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Chapter 491 Concerted Analysis

"Indeed..." Shi Baocun nodded and continued to introduce: "The two people are separated, but they are both sitting in the same carriage, an ordinary hard-seat carriage.

There were a lot of passengers that day and the luggage rack couldn't fit in. When the flight attendant went to pack the luggage and tried to move this person's luggage, he was stopped and scolded, and another person came to the rescue."

"Where did that bus leave from at that time? Can you determine where the other party got on the bus?"

"The train left for Nanjing from Shanghai. There were no passengers in the train before departure. The packing of luggage happened after the train departed. It is certain that the person boarded the train at Shanghai Station and went directly to Nanjing. Team Lin, it is certain that the other party was traveling from Shanghai to Nanjing.


After hearing this, Lin Mo shook his head and said: "These two people are the only ones that can be confirmed temporarily. You see, the date appears behind the few people around Master Liao's house.

And among those people, I also discovered another whereabouts of the other party. The time was before Master Liao’s incident. The location was Xiaguan Pier, and the other party got off the boat."

"Oh... so to speak, those people arrived in Nanjing before these two people, but isn't it too early?"

Regarding Shi Baocun's question, Lin Mo replied: "It can be said that I definitely arrived in Nanjing before these two people, but it doesn't seem like I came here for the same thing from the beginning."

After saying that, Lin Mo took out a photo, handed it to Shi Baocun, and said, "Look at the position of this group of people in the photo."

Shi Baocun picked up the photo. The time in the photo was at night. The group of people were walking on the street and the photo was taken from behind. Shi Baocun looked left and right. After looking for a while, he didn't see anything.

"Captain Lin, I can't see it! You'd better tell me about it!" Shi Baocun said with some embarrassment in his tone as he handed the photo back.

Lin Mo didn't answer, he took the photo and marked it with a pen, handed it back again, and said: "You can look at it now.

The people circled are the people I identified based on their figures, who appeared around Master Liao's house."

Shi Baocun took a look at the photo and found a clue. He quickly found another photo taken during the day for comparison.

"There's something wrong with these people. During the day, they were clearly in charge. But at night, from their movements and positions, it looked like they were...in..."

"Guide the way..."

"Yes..." As soon as Lin Mo reminded him, Shi Baocun immediately reacted and said: "It does seem to be giving directions. This situation shows that these people are more familiar with Nanjing than those who arrived later, and they did not come earlier.

After a few days, I should be familiar with Nanjing."

After Shi Baocun finished speaking, the two planned to continue the analysis, but someone came to report that Liu Zhenshan and Zheng Junshan were back, so the two had to stop and came to the conference room.

"I heard that you two have been chatting for a long time behind closed doors when you come back. Do you think you have found anything? Tell me."

After hearing Liu Zhenshan's inquiry, Lin Mo reported all the clues and analysis to Liu Zhenshan.

"Captain, we have roughly found three clues. The first is that the goods the other party is looking for are wrapped in tarpaulins; the second is that we have found some of the other party's past whereabouts; and the third is that the actions of this group of people may be related to the business case.

The three clues also brought several questions. First, where is the cargo and what kind of cargo is it? Second, what is the reason for the missing movements of the two waves of people inside? Third, what is the connection with the business case?

The first question is, although I definitely didn’t know what the cargo was before I found it, from what I’ve learned, it seems that the cargo is very afraid of water and is very important to the Japanese, otherwise they wouldn’t have sent people to look for it.

The second question about the inconsistent whereabouts is that I personally believe that the two waves were not a group of people before. One wave was sent from Shanghai to recover the goods, and the other wave was people who had been lurking in Nanjing or other places to assist in the search.

Regarding the third question, I do have some ideas, but they are just speculations and there is not much basis for them, so I will not analyze them for the time being."

After Lin Mo finished summarizing, Liu Zhenshan nodded and said: "Your second question is pretty accurate.

I have already collected the information you asked me to collect from Team Leader Zhang. I checked on the way and found that the ship did not come from downstream, but came from upstream.

At the same time, there were still a lot of people who appeared on the dock that day. Cheng Dalin and others also described the general appearance of these people in the information. I compared it and found that except for those few people, there was no intersection. This confirmed to a certain extent

your speculation.

As for the first question, I agree with your conclusion. The supporting evidence for the third clue and question is a bit weak, but I personally think it is very possible. Tell me your thoughts and we can discuss it together."

