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Chapter 498 Accident (Part 2)

After the things were shipped, everyone in the courtyard was summoned, everyone put on their clothes, and headed to the interrogation area.

Lin Mo and others brought medical alcohol to Wu Wulin and others who were in self-isolation, and asked them to wipe themselves several times.

After making these arrangements, Lin Mo began to direct everyone to spray alcohol several times outside the house in this area to disinfect it, and also sprayed the inside of the house.

Lin Mo checked a few spies and found that Oiwa Shiro had only his last breath left. His limbs had begun to stiffen and his face was purple, waiting for him to take his last breath.

As for the other three spies, their condition further deteriorated and they fell into coma again. Their wounds fester and pus leaked. The skin around the wounds was also necrotic, and their foreheads were burning.

In such a situation, the medicine no longer works, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the person must be dying and can only wait to die.

Alcohol was sprayed and lime was sprinkled on the roof outside the house. Everyone changed their clothes and wiped them with alcohol for disinfection twice before putting on new clothes and leaving the area.

Lin Mo wrapped the clothes that everyone had changed into several layers of sheets and took them out. As soon as he went out, he met Wu Wulin who was waiting anxiously.

Just as Wu Wulin was about to speak, Lin Mo stopped him and said, "Old Wu, let's not talk about it for now. Have you put away the clothes you changed?"

"As you said, it was wrapped up several layers and stored. What's going on? Is the problem so serious?"

Lin Mo handed the bag containing the clothes to Wang Yinglong and asked him to store it before replying: "Remember what I told you about drug resistance before! That's the problem..."

Lin Mo told Wu Wulin exactly what he told Liu Zhenshan. Wu Wulin fell into silence after listening.

"How is the situation?" It was Zhang Hongxin who broke the silence. There was such a big mistake here, and he couldn't care too much and rushed over.

Seeing this, Lin Mo was about to tell the situation again, but fortunately Liu Zhenshan spoke for Lin Mo, so Lin Mo's mouth didn't go dry.

"So, the person can no longer be saved?"

"It can't be saved..." Liu Zhenshan shook his head helplessly and explained: "I just saw it with my own eyes. The situation has deteriorated so fast that it won't last until tomorrow. Even if I find a new drug, I may not be able to save it.


"Zhang Group, it's all my fault. If I hadn't used that drug on them frequently and neglected to share a set of torture instruments, this wouldn't have happened!" Wu Wulin spoke decisively, taking responsibility.

Seeing this, Lin Mo also stepped forward and said: "Zhang Group, I am also responsible for this matter. I knew in advance that this situation might happen, but I didn't explain it clearly..."

"This is not your responsibility. Lao Lin, you have reminded me many times, but I didn't pay attention..."

"Okay, okay..." Zhang Hongxin stopped Lin Mo and the two of them, and said: "Now is not the time to hold anyone responsible. It is business to deal with the matter quickly. We will discuss this matter later.

Let's go! Come with me in, I want to see the situation with my own eyes."

"Brother Xin, wait a minute..." Lin Mo quickly stopped Zhang Hongxin who was about to go in and said, "Brother Xin, it's too dangerous inside, so why don't you go in!"

"I just went in to take a look. What's the problem? Don't worry! I will wear the protective equipment you prepared."

With that said, Zhang Hongxin was about to get the white coat, but was blocked by Lin Mo again.

"Brother Xin, it's better...don't go..."

Seeing Lin Mo's repeated attempts to stop him, Zhang Hongxin frowned slightly and asked, "Is there anything else you didn't tell me?"

Seeing that Zhang Hongxin had guessed it, Lin Mo couldn't hide it anymore and said: "Brother Xin, bacteria and other things can stick to the human body and multiply and survive for a long time. If they are not removed cleanly, the next time you are injured and infected, this medicine will not have much effect.


Because of this reason, I thought about how to keep you out as soon as you came, but there was a high probability that I couldn't stop you for this reason, so I thought about how to stop you.

But when I thought about it, I thought of a neglected situation. The condition of these people deteriorated too fast. Even if they were ignored by Lao Wu at the beginning, the symptoms would only appear for two or three days. It is definitely not as simple as ordinary drug resistance.


Lin Mo didn't lie. He did realize this problem only after thinking deeply. Otherwise, he would have stayed as far away as possible and would not have personally observed and dealt with it.

"Isn't it simply drug resistance? I don't know much about these, please explain in detail."

Lin Mo nodded and said: "What I know is only a rough idea. There may be several situations. Let me talk about these possibilities!

