qin mean by what he said to us? I was confused, did you hear anything? "

"Word? Captain, which sentence is it?"

"It's about our dealing with the Japanese. Didn't Mr. Qin say something serious or not? It seemed to me that there was something in what Mr. Qin said, but I didn't understand it."

"Oh..." Lin Mo nodded. After thinking for a moment, he replied: "Captain, I think Qin is always reminding us to stay away from the things we were involved in before and concentrate on dealing with the Japanese."

"What were you involved in before?" Liu Zhenshan frowned and whispered: "Except for the Japanese, it was the inspection of the military and police constitution. Is it related to these?"

"Probably so! After all, it's easy to offend people by doing these things, and there's no guarantee that you won't be targeted and framed."

"Hmm..." Liu Zhenshan nodded. Although he still felt something was wrong, he couldn't think of any other reasons.

Lin Mo had already guessed a lot about Qin Jichuan's phone call. The meaning was similar to what he had quietly discussed with Lin Wenhua, which was not to interfere too much in domestic affairs, so as not to get stuck in it and not get out.

As for why he didn't make it clear to Liu Zhenshan, firstly, he and Liu Zhenshan were not close enough yet, so it was not appropriate to tell him this kind of thing.

Although Liu Zhenshan and he were both officers, they were only low-level officers. They had no right to choose in the Intelligence Department, and speaking out would not change anything.

Besides, Liu Zhenshan is also under Lin Wenhua, so what he does from now on will not change in a short time. Just continue with the current development.

Liu Zhenshan thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of anything. He shook his head helplessly and said with a smile: "Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore, it's a waste of time. Anyway, I don't do those things now. I just don't know if I will do it in the future."


"Haha..." Lin Mo laughed twice and said consolingly: "Don't worry, captain, it's good that we can hold our current territory and prevent others from interfering. Do you still want to interfere in other people's affairs?"

"Oh...how do you say this?" Liu Zhenshan was a little confused and approached Lin Mo with a confused look on his face.

When Lin Mo saw this, he asked: "Captain, think about what kind of work you are doing right now that you can most easily get credit for?"

"Hmm..." Liu Zhenshan thought carefully for a moment and replied: "Let's do intelligence work! It's not a problem to get a big intelligence and upgrade it by one or two levels.

There are also people who are engaged in technology, especially those related to radio stations. As long as they have something to do with radio stations, operators will be promoted quickly."

"Uh..." Lin Mo choked and had to explain: "Captain, what I mean is who are the people who are easy to make meritorious deeds against? Are they the Japanese? The Red Party? Or the people from the military, police and other departments in the government?"

After hearing this, Liu Zhenshan glanced at Lin Mo and said with some surprise: "You don't want to say they are Japanese, do you? The Japanese are the most difficult people to deal with."

Lin Mo heard this and explained with a smile: "Captain, the Japanese are difficult to deal with, but the Japanese are difficult to deal with, but it is not without benefits.

First of all, Japanese spies are foreign enemies. To deal with these people, we have relatively little internal resistance. Counter-espionage operations are also on our own territory, so there is no need to worry about Japanese spies using forces that we cannot resist.

Moreover, in our own territory, even if we are at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Japanese spies, we can still find helpers, such as people from other departments in the department, or the police, and even the army can be called in to help when necessary.

Secondly, it is well known that Japanese spies are powerful, so not many people are willing to pay attention to them, which invisibly reduces the number of competitors for us.

Moreover, the Japanese spies are very powerful. Although they are difficult to deal with, on the other hand, they are also the best whetstone. When we can compete with the Japanese spies, we can almost be said to be one of the most powerful intelligence teams in the country.


Finally, Japan is powerful and its ambition to invade and occupy China is well known. It will always be our enemy for many years to come. With this enemy around, we will naturally be able to continue to develop.

Departments such as those dealing with the Red Party and supervising the military and police constitution lack many of these advantages. For example, dealing with the Red Party can get a lot of credit, but our Military Intelligence Division is not so easy to obtain.