When Lin Mo heard this, he glanced at everyone and saw that several people were waiting for him to say something, so he replied: "Then let me tell you! I don't know if you still remember that Qingmao Trading Company was composed of two waves of people?"

After Lin Mo finished speaking, Zheng Junshan's eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly said: "Are you saying that there is something different between these two groups? No... they must have different intentions."

"Yes..." Lin Mo nodded and explained: "The spies of Qingmao Trading Company can be roughly divided into two groups, one is the fighting group, and the other is the airborne group.

The hard-working group, headed by Chen Maoqing, was sent to Nanjing for a deep dive. After several years of hard work, they finally achieved results. Suddenly, several people parachuted down above them and took over the important links of business negotiation, transportation and warehousing. Anyone can

It won't feel good either.

It would be okay if Chen Maoqing and others were dedicated to serving the public good, but they are obviously not. The people who came down by air can be said to have affected their vital interests, so it would be strange if they have no different intentions.

This can be proven by the things found in the homes of these two groups, especially the most tightly hidden reserves and various passports in the homes of the struggling group.

The purpose of the airborne troops was definitely not simple. At the time, I thought they should be sent to monitor and check and balance the hard-working faction, but I think now we have to add the aspect of utilization.

The airborne faction should have other tasks, such as controlling the channels of Qingmao Trading Company and secretly transporting something. It just so happened that this time the transportation and warehousing were in the hands of these people.

Today I gave Chen Dalin several unloading points and delivery points for smuggled goods from Qingmao Trading Company. He went over to check and found traces that these people had appeared in these places before searching the carpet.

I don’t believe in coincidences. Since there must be a reason for these discoveries, this group of people is inseparable from the Shanghang case, but whether it is really related to the airborne faction I mentioned is just my speculation for the time being."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, Zheng Junshan thought for a moment and asked: "Old Lin, according to your statement, this airborne faction is using the channels of Qingmao Trading Company to smuggle things from other countries for Japan. I understand it well, right?

But isn’t it too troublesome? Can’t Japan import directly? Even if it needs to be transferred from China, it doesn’t necessarily have to be transferred to Nanjing? Isn’t this unnecessary?”

Lin Mo listened and explained: "If the situation is really consistent with what I speculated, the purpose of causing such trouble is nothing more than to deceive others.

Lao Zheng, some things are very sensitive. If you buy them directly, some of them cannot be bought at all, and some can be bought. The other party can also judge what you might use them for! Wouldn't this leak information?

The best way to face this situation is to smuggle secretly.

As for the reason for passing through China, it is even simpler. On the one hand, it is to find a shield. On the other hand, the smuggling situation in China is serious, which also facilitates the other party to use smuggling and transport through entrainment and other methods.

As for why we transferred to Nanjing, I guess it’s because of the capital. The forces are relatively simple. Unlike coastal areas, domestic and foreign forces, government, warlords, and rivers and lakes are complicated. In Nanjing, we only need to be on guard against us. Of course, there may also be trading houses or other factors.


To be honest, I am becoming more and more curious about what that batch of goods is. To a certain extent, this can be regarded as sacrificing such an important line for the company to transport it. I just don’t know if it will surprise or scare us."

"Well..." Seeing that Lin Mo had finished his analysis, Liu Zhenshan finally spoke up and said, "Lin Mo, after receiving your report today, I contacted the office and asked about the situation of the commercial bank case.

The interrogation method you designed against Chen Maoqing's group has worked, and a lot of information has been revealed from them one after another, including some that were shielded from within the company.

To use your words, the relationship between the fighting faction and the airborne faction has long since reached a freezing point. It would not be an exaggeration to even say that they are incompatible with each other.

It's just that the Fighting Faction is worried about the superiors behind the Airborne Faction, and the Airborne Faction is worried about the Fighting Faction trying to defeat them. At the same time, they are behind enemy lines, so they barely maintain a balance.

The Fighting Faction recognized the Airborne Party's overseas business connection, transportation and warehousing, but at the same time, it firmly controlled the domestic sales channels, contacts, intelligence networks and fighter radio stations, and reduced its dependence on the Airborne Party by acquiring goods from other trading houses.

The airborne faction tacitly accepted the smuggling and distribution of dirt after the fighting faction agreed to share a portion of the smuggling profits to them and the superiors behind them.

We gained a lot from the business case, and one of the reasons for the internal fighting among these people was that the wave of treasure digging that started after the treasure digging incident seriously hindered the work of a survey team.