One possibility is that only one type of bacteria in these people's infections has become resistant to antibiotics, but this type of bacteria is also virulent and very destructive.

The second possibility is that a variety of germs have developed resistance to antibiotics in these people's bodies, and multiple germs invaded at the same time, causing the current situation.

There is another possibility that the drug itself has a certain degree of toxicity, and after using it for a long time, the toxicity accumulates and occurs. Of course, this possibility is unlikely to be the main cause.

First of all, we have used this medicine many times and have not encountered many major problems. Secondly, the patient has shown signs of improvement after taking the medicine, which can also be proved.

My point of view is that the medicine has a certain degree of toxicity, which makes the already weak people worse. One or two possibilities or two possibilities appear at the same time, resulting in the current situation.

However, professional matters need to be explained clearly by professionals, but domestic professionals in this field are basically in hospitals. If you come here and get infected and spread the disease, it will be more troublesome, so you can't find professionals for the time being."

Lin Mo's speculations are not unreasonable. He comes from a later generation and knows that sulfa drugs are broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs that have inhibitory effects on many types of bacteria.

However, there is another possibility that Lin Mo has not mentioned, which is super bacteria, but this is usually caused by long-term drug abuse.

Lin Mo didn't think it would be such an unlucky encounter. If it was really like this, then Lin Mo would be really unlucky to find his mother. She was so unlucky.

Lin Mo's narration made Zhang Hongxin think for a while and asked: "What will happen if the body is infected with these germs? Can the infection be removed?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "As long as you are healthy, don't have any wounds on your body, and don't have many infections, it won't be a big problem. After all, these germs come from nature, and it is inevitable that we will all get them.

It can definitely be removed, and there are many methods, such as wiping and disinfecting with alcohol. It can also be resisted by itself, but it is not guaranteed to kill it completely.

However, you should not rub alcohol too many times. It is best to rub it a few times after contact, then find some herbs with bactericidal effect, and take a medicated bath once or twice a day. After a few days of soaking, the problem should not be a big deal."

"Taking a medicinal bath? Do you know what herbs to use?"

"I know..." After all, Lin Mo's mother came from a family of traditional Chinese medicine. In some seasons, it was a tradition to use medicinal herbs to bathe her feet. Lin Mo was no exception and had soaked her feet. Some of the herbs Lin Mo recognized had a certain bactericidal effect.

"Well..." Zhang Hongxin nodded and said, "I appreciate your kindness, but since there is a solution, I will naturally go and try it."

The situation had been explained, Zhang Hongxin still insisted on taking a look, and Lin Mo couldn't stop him. He told Zheng Junshan what herbs to use, and simply put them on and went together.

Entering again, Oiwa Shiro was out of breath at this time, and the condition of the other three people became worse. Two of them had begun to stiffen their hands and feet, and the remaining one was also badly burned.

After looking at it once, Zhang Hongxin knew that it was completely hopeless, so he came out, took off his clothes and carefully wiped his body several times. Because of what Lin Mo had just said, everyone was disinfecting extra carefully this time.

After getting it out, Zhang Hongxin asked Lin Mo: "How are you going to dispose of the bodies of these people?"

"Burn it! Then take away all the beds used by the other party and find a place to burn them. Otherwise, no matter how you deal with it, it won't be safe."

"Let's do it like this! Then I'll go back first. Remember to make a report about these things and I'll pass it on to you. There is also abuse of this drug in the department, so we need to let them pay attention."

"Yes..." Several people responded, Zhang Hongxin took half a step forward, then turned around and said: "The ship matter has been arranged for you. A deputy director from Xiaguan has taken over and has a good relationship with us.

,Don't worry."

After saying that, Zhang Hongxin walked out and met Zheng Junshan who was returning from buying medicine. He took some herbs and left.

After Zhang Hongxin left, several people gathered together to discuss how to solve the next matter, and then they split up.

Zheng Junshan went out to look for a vehicle to transport corpses and other things and a place to burn the corpse. At this time, Nanjing had not yet built a special crematorium, so he had to find a capable place to cremate the corpse.

Wu Wulin was responsible for cleaning and packing the corpse and various supplies in the house, and transporting them to be burned when the car arrived. This was a job he strongly requested.

Liu Zhenshan was responsible for leading people to continue disinfection, spreading lime over the entire yard, and disinfecting the things and rooms that Wu Wulin had cleaned up.

As for Lin Mo, he brought He Changwen, Wang Yinglong and several team members to be responsible for heating hot water, boiling herbs and other tasks.

Yang Haicheng and Shi Baocun were responsible for going out to find a new place to stay, which was not far from the current courtyard, just a few hundred meters behind the courtyard.