In terms of dealing with the Red Party, the Secret Service Headquarters has always been the main force, and it has been very strict in protecting these tasks. If our Military Intelligence Division can grab some soup, it is considered good.

As for the departments that supervise the military and police within the government, the biggest contribution is that some people rebel, but there are not many people who have the ability to rebel, and there are not many who can actually rebel.

Even if someone does rebel, let’s not talk about other things. Our Military Intelligence Office can do it at any time. It’s the same thing. Even if we can do it, it won’t be our turn.

Apart from rebellion, there is not much work left for those who can perform meritorious service. They are either reporting on the ideological trends of the military, police and constitutional departments, or searching for evidence of corruption and bribery.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! But in the situation in the country, the use of these things collected is very limited. If you are a big official, you can't move it. If you are a small official, it will be of no use.

All in all, in the Military Intelligence Department, choosing Japanese spies as our opponents is a relatively good choice, especially for us full-time field service members."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, Liu Zhenshan thought for a moment and continued to ask: "Then what does it mean to defend our own territory? Is there still someone rushing to deal with the Japanese?"

Lin Mo heard this and said with a smile: "Captain, that's for sure. We have been deliberately avoiding Japanese spies before. We just thought that Japanese spies were difficult to deal with and we couldn't get any benefits from them, so we didn't do it.

During this period, although we suffered some losses in our several encounters with Japanese spies, at least they were successful and we got the credit.

Now that we are at odds with Utech, there will definitely be many more battles in the next period of time. With our current preparations and strength, we cannot suffer losses every time. When the time comes, we will gain credit again, and there is a high probability that participants will be allowed to compete.

Many people have been promoted to a liter.

In this way, there will definitely be jealous people who want to get involved. Some people don't have much self-awareness, and they will always have the illusion that if you can do it, others can do it. When the time comes, there will inevitably be people with such thoughts who want to get involved.

That's why I said, as long as we can defend our own territory, we don't have much chance of interfering with other people's territory.

But don’t worry too much. The government’s attention is now mainly focused on the Red Party. Many people who want to take credit will only focus on the Red Party. At this stage, we will not be under too much pressure.

By the time they come to their senses and turn their attention to us, our work should be on the right track, and our strength will be different from what it was before, so we don't have to worry about the trouble these people are causing."

"Well..." Liu Zhenshan nodded and continued to ask: "The last question, how can the Japanese answer our helplessness?

They are the Japanese, not Japanese spies, and they are not THT. With the ruthlessness of the Japanese, if THT continues to suffer losses at our hands, there is no guarantee that the Japanese will not use special means to deal with us.

You should know the current attitude of the national government towards Japan, which is mainly based on compromise and is not willing to conflict with Japan head-on. What if the Japanese use this to put pressure on the national government?"

After listening to this, Lin Mo thought carefully for a moment and replied: "Captain, don't worry too much about this matter. I don't deny the possibility of the Japanese doing this, but the impact on us will be limited.

First of all, in the face of pressure from the Japanese, in a short period of time, the government will definitely resort to compromise, but compromise does not mean that we will be in any danger. It will most likely only force us to stop taking action.

Secondly, our Military Intelligence Department is directly under the jurisdiction of the Military Commission. It can also be said to be directly responsible to the principal. It is regarded as the principal's confidant department. What will the principal do to us?

Finally, even if the Japanese put pressure on the government, they will not use it in the name of espionage. First, espionage has never been exposed. If you say that the spies you sent over have been captured, and you want to put pressure on them, what do you mean?

That's a thing, isn't it?

Secondly, T&T High-Tech will not reveal this matter to the public, and there are many Japanese espionage organizations. They cannot bear the loss caused by this matter. Even if someone else exposes it, they will try their best to deny it.

The third is the Japanese army. The captain may be worried that the Japanese army will provoke a war, but now, the Japanese army in northern China has reached Tianjin, and the southern part of China is also stationed in Shanghai.

No matter where it is, the government has no room for concession. If the Japanese want to go further, there is a high probability that a war will break out, or even develop to the level of a full-scale war. War wars require time to prepare, and Japan is not prepared for this now.