The leader of this team is the female spy. This woman has an unusual identity. The person behind her is very powerful. At the same time, she is not in the same group as the superiors of the airborne faction.

The hard-working people took the opportunity to seduce her and proposed a plan to open a gate on the west wall of Nanjing, build bridges and roads to the river, and build a large dock. They also gave the woman a reason to test.

That woman was stupid enough. She planned to take advantage of the people in the trading company, and she also used the influence of the people behind it to facilitate this.

The purpose of the fighting faction is to use this to expand their own strength, overwhelm the airborne faction, and also seek benefits from it.

However, the attitude of the airborne faction at this time was a bit playful, neither stopping nor interfering. It is not yet known whether it was the defeat from above or other reasons.

By the way, the people from the Fighting Faction also told a story, saying that people from the Airborne Faction were secretly selling the goods they had smuggled in, and that the goods and the payment could not be matched many times.

The news I asked about today is basically this. Please analyze it and see what you can analyze."

After Liu Zhenshan finished speaking, Lin Mo was about to speak when he was stopped and said: "Lin Mo, your analytical skills are obvious to all and are not inferior to mine. Stop talking now and give them some opportunities to practice."

Lin Mo nodded, Liu Zhenshan glanced at the others and said: "I can't deny your ability to move, but you do have shortcomings in analysis. Take the opportunity to practice more!"

After Liu Zhenshan finished speaking, because he had slept for a long time and did not participate in the operation, Yang Haicheng, who sat quietly and listened, signaled.

"Captain, this information reveals that there are many shields within the company, and the credibility of the confession should be very high, which further confirms Captain Lin's conjecture.

The final payment for the goods was not correct. This news is worthy of further investigation. The airborne personnel were selected from above. They must have the task of monitoring the operations of the trading company and are unlikely to swallow the payment for the goods.

At the same time, there should be problems with the distribution of smuggling profits. This should be just a delay to stabilize the hard-working faction. The profits should eventually be turned over or invested elsewhere. After all, these people do not have much private wealth.

This is what I think. If the airborne faction is really so easy to be bribed and sold, they can definitely join forces with the hard-working faction, and there is no need to make the relationship like this.

The difference between return of goods and payment is nothing more than two situations, either the goods are out of stock or the payment is out of stock. From the above analysis, it is unlikely that the goods are out of stock, that is, it is out of stock.

Since it is not for wealth, the missing goods are naturally not for sale, so of course they have to go somewhere, and where they are going, it is naturally the person behind them, so there is a high probability that they are the same as what we are looking for now."

Liu Zhenshan nodded, looked at Shi Baocun, and said, "I've seen you want to speak a few times, so just say what you have to say!"

"Yes..." Shi Baocun nodded and said, "Captain, I want to know something about the situation. Most of this information seems to be given from the perspective of the fighting faction. This..."

"I understand what you mean. Most of the people from the Fighting Faction opened their mouths, but the people from the Airborne Faction were very tough-talking. There was just one person who couldn't help but torture him and revealed a lot of useless information to delay the meeting."

"Oh..." Shi Baocun nodded, organized his speech, and said: "I think the hard-working people may be good at business, but they are really not suitable for intelligence work.

I guess their superiors may have seen through this, so they chose to remain silent when the Gongpinpai applied for funds, preparing to use the people from the Gongpinpai for the last time to develop the business even further.

After that, if the value of use is lost, it will be a waste of time, either capture or kill, and use means to control the business and replace it."

Hearing Shi Baocun's analysis, Lin Mo nodded. Although it was a little extreme, it was quite possible. If his subordinates were like this, they would definitely choose this way.

However, if the Japanese espionage organization really thinks so, it is unlikely that it will be achieved. Even without Lin Mo, Seven Star Company, which wants to monopolize the import trade, will take action.

When Zheng Junshan saw that the others had stopped talking, he said: "You two have their own reasons for your analysis, but you have forgotten one important point. We are not dealing with a business case now, okay?

The most important thing about the information given by the captain is that it confirms most of Team Lin's speculations to a certain extent, indicating that the direction of our investigation is correct."

After Yang Haicheng and Shi Baocun listened, they were stunned for a moment. When they thought about it carefully, their analysis was more or less correct, and their faces suddenly turned red.

"Okay, let's accumulate bit by bit! Next time I will analyze it for you, not only listen, but also think carefully and ponder..."

Liu Zhenshan gave the two of them a lesson, stopped testing them, and gathered together again to exchange and discuss the information they had found, and also planned tomorrow's actions.

This chapter has been completed!
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