This place is more remote, it is really at the foot of the mountain, but there is no way, there are many of them, it is not easy to find a big enough foothold in the surroundings, so this is the place where people are interested in taking action.

This is the old house of a small businessman. Because it was too remote to do business, he had moved out for many years. The old house was rented out, but unfortunately it did not attract many tenants.

After the treasure hunt in Nanjing became popular, the son of the young boss kept thinking that there was a treasure hidden in the old house, so he drove out the tenants and turned the old house upside down.

In the end, he actually dug out something, including several large jars of large silver ingots. The boss was very happy, but since he had evicted the tenants, it would be difficult to rent it out, so he might as well just sell it.

However, because of its remoteness, the house was full of holes and could not be sold, so the owner had to hire someone to backfill the ground and repair the house.

Today happened to be the end of the day, and the boss came over to inspect and settle the final payment. He happened to bump into Yang Haicheng and several people. He was in a hurry to sell, and the price Yang Haicheng offered was reasonable, so he agreed directly.

Yang Haicheng and others drove the car and took the boss to go through the formalities, and they started talking on the way.

"I remember seeing you! Well...it's another house not far away, right?"

"Yes, yes..." Yang Haicheng nodded.

"Can't you live there? Or..."

"No, we have converted that place into a company residence. We are going to find a new place to live. It happens that your place is close and the size is suitable, so we bought it as a place to live."

"Opening a company here? It's quite remote here, is it possible?"

"Alas..." Yang Haicheng sighed and replied: "There is no way! You also know that Nanjing's business is booming recently. Even if you have money, you can't find a place to start a company here!

The boss travels out every day, but unfortunately comes back empty-handed every time. He has no choice but to open the company here. Fortunately, we mainly do wholesale business, so it doesn't matter if it's a remote place."

A few people chatted about one ride after another, and stopped when they arrived at the place where the procedures were handled. The handlers were procrastinating. Although Yang Haicheng was angry, he couldn't reveal his identity, so he had to use money to clear the way and get it done quickly. After all, it was urgently needed.

After finishing the arrangements and separating from the boss, a few people went to buy a batch of bedding and rushed back to decorate the new yard.

In the old yard, Zheng Junshan found a truck and had returned. After all the Japanese spies were dead in the afternoon, he spread lime on the truck, loaded the bodies and various items, and personally escorted the truck out of the city.

Lin Mo's herbs were ready, so he and Liu Zhenshan went to disinfect several rooms again.

After disinfecting them again, they took off their clothes, wiped them with alcohol, and sent the clothes to the kitchen to be burned. Everyone went directly to the courtyard, wearing their underpants, and entered the jar full of potion.

That's right, it's a tank. There is a bathtub in the courtyard, but it's not high and a bit small. It's not possible to soak a big man in it. So I just found a bunch of big tanks and lined them up in several rows in the courtyard.

"Wow..." Liu Zhenshan buried his whole body in the potion for a while, then he poked his head out and wiped his face. The soreness in his hands made him take a deep breath.

"That sprayer is really not for human use. Not to mention, it is so difficult to use. After spraying it for a long time, my hands were so sore that I could hardly lift it."

Hearing Liu Zhenshan's words, Lin Mo was a little speechless when he thought about the copper sprayer, and said: "When you have time, tell Wu Liangdong and let him get one that is easy and convenient."

Hearing this, Liu Zhenshan couldn't help but ask: "Can they still get sprayers?"

"The principle of the sprayer is simple, just change the material. It just so happens that they are tinkering with a new material that is lighter than metal. It will not be difficult to make it with this material once Tinker understands."

Liu Zhenshan nodded and said: "Let them do some if they can! Then they can be used by Wu Lin, the torture team, and the infirmary. This should be able to prevent this from happening."

Lin Mo nodded and decided to write down the help he wanted from Wu Liangdong when he had time, so as not to forget it later.


Lin Mo and others had been busy for a day, and Shanghai's T&T High-tech Co., Ltd. had also been busy for a day. When Suzuki abandoned the ship and fled to the railway, a train happened to pass by, so he hid on it.

Evading various arrests, he persisted in escaping to Shanghai Tigao Branch before he collapsed. Suzuki's injuries were not too serious, otherwise he would not have been able to escape back to Shanghai. It was just that the wounds were not treated along the way and he collapsed due to excessive blood loss.


Takeuchi came to the infirmary in person and stayed with Suzuki. The atmosphere in the room was heavy, but the atmosphere outside was very strange. Some people looked gloomy, while others were gloating.

This chapter has been completed!
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