, so don’t worry too much.

To sum up, if the Japanese want to put pressure on the government, they will most likely find an excuse to intimidate the government through diplomacy, and the government will most likely compromise.

But the incident happened in Nanjing, and the Japanese couldn't use their status as soldiers to make a fuss. Most likely, they used their status as overseas residents as an excuse.

But if we launch an attack as an expat, we won't pose much of a threat to the government. We either need people or an explanation. When the time comes, the soldiers will stop us and the water will cover us, we can just find some excuses to fool them.

Anyway, this is our territory, so it’s not easy to make things happen. How the matter develops is not ours to decide. If it ends up being a confusing matter, we have to let it go."

"Well..." Liu Zhenshan nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Hearing what you said, I feel relieved.

Lin Mo, no wonder the section chief thinks so highly of you, you are really powerful, this analysis is well-founded, if I were the section chief, I would have to arrest you even if I forcefully arrest you."

Hearing this, Lin Mo smiled bitterly and said: "Captain, please don't beat me up. It's not as powerful as you say. These are just my own subjective opinions. I can't say how it will develop in the future."


"Alas..." Liu Zhenshan waved his hand and said: "Don't be humble to me. I speak from my heart. Your analysis is not only reasonable and well-founded, but also clearly explains the situation at home and abroad.

I really admire you.

To be honest, your phone call touched me a lot. I also graduated from Huangpu on the 28th and am a soldier with a professional background. After I joined the Military Intelligence Service, I have been a little confused and I always feel that there are some things that I have not figured out.

Don't know what to do.

After listening to your analysis, I also understand that I didn't understand the overall situation and didn't find out where I should work hard in the future, so I was running around like a headless fly.

Listening to your words for one night is better than ten years of reading. The ancients did not deceive me. Now I have a clue and I can see the future path clearly. Thank you."

After finishing his remarks, Liu Zhenshan solemnly hugged Lin Mo, and Lin Mo quickly returned the gift.

This chapter is not over yet. Please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Captain, you are too polite. Why are brothers doing these false gifts?"

When Liu Zhenshan heard this, he put on a serious face and said: "Since you said we are brothers, why don't you call me captain? Anyway, I'm not much older than you, so just call me Lao Liu."

"Old Liu..." Lin Mo called out, feeling that it was inappropriate, so he changed his words and said, "Let's call him Brother Liu! Old Liu looks too old."

"Okay, okay...it's up to you. Anyway, just don't yell at me all day long."

After Liu Zhenshan's interruption, the serious atmosphere suddenly relaxed. The two chatted for a few words and then sat on the sofa.

After resting for a while and feeling that it was almost done, Liu Zhenshan took the lead and asked: "Lin Mo, this false information has been prepared. When do you plan to take action?"

Lin Mo heard this, thought for a while, and replied: "Li Guangquan walks this route twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Only during these two times can he have the opportunity to obtain information.

Once the information is obtained, the longer it is left on him, the more dangerous it becomes. Therefore, after obtaining the information, Li Guangquan should send it away as soon as possible.

According to the current news, Li Guangquan's arrival time at school is very stable, with no exceptions throughout the year. And when we observed Li Guangquan in the morning, he did not delay on the way, so he did not have time to send him off after getting the information in the morning.

Because based on the current situation analysis, if Li Guangquan was delivering information along the way in the morning, then the carrier pigeon would have to be located near the city gate or outside the city. This area is too small, and the probability of the carrier pigeon being here is low.

Therefore, Li Guangquan's time to collect information should be in the evening. There is enough time today, but it is not a good thing to be too hasty. I think it is better to wait and release it tomorrow.

After the brothers who went to investigate found out the location of the dead mailbox, I wanted to go and take a look in person to see if there was anything missing, but I always felt that it was a little too smooth and I felt a little uneasy."

"Well..." Liu Zhenshan nodded and said, "I'll do as you said. Let's go together later. Let's go! There should be news coming now. Let's go out and have a look."

"Hmm..." Lin Mo nodded, and the two of them came out together. As expected, someone came forward and started to report the situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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